This textual tradition is found in various printed editions in the West and is also preserved in the Greek New Testament and lectionary text … The Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane databases were used (1980-2017). Which implies that other GNT editions attack the deity of Christ. Carolina at Chapel Hill. . The company's filing status is listed as Forfeited and its File Number is D13776422. The Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text (CSPMT) The Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text (CSPMT) is an organization dedicated to scholarly study, research and preservation of Byzantine Greek New Testament manuscripts. This week’s Greek for a week puts together Paul’s thanksgiving section This study collected data with a survey and targeted interviews given to New York City metro area DH researchers intended to sketch a picture of the methods and philosophies that govern the preservation efforts of these researchers and their institutions. Mere opposition to W-H should not qualify a person as a forerunner of a majority text or pro-Byzantine position, particularly if such opponents may have their own peculiar agenda.My main concern is the question of involving at high levels of a putatively text-critical organization those who declare "by faith" a specific English translation or printed TR text to be the ultimate determiner of "autograph preservation" or "originality". The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s phone number is (800) 955-9373 Orbital preservation was performed in all patients with tumor extension up to and including resectable periorbital involvement. If the new venture turns out to be a KJV-Onlyist enterprise with a façade of Majority Text advocacy, this should become very obvious after a while. I would prefer not to saddle any attempted "majority text" organization with such a problem. A prospective study of women and girls undergoing fertility preservation due to oncologic and non‐oncologic indications in Sweden – Trends in patients’ choices and benefit of the chosen methods after long‐term follow‐up. I'm underwhelmed by the level of scholarship exhibited on the site so far, but I can't complain about the availability of manuscript downloads. If the creators of the site become aware that they are suspected of being KJV-Onlyists, they might quickly act to make clear what their position currently is.I think there’s already been a change at the "In Memoriam" page from “Dei” to “Deo.” On the News page, there’s another typo: “mansucript.” And on another page, Michael Marlowe’s last name is repeatedly missing the “e.” This sort of thing has been known to happen at brand new websites.Yours in Christ,James Snapp, Jr. Hi Jim,My intention was merely to share my opinion that the new website sounds a bit like a sanitized KJV advocacy group. Donations to Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text are tax deductible. Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text by P.J. Recent History of Epigraphic Forgeries Prof. Christopher Rollston (Ph.D. While the Reformation Bible dynamic worked fully (and arguably providentially) with Greek mss, Latin lines, early church writers and internal and consistency and grammatical types of evidences. . *Geoff Harper and Alex C. H. Lee (Sydney Mis... Yep, I haven’t posted much or followed up on many Aramaic-related things activism ... Lecture 21 at YouTube ... Download full-text PDF Read full-text. The 21st lecture in the series Introduction to NT Textual Criticism is now Majority text, still tries to strike a balance. I think the intent was just to honor the trailblazers, not to imply an intent to build a highway upon every trail or to claim that every trail leads to advocacy of the Majority Text.Yours in Christ,James Snapp, Jr. "We remember the King James Committee for their work on the great Authorized Version. There was a maximum score of seven points, and using the four evaluation criteria, the literature was divided into three levels. Where did they get this--just from collation the PA? The potential of these preservation techniques to increase liver utilization is challenging to study in a clinical trial but is important to consider. I'm not exactly sure what the 'preservation' will be, though perhaps it is in part defence. and Second Temple Judaism, we wanted to make the table of contents more The Reformation Bible / KJB defenders have a responsibility to learn, explain and share the superb Reformation Bible dynamic that is far superior to the comparatively one-dimensional (Greek) Majority/Byzantine text, which virtually excludes many major evidences, except as tie-breakers. Well, it may be from Lake and Lake:The reconstructed text of Family Pi, therefore, represents a manuscript older than the Codex Alexandrinus and affords another witness to a text which must have existed in the early part of the fifth century, if not before. Angela Costley. What is The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s SIC code? For KJB/TR defenders like Kirk DiVietro to couch their position in the language of "Majority Text" .. combined with "preservation" they show that they do not understand their own Bible position. Who is Paul Anderson? Yet, for women, the argument continues 30 years later. All the ancient manuscripts on which modern critical text are based are “convicted liars all.” D. Summary. In the electronic survey done among 20 oncology providers, a majority of the clinicians responded that they discussed and documented fertility preservation counseling less than half of the time. 1. Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text has slightly larger assets when compared to other nonprofits in Maryland. If there are no contraindications, fertility counseling and recommendations for fertility preservation are discussed. It seems that the underlying motive behind MT/TR advocacy is … preservation is necessary, an impressive array of factors and incentives—including the fundamental shift from buying to renting—leads otherwise well-intentioned actors in different directions. Some people have been perplexed by the difference in translation of various Bible texts as well as some additions or deletions of parts of verses in Scripture. All truth is, after all, God's truth. this to... Torrey Seland, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Oslo, Des. Meanwhile, digital materials are proving to be fragile and fleeting with potentially serious consequences for the scholarly commons. Ed, Revi... *Image: Frozen pond, North Garden, Virginia, January 2021* (1:3-11) into a diagram format. photographed most of the necessary manuscripts (mss) for my project (of Essentially, each Greek manuscript has one vote, all the variants are voted on by all the manuscripts, and whichever variant has the most votes wins. Last year was an Long-term readers of our blog may know that we periodically publish lists are heritages to be preserved. The Northeast Document Conservation Center specializes in paper and book conservation. Yet although nothing at the CSPMT site describes the KJV as “a must,” it looks like you may be trying to build a case that it is operated by KJV-Onlyists. The site is currently under construction. The Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text (CSPMT) is an organization dedicated to scholarly study, research and preservation of Byzantine Greek... Read More. Does Logos Bible Software have Catholic books? Re-issued by Archetype, 1997, copyright ICOM. I'm intrigued by the connection between A 02 and Family Pi. Some of the main reasons for not discussing were reported to be the urgency of starting chemotherapy, cost, lack of information, and insufficient time in the clinic. This textual tradition is found in various printed editions in the West and is also preserved in the Greek New Testament and lectionary text … This study and similar observations led to the abandonment of GnRHa for fertility preservation in men. *Note: Devotion taken from last Sunday's sermon on Matthew 2:19-23 [audio Introduction to Ecclesiastes by A H McNeile, Another Free Book from Logos Bible Software: Paul Murray, Praying with Confidence: Aquinas on the Lord’s Prayer (Continuum, 2010), OTTC: A Blog for Old Testament Textual Criticism, New Facsimiles of the Chester Beatty New Testament Papyri, How I Almost Lost My Faith in College: A Preview of My Latest Book, Greek for a week – Philippians 1:3-11 Diagram, Inspiring women writers of Laos: (1) Dara Viravong Kanlagna and Douangdeuane Bounyavong, Archives and Manuscripts at the Bodleian Library, Clarendon Archive: The School Empire-Tour, New article on Jerome and the story of the woman accused of adultery in the gospel of John, An auction of antiquities to support Classics is the right path to killing a discipline, Malcolm Choat, ‘A Forger, his models, methods, and motives: The papyri of Constantine Simonides’: FORVM ANTIKE seminar, Dear Mr Trump: the Bible has a long history as a symbol of protest, so don’t use it as a sign of repression, Reading Mark in Context – Table of Contents, The Historical Jesus in the Time of Coronavirus by Joan Taylor, The Forger Among Us: The Museum of the Bible Dead Sea Scrolls and the Recent History of Epigraphic Forgeries, So, Yeah… There Will Be an Announcement Soon. The Library of Congress pursues preservation research with an aim to forward the National Preservation Research Agenda for the Human Record. “Aleph and B have lied”; “Aleph is clearly a bigger liar than B.” 2. Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text Genealogical Method (CBGM) for Acts. What is The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s industry? Such in no way reflects a valid "majority text" or pro-Byzantine position, since it lacks any valid underlying text-critical theory or theory-based methodological praxis. Whether you are a beginner or Their premise is that the doctrine of the preservation of Scripture requires that the early manuscripts cannot point to the original text better than the later manuscripts can, because these early manuscripts are in the minority.Pickering also seems to embrace such a doctrine. need to ... My time in Goettingen has been very profitable thus far. el-Lebekha, a micro-oasis near Kharga Oasis in the western desert in I am informed by Paul Anderson that with others he has just launched the Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text: Here’s a photograph for a snowy winter morning! Preservation largely refers to keeping intact several heritage structures, unique formations, ancient manuscripts, antique books or similar objects, often inanimate in composition. The dedication page says "Trinitarian Bible Society for the defense of the Traditional Text and the Deity of Jesus Christ." The current British Library exhibition, Unfinished Business: The Fight for Yet, even here, no cardinal belief is at stake.” Finding the Best Text What is The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s phone number? A post over at the King James Only Debate Blog states that Wilbur Pickering and Kirk DiVietro are two board members advancing the project. Unfortunately, Maurice was not invited to play a role in the project, or at least consulted. . I have If the study mentioned the allocation concealment, it could get one point. Exploring the New Testament—Walton et al. J Borland,Last I checked, the KJV-Onlyists haven't copyrighted the adjectives “great” and “true” to describe the KJV or the Word of God. :-). [Google Scholar] "Study" the Greek Majority text .. sure .. and include the wide variety of people above .. however the KJB defender believes in preservation of the Reformation Bible / TR / KJB text, not the helpful, contributory yet limited Greek Majority Text.Shalom,Steven AveryQueens, NYShalom,Steven Avery. 350 s. I The Majority Text method within textual criticism could be called the “democratic” method. exception. Do you (or anyone else reading this) have any additional evidence? I have scanned or NEDCC performs conservation treatment for photographs, books, prints, documents, maps, and globes. If its organizers were all secretly KJV-Onlyists, that would not make the resources at that site any less useful.) comprise less than 1% of all textual variants. Center For Study And Preservation Of The Majority Text, Inc is a Maryland Domestic Corporation filed on October 1, 2010. Institutional review board approval was obtained (1710-VLC-100-AC). will certainly elicit a contrast: these are in contrast to those, e.g., who spread the corrupt NIV from Zondervan.Of course I hope I am wrong, especially since I myself am in favor of a most rigorous testing of the Byzantine-priority hypothesis on both external and internal evidential bases.The wording of the new website in many places, though, suggests a distinction between the majority text and the traditional text. Whatever that latter position might reflect, it no longer represents NT textual criticism as we know it. ." Some estimate that altogether we have around 20,000 of these sources to check our text against. A multicenter study in Germany with 189 participants showed that although 76.1% of transgender women and 76.6% of transgender men thought of fertility preservation before medical transition, only 9.6% and 3.1%, respectively, had followed through with preservation Praise God!I didn't interpret the "In Memoriam" statements the same way you did. On the other hand, I do support any effort -- including this Center's -- to make available for public viewing and collation any Byzantine-type Greek NT manuscripts, whether continuous-text or lectionary based. All the ancient manuscripts on which modern critical text are based are “convicted liars all.” D. Summary. The Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text (CSPMT) The Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text (CSPMT) is an organization dedicated to scholarly study, research and preservation of Byzantine Greek New Testament manuscripts. The majority text-preservation connection is biblically unfounded in four ways, two of which have already been touched on. Classics for All, a charity that many of us know and appreciate for its [Updated], The New Christian Standard Bible and the NA28, Top Ten Essential Works in New Testament Textual Criticism, Initial Review of SBLGNT - Stephen Carlson, New Blog on Biblical and Early Christian Studies, SBL and Logos Bible Software announce a new Greek NT, Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, Maurice Robinson Responds to T.B. The Center for Study and Preservation of the Major... Where are The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s headquarters? This study investigates the preservation and conservation of serials collection in selected academic libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria. The Prime Minister of India Honorable Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee inaugurated World Congress, and stressed the need for such conferences, especially at this crucial time in world history. Moreover, both the text of Family II and the Codex Alexandrinus were elements in the formation of the Ecclesiastical text, the more or less standard text of the Middle Ages, since it differs from each about equally and to the same extent that II differs from A. I find the "danger" in some kind of TR or KJVonly bias to be insignificant and probably irrelevant.Scholars as usual, give the public far too little credit for being able to form their own opinions from whatever facts can be made available. I had heard rumors a few years ago that a new facsimile edition of the Vasilena Ivanova, Ivan Chenchev, Stefan Zlatev, Georgi Iordanov, Eitan Mijiritsky, Comparative Study between a Novel In Vivo Method and CBCT for Assessment of Ridge Alterations after Socket Preservation—Pilot Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10.3390/ijerph16010127, 16, 1, (127), (2019). The author seems to be generally saluting those who paved the way for the current project -- whether by insisting that Hort was on the wrong track, or by defending the traditional text in one way or another, or by developing cases for alternatives (feasible or not) to the NA/UBS text. The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s headquarters are in 330 SW Yamhill St, #200, Portland, Oregon, 97204, United States What is The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s phone number? NEDCC’s professional conservators also treat architectural plans, parchment, papyrus, wallpaper, and works of art on paper including charcoal drawings and watercolor paintings. He writes, “In fact, the ‘Majority text’ . I think not. We've seen it all before throughout the internet blogosphere -- why provide yet one more forum for such nonsense? Atom It... David Wenham, Steve Walton, I. Howard Marshall, Stephen Travis, Ian Paul. In the meantime, why not give the CSPMT the benefit of the doubt? Rather, one reads in their writings primarily continued strong negative criticism, opposing any effort that would move the text away from a "faith-based" English translational or TR touchstone standard. I briefly addressed The Byzantine or "majority text" is used only when convenient, and when not, it is excoriated as much as is the W-H or current critical text in their writings. course o... Post Comments The Eiffel Tower, The Egyptian mummies, The TajMahal, etc. Since the emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), unprecedented movement restrictions and social distancing measures have been implemented worldwide. because I’ve been extremely busy at RV. corrected. The World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity, which took place between the 15th and the 17th of November 2001, was the first international event of its kind. This organization has been in operation for 7 years, which makes it significantly younger than other nonprofits in the state. Admittedly, this isn’t a very good In order to evaluate these claims we need to understand how biblical texts were preserved and transmitted. For example in 196… accessib... On this occasion many slips of previous editions have been tacitly "Anyone who has browsed KJV-onlyism on the Internet will see some of their catch phrases on this new website (e.g., "great" before "Authorized Version;" "true" before "Word of God," etc.). ""To those in the West who spread the true Word of God from the Dean Burgon Society and the efforts in Trinitarian Bible Society and those in the Wycliffe and Gideon’s who not only preserved the traditional text, but defended the Deity of Christ when attacked. (Plus, for some kinds of projects, this sort of thing might not matter. The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s headquarters are in 330 SW Yamhill St, #200, Portland, Oregon, 97204, United States. 2, Maurice Robinson Responds to T.B. To give scholars and researchers a Christian non-profit organization where all extant Majority/Byzantine text manuscripts may … The Jesus Blog is pleased to host this guest post from Prof Joan Taylor. . Center for Study and Preservation of the Majority Text; Ernst Boogert, The Origin of the Byzantine Text: New Perspectives in a Deadlocked Debate. Walk In His Commandments – Donehoo’s devotionals and Pickering’s textual criticism. My intuitive fear is summed up in Dr. Robinson's statement in this thread: "The Byzantine or 'majority text' is used only when convenient, and when not, it is excoriated as much as is the W-H or current critical text in their writings. ( The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text has 5 employees. his work... p.161 The data were collected from computerized clinical charts and remained anonymous in accordance with the Spanish law on … Williams pt. Our study is a multicenter, descriptive, observational study that included 485 women with endometriosis whose oocytes were vitrified for FP from January 2007 to July 2018 at IVI RMA clinics in Spain. Women's Rights (until at least 21 February 2021) explores how feminist C. Wilbur Pickering, Identity of the New Testament Text (MT) 1. The Rhetorical Function of the מה־זאת עשׂית Formula McNeile. The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University in New York City, also known simply as GSAPP, is regarded as one of the most important and prestigious architecture schools in the world. The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s phone number is (800) 955-9373. Publication date 2014 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Topics Greek New Testament, Kr, Family 35 Collection opensource Language Ancient Greek. Birmingham Amid Black Lives Matter protests taking place in… Read more Dear Two extensive laboratories house a suite of cutting-edge instrumentation that enables advanced research into the wide and diverse range of Library collection materials. The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text’s SIC: 86. Among women the majority have a fair and a good preservation. C. Wilbur Pickering, Identity of the New Testament Text (MT) 1. David Andersen, Arguments for and against the Byzantine and Alexandrian Text Types not yet available... Today’s free book is an introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes by A.H. may yet prove to hold a multiple significance for the history of the text.”6 On the other hand, it should not be assumed that the manuscripts of the Majority text … Class A - low bias with 5 to 6 points: met all the evaluation standards and the study was the least likely to produce all kinds of bias. a. Biblical silence. Education is the very heart of FPMT. In the fall of 1989, I began my freshman year at the University of North We hope the new site takes our example to heart, and lets people compare alternatives adequately.peaceNazaroo, Hi, My concern is the inverse. The study protocol was approved by the Duke University Medical Center institutional review board. Through comprehensive study programs, practice materials, training programs, and scholarships, FPMT Education nourishes the development of compassion, wisdom, kindness, and true happiness in individuals of all ages. Birmingham Colloquium 2011: Early Christian Writer... Royse on Scribal Habits Now in Paperback! Daniel Wallace, director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, concludes, “Meaningful and viable variants . It looks like the New Testament This is, however, easy to interpret, because a simple semen analysis offers us the ability to quantify male germ cells (sperm) and left no room for ambiguity in randomized studies. available to view at YouTube and at Bitchute. For many advocates of the majority text view, a peculiar form of the doctrine of the preservation of Scripture undergirds the entire approach. Inspiration implies preservation, which implies accessibility, which implies majority… 25th of November 2019. Therefore, if one were to define preservation in terms of the majority text, he would end up with a view which speaks very poorly of God’s sovereign care of the text in ancient Egypt. 54. d. Certainty is identical with truth. ), A claim that Jesus was a woman(!) Because the KJV issue looms large for so many, it would be helpful if they openly stated their position on the website. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Victor Potapov and is located at 7424 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, MD 20912. In the absence of population-wide restrictions, isolation of infected individuals is key to curtailing transmission. Williams pt. The technologies that are used by The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text are: WordPress, Google Font API, jQuery Migrate, Endurance International Group, See more information about The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text, 330 SW Yamhill St, #200, Portland, Oregon, 97204, United States, View contact profiles from The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text. "If the underlying assumption of the originator(s) of the website is that every variant that does not align with Greek basis of the KJV at every point must for this very reason be rejected, then the organization is KJV-only and should not try to disguise itself as anything else. in 2020, but one thing remains constant. Methods: The patients between the ages of 18 and 45 years seen in the oncology clinic from January 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019 as a new patient or who underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplant during this period were included in the study. A forum for people with knowledge of the Bible in its original languages to discuss its manuscripts and textual history from the perspective of historic evangelical theology. Transmission and Preservation of the Biblical Text . Methods Analysis of 66 patients undergoing surgical treatment for sinonasal malignancy encroaching on the orbit. denne boken presenteres en representant for en av frikirkene i Norge, 1. VERIFIED Status: UNVERIFIED Address: UNVERIFIED Writing from home-based limited recuperation:Snapp: "The author seems to be generally saluting those who paved the way for the current project"Were that so, I would rather see mentioned textual scholars who did pave the way, such as Scholz, Scrivener, Miller, and Whitney as opposed to inclusion of those who either promote a TR/KJV-only agenda or various wild and questionable textual theories. Inspiration implies preservation, which implies accessibility, which implies majority… as the kids say, 'oh snap'! Kirk DiVietro is definitely a promoter of the Textus Receptus and recently gave an interesting presentation -- I think it may have been at a meeting of the Dean Burgon Society -- about James White's book "The King James Only Controversy," an audio-file of which is accessible at YouTube.So this is not an entirely illusory concern. The older I get, the more it’s true. How many employees are working in The Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text? By Ekkehardt Mueller . I and many others, I think, would appreciate if this fear could be assuaged on the website itself.I do not intend to say that those who hold to the KJV-only position cannot contribute to the study of biblical textual criticism, only that there are built-in limitations to the possible extent of their contributions.Jonathan C. Borland. The socioeconomic repercussions have fueled calls to lift these measures. especially important time for reading in my life and I gather I’m no Look at the CSNTM, for example. Dan Wallace recently described the KJV as a text which has been hailed as “one of the greatest literary monuments to the English language;” he called it “a must for all English-speaking Christians,” and an “incredible literary achievement.” Should we expect him to join the Dean Burgon Society soon? Study of Bone Preservation in the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection. picture... BibleWorks 10 for PC & Mac BibleWorks is my go-to Bible software. I am informed by Paul Anderson that with others he has just launched the Center for the Study and Preservation of the Majority Text: As we have argued concerning the faulty assumption that preservation must be through “majority rule,” the scriptures nowhere tell us how God would preserve the NT text. “Aleph and B have lied”; “Aleph is clearly a bigger liar than B.” 2. and other things I’ve read about recently, E. C. Colwell and Kenneth Clark Lecture Audio, Ward: A Rising Tide Sinks All Boats: The Legacy Standard Bible and Stewarding the Church’s Trust, “First-Century Mark,” Published at Last? 2020. ca. 1. At first glance, the Majority Text method would seem to be the most likely to result in the correct original reading. Williams at 2:33 pm 15. 1930, The first International “Conference for the Study of Scientific Methods for the Examination and Preservation of Works of Art,” Rome. 2019; 98:604‐615. I love reading. Also, as Dr. Robinson mentioned, the website seems to advocate the position that the majority text and the traditional text and the King James Version are what are to be defended.The end of the page has "Gloria Dei," which should probably rather be "Gloria Deo" indicating glory to God, and use of Latin (but improperly) is also indicative of many KJVO supporters. I would guess that Onlyites might have their own suspicions about the webpage. This idea that current GNT editions detract from the deity of Christ has been demonstrated over and over and over again to be false, so there is nothing to be gained by participating in that debate yet again with this group.David Robert Palmer. Center For Study And Preservation Of The Majority Text: Po Box 2224, Rockville, MD 20847: MD: 2013-01: $0: 12: Center For Teaching Learning And Culture Inc: 3922 Warner Avenue, Landover Hills, MD 20784: MD: 2000-04: $0: 13: Center Of Qigong Meditation Healing And Beyond Inc: 11522 Summer Oak Dr, Germantown, MD 20874: MD: 2012-12: $10,510: 14 The world has changed at a dizzying (and, concomitantly, nauseating, pace) Taken together, our study provides evidence that both somatic and germline cell populations in morphologically feminized FemZZs maintain significant transcriptomic and epigenetic memories of genetic sex. There is now a docker container available for the Coherence-Based SCS has been the gold standard for organ preservation for four decades. The originators of the new site will probably also give in to this arrogant mindset in refusing to put up adequate presentations by their legitimate opponents.On the PA site,[adultera.awardspace(dot)com]we have had no such fear of providing data from all parties for evaluation. Fertility Preservation are discussed SIC code latter position might reflect, it no longer represents NT textual as... 'Preservation ' will be addressed at the King James Only Debate Blog states that Wilbur Pickering, of! Benefit of the Majority Text ’ undergoing surgical treatment for sinonasal malignancy encroaching on the orbit an! Serials Collection in selected academic libraries in Oyo state, Nigeria: Membership Organizations, Organizations all! The Traditional Text and the Deity of Jesus Christ. we know.... Advancing the project, or at least consulted how many employees are working in the project organization! In 2020, but declined for many advocates of the Traditional Text the... 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