Abstract and Figures Cotton (Gossypium spp. Campiche said world production is estimated to decline by 2.4 million bales in 2020 to 118.9 million as a result of lower cotton acreage. All Rights Reserved. Cotton, one of the world’s leading agricultural crops, is plentiful and economically produced, making cotton products relatively inexpensive. The use of mill cotton by Pakistan is expected to account for 9 per cent, while that by Bangladesh, Turkey and Vietnam each will contribute to 6 per cent of global mill cotton use. In 2020/21, cotton production expectations for most major-producing countries are for smaller crops, with Pakistan and Australia notable exceptions. World cotton production remains concentrated among a few countries. Cotton production information and resources to help the cotton industry adopt more efficient cotton production practices from Cotton Incorporated ... 2019/2020 U.S. Cotton Fiber Chart. Leave a comment. India’s cotton production in 2020-21 is likely to decline by 2 million bales. The global production of cotton was 123 million bales (480 lb each) in MY 2017/18, which increased by 2.27 per cent to 121.30 million bales in MY 2019/20. World cotton production remains concentrated among a few countries. For 2020/21, mill use for all major countries is forecast to experience a rebound as each country’s cotton spinning industry adapts to the anticipated recovery of the global economy. Despite the reductions, global cotton consumption for 2020/21 is forecast at 114.3 million bales, or about 12% above the revised 2019/20 estimate of 102.4 million bales, which is 15% below 2018/19. India is forecast to remain the leading producer in 2020/21, accounting for 24.5% of the global crop projection. For Australia, both area and production are forecast to rebound dramatically from the drought-reduced crop of 2019/20. The NASS forecast indicated a slight increase in Georgia’s peanut production. Presenting Fascinating Facets of Textile & Clothing (T&C) Industry. However, the national average cotton yield is anticipated to increase from 817 pounds per acre in 2019 to 855 pounds per acre in 2020. Area declines are generally attributable to lower cotton prices, which resulted from stock levels rising significantly in 2019/20. By Leonie Barrie | 2 October 2020. As a result, production prospects in the region will play a key role in the 2020 U.S. cotton crop. Price, production, consumption and trade developments for cotton are discussed. Cotton trade across the globe is expected to rise by 4.5 per cent in 2020-21 to 41.8 million bales. World cotton production remains concentrated among a few countries. Chinese, Indian, and... Read more, Cotton Association of India has increased its crop estimate for 2020-21 season from previous estimate of 356 lakh bales of... Read more, With lockdowns and people being stuck at home, the intimate apparel and sleepwear market has seen surge. India continues to lead world cotton production. world cotton markets for the period 2019-28. Consumption is forecast to increase by 9.5pc in 2020–21 to 24.3Mt, but remain below production and still 2Mt below 2018–19 levels. With total trade up 1.8 million bales, exports from several countries are expected to rise in 2020/21. Higher cotton import projections are forecast for most of the leading importing countries for 2020/21. For India, exports are projected to reach 4.5 million bales, an increase of 1.5 million bales. Adequate and relatively inexpensive cotton supplies will help the resurgence, which is expected to be led by China and India. India’s cotton production in 2020-21 is likely to decline by 2 million bales. 27 million tons of cotton is produced globally in a year By 2028, cotton production is projected to reach 29 million tons. The chapter concludes with a discussion of important risks and uncertainties affecting world cotton markets during the coming ten years. China’s cotton production in 2020-21is likely to decline by 3 per cent to 26.5 million bales, while that of Brazil’s is forecasted to decline 9 per cent to 12.0 million bales in 2020-21.Brazil’s total area under cotton cultivation is also expected to decline 2 per cent to 1,686 kg/hectare. of world use in 2020/21. The USA ranks second in Cotton Producing Countries in the world… Shipments from Brazil and India are likely to increase as supplies there have grown considerably in recent years. In 2018/19, cotton production worldwide amounted to some 118.65 million 480-pound bales. From August 2019 to July 2020, the global cotton consumption fell by 15 percent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite stocks reaching the highest level in 6 years, the 2020/21 stocks-to-use ratio is forecast to decrease from 2019/20’s 99% to 90%. The USA ranks second in Cotton Producing Countries in the world. For Bangladesh and Vietnam, 2020/21 imports are projected at 7.1 million bales (up 6%) and 7.0 million bales (up 8%), respectively. Nearly 25 million tonnes of cotton are produced worldwide annually. The global cotton harvested area is forecast at 33.0 million hectares (81.5 million acres), nearly 6% below 2019/20’s 35.0 million hectares (86.5 million acres), which was the highest since 2011/12. projected to grow from 2020 onwards. However, according to the US Department of Agriculture, the global cotton consumption from August 2020 to July 2021 is expected to increase by 11.30 percent. Estimates for world cotton mill use are lowered in July for both 2020/21 and 2019/20, as the global economic slowdown related to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to weigh on consumer demand for apparel items, including cotton products. Published by M. Shahbandeh, Oct 6, 2020 This statistic shows the world's leading cotton producing countries in crop year 2019/2020. of world use in 2020/21. Cotton is the most widespread profitable non-food crop in the world. Brazil’s yield is currently forecast at 1,686 kg/hectare, 2% below 2019/20. world cotton markets for the period 2019-28. Agricultural Export Yearbook USDA's latest official data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in cotton, can be found in the Cotton: World Markets and Trade report . ... View and listen to current cotton market information, world events, and analysis from expert sources. Leave a comment. Japan’s most leading textile publication in English. As per a reworked world map the most popular... Read more, Work from home, depleted social events, adoption of a fitter lifestyle has given a shot in the arm to sportswear... Read more, The pandemic has adversely affected global apparel supply chains with countries like Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and others facing the brunt.... Read more, The growth curve of global ethical fashion market risen to touch $6,345.3 million in 2019, increasing at a compound annual... Read more, The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India, (CMAI) has written an open letter to Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance outlining pre-Budget... Read more, Asian designers have stood out in Western world with their classy styles and unique offerings for long. However, as world cotton stocks outside of China are expected to be higher, the average world cotton price is expected to decline slightly. For Pakistan, the crop is forecast at 6.5 million bales (up 300,000 bales), as a rebound in yield to 590 kg/hectare offsets a slightly lower area in 2020/21. Shipments from Brazil are expected to increase by 3 per cent to 9.0 million bales, while those from India are expected to increase by 1.5 million bales to reach 4.5 million bales. In 2020/21, the top four cotton-producing countries are forecast to account for 73% of total production, slightly below 2019/20 but similar to the 2018/19-2019/20 average. In … China demand for U.S. cotton has been mostly led by the State Reserve and State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), which have likely accounted for more than three-fourths of total imports of U.S. cotton thus far in 2020/21. In contrast, cotton production in Pakistan and Australia is projected to increase in 2020/21. Pakistan’s cotton imports are also forecast higher at 3.9 million bales. World cotton area should be stable for the first five years but it is projected to grow from 2020 onwards. In 2020/21, the top four cotton-producing countries are forecast to account for 73% of total production, slightly below … China is forecast to account for 32% (37 million bales) of global cotton mill use in 2020/21, while India contributes an additional 20% (23 million bales). However, as world cotton stocks outside of China are expected to be higher, the average world cotton … This is also 5.5 per cent decline from production in previous year. Price, production, consumption and trade developments for cotton are discussed. Cotton production in Australia is also likely to increase by 1.1 million bales to 1.7 million, while its area under cotton cultivation is forecast to grow to 180,000 hectares. Top ten cotton-producing countries are India, China, the United States, Pakistan, Brazil, Australia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, … Use of mill cotton by China is forecast to account for 32 per cent of global cotton mill use in 2020-21, while in India it will account for an additional 20 per cent. Global cotton trade in 2020/21 is forecast at 41.8 million bales, about 4.5% above 2019/20. Home Blog Eventos largest producer of cotton in the world 2020. largest producer of cotton in the world 2020. janeiro 11, 2021. Cotton Ginnings USDA's estimate of the number of bales ginned to date for all cotton and American-Pima cotton, by state. Cotton futures continued the upward momentum in January, strengthening above 79 cents a bushel for the first time since December 2018 as optimism over coronavirus vaccine rollout bolstered hopes for a swifter economic recovery, and brightened the outlook for cotton demand. Yields rise around the world and global average yield grows slowly as production switches from relatively high yielding countries, notably China, to relatively low-yielding ones in SouthAsia. World cotton production is forecast to fall by 6pc in 2020–21 to 24.7Mt, largely due to area reductions in the United States, Pakistan, China and Brazil as farmers respond to low prices. Of the remaining three, China will contribute 23 per cent to the total production, while the US and Brazil will contribute 15 and 10 per cent of global cotton production respectively. The size of each contract is 50,000 pounds. Follow the development of the 2020 cotton crop, updated each Monday. Yields rise around the world and global average yield grows slowly as production switches from relatively high yielding countries, notably China, to relatively low-yielding ones in South Asia. Cotton Supply/Demand In USDA's December report, 2020 world production … This monthly report includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in cotton. The 14th USDA Cotton and Wool Outlook predict global cotton production in 2020-21 will decline to a four-year low of 116.2 million bales. Cotton production in Brazil is forecast at 12.0 million bales in 2020/21, 1.2 million bales (9%) lower than the 2019/20 record crop. Textile Exchange's 2020 Organic Cotton Market Report reveals data collected for the 2018/19 harvest year. China, the leading importer, is expected to import 9.0 million bales of raw cotton, 24% above 2019/20; China imported 9.6 million bales in 2018/19. In term of imports, China will be world’s leading importer of raw cotton with its imports rising by 24 per cent 9.0 million bales. Cotton is a dirty industry Cotton is the … According to the August 14th USDA Cotton and Wool Outlook, global cotton production in 2020/21 is projected at 116.2 million bales, 5.5% (6.7 million bales) below the previous year and the smallest crop in 4 … Georgia peanut growers produced 2.892 billion pounds in 2018, and the NASS forecast for 2019 is 2.904 billion pounds. In 2020-21, aided by adequate and relatively inexpensive cotton supplies, cotton mill use by all major countries is forecast to rebound. Cotton production is concentrated in the high-yielding Xinjiang region, contributing heavily to the 2020/21 national yield projected at 1,748 kg/hectare; however, the second highest yield on record is more than offset by lower area, forecast at 3.3 million hectares, leading to the crop decline. The 2020/21 global cotton yield is forecast at 768 kg/hectare (685 lb./acre), marginally above the 2019/20 yield. Read more Global cotton production volume from 1990/1991 to 2019/2020 (in 1,000 bales)* However, world cotton stocks outside of China are expected to be higher in 2020/21, pressuring prices. Cotton Farming in the US industry trends (2015-2020) Cotton Farming in the US industry outlook (2020-2025) poll Average industry growth 2020-2025 : x.x lock Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the average company profit margin for this industry. Font size Email Print. Copyright © asiantex.net All Rights Reserved. Area is forecast at 180,000 hectares, while production is forecast at 1.7 million bales, nearly 1.1 million bales higher. Presenting Fascinating Facets of Textile & Clothing (T&C) Industry.FashionatingWorld  is a seamless network of web platforms for news, information and valuable insights with sector focused approach on Fashion Retail, Apparel and Textiles. Follow the development of the 2020 cotton crop, updated each Monday. In 2018/19, cotton production worldwide amounted to some 118.65 million 480-pound bales. China is expected to contribute 23% of the total, while the U.S. and Brazil are projected to account for 15% and 10%, respectively, of the world cotton crop in 2020/21. In contrast, cotton production in Pakistan is projected to increase by 300,000 bales to 6.5 million bales. The latest ‘State of Fashion 2021 Report’ by The Business of Fashion and McKinsey & Company’s has predicted China’s fashion... Read more, Year 2020 was a tough one globally for people and businesses alike. Instead of sourcing from Brazil, the primary supplier in the previous 2 marketing years, the 2019 Better Cotton Country Snapshots. Cotton and wool textile industry accounted for almost 10% of the total GDP of this country. Its area under cotton cultivation is likely to decline 6 per cent to. Historically, Cotton reached an all time high of 1349 in September of 2020. The chapter concludes with a discussion of important risks and uncertainties affecting world cotton markets during the coming ten years. For China, 2020/21 cotton production is forecast at 26.5 million bales, nearly 3% (750,000 bales) below 2019/20. Its production provides income for more than 250 million people worldwide and employs almost 7% of all labor in developing countries. Cotton gained more than 10% in 2020. World cotton use is expected to grow at … Figure 1 highlights planted acreage for corn, cotton… 65% of all Fairtrade cotton was also certified to an organic standard. • Current Report • Past Reports (USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System) The top four cotton-producing countries will account for 73 per cent of total global cotton production, with India remaining the leading producer. Cotton and wool textile industry accounted for almost 10% of the total GDP of this country. Cotton Ginnings USDA's estimate of the number of bales ginned to date for all cotton and American-Pima cotton, by state. Despite, world’s cotton reserves increasing to 102.8 million bales in 2020-21, stocks-to-use ratio is forecast to decrease from 99 per cent in to 90 per cent in 2020-21. World cotton ending stocks are forecast at 102.8 million bales in 2020/21, nearly 1.9 million bales above 2019/20, as global production is projected to exceed mill use for the second consecutive year. ), a leading natural fiber, is a major cash crop in the world and is grown commercially in more than 50 countries. In 2020-21, the area under cotton cultivation is also forecasted to decline by 6 … Worl Top Cotton Producing Countries in The World 1975-2020 Top 10 Waves. Georgia corn growers are expected to produce 55.6 million bushels in 2019, or 10.9% more than 2018, when they produced 50.16 million bushels.. 65% of all Fairtrade cotton was also certified to an organic standard. Despite reduction in estimates for world cotton mill use in July for both 2020-21 and 2019-20, global cotton consumption in 2020-21 is forecast to grow 12 per cent to 114.3 million bales or about 12 per cent above the revised 2019-20 estimate of 102.4 million bales. Meanwhile, exports from the U.S. and Australia are forecast slightly lower in 2020/21. The imports by Bangladesh and Vietnam are projected to increase by 6 per cent and 8 per cent to 7.1 million bales and 7.0 million bales respectively. Consequently, the average world cotton price (A Index) in 2020/21 is expected to decline slightly from the 2019/20 estimate of 71.5 cent/lb. By December 2019, it was producing 3.10 million bpd – up by 0.52% from November 2019 and by 15.44% from the previous year. India is projected to produce 28.5 million bales of cotton in 2020/21, 2 million bales below the previous year, as a 6% reduction in area to 12.5 million hectares combined with a slightly lower yield expectation of 496 kg/hectare. The fibres can be made into a wide variety of fabrics ranging from lightweight voiles and laces to heavy sailcloths and thick-piled velveteens , suitable for a great variety of wearing apparel, home furnishings, and industrial uses. Despite, world’s cotton reserves increasing to 102.8 million bales in 2020-21, stocks-to-use ratio is forecast to decrease from 99 per cent in to 90 per cent in 2020-21. In 2020/21, the top four cotton-producing countries are forecast to account for 73% of total production, slightly below 2019/20 but similar to the 2018/19-2019/20 average. Cotton production in 2020 is estimated to decrease 3%, from 20.1 million 480-pound bales to 19.5 million 480-pound bales. Copyright © 2020 FashionatingWorld. With long stretches of lockdowns, and people confined... Read more, So which are the most favourite fashion brands across the world? In some regions, sowing and harvesting ... challenges and the progress we are making towards our 2020 targets. According to the August 14th USDA Cotton and Wool Outlook, global cotton production in 2020/21 is projected at 116.2 million bales, 5.5% (6.7 million bales) below the previous year and the smallest crop in 4 years. Global Cotton Mill Use, Trade and Stocks Higher in 2020/21. Nearly 25 M tons of total cotton is produced worldwide annually. World Cotton Production . Its area under cotton cultivation is likely to decline 6 per cent to 12.5 million hectares combined with a slightly lower yield expectation of 496 kg/hectare. According to the August 14th USDA Cotton and Wool Outlook, global cotton production in 2020/21 is projected at 116.2 million bales, 5.5% (6.7 million bales) below the previous year and the smallest crop in 4 years. China demand for U.S. cotton has been mostly led by the State Reserve and State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), which have likely accounted for more than three-fourths of total imports of U.S. cotton thus far in 2020… Global brand will continue to prioritize China in 2021 to increase sales, Shopping malls slowly recover as footfalls inch towards pre-Covid levels, Louis Vuitton emerges the most favourite fashion brand across the globe, Pandemic Effect: Fast-fashion, lifestyle brands face the heat from sportswear, footwear, Bangladesh RMG sector look hope for business stability 2021, As global ethical fashion market surges ahead, men’s segment will see higher growth, CMAI’s pre-budget recommendations highlights need for more policy support, Asian brands ready to make a big splash in global luxe market, CAI increases India’s cotton estimate for new season, consumption to rise, Intimate wear sales grow as stay at from change consumer’s style sense, Pandemic Effect: Fast-fashion, lifestyle brands face the heat from sportswear, f…, As global ethical fashion market surges ahead, men’s segment will see higher gro…, Digital transformation redefining the future of fashion industry, Ecommerce technologies changing shopping experiences across India, Rental fashion to be grab the limelight in 2020, Consumer trends impacting the textile industry in 2020-21, Localisation, Technology and Spinternet gain attention. Cotton is the world’s most widely-used natural fiber for clothing. Home Blog Eventos largest producer of cotton in the world 2020. largest producer of cotton in the world 2020. janeiro 11, 2021. The 14th USDA Cotton and Wool Outlook predict global cotton production in 2020-21 will decline to a four-year low of 116.2 million bales. The United States is the biggest exporter of cotton (40% of total exports). Price, production, consumption and trade developments for cotton are discussed. Better Cotton is sown and harvested in different annual cycles all over the world. In the Southeast, 2020 cotton plantings are projected to decrease 5 percent (150,000 acres) from a year ago to 2.8 million acres, as additional corn acreage is expected to keep cotton … 26.5 million bales, an increase of 1.5 million bales... challenges and the we... Sowing and harvesting... challenges and the progress we are making towards our 2020 targets of million... 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