The BKA provides ongoing training (with two to three training courses per year) for federal and Länder investigators dealing with human trafficking offences and workshops for staff of counselling centres, police officers and representatives of other agencies responsible for victims of human trafficking. For more information on … The Federal Republic of Germany is a federal state with 16 Länder as constituent states. An intermediate implementation report is foreseen after 2 years based on the basis of available statistical data. Germany has implemented the EU Directive on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protecting its Victims (2011/36/EU), 32 which in October 2016 led to a comprehensive reform of legal provisions regarding trafficking in human beings and exploitation. Traffickers coerce their victims into forced labor and prostitution. In 2016, the German government reported 375 completed police investigations leading to the identification of 536 victims of human trafficking and 551 suspects. July 30, 2020 GMT. The counselling centres help with the detection and identification of THB victims and support them in many ways. Overall, this represents a 14 percent increase in identified victims since 2015 when 470 victims were identified. This also applies in lesser form, to other bodies of the OSCE and the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). COLUMBIA, S.C. — During a press conference at the South Carolina Statehouse, the state Attorney General Alan Wilson released the South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force’s 2020 … Federal Office for Migration and Refugees: arrested or cautioned (‘suspects’) for trafficking in human beings were Italy (4 104), France (2 786), Germany (1 359), Romania (850) and Spain (573). 7 October 2020. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines human trafficking or trafficking in persons: 1. Human trafficking is an issue that countries around the world face – including in my country, and here in yours. In Germany, trafficking in human beings has been on the political agenda for at least two decades3 but is has been in particular in more recent years that the focus is extending beyond sexual exploitation and other forms of exploitation are defined as trafficking. Federal police searched several buildings looking for evidence regarding one German and 11 Syrian suspects. Andy Beshear proclaimed January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month in Kentucky in 2020. With the Act to Improve Action Against Human Trafficking and to Amend the Federal Central Criminal Register Act and Book VIII of the Social Code, which entered into force on 15 October 2016, Germany transposed Directive 2011/36EU into national law. Opening of Anti-Human Trafficking Exhibition Berlin, May 30, 2017 CDA Kent Logsdon . In most Länder co-operation agreements with the police clarify respective roles during the identification process. Folgen der Verstößen 6 5. Victim Support, NGOs and Human Rights Organisations: - The Violence against Women Support Hotline: - The German NGO network and cooperation office against trafficking in human beings (KOK): 1st Evaluation Round. Across the world, girls as young as 12 are being forced or tricked into marrying men who exploit them for sex and domestic work, in what the UN Office on Drugs and Crime has called an “under-reported, global form of human trafficking”. The aim of the law is to create a legislative basis for guaranteeing contractual working conditions, protecting the health of prostitutes, and combatting crime in prostitution, such as human trafficking, violence against and the exploitation of prostitutes, and procuration. arrested or cautioned (‘suspects’) for trafficking in human beings were Italy (4 104), France (2 786), Germany (1 359), Romania (850) and Spain (573). A Joint Liaison Task Force migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings was set up at Europol to speed up cooperation in major investigations such as the Essex lorry incident where 39 Vietnamese migrants were found dead in a refrigerated lorry. exceptions apart) the criminal prosecution authorities in the individual Länder are responsible for the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking. COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Monday is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The remaining victims in Europe that year were registered in the UK (1,358), Romania (757), France (710), and Germany (583). The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) is the central office of the German criminal police and as such the central point of contact for domestic and foreign police and judicial authorities. Authorities say more than 700 police officers have searched 30 homes and businesses across Germany in a crackdown on human trafficking from Vietnam By The Associated Press March 3, … Europe is one of the most popular regions for human trafficking around the globe, as revealed in the worldwide facts about human trafficking from 2014. Germany; Human trafficking; German police conduct raids over human trafficking. In addition, after conclusion of the criminal proceedings against the perpetrators the permit should be prolonged if the foreign individual’s continued presence in Germany is required for humanitarian or personal reasons, or for matters of public interest. Federal … The majority of these NGOs focused on adult, female victims; however, a number of NGOs, in cooperation with local governmental y… This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Under German sentencing practices, judges typically suspended sentences under two years, particularly for first-time offenders, for most crimes, including human trafficking. Human trafficking. And on the European human trafficking countries list, the Netherlands is at the top, with 1,561 victims registered in 2014. In order to facilitate the co-ordination of activities between all relevant stakeholders in the field of action against trafficking in human beings, working groups have been set up for particular policy areas. The new registration ordinance for prostitutes (Prostitutionsanmeldeverordnung- ProstAV) and the statistics regulation (Prostitutions-Statistikverordnung- ProstStatV) entered into force on 1st of July 2017. Deputy Police President Margarete Koppers, it is an honor to join you today. With the Crime Victims Compensation Act, Germany has a comprehensive victim compensation system. In its Section 25 (4a), the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory of the Federal Republic of Germany contains a special humanitarian provision on the issuance of a residence permit to, among others, a victim of human trafficking. In … A focus on high-value targets and operational task forces have and will further streamline major investigations as Europol is … • Human trafficking is a high profit, low risk business which allows traffickers to generally operate with impunity. Human trafficking can be crudely paraphrased as migration gone terribly wrong. The White House has issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring January 2020 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.In addition to condemning human trafficking, the proclamation highlights the 20-year anniversary of the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA): "This year marks nearly 20 years since our Nation took decisive steps in the global … The great increase in the number of asylum seekers seen in Germany in recent years has an impact on the numbe… KOK’s main activities are networking, both between member organisations and with other players, lobbying, education work and knowledge transfer. And on the European human trafficking countries list, the Netherlands is at the top, with 1,561 victims registered in 2014. At multilateral level, the Federal Government continues to actively cooperate in all relevant bodies such as the European Union, the Council of Europe, the United Nations and the International Labour Organization (ILO). KOK has been funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth since 1999. c) Service Centre against labour exploitation, forced labour and human trafficking. For example, it is noted that as a general rule (i.e. More information can be found in the BKA-Situation Reports on Trafficking in Human Beings:,, a) Act to Improve Action Against Human Trafficking. “Trafficking in Persons”… mean[s] the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another perso… BERLIN (AP) — Some 180 police officers raided premises across western Germany on Thursday in connection with investigations into human trafficking. The strategy also lists contact data and service points in the various Länder, and illustrates how identification of child victims can be promoted, including through the use of a list of child trafficking indicators. As such, any attempt to tackle it solely from a criminal perspective is likely to fail. Millions of human trafficking victims are hidden in plain sight. Contact initiation largely takes place in online chatrooms. With regard to extending the duration of the residence permit, it is no longer reliant on whether the continued presence of the foreign individual is required for the criminal proceedings to commence. The increasing relocation of prostitution seen throughout Germany to private accommodation and hotels arising from the broad-based communication opportunities offered by the internet is leading to a change in the role of the red light district and poses new challenges for the criminal prosecution authorities. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. The German government provided economical means with a value of €500,000 for victim protection during the reporting period. A financially-motivated crime, human trafficking statistics are on the rise. Gov. People who have difficulty hearing can request a free interpreter service via the website. a) Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING . Even though NGOs contributed to the BMZ document, many still described the measures as limited in effect, overly … It entered into force on 1 July 2017. In the meantime a strategy (based on the input from the three sub-working groups) to combat human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation was developed as a living document. Text of the Convention in German non-official translation . Statistically speaking, Germany has almost no problem with prostitution and human trafficking. Alongside Federal and Länder ministries, representatives from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Länder criminal police offices, public prosecutors, the Financial Monitoring Unit to Combat Illicit Employment (FKS), the social partners and non-governmental organisations – notably KOK – are all involved. See 2020 U.S. State Department Trafficking In … As such, any attempt to tackle it solely from a criminal perspective is likely to fail. The victims usually originate from Eastern Europe, mainly Poland and Romania. It hap­pens on our streets, at our busi­ness­es, and in our homes. The BMAS working Group focuses on the following topics: - Counselling and assistance for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, - Prevention, awareness-building and public relations, - Criminal prosecution of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. The internet plays an ever-greater role, both in the recruitment process and as a platform on which to advertise prostitution. b) Federal Government-Länder Working Group on Combating Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Labour Exploitation. Human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation mainly involves the building and construction industry, the hospitality trade, farming and the domestic services sector. Sklaverei und Richtlinie über Menschenhandel 2 3 3 3 1.1 Einführung 1.2 Ziel(e) 1.3 Umfang 1. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, human traf­fick­ing hap­pens in both legal vis­i­ble spaces and in illic­it and often stig­ma­tized set­tings. The cooperation strategy contains action-oriented measures and recommendations for organisational and communicative structures which enable ongoing, person-independent cooperation and collaboration at local level. The German NGO network and cooperation office against trafficking in human beings (KOK) is an alliance of non-governmental organisations working to combat human trafficking. These include: The National Cooperation Strategy on Protecting and Supporting Child Victims of Trafficking and Exploitation. 2020 Global Human Capital Trends Report The social enterprise at work: Paradox as a path forward. The Federal Family Ministry used the funds to capitalize an umbrella organization representing 39 NGOs and counseling centers that provided or facilitated shelter, medical and psychological care, legal assistance, and other services for victims. In addition to the adoption of the above mentioned legislative acts, the Federal Government has undertaken several initiatives over the last few years to prevent trafficking in human beings, prosecute traffickers and protect victims and ensure their access to rights. The Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC) is the first global data hub on human trafficking, with data contributed by organizations from around the world. The ProstStatV is the legal basis for setting up the federal statistics to provide valid data on the number of registered prostitutes and brothels for the first time. The state is now enabled to confiscate the proceeds from criminal acts even if the victim has an own claim for compensation (e.g. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. It provides a framework for a cooperation mechanism and enables alignment with the prevailing requirements and structures in a given Land. Victims or people wishing to help victims can also consult the website at and use the online chat function or email to contact the support hotline. Country monitoring / Germany / Germany . Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. The reference period for this report is 2017 … Specialised counselling centres are NGOs registered as associations which offer advice and support to victims of trafficking in human beings. Human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation also exists, but to a lesser extent. In total, 23 countries were downgraded in their rank in 2020, and 4 countries, including Afghanistan and Nicaragua, were newly placed on the Tier 3 list, signaling that human trafficking … In Germany, trafficking in human beings has been on the political agenda for at least two decades3 but is has been in particular in more recent years that the focus is extending beyond sexual exploitation and other forms of exploitation are defined as trafficking. a) Violence against women support hotline. - Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs: It provides information and can refer callers to appropriate local support agencies as needed. The new “Act on Regulating the Business of Prostitution and Protecting Persons Working in Prostitution” applies throughout Germany to all prostitutes, their clients, and the operators of prostitution establishments. Just a commodity For criminals, victims of trafficking are merely a commodity that can be used – and even sold - for financial gain. German police have identified a popular Asian food market in Berlin as an important way station in a global human trafficking network, Berlin media report. Richtlinien-Anforderungen und Inhalt 4 3. Also, the other personal and financial circumstances of the individual whose assets were confiscated may also be relevant. The notion of modern-day slavery is one that touches everybody’s conscience. c) Act on Redefining Residence Rights and Termination of Residency. a) Federal Working Group on Trafficking in Human Beings. Victim compensation has been fundamentally reformed, the new model guarantees consistent and fair compensation for all injured parties while at the same time unburdening courts and prosecutors by moving victim compensation to the stage of enforcement proceedings. b) Non-governmental organisations and other civil society actors. In isolated cases, criminal proceedings have been conducted concerning human trafficking for the purpose of exploitation by means of forced criminal activity and for the purpose of forced begging. As a high reward-low risk activity, many fear it will continue as long as there is demand for sexual exploitation and cheap labour, along with an endless supply of victims escaping from economic or social instability. In 2020, South Carolina authorities faced a tough year in their fight against human trafficking as they were beset by COVID-19 challenges. Europe is one of the most popular regions for human trafficking around the globe, as revealed in the worldwide facts about human trafficking from 2014. NBWA Announces 6,000 Employees Trained Through the Distributors Against Human Trafficking Effort | Nachricht | Law and Crime Prevention. The group comprises representatives of the Federal Government, the Länder governments and non-governmental organisations, and focuses on the topic of human trafficking in minors. … Some NGOs also proactively detect victims of trafficking through outreach work in streets where prostitutes work or by contacting women working in brothels. Share this; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Email; WhatsApp; Share this … This Centre aims to build up and expand co-operation structures amongst stakeholders in Germany, who work in the field of labour exploitaion, forced labour and human trafficking. Options regarding compensation Economic Cooperation and Development: https: // in UK has... And enables alignment with the international Social Service the individual Länder are responsible for the purpose labour. ) — Some 180 police officers escort a suspect during a raid in berlin, Germany almost. Been complaining about more and more asylum seekers being smuggled into the country by trucks by COVID-19.! 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