Weight A searchable list of all Skyrim item IDs for use with the AddItem console command. Lunar Steel Mace. Steel Mace. Horksbane is a unique steel mace found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. Books are annoying as well. The main room holds displays for common armor and weapon pieces such as Iron and Steel and displays for mod items from the mods Immersive Armors and Heavy Armory. Added in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Or Dislike it! Submit. I appreciate the input either way Shield plaque displays on the inner wall of the Upper Gallery. A Lunar weapon can be disenchanted and the Silent Moons Enchant learned. This mace has basically the same effect as the Lunar Iron Mace, with the only exception that it does a bit more damage. Legacy of the Dragonborn (aka Dragonborn Gallery)The Legacy of the Dragonborn is steeped in prophecy, myth, legend and history itself. As useful as it is, the mace itself looks pretty cool too. Deepholme Nordic Mace. Origin (Classic Skyrim) While the moons are out, burns the target for 10-20 points. Enchantment Silent Moons Camp, at the top of the camp, by the Lunar Forge, from level 2 onwards. Colovian Steel. Made at the Replica Station in the Curator's Office with the following materials: While the moons are out, burns the target for 10-20 points. Shield plaque displays on the inner wall of the, 0003B0BF (V1), 0003B0C0 (V2), 0003B0C1 (V3). Legacy of the Dragon - Skyrim Special Edition by IceCreamAssassin: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11802/? Lunar Iron Mace Lunar Iron Sword Lunar Iron War Axe Lunar Steel Mace Lunar Steel Sword Lunar Steel War Axe Mage's Circlet A few things about the weapons in Skyrim were bothering me, and being the mod inclined type of person, I set out to fix them. While the moons are out, burns the target for 10-20 points. Museum (Classic Skyrim) The shiny steel worn by the legion uses a nickel alloy. 129-198 This epic one-handed mace has an item level of 32. Although it is stated in the game that the Dragonborn can craft lunar weapons at this forge when Tamriel's two moons align, this feature is not present in-game. Museum (SSE) BaseID Mace of Molag Bal. 14 How To Get: Can be found at the Silent Moons Camp, by the Lunar Forge only after level 4. 1 Acquisition 2 Enchantment 3 Smithing 4 Trivia 5 Appearances 6 References Horker Island – Just by the corpse of Saden. 13 The Lunar Iron Mace is a special iron mace that can be occasionally found at Silent Moons Camp.Its enchantment causes light damage over one second on whoever is struck by the mace. Dragonborn DLC Unique Weapons *Console Command Only Weapons Comments Guide Updates 1/1/18 - Fixed Spelling Errors 1/3/18 - Started Unique ... Lunar Steel Mace - Four Random Lunar Weapons Can Be Found In Silent Moons Camp / Silent Moons Camp; Off-hand weapons are weapons that are wielded in the off-hand slot of a player's set-up. The mod is a compilation pack that adds 230+ new immersive weapons to the world of Skyrim. Silent Moons Camp, at the top of the camp, by the Lunar Forge, from level 2 onwards. Choosing the mace as the quest reward will … Many of these items can only be displayed as a replica, like the Dragonstone and the Jagged Crown. Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting? Maces are a class of weapon found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Legacy of the Dragonborn sidekick mod - Curators Companion - gamechanger! FormID xx026490 Horksbane is a unique steel mace found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. This allows the unique enchantment to be applied to other weapons. It gets really annoying dragging back a steel mace for the tenth time because you can't remember if you got it before or not. Stats Value Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting? Explore forgotten lore and uncover the lost relics of the 7 Dragonborn of the bygone eras of Tamriel. Stalhrim Mace . Weight Lunar Weapons Display in the Upper Gallery. Mace There are only a few tweaks as of now, but I will be adding more later.-Chillrend- They are the slowest of the one-handed weapons, but deal the most damage. A script created to write all displays in your museum as a JSON object. Stalhrim Mace . Deepholme Museum (Classic Skyrim) If all 3 types haven't been obtained, waiting for the area to respawn is an option. In terms of percentages, this is a 200% damage increase. 5. 5 comments ... Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer lacks material bindings Ongar's Hammer is listed as steel, but appears to use the horker warhammer mesh, so horker may be a better binding. Its enchantment causes light damage over one second on whoever is struck by the mace. The mace is removed from Immersive College of Winterhold version 5 and up. Lunar Iron Mace Page 32 of 2997 - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - posted in File topics: In response to post #53240123. Immersive Weapons is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Lunar Steel Mace I have gathered around 500 items now, and I am nowhere even close to done. Spoiler raul129 wrote: Would you made a patch for beyond skyrim bruma to? It is crafted. - To the 2 scripts included in this patch, the following permissions apply: This mod is shared with a WML 1.0 Cathedral License. Yet they do a full 180 on his characterization. Immersive Weapons is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Updated for the latest version on PC / Mac (Steam). Game Do keep in mind this location is visited during the introductory LOTD Quest. Type Yep, it only has 10 base damage but it has a decent enchantment. Lunar Steel Mace. Yet they do a full 180 on his characterization. - To use any of the assets of Beyond Skyrim: Bruma and/or Legacy of the Dragonborn, please refer to the permissions on their respective modpages. Its name is derived from the unique enchantment that the weapons crafted at this forge bear. The legacy of the dragonborn is a DLC sized expansion that centers around your own personal museum in Solitude, offering dozens of new quests, hundreds of new items, a new guild, and MUCH more In the One-Handed Maces category. You are free to : - Redistribute this work in unmodified form. Horksbane is especially effective against horkers, dealing an extra 20 points of damage to them. Silent Moons Camp, at the top of the camp, by the Lunar Forge, from level 4 onwards. Lunar Weapons are leveled enchanted weapons that can be found at Silent Moons Camp. If you have an earlier version than 5.0 of Immersive College of Winterholdinstalled, you will get the mace during its main questline instead. 99-168 4 Lunar Steel Mace Those who are intrigued by the idea of Lunar weapons and absolutely want their hands on those rare maces, it's recommended to go for the Lunar Steel Mace rather than the iron one. Prelate's Mace . Enchantment Page 48 of 72 - Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion - posted in File topics: In response to post #85294733. From those merely mentioned in title to those who wielded the power of the voice, many legendary and influential people held the title of "Dragonborn" and they all link to the lost covenant of Akatosh. Page 85 of 786 - SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn - posted in Skyrim Revisited: Im at a loss, and have no clue what I did wrong. They essentially enable dual wielding.. As of an update on 29 February 2016, most off-hand weapons up … Technical info But that's where you come in! Its enchantment causes light damageover one second on whoever is struck by the mace. The Lunar Iron Mace is a special iron mace that can be occasionally found at Silent Moons Camp.Its enchantment causes light damage over one second on whoever is struck by the mace. Books are annoying as well. 0003B0B6 (V1), 0003B0B9 (V2), 0003B0BC (V3)XX77FFE5 (replica)(XX must be replaced with the number Legacy of the Dragonborn has in your load order). Tempering the Lunar Iron Mace requires one iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. I appreciate the input either way The mod is a compilation pack that adds 230+ new immersive weapons to the world of Skyrim. The Lunar Steel Maceis a special steel macethat can be occasionally found at Silent Moons Camp. Explore forgotten lore and uncover the lost relics of the 7 Dragonborn of the bygone eras of Tamriel. The display can take both the original and the replica. Technical info Submit Submit Close. One-Handed Weapon It adds a museum in Solitude where you can store and display many items from the vanilla game as well as those added by the mod. For other uses, see Maces. Classic It was developed by Hothtrooper44 and his team of developers. Explore forgotten lore and uncover the lost relics of the 7 Dragonborn of the bygone eras of Tamriel. Instead of radiating strength, and confidence like he does in Moon and Star, he seems worn out and tried. Game Not just a display mod, not just a quest mod, not just a new guild mod, but a complete foundational flagship mod to build an entire load order around. The legacy of the dragonborn is a DLC sized expansion that centers around your own personal museum in Solitude, offering dozens of new quests, hundreds of new items, a … You need to have the original in your inventory for the replica recipe to be available. Submit. Nordic Mace. You need to have the original in your inventory for the replica recipe to be available. Made at the Replica Station in the Curator's Office with the following materials: While the moons are out, burns the target for 10-20 points. It doesn't need one? Lunar Steel Mace; M Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer; Mace of Molag Bal; Mace of Slurring; Mace of the Crusader; N Nordic Mace; Nordic Maul; O Orcish Club; Orcish Mace; Orcish Maul; R Rockshatter (More Interesting Loot) ... Legacy of the Dragonborn is a FANDOM Games Community. 0003B0BF (V1), 0003B0C0 (V2), 0003B0C1 (V3)XX77FFE2 (replica)(XX must be replaced with the number Legacy of the Dragonborn has in your load order). ... Patches provided here are tested with the mod identified and Legacy of the Dragonborn on an individual basis. - To the 2 scripts included in this patch, the following permissions apply: This mod is shared with a WML 1.0 Cathedral License. The lunar weapons respawn, however since the Steel Lunar weapons start spawning at Level 4 and above, the Iron Lunar weapons are less likely to spawn, especially at higher levels, it is then strongly advised to quickly go to Silent Moons Camp to obtain all 3 Iron Lunar weapons as soon as possible before or close to Level 4. The Legacy of the Dragonborn is steeped in prophecy, myth, legend and history itself. Either as a reward at the end of Moon and Star 's main quest or alternatively, after the quest, in Shadowgreen Cavern. Master's Weapons are a special weapon set that drops in the Dragonstar Arena.All weapons bear a different Tier 5 Racial Style.Master's weapons are available by defeating the last boss of the Dragonstar Arena on Normal difficulty. Type Prelate's Mace . Casting it required a Magic level of 60 in addition to having either a guthix staff or a void knight mace equipped. Legacy of the Dragonborn sidekick mod - Curators Companion - gamechanger! It is related to the Immersive Armors mod, but as the name implies, for weapons. - To use any of the assets of Beyond Skyrim: Bruma and/or Legacy of the Dragonborn, please refer to the permissions on their respective modpages. Orcish Mace. The Lunar Steel Mace is a special steel mace that can be occasionally found at Silent Moons Camp. Tempering the Lunar Iron Mace requires one iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Rusty Mace. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Instead of radiating strength, and confidence like he does in Moon and Star, he seems worn out and tried. The New Moon Priest Style is a Crafting Motif which was released on April 22, 2020. Displays Value Orcish Mace. This has yet to be proven, although the weapons can be disenchanted to learn the Silent Moons Enchant. Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) is a mod created by icecreamasassin for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Baking HF: Create custom recipes at an oven. Steel Mace. This one is a bit of a classic. The u/Airwindof community on Reddit. Spell Knight Armor CC (Iron Spell Knight, Steel Spell Knight, Ebony Spell Knight) Steel; Vigil Armor CC (including Vigil Corrupted, Vigil Enforcer, Vigil Silver Hand, Vigil Veteran) Creating Custom Items . Mace Claws of Guthix was a combat spell in the standard spellbook. It is related to the Immersive Armors mod, but as the name implies, for weapons. Shield plaque displays on the inner wall of the, 0003B0B6 (V1), 0003B0B9 (V2), 0003B0BC (V3). The Lunar Forge includes a complete blacksmith's forge, an anvil, a workbench and a grindstone. Legacy of the Dragonborn will forever change how you play Skyrim. In Legacy of the Dragonborn, if you have the Moon and Star patch installed, he will play a role in the "Shatter Legacy" quest. Moon and Star. Also Like the video! In Legacy of the Dragonborn, if you have the Moon and Star patch installed, he will play a role in the "Shatter Legacy" quest. For quest items that are usually turned in to advance a quest, replica recipes will be available that after their creation can be put up for display. The display can take both the original and the replica. Register! And there's not really any unique relics in that mod, unless I'm wrong? #85296163, #85296398, #85296718, #85297123, #85297458, #85297553, #85432298, #85434848, #85539968 are all replies on the same post. One-Handed Weapon Game How do you keep track of items you haven't gathered yet for the museum in Legacy of the Dragonborn? Moon and Star - Removed 3 old activator edits preventing a few items from being removed from display correctly. Alchemy: Create your own custom potions. Enchanted versions of the mace show up after level 26. It was developed by Hothtrooper44 and his team of developers. Register! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.fandom.com/wiki/Lunar_Iron_Mace?oldid=73807. The Lunar Forge is an unmarked location in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This DLC expansion sized mod adds hundreds of new items, dozens of new quests and hundreds of extra hours of play. If this is a dupe, mods, please delete! The weapon comes in three level dependent versions: V1 - level 4-5; V2 - level 6-7; V3: level 8 and up. Bretonic steel is only sold as armour, shields and maces, benefiting from the increased hardness. Game A powerful weapon made using quicksilver, the Nordic Mace is a trusty ally that will crush a lot of skulls. Lunar Weapons Display in the Upper Gallery. Legacy of the Dragonborn: Walkthrough guide Quest Progression Legacy begins when you enter the museum for the first time and meet Auryen Morellus, the Altmer curator of the museum. Click here to subscribe http://goo.gl/AXvQIp It helps a ton! 1 Background 2 Location 3 Lunar Weapons 4 Appearances An ancient forge that was at one point in time used to craft magical weapons. Mod Notes: The Legacy of the Dragonborn is steeped in prophecy, myth, legend and history itself. Cooking: Create custom recipes at a cooking pot or spit. How To Get: Found with the Dragonborn DLC installed, the Nordic mace spawns after level 25. Welcome to the Dragonborn Gallery, a museum that is currently missing all of its exhibits. Mace of Molag Bal. It is hinted at in the book next to the Lunar Forge that these weapons can be created when the two moons (Masser and Secunda) are full. It also includes several new quest lines and a player home. BaseID Spoiler InsaneGizzardSauce wrote: Curators Companion is stuck in operation in progress even after hanging out in the Museum for 15 real … View Mobile Site With Immersive Weapons and it's Legacy patch installed, it is instead wielded by Brother Varen in Nightcaller Temple. The display can take both the original and the replica. Funny enough I'm missing many common weapons and armors (some iron and steel for example) because I always forget if I need that Iron mace or not etc since my memory is poor. The weapon comes in three level dependent versions: V1 - level 2-3; V2 - level 4-5; V3: level 6 and up. Damage: 10. Museum (SSE) The resulting steel is corrosion resistant and deflects elemental magic. The weapon comes in three level dependent versions: V1 - level 4-5; V2 - level 6-7; V3: level 8 and up. The New Moon Priest Motif Chapters and Book is also available as a drop from the Dragonguard Supply Chest , which is unlocked through the Dragonguard Operative achievement by completing 30 Dragonguard Quests . Click here to subscribe http://goo.gl/AXvQIp It helps a ton!Also Like the video! Tempering the Lunar Steel Mace requires one steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the tempering being twice as effective if you have gained the Steel Smithing perk. On the workbench is a copy of the Smithing skill book Light Armor Forging , a book Notes On The Lunar Forge which describes the forge and an iron war axe enchanted with a unique enchantment, that when the moon is out will burn the target. Swords and other blades however need to be able to bend, because a rigid blade shatters. Corrected Mace of Aevar incorrect mesh issue. https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.fandom.com/wiki/Lunar_Steel_Mace?oldid=80068. Those who are intrigued by the idea of Lunar weapons and absolutely want their hands on those rare maces, it's recommended to go for the Lunar Steel Mace … Septimus Signus' Outpost, in a chest on a small island northwest of the outpost. Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v1.04 Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum dome sunlight and shadows v0.3 Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.1 I'm too scared to install Legacy of the Dragonborn Discussion Edit: After reading your comments, checking my load order for compatibility, installing the mod, checking my load order in Xedit, doing all the patching and doing stress test, I think it's installed and quite stable. It gets really annoying dragging back a steel mace for the tenth time because you can't remember if you got it before or not. Ties the acquisition of the moon and star ring for Legacy's shattered legacy quest into the moon and star main quest. And it’s found at a higher level. Origin (SSE) In the Armory tabs for LoTD, I get multiples of an item listed, like 8 iron Warhammers or 8 Steel Warhammers. The weapon comes in three level dependent versions: V1 - level 2-3; V2 - level 4-5; V3: level 6 and up. Load more. Or Dislike it! SSE (V1) "Legacy of the Dragonborn" creates a sizeable addition … For a list of unique maces, see here. Rusty Mace. Silent Moons Camp, at the top of the camp, by the Lunar Forge, from level 4 onwards. player.additem 000001F6 1; GasTrapDummyplayer.additem 00012887 1; lronSwordplayer.additem 00013135 1; DemoQuestSwordlplayer.additem 0001359D 1; Submit Submit Close. Funny enough I'm missing many common weapons and armors (some iron and steel for example) because I always forget if I need that Iron mace or not etc since my memory is poor. Legacy of the Dragonborn is a FANDOM Games Community. This is happening on each of the 4 armory tabs. The spell was unlocked by completing the Mage Arena activity; it had to be cast 100 times within the arena itself in order to be used anywhere else. Let's have a party at the Backstage Area! Thank you so much for supporting our music! https://bit.ly/MoonSun-MemberOur album "Escapalace" is out now! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Legacy of the Dragonborn is a FANDOM Games Community. Lunar Steel Mace. Displays Left display in the second room with Weapon Displays. Stats Origin (SSE) Lunar Steel Mace. Keeping track of items for Legacy of the Dragonborn. Shield plaque displays on the inner wall of the Upper Gallery. Left display in the second room with Weapon Displays. Load more. This is where you can display non-special armors and weapons that you come across in your travels or craft yourself. Much ado about Snow Elves. 4 Lunar Steel Mace. This patch also changes the rewards offered by the Nerevarine to: Mace of Slurring, Magebane, or Staff of Hellfire, all ICA custom made, exclusive items only obtainable with this patch. Origin (Classic Skyrim) The enchantment burns enemies for 10-20 damage if the moon is out. You are free to : - Redistribute this work in unmodified form. The lunar steel mace can be upgraded with a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk and also benefits from the Steel Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement. You need to have the original in your inventory for the replica recipe to be available. PC SSE - Discussion. You likely won’t bother using it for its boring steel mace appearance but if you do, you’ll wield a powerful weapon. They provide higher damage output per second at the cost of lower defences. Located in the Curator's Office, this station offers two types of replica crafting. Wielded in the Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn of weapon found in the second room with weapon displays on characterization! Json object percentages, this station offers two types of replica crafting basically the same as... Weapons to the Dragonborn is a FANDOM Games Community uncover the lost relics of the 4 tabs., mods, please delete I appreciate the input either way Immersive weapons and it 's Legacy installed. 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Extra hours of play in your inventory for the Elder Scrolls V:.. Of these items can only be displayed as a JSON object versions of the 7 Dragonborn of legacy of the dragonborn lunar steel mace Dragonborn -! //Goo.Gl/Axvqip it helps a ton! Also like the video in File:! Of Guthix was a combat spell in the standard spellbook Dragonborn DLC installed, it only 10! College of Winterholdinstalled, you will get the mace itself looks pretty cool too armour, shields maces! Of Warcraft: the Legacy of the Dragonborn is steeped in prophecy, myth, and! To have the original and the replica recipe to be available keep in mind location!