Through these conversations about language, we can also collaboratively build new meanings together, so that we live in a shared world. But… those thoughts didn’t stop me from unilaterally formulating my own answer and firing it off: There is a lot to say about the word “WOKE.”  I love and hate that word. n. A cat that has been runover, shot, or experienced something that would make it's innards become outtards. There's a Urban Dictionary quiz for everyone. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase. If we call the now-familiar Zoom grid-of-faces a “Graduation,” that’s what it is! These distinctions my be the subject of extended on-line dialogue, or blogs like. The sociolinguist Camilla Vasquez has written extensively about satirical online reviews like these, and just recently she alerted me to another comic product review for a popular commodity in our age of quarantine: Yeast. Citizen Sociolinguists, in contrast, are in the business of sharing their own cultural models around language and communication–models that are ephemeral, constantly changing, often controversial, and always swathed in (entertaining) situation-specific social cues. Urban definition, of, relating to, or designating a city or town: densely populated urban areas. Urbane definition, having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities: an urbane manner. Nobody has a premium on dumb or misguided interpretations—or on the most definitive explanation. But we can still learn something important. internet savvy. Most generally, Folk Linguists ask, “What are the  the subconscious cultural models with which folk (defined as all non-linguists) are operating?”. But sometimes we just don’t have the time, the connections, or the guts to acquire certain types of language knowledge through incremental interactional trial-and-error. How are definitions ordered? The idea is that if you are collecting talk from someone, you need to guard that “data” to protect the speakers from anything damning (embarrassing? Popular Categories Are you stumped? Did it serve you well? Lately, the Internet has become an indispensable resource for teachers and professors as we surf through websites and social media looking for examples, links, lessons, or just something to break the ice, lighten the mood, and remind us all of our shared humanity while online. This is probably the most “classic” of all language games, created by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who famously coined the term “language game” to describe everything we do with words. This means you may hear new words you don’t often (or ever) use yourself—but that people you know may care about a lot. Urban Dictionary Help Center Toggle Navigation. When will I receive my order? You’ll also start feeling like some people in Philadelphia really care about hoagies. A second step might be to see how this aligns with our own and others’ experience. By the way, many contemporary applied linguists and language teachers avoid both the terms “learning” and “acquisition” in favor of “language development”—a combination of these processes. —not because it is a cultural perspective they grew up with. Brandon Armstrong. Or might it be the very best source in this case? Next, provides a selection of strong opinions, and the “top definition” offers more information about the history of the word itself: A life-like quote in the second entry mentions that you can get hoagies at “da Papi store”: And this entry authoritatively mentions an exception: “meatball” is the one filling that requires “sub” or even “sandwich” and not “hoagie” as the sandwich word: These entries and the dialogue included, may set you wondering:  Do I even know how to say the word “hoagie”? They understand different points of view, different aesthetics and moral frameworks than just their own. cultural model, not shared by Citizen Sociolinguistics. “I just need to find 11,780 votes.” -Pres. Each language seems to do things a little differently. That model presupposes that Professional Linguists alone can identify the cultural models of the “folk” and that these cultural models may, in the hands of linguists, serve the needs of other linguistics-related professional fields. So why is it the least popular? You may be able to play some of these language games with others and spark more talk about language—in the process, you’ll be collaboratively shaping the world we’re inhabiting, both online and off. As these comments illustrate, a host of other questions seem more critical: While Urban Dictionary may provide wide-ranging answers of variable quality, it makes a good a first stop on the Citizen Sociolinguistic exploration of a word’s social value. In what situations would they use them? Even the word “hoagie” has an indeterminate meaning. Until now! For many, this type of language knowledge has been acquired through such subtle cumulative processes of socialization that people don’t know how to articulate it. Play! Now, next time you’re on zoom, teaching a class, or celebrating the end of the week, “share your screen”! And, over the years, it gets better! Sociolinguistic Persona Hacks: Ce n’est pas grave, mon cherri, Reactions to an Increasingly Diverse English: “Google My Bulbul”, Word Wars: Shakespeare, Hip Hop, and the Common Core, Language “Rules” and the Common Core State Standards, Sociolinguistic Outtakes: Footnotes, Epilogues, Anecdotes and Asides. How do you turn the image into a certain kind of event by captioning it one way or another? A rabbit? Start with a google search: Already, Google’s dropdown menu suggests we’ve entered a world in which people associate hoagies with comfort (“haven”) and immediate gratification (“near me”). What are Citizen Sociolinguistic “findings”? Go on Facebook arguments and you’ll see it: “ Irregardless” [said with funny pompous voice]. The  list of links proffered next offers solid indications that Philadelphia is hoagie-central. It’s also a great illustration of how impossible it would be to line up the world’s languages word-to-word to create precisely the same description an object—or each other. Therefore, Google has built a feedback tool into their translation tool: Click on Google Translate’s dropdown menu and it will offer alternative translations and even a chance for you to “improve this translation.”  You can select the best translation and it will be transformed on your screen, just like this: If you care to contribute to the human improvement of Google Translate, calling on your own multilingual expertise, chime in, and Google Translate will get better. As literary theorist Jacques Lacan would put it (but in French), there is an “incessant sliding of the signified under the signifier”. By consulting the citizen sociolinguists posting on Youtube, we begin to see all the other features of a scene that go into using the word “gabagool.”  The most popular video example, by far, is this clip from the Sopranos, in which Silvio Dante, outrageously played by Stephen van Zandt, demands, “Gabagool! A few (especially definition #5) also pick up on the idea that “pretentiousness” or “superiority” is involved in being woke, and imply that this pretentiousness is attached to liberalism (suggested in #5 by reference to the Huffington Post): “A state of perceived intellectual superiority one gains by reading The Huffington Post.”, A couple definitions (#2 and #4) make allusions to “The Matrix,” equating woke-ness with taking the “red pill.” (For those not familiar with The Matrix, the red pill enables human beings to see a reality we are usually blind to—namely, that we are all floating in human size jars while machines harvest our metabolic energy and feed us an illusion that we are livin’ the dream—or at least trying to.). Language Awareness or Linguistic Insecurity? Language types called “English,” “Philly,” “New York,” or “Educated” become understood as these labeled entities because these opinions and conversations build portraits of language users as social types. Please leave your comments below! 1. Claiming any expertise about it seemed like overstepping. I am fascinated by other peoples’ opinions! How is Urban Word of the Day chosen? Even though we may doubt the veracity of many of these reviews, we tend to read them in hopes that most contributors sincerely report the facts:  If this is a good product or an awful one, reviews will say so. D&D Beyond ), to back up his point, the writer, Will Bowers, cited Urban Dictionary. Wouldn’t it be weird if … What are your criteria for a word? Internet Disco. Yet, in a given fleeting moment, the answers are highly relevant to a specific someone at a specific point in time. Then try playing with some of your own photos on social media. Now try it yourself. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This is a distinction that many in the language teaching world like to think about. We may not learn much about language at all—at least not the kind of learning you might expect from linguistics class or French101. So, Urban Dictionary provides a useful first step toward understanding a word-like item’s social value. Categories. View Answer. my internet connection. Citizen Sociolinguistics is *very different* from Folk Linguistics. What—in addition to the young lady—do you see here? Folk Linguistics differs from Citizen Sociolinguistics in its research questions, methods for investigating those questions, in its findings, and in ways of disseminating those findings. And again, language itself may be a stand-in for other identity features that matter more. Not uncommon in the LRB. We may hear that internalized voice of the Standardization Big Brother asking: Is that even a word!? Let ordinary speakers share theirs. Consider all the subtle forms of language we continue to learn/acquire long after we seem to have mastered at least one “mother tongue.” Some of that later-in-life language we acquire without much thought, but other language, we probably spend some conscious effort learning. I learned the phrase, “cherchez la femme,” many years ago from a friend in Hollywood who had spent a few years in Paris dubbing movies for a living. Can I cancel or change my order? What effects do they have? ; One thing, such as for example a wristwatch bearing, which made from a … What Does the Name Reuben Mean? You might even want to post it on YouTube! How do Citizen Sociolinguists investigate those questions? Urban Dictionary also gives us a new way of thinking about what words mean—and even what counts as a word. But then (not common at all! Over here!”. internet exploder. Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless. Michael is trying to impress their Italian American client at lunch, but instead shows a (typical-for-his-character) dramatic misreading of context, using “Gabagool” in a setting that is far more like Applebees than a gathering in the Sopranos’ living room. As all University researchers working with language know, if you record language, you must keep it in a locked filing cabinet or a password protected web location. What can you learn from those opinions? The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. How can we ever fix this error? Here is how: First, review: What is Citizen Sociolinguistics? So be sure to look into all the different ways our world is made up of others’ words. My intuition suggests that much use of this word verges on what I have discussed elsewhere here as “Linguistic Gentrification”. I would also suggest venturing beyond UD, of course: A simple google search points to important connections between the phrase “Stay Woke” and African American struggles for social justice. Their invisible multilingual knowledge would reveal itself! Examples: This picture was first used by Wittgenstein to show how language shapes our world. and search around for more of these ambiguous images online. Please share your thoughts below! This somewhat guilty appreciation of Urban Dictionary and all that they do led us to assemble our top 25 dirtiest/most disgusting/most disturbing words you’ll find there. What other language games do you play on the internet? You may be spending more cross-generational time in conversation these days. Everything in this scene that surrounds Silvio Dante’s “gabagool” illustrates the context of New Jersey Italian American family. Game 4: Subverting Genre Expectations is Funny—The Fake Amazon Reviews Game. Those authors and thumbs-uppers (and many more like-minded people who are not writing on are precisely those who build that word’s meaning. Speak Good Singlish: A Form of Citizen Sociolinguistics. A non-woke person would say something like “All Lives Matter” (not just “Black” lives). Sometimes, the linguistic border patrol sets up finer-grained distinctions, not about race, immigration status, or location:  Consider the opinion, “Irregardless is not a word.”  Whether or not this is a “word” matters far less to the person stating this opinion than the picture this word paints of the user. The “top definition” reads as follows: First of all–minor point–this definition makes it sound like “woke” is a noun: “The act of being very pretentious…”. The voices we record for our research do not fall silent once we turn off the recording device. Sometimes the act of sharing one’s sense of humor with the world provides people with more satisfaction than simply consuming that world! Whom or what sources would you consult to find its meanings? While searching, we might also discover a secret that most avid Internet-surfers already know: The Internet can make online learning productive, fun, individualized, human-like, illuminating, and even important. But how do you know whether it has the same meaning? Did you LEARN how to speak English or ACQUIRE that ability? How are definitions ordered? Trump to GA Sec of State in infamous 25th amendment violation worthy phone call, released by WaPo frickin YESTERDAY 2. A vacation spent at home is this rhyming with vacation. Others dcs meaning urban dictionary January 10, 2021. This explicit learning provides a good starting point—by directing language learners (all of us) what to look for. How does that work for you? When I asked what it meant, he would give a long, meandering explanation about “noir” movies and how any mystery can be explained by finding the woman at the bottom of it. internet friend. Please share! In fact, I never have. It is something you say in a certain special context while looking a certain way. Language opinions also patrol less high-stakes borders. But—you may disagree. Amount of votes Joe Biden won Georgia by in the 2020 Presidential Election 3. The Jeopardy! And, it would be confusing to a monolingual Spanish speaker if a monolingual English speaker used “escuela de peces” (school of fish) for “banco de peces”. Citizen Sociolinguists are Citizens of the world–and often highly insightful, funny, and outrageous. Most generally, Folk Linguists ask, “What are the  the subconscious cultural models with which folk (defined as all non-linguists) are, Findings from Folk Linguistics illuminate assumptions “folk” have about language that, Citizen Self-Transcription and Eye Dialect. Locked up language isn’t even available to the people who spoke it. Please also see Category:Help, and the policy pages on the Central Wikia. Reflections: Expressions like “cherchez la femme” render Google Translate almost pointless—but they also serendipitously illuminate the magic of language and the power of multilingualism. What did I learn? What would it mean if I used it?”. How might sharing language data be unethical? Our strong feelings about words can lead to important conversations about our differences. View Answer. Start shut making a file of key phrases correlated to your corporation. That category contains a "shoes" sub-category. What social work do you think those opinions do? urban ethnology urbana etnologija. Category: Urban Dictionary. From a Citizen Sociolinguistics perspective, the best way to find out about word meaning is not to ask, “Is that a word?” (which might pointlessly lead one to a traditional dictionary) but to figure out how people use the item in question and what impression it makes. Please comment below! (See previous entry, How Citizen Sociolinguists Work: Pow!). Did you need to hedge or apologize for your UD use? Maybe “gabagool” was just one more variation on Italian meats and cheeses that I didn’t know. If you want more language games, let me know! In both these examples, it might be easier to see the unnamed image if someone captioned it for you:  In the “Rubin vase” image, do you see “two faces” in addition to the vase—once you read those words? I think these pictures are cool, but if they strike some readers as old, stuffy, and esoteric, consider this more up-to-date observation: We play the same language game any time we caption a photo for Instagram or Snapchat! If you’ve been playing all the games above, you may by now be feeling flush with the power you wield with your words—the power to create a world, but also to genre-shift and tear it down! They think they have a certain sense of taste and morality because it is The Best Way to Think—not because it is a cultural perspective they grew up with. game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. culture, KEEPING SCORE, politics, society, thought, urban dictionary Leave a comment. So, despite my endorsement of “woke” people, above, I try not to use the word! Citizen Sociolinguists have produced You Tube videos on it: Not even sure what “Wawa” means? and, in the process, about a world full of different perspectives. The urban thesaurus is organized into 4 main categories: Things; Actions; Qualities; Other; Each category contains sub-categories. How do you use Urban Dictionary? Then translate it back to English. January 4, 2019 January 4, 2019 Betsy Rymes Language, Language diversity, Linguistic Gentrification, Urban Dictionary. July 10, 2019 July 13, 2019 pratishthadobhal. So, whatever “woke” means, its best feature may be its potential to start conversations about “woke-ness” (whatever that is!) In the “young lady” drawing, do you also see an “old woman with a wart on her nose”—if the picture is captioned that way? Why not? For example, if a folk person says, “I don’t have a dialect. See more. Today I read a letter to the editor in the LRB (27 July) that took issue with some language in an article in a previous issue (LRB, 29 June). Urban Dictionary. You’ll get a long a boring tutorial—but you’ll also find many other videos in which “hoagie” is under discussion. This ingenious demonstration of the power of words can be illuminated in many ways. Used by people who think it means Cedward Diggorlen. For example, advertisers often try to use knowledge from Citizen Sociolinguists to promote their products (see “natt-a-pult” ad). But what happens if we enter “banco de peces” in Google Translate? They affirm that people care about enjoying language and a few laughs with fellow humans more than diligently buying and reviewing whatever product crosses their screen. Our Institutional Review Boards will insist on this. Citizen Sociolinguists use just about any means available to explore (and expound on) language and communication: Often Citizen Sociolinguistic work involves using Social Media and the Internet, which means that Citizen Sociolinguists’ questions and findings constantly and speedily renew, change, and snowball with accumulated features of social context. Covid-19 updates; How much is shipping? But also share your analysis. This blog is about sharing findings from the inquiry work they do! Reflection: Translating with Google to surprise yourself with the silliest possible lyrics can be a blast. Don’t linguists have the data that could resolve language debates? And given Wittgenstein’s observations about language as a “form of life,” this makes sense: Why would we expect words from different languages to line up one-to-one when words don’t line up one-to-one with anything else they are supposed to describe? When the knowledge of bona fide nos users is in question, UD seems to be the right choice. “11 things you didn’t know about Natty Light”. However, his findings from that potentially unreliable source clinch his argument. This is a list of policy pages for this Wikia. Common questions and support documentation. You don’t have to wait through years of socialization to acquire that knowledge, you can simply google it. But if two bilinguals used these translations, they would likely know what each other were talking about. Please share your stories and comment below! So, it seems better to just muddle along in the hopes that finally you’ll get it (acquire it). You want to know how to order a sandwich at Wawa? Monthly Truck, Trailer & Machinery auctions are held in every state and have a wide variety of trucks, trailers, machinery, tools and distinctive gadgets. This knowledge isn’t validated through scientifically measurable accuracy of these descriptions—instead, this is a socially constructed accuracy. Their expertise may differ from that of a PhD Linguist, Applied Linguist, Sociologist, or Linguistic Anthropologist—but those everyday language analysts (I call them Citizen Sociolinguists) are not necessarily any more or less responsible in their interpretation of other peoples’ speech than a trained academic researcher. Create a free website or blog at Urban Dictionary – Useful to Funny Definitions It’s back! Banco=Bank, de=of, Peces=Fish. Go ahead and post it and see how the world responds! And, I do care about people and what those opinions say–good and bad–about our society. Memestermind. If, for example, Folk Linguistic studies reveal contradictory local impressions about certain dialect features, policy makers may need to know this before designing any specific curricula or rules about how those features should be discussed, mandated, or taught. If we do, we will inevitably get more “woke” ourselves—whatever it ends up meaning (and let’s hope it’s not pretentious or fake-deep!). Category: URBAN DICTIONARY LINGO. “Slippage” between words and meaning doesn’t only occur when we’re using google translate. Please weigh in! Wittgenstein used this ambiguous image to illustrate how the words we use create the world we live in. Having lived in Philadelphia for a while, I had the vague feeling this was just an ironic nod to the way people here pronounce the delicious, ham-like meat, “Capicola.” But, since it was printed out on a real, official menu of a nice center city restaurant, I thought I might be mistaken. Just as Open Source software improves when more coders are involved, understanding human language will inevitably become more important and relevant when it includes more perspectives. According to webster, it is a word, but since the prefix “ir” and the suffx “less” both mean “not or with” they cancel each other out, so what you end up with is regard. Yet, in a given fleeting moment, the answers are highly relevant to a specific someone at a specific point in time. and language, I thought the W-word in question may have been “woke,” another word that has been used and contested a lot this year. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." The modern word As I suspected, Gabagool is “just” another way of saying “Capicola.”  The top definition on Urban Dictionary (the first google hit), also supplies a couple useful analogs in the “Napolitan” dialect:  Manigot (for Manicotti )and Rigot (Ricotta). It depends on what you’re looking for and what sorts knowledge you care about. What makes Citizen Sociolinguistics different from Folk Linguistics? working with teachers or language policy makers. Most entries were negative and layered with snarky irony. Woke! My own opinion may be irrelevant. The most entertaining way to look at definitions of international shipping terms: comparing Logistics Glossary definitions to their Urban Dictionary counterparts. Keeping Language in a Locked Drawer (Not)! Collection of crowd sourced questions and answers for the Jeopardy game. Anyone can easily access these types of everyday insight by looking up questions about language on line. These “folk” understandings about language may be disseminated to professional communities involved in teaching language or policy and planning. Toggle Search. “The Last Supper”? If you are not from greater Philadelphia, you may not even know what I’m talking about. Another entry provides this useful clip from the movie “Mean Girls” to precisely illustrate a different type of person (one of the uncritical followers of the high school’s lead mean girl) who might use the word “irregardless”: Views on languages, language varieties, and words like “irregardless,” (often fleshed out with supportive examples and illustrations) may start as “mere opinions” from “lay people” about language—but as they become conversations including more and more people (as tends to happen on the Internet), they also build knowledge about language. Reflection:  For me, fake reviews are life-and-language-affirming. Information and translations of Urban Dictionary in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. As you learn about different words and about the forms of life that surround words you thought you knew, you’ll likely run into controversies. Results of CBD stands for urban dictionary understand you particularly fast, by enough Time takes and Information to the Components or. Inevitably, you will be running across unfamiliar words everyday (“namean?”). For this reason, Google translate is always soliciting feedback from its users. Definition of mining in the dictionary. How is Urban Word of the Day chosen? adjective. Citation from "Episode 1", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 1 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. View Answer. Here’s where Urban Dictionary can be a handy first stop. unqualified. Activesubstances studied. Urban Dictionary Help Center Toggle Navigation. After this, you might find yourself reading about “The Great Hoagie Debate”, and even filling out an online poll about it (I admit it. Poking fun at that product? Google “How to speak like a _____” and you will encounter many examples of Citizen Sociolinguistic analysis—from the most raw to the most subtly incisive—and you will see many comments sounding off on the accuracy of these linguistic portraits. Freedom of Speech: What you say and How you say it, Is that a Word? This act of articulating subtle, socioculturally acquired knowledge—so that outsiders can learn it— is PRECISELY what Citizen Sociolinguists do. Annoying words in other languages to use knowledge from Citizen Sociolinguists work: Pow! ) to... Rymes language, language diversity, Linguistic Gentrification ” verges on what I think of.... They speak Traditional Dictionary ” bit before drawing on Urban Dictionary is a list of policy for. Post it on YouTube a popular free written-porn site to hear real language—or analyze... I subscribe to Urban word of the world–and often highly insightful, funny, and the ways their meaning across. 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