Ultra Greatswords are meant to be two-handed, as they are very heavy and require considerable Strength to wield. hide. that is false. Despite having a higher strength scaling it does more dmg with 40 dex 26 str than 40 str 26 dex... Love this blade in PVP and NG+. I'm trying but I can never do it. Greatsword of the Abyss Watchers which is atypically paired with an unusual dagger. Overview. share. 24 Jul 2019 21:30 . you can parry 2hand r1 ultragreatweapons. There are some trash mobs, some bosses and even some player weapon attacks (e.g. the best part about this greatsword is how, when used correctly, can absolutely SWAG on straight sword spammers, the real question can a broken great-sword get broken even more. report. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. spell parry or strike opponents. If you really want an explanation as to why this thing is such a great endgame weapon whyle literally being a broken sword; its the only weapon to have bathed in the Blood of the Dark Soul. The shhittiest weapon in the entire series. The parry frames, i.e. Description: Profaned Greatsword + Leo Ring = Godlike. © Valve Corporation. This allows you to train your Parry every level which will give you decent defense. I don't know if you can use the Eye of the Black Prince on them (I doubt it) but even if you can't, they're clearly the best option for people who don't raid normal or heroic. 8. You’ll want to have as many skills that benefit 1v1 fights as you can: Brush with Death is absolutely crucial, and Parry Damage and Adrenaline Fiend can help boost your damage. This thread is archived. And of course it’s good for catching backstab fishers which is THE meta. UGS swings are slow but far-reaching, wide and extremely powerful, capable … I thought it was unparriable when two handed, only the two handed heavy attacks and jumping attacks cannot be parried. BS, you cant parry a spiked mace 2h. chevron_left. Unless you have a very specific or quirky build this is your sword. Originally an executioner's sword made for decapitation, this blade is heavily chipped and stained with the blood of countless battles. Nah you noobs suck and this sword is shhit. This greatsword is one of the most curious ones across its entire class. The Profaned Greatsword also looks quite cool so it does have some fashion in there! It’s a little too slow. PSA Gaels greatsword users. Not only does it deal strictly Strike damage, much like its unbroken version, it also deals Thrust on its first strong attacks. ... change parry frame, added multiple speffects and gave the greatsword it's proper scaling. If the attack is parryable, the player needs to have a weapon/shield equipped, that can parry attacks. Melee combat in any Dark Souls game can be ... with a parrying dagger of sorts — if a player is a parry ... who has faced Gael will know what damage his greatsword can do. Also which is better for parrying, the parry dagger or the buckler? the Farron greatsword). Ultra Greatswords also cannot be parried when two-handed, with the exception of the rolling and running attacks. Wolf Blood Greatsword: Farron Greatsword is now named Wolf Blood Greatsword. So many trash casuls spamming this piece of garbage. A sword imbued with a literal essence of it is bound to become powerful. 1 Worst PSA. and yes you can certainly parry two hand regular greatswords with the right timing. Can someone explain to me how I just got invaded at lvl 15 at the High Wall of Lothric by a guy wielding this? At the very end of time, where you fight Gael, the Dark Soul is the greatest form of power in whats left of the world. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You can still parry all of them. is there something I'm not aware of? NEXT: Dark Souls 3: 10 Things To Do After You Beat The Game. If ur using this against a pyro put on a straight sword or any quick weapon or else you’ll probably get punished for that WA. Dark Souls 3 is too heavy to fight the same battle more than once, so you need to master the parade to dominate the game and maintain all achievements. Ultra Greatswords are a Weapon Category in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. Is this good for PVE as well into NG+ and beyond NG+7? When two-handing it, after a strong attack (which is a thrust), if used a follow-up strong attack, it will use the regular horizontal slash attack that the Bastard Sword/Flamberge/Greatsword of Judgment all have… Requires 7,980 souls and 15 Titanite Scales to +4, 4200 souls and 1 Titanite Slab to +5. I was two handing the exile greatsword and some guy parried me with his katana? You can parry by hitting L2 with an off-hand fist weapon such as the caestus or the claw, a small shield, a standard shield and a parrying dagger, as well as some other weapons. Deals 13 damage. When a broken straight sword watch too much anime, the two-handed R1 can be parried pretty easily. I believe the science of great curved sword as follows: Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. level 2. Consider this, you got 628 base AR (which goes up to 708 after using your Weapon Art) and then you get an R2 thrust attack that takes advantage of the Leo Ring. I don’t know anyone who would give up Gael’s Greatsword. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". A formidable and imposing blade, the greatsword is deadly in the right hands. The damage output is just insane! 2 handed light attacks can be, Curved GS weapon arts also can't be parried so if you are expecting a parry from someone, using WA is a good idea. Ultra Greatswords benefit from "hyper armor" during certain attack animations, allowing you to continue a combo even while being struck. Share Share Tweet Email. Comment. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St). Go dexterity based, get Epic Dodge from various means, you can remove 4 attacks / round. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. save. Isn't it funny that Gael's weapon (1st phase) resembles the Abyss Great sword held by Knight Artorias? The sword resembles a broken version of the Executioner's Greatsword. This can be useful for mixing up attacks against opponents who attempt to parry this weapon due to the one-handed moveset. 0. Next thing you know, he's standing still waiting for your running attacks, thats when you … Passive bonus:-4% Cooldowns Duration for this skill tree 50% Upvoted. Gael's Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City DLC. If you feel like going to ng+, the lothric twin princes sword is amazing just because you can swap between lorian and lothric's weapon arts. Greatsword Fighter. Why bother jumping around with the WA like a big tryhard.Me + lkss/Lapp: R1>R1>R2>instant ownageYou noobs: REEEEEEEEEE, to those who keep complaining about people using this sword in pvp Git Gud, Why does the weapon get more damage compared to the executioner's greatsword, despite being a broken and decayed version of the same sword. A parry is the act of countering an enemy's hit through the use of a parry-enabled shield or weapon (e.g. Level 3 you always pick mark enemy from the leadership tree, its … A lot of players in this game prefer Ultra Greatswords and Greatswords. Roll combos off R1+WA makes for over 800 damage per combo. Before the boss fight with Slave Knight Gael, while he is still an NPC, he uses an Executioner's Greatsword. But as soon as he starts bleeding on this useless thing, it transforms. (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. They like these weapons and want to use them for close fighting with their enemies as often as possible. This thing (and all manual aim biggy weapons) can get really out of hand if you rely on lock-on. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread). Parry Active - Requires a greatsword Activates the following effect for 1 turn:+33% Block Chance+25% Block PowerEach received attack is guaranteed to provoke a Counterattack.Each Blocked strike reduces the skill's Cooldown by 1 turn. The spin part of Blade of Peril (L2+R1) can be parried. ... yeah if you are fighting someone who actually knows how to cheese with gael's you can only hope to prediction parry the first r1 which is not worth the risk of taking ~1000 damage. … Greatsword of Slave Knight Gael, the only weapon that he kept with him from beginning to end. 0. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). If you use the weapon art right, they won't be able to parry it because they are either trying to chug, in a roll, or just standing up. Leap in any direction, slamming the greatsword to the ground, then follow with normal attack for a large spinning slash, or strong attack to back-step and jump foward in an overhead slam. just a heads up. the frames of your parry animation that will fully parry an opponent's parryable attack, are not necessarily at the beginning of the parry animation. In his first fase, Gael’s sword is just a ruined piece of metal. Spiked mace isn't a greatsword. The slow windup on crucifix of the mad king is also nice. You can easily kill people in two or three hits. Can you parry the Fume Ultra Greatsword? Version v0.00. The two weapon skills to start with are 2h (cleave) and dual wield (Flurry of Blows). Stats: 14 M 19 F8 Q8. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). But if you be a little more careful that’s not a big problem. nah the guy say you can parry all of them, thought he was generalizing all weapons...ultra greatswords cant be parried...thats the thing. I might need to halve the damage in the ini config for greatsword parry since it delivers two hits. 2h? I'm having more success with the buckler. It might not have the range of the zweihander. Base Max Parry Ranks are 43. The spin part of Blade of Peril (L2+R1) can be parried. :D, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, The sword resembles a broken version of the. The sword couldn’t have been repaired by the Blood, it could only be made stronger than it already was. correct? Skill: Parry Flipping around like a spaz with Gael's sword is also great. He means all the … While the one-handed attacks can be parried, the paired attacks cannot. Add dexterity modifier. Feats can add 17 (as described) = 60. All types of melee weapons in Dark Souls 3 you can get as rewards, find or create from the souls of the bosses. Cooldown of 7 seconds. How high to go with Parry I was thinking as high as possible. 1 Details 2 Abilities 2.1 Default 2.2 Other 2.2.1 Tier 3 Three slash attack cycle Eight studs long Gathering Uppercut - Bring your sword back and wheel it into your foes, sending them flying. Costs 32% max Endurance. if your wondering yes I did in fact make it so the s aint part of the link for Titanite Scales >:), this man has a flippin broken greatsword handle he has been kickin our asses with a broken sword, This weapon is a very unique and all around good weapon, love it and a worth it reward for beating the fabulous boss that is Slave Knight Gael, Should say it upgrades with scale not twinkle. Sort by. Skill: Blade of PerilA precarious technique unique to undead Gael. Confounds foes in the manner of wolves hunting prey. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" Anyone have a spare Gael's Greatsword? "Obtained via Soul Transposition from the Soul of Slave Knight Gael for 20,000 souls". You can get a lot of people with R1, R1, L2 because they usually are going to … If you have a shield that allows for the use of weapon skills, the shield will still be held as you perform the weapon art. If you get tired of watching the game on screen regularly, you can save a lot of time by learning how to parry and rip efficiently in Dark Souls 3. 5 comments. from Ultra Greatswords) that can't be parried. After softcaps it gets less than 2 AR per level. Anonymous. Gael's Greatsword +5 has 504 AR at 40 strength and 40 dexterity. This weapon would've been more fitting for Knight Artorias. This is a greatsword you can get early on, invest the time and resources into upgrading and never regret that decision. As the legends go, the mighty sword rests in stone, but you’ll need more than destiny to pull it out even if you find its hiding place. Additionally, its skill can bring even more damage output to the table, as well as greatly extend the wielder's reach via launched projectiles and strong forward-momentum rush attacks. All rights reserved. ... after that I now disrespect every Gael great sword user by parrying them. Been using right hand Gael off hand lothric war banner with good results in Pontiff’s back yard. Testing parry with Greatsword. You can parry most of the 'top-tier" weapons so why does the charge being parriable matter? Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:10 pm. Do a few running and rolling R1s, whiffs, so that he thinks you're a scrub. In essence, it has the exact moveset of the Onyx Blade, with only one difference, which is in fact unique to its class. chevron_right. def not heavy attacks or thier sword art though. It would've made his boss fight more epic. There are two … Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Some of the itemization is really interesting too; for example there are iterations with parry/mastery, dodge/parry, just crit, mastery, parry… Put the great sword in the right hand and a parry dagger in the left. Note that shields will indicate if they can parry under their description, as some of them may not be able to parry but can e.g. That said, git gud, don't be predictable and you can't be parried, as people said before WA can't be parried, use that. This video showcases 1 mods. The dagger is utilized as a wedge in the left hand while the greatsword is held in the right, a unique technique that was synonymous with the Undead Legion. Major rebalancing changes, ... you can think of it much like a second weapon art it's triggered on L1 and transitions into a unique Heavy or L1 chain. The blade’s color, I suspect, is also a byproduct of the Blood of the Dark Soul, as the bloodstain isn’t there anymore when he starts fighting again. Parry attempts are used first before Epic Dodge is used. Next pick Arrow Shield. its kinda a broken sword if you know how to use it. Its a boss weapon. you can't parry 2h r1 on ultra greatswords, except for a few, like the Fume UGS. 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Good results in Pontiff ’ s not a big problem three hits really. Few running and rolling R1s, whiffs, so that he thinks you 're a...., Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, the player needs to have a weapon/shield equipped that. Banner with good results in Pontiff ’ s sword is shhit weapon does not perform at it 's proper....