dead rising 2 combo cards all 50

This Combo Card guide will list all items you can make, what’s required and where viable, how to unlock them. - worth 20 Gamerscore Air Horn - Traffic Cone + Can of Spray Paint, Blitzkrieg - Electric Wheelchair + Mercenary Assault Rifle OR Light Machine Gun, Electric Wheelchair - Wheel Chair + Battery, Fire Spitter - Toy Spitball Gun + Tiki Torch, Flaming Gloves - Boxing Gloves + Motor Oil, Fountain Lizard - Lizard Head Mask + Fountain Fireworks, Freeze Bomb - Fire Extinguisher + Dynamite, Infernal Arms - Training Sword + Motor Oil, Knife Gloves - Bowie Knife + Boxing Gloves. 0. In the food court you'll find a movie poster on the wall between Wild West Grill House and Cucina Donnaci. How To Find Every Dead Rising 2 Combo Card: A List to All the Combo Cards in the Game, An In-depth Walkthrough and List to the Survivors in Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2 Guide - Killing TK in Overtime Mode, Dead Rising 2 Walkthrough - Case 6-1 - Help Arrives, Dead Rising 2 Walkthrough - Case 7 - The Underground Tunnels and the Scientists, Dead Rising 2 Walkthrough - Killing Raymond Sullivan, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, WOW Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack. There are 50 cards to acquire in all, though many players are likely to reach 49 cards, then be totally stumped as to the location of the final card. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. View all the Achievements here Share. Queens come from zombies who are clutching at their necks. Power Guitar (Electric Guitar + Amplifier) - When completing the case “Rock Heroes” on day 2, at 4 A.M. , save the members of Angel Lust. On the Silver Strip outside of Hot Excitorama is a billboard featuring a poster for the movie Paddle Party Massacre. Combo Cards tell you what items are needed to combine in order to create an all-new weapon. This achievement unlocks once Frank collects 50 combo cards. Laser Sword - examine the poster at Paradise Platinum Screens, Platinum Strip (M5, 3). This combo card location is not really a location. You will reciev. See Case 5. You'll receive this from Floyd Stone if you return him safely to the safe house. You can still make all of the combo weapons from the original Dead Rising 2, and most of the weapons from Dead Rising 2: Case West if you have that expansion (minus the … Combo cards are Chuck’s bread and butter when it comes to zombie razing, and collecting them is one of the chief objectives in Dead Rising 2. In Dead Rising 2: Off The Record for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, there are even more combo weapons you can make. You must bring them a cement saw and plates. ". —Combo card description. Snowball Cannon (Fire Extinguisher + Water Gun) - On the second floor of the Palisades Mall, go outside of Ned’s Knicknackery and look at the “Dr. It was fun while it lasted. Holy Arms (Training Sword + Box of Nails) - Near the entrance to Fortune Park in the Atlantica Casino, look at the “Pit Viking” poster. Card Archive is an achievement in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Copy. # Combo Card; 1 Drill Bucket 2 I.E.D. Laser Sword (Gems + Flashlight) - Go to the back of Paradise Platinum Screens on the Platinum Strip. For a more in-depth look, go to this Dead Rising 2 guide on the Wingman, Demon's Souls Walkthrough: Tutorial and Boletarian Palace, World 1-1, Complete Bulletstorm Boneduster Skillshot Guide. In this capacity, it could be thought of as a lighter version of the Rocket Launcher. Wingman (Queen + Nectar) - Combine two orange juices in a blender to create nectar, which attracts queens. IED (Propane Tank + Box of Nails) - Outside of the safe house in the Royal Flush Plaza, save LaShawndra Dawkins. It is worth 20 points and can be received for: Collect 50 combo cards. Combo Cards can be collected through Story Mode or Sandbox Mode. Card Archive achievement in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (Xbox 360): Collected 50 combo cards. Comments ; … The list below is organized by the order in which they'll be earned. It takes around 35-40 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360. Paddlesaw (Paddle + Chainsaw) - While on the Silver Strip, go to the entrance of the Slot Ranch Casino and look at the “Paddle Party Massacre” movie poster. Burning Skull (Bull Skull + Motor Oil) - Go to the fortune teller machine located outside of One Little Duck Bingo on the Silver Strip and spend $1,200,000. e a call to return to KokoNutz Sports Town on day 4, at 9:15 A.M. to save them. Below is a full list of drinks, together with a description of the effects they give and how to make them. It can be used to kill large groups of zombies in a single blast. Scratch Cards do not count towards this achievement. There are 8 hidden combo cards scattered throughout Fortune City. Received after you bring Wallace the plate and cement saw. In KokoNutz Sports Town, complete the “Tape it or DIE” mission. Card Archive trophy in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: Collect 50 combo cards - worth 15 Trophy XP. Inside the bars found throughout Fortune City (for example Yucatan Casino [1]) , there are mixers, used to combine various types of foods into cocktails. Examine the side facing the casino to find the combo card. You'll receive the card afterward. Examine it to earn the combo card. Full list of all 50 Dead Rising 2 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. In Atlantico Casino near the on the wall between the entrance to Fortune Park and the employee office is a poster for the fictitious film "Pit Viking." You will receive a call to return to KokoNutz Sports Town on day 4, at 9:15 A.M. to save them. Probably the best feature of Dead Rising 2: Off The Record is the ability to find Combo Cards and create some awesome zombie killing weaponry. Flamethrower (Water Gun + Gas Can) - Complete the mission “Everyone Knows Slappy” on day 2 at 12 P.M. Tenderizers (MMA Gloves + Box of Nails) - While in the Royal Flush Plaza, go to the entrance of the Americana Casino and look at the “Blood Round 4” poster. In the Royal Flush Plaza, right outside the entrance to the Americana Casino is billboard. The list below is organized by the order in which they'll be earned. Freedom Bear (Robot Bear + Light Machine Gun) - Go outside of the Yucatan Casino men’s bathroom and look at the “Stop or My Bear Will Shoot!” poster. For each weapon see Dead Rising 2 Weapons.. Combo weapons are Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Case Zero weapons that are created by combining two items with copious amounts of duct tape. All Rights Reserved. If you check out the Dead Rising 2 Wikia you can see a list of weapon combos, this list is a work-in-progress and currently incomplete, that said there are 50 for you to check out. Many combo card locations can be found simply by saving the people caught in the outbreak. By Daniel Acaba 05 October 2010. Found automatically in the first maintenance room near the safe house. Brainfreeze” poster. Dead Rising 2 is a simple 1000. When rescuing the survivors in KokoNutz Sports Town, you'll get the combo card for saving Lance. Quite the collection of carnage. –All prestige points listed here are halved when the weapon’s combo card is not owned and the player only has a scratch card. 1. This is the same event as the Blazing Aces combo card. Use the nectar to attract a queen, and then create this combo weapon to obtain the Wingman combo card. This is a list of the places, along with specific days and times, to start the events that will give you certain combo cards. Find guides to this trophy here. Intense Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB, Sexual Themes, Language, Blood and Gore, Use of Alcohol, This is earned simply by combining the two items. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Dead Rising 2 for Xbox 360. Some of these combo cards can be very tricky to find. These combo cards are obtained through defeating various psychopaths throughout the game world. Below you will find a complete list, together with exact locations and how to obtain them. This is necessary for anyone trying to unlock all of the achievements in Dead Rising 2. Greene, a former motocross star, five years after the first Dead Rising. You will get 8 combo cards for completing all single player challenges in sandbox mode. Explore the walls of Fortune City to find the following: Blambow (Bow and Arrow + Dynamite) - On the south side of Cucina Donnacci in the Food Court, look at the “Revenginator 7” movie poster. Examine it to earn the laser sword card. For the achievement, you need only 50. In this installment of the zombie-smashing hit, you play as Chuck. The following combo cards are all rewarded by leveling up throughout the game. Card Archive achievement in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record: Collected 50 combo cards. There is no set level when you will get any of these cards, so leveling up as much as possible is the easiest way to obtain these. Throughout the game world Chuck will find various items that can be combined at workbenches found in maintenance rooms. Most of the combo cards in the game are given randomly when you level up. Spiked Bat (Baseball Bat + Box of Nails) - Obtained in the first maintenance room you enter. On the wall opposite the men's bathroom near the elevators in Yucatan Casino, you'll find a movie poster. They can only be created in Maintenance Rooms.Combo weapons can also be purchased from pawnshops such as Still Creek Pawnshop, Just in Time Payday Loans, or Moe's Maginations. Mixed drinks | Items Dead Rising 2 Guide. (Paddlesaw is missing. Examine it to earn the Holy Arms combo card. Find guides to this achievement here. Rocket Launcher ( Lead Pipe + Fireworks) - Complete the mission “World’s Most Dangerous Trick” on day 4 at 12 A.M. Did you know you know you can find combo card by examining movie posters? In this article you’ll find a complete Dead Rising 2 combo card list, including how to obtain each one. This is the only Dead Rising 2 combo card that is given at the start of the game, simply for completing the intro. )Combo cards display weapons that can be combined to make a new combo weapon.In order for Chuck to use all attacks per weapon and gain the full prestige points amount per attack, he must gain the combo card for that particular weapon. The Blambow is a combo weapon in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.It is created by combining a bow and arrow with a stick of dynamite.. "Shoot explosive arrows to decimate enemies!" You can experiment right from the start in Dead Rising 2 by combining items together to create combo weapons. The gift of zombie killing! Dead Rising 2 is the sequel to the incredibly popular Dead Rising by Capcom. 1. You should get level 50 and 34 combo cards. If you've discovered a cheat you'd Blazing Aces (Tennis Racquet + Tiki Torch) - You must have completed the first “Tape it or DIE” mission. Post Comment. It is earned simply by creating this secret weapon. By Zawad Iftikhar Sep 27, 2010 Oct 21, 2019 Share. In Palisades Mall, head to the second floor. The following combo cards are all rewarded by leveling up throughout the game. For Dead Rising 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "50 Combo Cards". Full video guide(with text guide available) for Dead Rising 2: OTR - Hidden Combo Cards. The game will have you complete semi-difficult tasks, but overall there's nothing too strenuous about it. On the wall to the left of Ned's Knicknackery you'll find a movie poster. Air Horn - Created by combining a Pylon with any color of Spray Paint. Weapons can be … Plate Launcher (Cement Saw + Plates) - On day 3 at 6 A.M., go to the Palisades Mall. Combo card location [ edit | edit source ] In Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record , the combo card for the Exsanguinator is unlocked by rescuing Wallace Hertzog during the mission Tape It or Die 2 . To get every card faster, you should level up as quickly as possible. need help with any of the cards message me and ill see if i can help you This can be useful for some of the more difficult psychopaths you have to fight through the course of the game. They are the same for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Combo Cards & Weapons in Frank’s quest. 2. Dead Rising 2 takes the franchise to a new level of zombie-killing fun with tens of thousands of zombies, the all new gambling paradise of Fortune City, plus a host of new in-game objects that can be used as deadly weapons to stave off the zombie assault. Well, you're in luck because we've provided the full Dead Rising 2 Combo Card list. Exsanguinator (Vacuum Cleaner + Saw Blade) - You must have completed the first “Tape it or DIE” mission. Dead Rising 2 Combo Cards and Weapons Guide. Caught in Fortune City when another outbreak occurs, Chuck must find out the truth behind the outbreak, and keep his daughter alive. 8 of the 9 Combo cards and scratch cards available in Case Zero. Next Items Zombrex Prev Items Combo Cards. Look at the “Laser Knight” movie poster. We help you find every Dead Rising 2 combo weapon and rate the best and worst of the bunch. Life Saver achievement in Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360): Collected all combo cards from survivors. In the back of Paradise Platinum Screen, next to the concession stand is a movie poster with a laser sword on it. For assistance in finding all of the survivors, there is a Dead Rising 2 guide that lists every survivor in depth. This is required to get '''Tape It or Die''' and '''Full Deck''', Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Side Mission: World's Most Dangerous Trick, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Dead Rising 2 Combo Card Weapon Guide. Received after killing the magicians Reed and Roger. Card Archive is an achievement/trophy in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Quite the collection of carnage - worth 20 Gamerscore Combine a bull skull with motor oil. Our Dead Rising 2 Combo Cards locations guide will help you find secrets to unlocking all 50 of the Combo Weapons available for Chuck Greene to crack some undead skull with in the game. Having a hard time finding all your combo cards? My final Dead Rising 2 video, which took some time to compile. Drink. 7. This Dead Rising 2 guide on psychopaths has tips and tricks on how to beat each and every psycho. To find all the cards, you must examine movie posters, search for survivors, and defeat psychopaths. For Dead Rising 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I get combo Cards from the survivors? The following list is obtained through saving survivors who need your help. You will obtain most Combo Cards by completing missions and gaining new experience levels, but 9 of them have been hidden in Fortune City. Examine it to earn the card. Dead Rising 2 has 50 Achievements worth 1000 points. However, for the best weapons you will need to have the combo cards. To unlock the special abilities of these items however, “Combo Cards” must be unlocked via leveling up, or completing certain tasks. Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub PM. Level up as quickly as possible make them caught in the game, simply completing. 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` 50 combo cards 50 combo cards all. Party Massacre are 8 hidden combo cards tell you what items are needed to combine order! 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dead rising 2 combo cards all 50 2021