esa lesson plan examples

Nice to meet you. Objective: To introduce and practice ways to: * Talk about what you are doing in the present * Talking about the future and * Making arrangements In this lesson you will be using just one tense: The Present Continuous This is the daunting part, but it’s crucial that you know this from the start. Your name is Aaron, isn’t it? Example: They should produce structures such as It’s a banana. (happy face); I _____ milk (sad face), Feedback from the above activity (2 mins, T-S). Lesson Plan; RAFT Handout ; Grade 4 Social Studies : Janelle Hearnen : Mitchell: Notable South Dakotans. 2- curly I hair have = I have curly hair. Write them on the board and discuss them with the class as a whole. But what makes it useful as a macro default is that the order of these elements is not fixed. ESA is extremely important when it comes to teaching, because it keeps the students interested, motivated, and eager to learn more. Give at least one example for each category. They show their picture to the class and talk about their like and dislike. You can also use the lesson plan to control the lesson you give to the students. In fact, one of the easiest mistakes a new teacher… Aren’t you a friend of Vilma’s? How do you greet your elders in your country? I like a banana. Students have been studying “travel” and “vacation” vocabulary and have previously learned how to write a friendly letter. Materials needed: 1. large pictures(and/or multiple copies of a picture like Side by Side 1,3rd ed. My name is John, by the way. Fill in the blank activity (in pair) (5 mins, S-S) Example: I _____ banana. Creating a good lesson plan is vitally important for a successful lesson and good teachers invariably prepare good lesson plans. Study: The point (activities) in a teaching sequence … The more detailed the steps are, the better. Exciting pictures or video clips It’s also about personalisation - encouraging learners to relate the material to themselves, or making predictions about the material and lesson. How to Organize. Give each student a card with personal information. Before downloading the template, let’s learn a little bit about the points you have to fill. Open the bag and pour out all the items onto a desk. For the students to be able to identify and name foods and drinks and talk about their likes and dislike, To improve my instructions by demonstrating rather than using verbal instructions The Engage Phase. c. Are there any questions/topics that should be avoided when you meet someone for the first time? (No). However, what happens between these phases can be arranged by the teacher as they see fit. Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) Lesson Plan taken from “How to Teach English” by. A Sample ESA Lesson Plan, Teacher: Hoang Thi Thanh Hue Observer: N/ A Date and time: 19/09/19 Students draw foods and drinks, what they like and don' like. TESOL Speaking Lesson on Socializing (Using ESA). Checking if you know someone: You’re Susan’s husband, aren’t you? Greet the class and talk about what is happening at the moment in class. Assumptions: Students are familiar with the topic of informal and formal introductions, questions tags, making offers, and keeping a conversation going on varied topics such as likes and dislikes, jobs and occupations, music, travel and hobbies. P 3. Write the following headings on the board and have them categorize their answers. Would you like one of these cup cakes? Teaching Speaking Skills with Role-Play Discussions, How to Encourage a Great Discussion in an ESL Class, Your email address will not be published. The Top 5 Places to Teach English in Japan | ITTT | TEFL Blog, 10 Questions You Need to Ask Before Enrolling In a TEFL Course, Step-By-Step Guide To Legally Teaching English in South Korea. How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? Jeremy Harmer. Introducing yourself for the first time formally or semi-informally How do you do. Teaching Ideas I loved the documentary they showed. Each language level section below contains a series of lesson plans on grammar and functional language. 22. Time: 25 minutes – Interactive pattern: S-S; Group work. Students go around the class, pretending they are at a cocktail party and making conversation with at least 3 other people. Date: September 23, 2014 Course Book: Outcomes 2 Unit 9: Science and Nature Page: 64 Aim: “Introducing and practicing new vocabulary” Objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: -identify new vocabulary related to “Science, Weather and … Speak with an ITTT advisor today to put together your personal plan for teaching English abroad. Time: 5 minutes – Interactive pattern: T-S; S. Introduce the students to the topic of socializing and ask the students if they have found it easy or difficult to start a conversation with a stranger in English. This video shows ideas for a sample boomerang ESA lesson. I’m a friend of Lilly’s. Learn how your comment data is processed. (happy face); I _____ milk (sad face) Feedback from the above activity (2 mins, T-S) Also Read: How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? Lesson Plan; Note Taking Sheets; Research Guide; Rubric; Grade 4 Social Studies : Kris Borgan : Mitchell: A Body System Readers Theater . Step 2: Elicit their answers and add more examples if necessary. Hello. Students discuss the following questions in pairs or mini groups: a. Allow the students to talk about their experiences, if any. Level: Upper-intermediate (multilingual class) Time: 55 minutes approx. I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You could engage learners using things like: 1. STUDY Aim: To present different ways of starting a conversation. This is used to aid the development plan of the students’ learning. (7 mins, S-T), Drill pronunciation with attention to /k/ sound in “like” and /t/ sound in “don’t” (3 mins, S-T, Fill in the blank activity (in pair) (5 mins, S-S) Engage, Study, Activate works for any subject or topic, and is especially popular in the ESL field. Music 3. USE THIS LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE . Take an advanced TESOL course and become a great ESL teacher. What’s up? Randomly pass out the flashcards to the students. Pg.17) ofpeople performing different common actions: talking, reading, walking, etc. The following lesson plan is a blueprint to using these resources for your classes. New structure: I like/ don’t like _____. Find below a selection of ESL Lesson Plan Templates for use in your K-12 classroom. A lesson plan is an important item to support your teaching process. Drill pronunciation, with attention to /k/ sound in “milk” (3 mins T-S), Match the picture to the correct word (in pair) (5 mins S-S) Choose names and details of famous people and who are still alive. d. Who are you? How to Organize Sample Plan I Sample Plan II More Activities. I’m Sherry Thomas. e. Hello. Ask students what they are doing at the moment to help them begin using the form. 3. An example of this type of activity could include: Engage: Teacher and students look at a picture of a sports event. Some of these are arranged by level, but you can often adapt them quite easily to another (usually higher) level. Use the answers on the board to show the difference in meaning and spelling. g. Hi! ), Aim: To develop the students’ speaking skills by role-playing and discussion. Checking if you know someone: You’re Susan’s husband, aren’t you? Introducing yourself for the first time: How do you do. Each reading or dialogue contains the selection, key vocabulary and expressions and a follow-up quiz. I like your shoes. Also Read: How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? Blog / Activate 1 phase (10 mins, T - S) Put students into 2 groups. Present Continuous Lesson Plan Example . Anticipated problems for students: pronunciation of “like” and “don’t”, “milk” Welcome to TEFLnet ESL Lesson Plans where you'll find ready-made lesson plans complete with worksheets, handouts, activities and other ideas to help you animate any class. Haven’t we met before? Stephen Seifert is … Have students say the word “Food” several times and then draw a happy face on the board and introduce the topic today “I like food”, Show pictures of foods and drinks and ask students” What is this” Write the answers on the board (7 mins, T - S) The PPP & ESA teaching methods Camila Roldán - Practice II - 2014 2. The ESA method as defined by Jeremy Harmer, its primary advocate, uses more elicitation and stresses more “Engagement” of students in the early stages of the lesson. Contact us by phone to request more information: Do you want to be contacted to receive more information? Some activities are: games, music, challenging discussions, stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, and anecdotes. Food”. Solution: Fun activate phase activity. ESL English Teaching Tips – Making a Lesson Plan. b. The first phase that teachers should always start the lesson with is the engage phase. How do you greet people of your own age? c. Hi. A daily lesson template will help you create a lesson plan that keeps your class on track when learning about complicated or difficult topics. At the moment we cover eight levels, ranging from complete beginner (pre A1) to advanced (C1). (Most ESL texts and picture dictionaries hav… These exercises are great for individual use on the internet. Ask students “What’s in the bag?” The students should name them or draw pictures if they don’t know the words. Pleased to meet you. Example of same content using Straight Arrow Method for ESA Lessons can be presented in the ESA order, using the straight arrow method. a. Hi, babe! Online or In-Class - Which TEFL Course Should You Take? Jul 18, 2019 - Use this template to plan the perfect ESL lesson plan using the ESA technique! The patchwork lesson is flexible and can be used to target specific areas of student learning. Where did you buy them? Comments on the party/social event: Isn’t it lovely music? Offering something to drink/eat: Can I get you something to drink? - How To Advance In Your EFL Career, Teaching English In China - The Salary and Budget Guide. What’s your name? Colors can be a great differentiator in content, and color coding your lesson plans is a great way to make information pop. (Yes); Do I like bread? All three elements need to be present when it is in use. Make sure to pepper your sentences with appropriate time expressions such as "at the moment" and "now." Feedback from the above activity (3 mins, T - S) They will make oral & written statements like “he’s reading” with few or no errors (excluding spelling). Step 3: Hand out the following list of conversation openings and have the students give their opinion on what is acceptable or inappropriate when meeting people for the first time in a formal or semi-informal situation. Draw a happy face and a sad on the board. While a conversation class may seem like it needs no or limited preparation (“all I have to do is talk to them – I’ll bring in my photos from India and we can talk about my trip there.”), the opposite is true. TEFL Lesson Plans Present Continuous. Tell them they have to use some of the phrases discussed in the Study Phase of this lesson, and that they have to make sure that the conversation flows and does not stop at the first few exchanges. Solution: Drilling and mouth diagrams Sample Lesson Plan Teaching Vocabulary Teacher’s Name: LY Sam Ath Branch: TP Room: 02 Time: 5:30-6:30 P.M. Time: 20 minutes – Interactive pattern: S-S; Group work. b. Also Read: Can I cancel my contract early when teaching English abroad? How much did you pay? Hi. Lesson plan templatesare a solution to create a lesson plan faster. The focus of this stage is building engagement. A patchwork ESA lesson always begins with the engage phase and finishes with the activate phase. » Students explain what the activity involves, who is participating, what the rules or goals It may take the direction they want. • The first stage, 'Presentation‘, is where the teacher firstly finds out how much of the target language (for example the grammar or … It is a guide for you to start and finish the lesson. Highlight contracted form of don’t = do not. 'The ESA model is a macro default setting, almost (to extend the metaphor) a teaching program. Then, tell the students that in this lesson they will review different ways of starting a conversation. Offering something to drink/eat: Can I get you something to drink? (Note: It is not polite to use very direct or intrusive conversation openings as well as asking a stranger how much he earns or paid for something. Move over to the sad face, hold up a picture of bread and say “I don’t like bread”. Material/aids: Handouts with activities and cue cards for role-playing, -Advanced 250-hour ESOL Diploma: Better than CELTA!-, Read: How to Use the Communicative Approach, ENGAGE Aim: Introducing the topic of socializing. Lesson Objective: Students will recognize and use the present continuous tense. (Note: You may need to review question tags structure and their appropriate intonation.). I think we’ve met at John’s party last year. Great job! New vocabulary: banana, bread, chicken, cookie, orange juice, milk Apply now & get certified to teach english abroad! You look great! Engage: The point (activities) in a teaching sequence where Ts try to arouse Ss’ interest by involving their emotions. Discussions 4. A Lesson Plan is the outline of what will be taught in a single lesson. Interactive Pattern: S-S. T writes the following scrambled sentences on the board and asks Ss to work in pairs to unscramble them. Admittedly some adult learners will be parents and hence may have an interest in the playground but it may not be for all. Also Read: How long does a TEFL course take? Do you want a coke? A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction, or the ‘learning trajectory’ for a lesson. Ideally, if you did not go to work on a given day, another teacher could read your lesson plan … Talking about personal experiences. Teaching English Abroad: What's Next? These lessons can be used in low-resource classrooms and require little to no preparation time. 3- Successful Alicia but smart not is = Alicia is smart but not successful. Continue the activity with “don’t like” and another picture. It also helps the teacher to structure daily plan the whole lesson for the entire learning duration of … 250-hour TESOL Diploma, recognized by TESL Canada. Anticipated problems for the teacher: Getting students to participate actively So for lesson plan success, be sure to construct a well-developed and exciting lesson plan using the PPP template. The example lesson plans and template are useful tools to include.This unit has taught me a lot about teaching a new language to others. Free TESOL lesson plan using ESA. Comments on the party/social event: Isn’t it lovely music? Lesson Plan—Reading/Authentic Materials Postcards Context: This lesson is designed for an upper elementary beginning English as a second language class. Dramatic stories or anecdotes 2. The teacher says “I like milk”, one student of each group has to find the picture of milk then put it under a happy face on the board and say “I like milk.” Who finishes it first will get a point. In the same way a lesson set in the context of the playground is unlikely to inspire all adult learners. Write them on the board and discuss them with the class as a whole. This is the stage where you get the learners interest. Are there any questions/topics that you should not forget to mention when you meet an acquaintance? I have learned that when teaching a new language it is important to teach about the three major keys; grammar, vocabulary, and functionality. Example: I _____ banana. They can also be incorporated into a lesson plan to help focus on specific grammar or subject areas. How to Create a Perfect ESL Lesson Plan in 6 Easy Steps (Plus 3 Ready-to-use Lesson Plans!) Templates may be in various different formats that can be customized for a Teacher's particular needs Basic ESL Lesson Plan Template Required fields are marked *. It’s a fantastic party, isn’t it? The ESA methodology consists of three stages. In this series, we look at the individual purposes of each stage and typical activities for each stage. I’m Sherry Thomas. I don’t like a cookie. Put students into 2 groups. Step 2: Elicit their answers and add more examples if necessary. Teaching aids: a paper bag, 03 real food items, pictures of foods and drink, drawing paper, board, and pens, worksheets. Welcome to our collection of ESL lesson plans. Your email address will not be published. That is why all teachers, especially new ones, should learn the ESA method when teaching students a new language. Have them discuss why they are not appropriate. f. Your jacket is gorgeous. Can I cancel my contract early when teaching English abroad? An example structure of a patchwork lesson can be E-A-S-A-E-S-A. My name is Mark, by the way. As an example, mark and write the name of one place somewhere on the map (basically write the name in the squares provided). Teflnet: ESL Lesson Plans ESL Lesson Plans. (Note: You may need to review question tags structure and their appropriate intonation.) Put a banana, cookie, and bread in a paper bag, walk around the room and invite several students to smell or put a hand inside the bag and feel them (without looking). It’s a cookie. Ask each student with a card to come to the OHP and mark (and possibly) write the name of the place they have on the map where they think it would be. It is, if you like, a road map for the hour or 90 minutes or so you will spend with the class. A lesson plan is simply a step-by-step guide to what an EFL teacher plans to do in the classroom on a given day. They are also familiar and fluent with all tenses. The PPP & ESA teaching methods 1. It can also help to give you peace of mind, knowing that everything is written down. My name is Alex McDonald. Now that you have all the right tools at your fingertips, let’s look at a template for planning the perfect ESL lesson! Check for understanding by asking “Do I like a banana? Send us an email or call us toll-free at 1-800-490-0531 to speak with an ITTT advisor today. I am Dustin. Step 1: Decide on Your Lesson Plan Objectives. Identify appropriateness. In this lesson plan example, each day has a different color which makes planning and evaluating much easier. 1- Smith is tall Mr very = Mr Smith is very tall. If it’s at the beginning of the lesson, it’s also where you’ll set the context. Step 1: Pair students up and get them to brainstorm different ways of starting a conversation when meeting someone at a party or social event. Class level: Beginner Room: 201 Expected number of student: 10. Good luck, and enjoy! Point to the items and say “Look. Fill out the form, a member of our staff will contact you by phone. Nice to meet you. Ask students “What do you like?”. This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Hue H. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Harmer describes the variations which can be used with the ESA model. How to Make a Lesson Plan. Sand by the happy face, hold up a banana picture and say “I like a banana”. For example a TEFL lesson plan set in the context of a bank is unlikely to be relevant to young learners. Color code your lesson plan for ease of use. I’m Pat. Making an effective lesson plan takes time, diligence, and an understanding of your students' goals and abilities. ’ interest by involving their emotions s at the individual purposes of each stage and typical activities each. ( using ESA ) stories, and anecdotes interest by involving their emotions tall... Face, hold up a banana ” often adapt them quite easily to another ( higher! Milk ( sad face, hold up a banana arouse Ss ’ by! Cocktail party and making conversation with at least 3 other people planning and evaluating much easier offering something to?! Plan Templates for use in your EFL Career, teaching English abroad students... ( activities ) in a teaching program 5 mins, T-S ) students a new language time, diligence and. Phase ( 10 mins, S-S ) esa lesson plan examples: I _____ milk ( sad face hold! 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esa lesson plan examples 2021