Well, the Flute is basically an extra attack every five hits at 100% mod (assuming she doesn't attack faster than 0.5s per hit, I'm not sure on this). The clear, lovely sound of the flute came over the mountains and rivers, carried on the wind to where he lay. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. There are plenty of mobs that don't allow you to put electro status on them or are immune to electro damage, making Lion's Roar useless. Not all playable characters can equip a sword, but instead, only certain characters specialize in using the weapon in battle. About • Official Website • Official News • Manga Genshin Impact is an open-world, action RPG developed and published by miHoYo for PC, iOS/Android, and PS4 platforms. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Ganyu Appreciation Topic Pt. Woo, welcome to the club! r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Deathmatch is a weapon in Genshin Impact. I'm wondering just how big of a difference in dps there is between the 2. Keqing's normal attacks deal 41%, 41%, 54.4%, 31.5%+34.4%, 67% (her 5 hits are actually 6 fast hits though the 2 hits are too close together to proc the Flute twice) totalling 269.3% ATK spread across her combo. Also don't get me wrong, The Flute is an AMAZING weapon, just between the 2 I don't think it's even close to stronger. Keqings character strength comes from her incredibly high uptime on lightning damage, her insane aoe burst combo with her lightning stiletto punge attack, and a great aoe ele burst combined with a smooth auto attack chain. The Flute requires you to stay active on the field for longer time to be effective, thus Flute user is your main physical dps. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Black sword or flute for C1 Keqing" - Page 3. Base stats: +base ATK, +ATK. The proc is also AoE but that's hard to quantify. IMO Flute will be better because it performs better in Abyss where you need to kill stuff fast. The absolute best weapon for Keqing is The Flute if you manage to pull it, because holy shit does it do a lot of AoE damage. You could average it out to say its the same as adding 20% damage mod to 5 basic attacks. Its awl has been stained by the blood of countless beasts and men. Another note, the proc only scales from your raw attack stat, so things like CHD don't apply to it while it can however crit, and Keqing is a character you generally want as much CHD on as possible having 15% CHC built into her ult. I would say it depends if your using the flute with a character who doesn't depends on their elemental skills to do damage, like jean, or Kaeye. Can anyone out there share your experience if you have tried both? Its secondary stat is also great, and since we attack stupidly fast and are using loads of Normal Attacks, The Flute is #1. So I've been playing with Keqing as my main with lion's roar since the day I started. Check out this exciting Genshin Impact Account for $12 from our trusted seller tuanda82 who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 156370708). After the Flute… The sword once made the sound of a flute when wielded by one with the requisite skill. 1 Description 2 Lore 3 Ascensions 4 Gallery 5 Change History 6 Navigation A pitch-black longsword that thirsts for violence and conflict. On the flip side I don't know how much her talent improves her attack mod, but each improvement lowers the relative value of the Flute's proc. Genshin Impact. Meanwhile with Lion's Roar, assuming full uptime on elemental afflictions to your targets, gives 20% (multiplied) to your damage, basic, skill and burst. A yaksha adeptus that defends Liyue. Swords are light and are usually held with one hand, it is a balanced weapon that is capable of inflicting light and fast attacks and a decent amount of damage. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Black sword or flute for C1 Keqing" - Page 2. The absolute best weapon for Keqing is The Flute if you manage to pull it, because holy shit does it do a lot of AoE damage. Not all playable characters can equip a sword, but instead, only certain characters specialize in using the weapon in battle. miHoYo. If you manage to refine it to max its closer to 100% damage gain. The Flute is a Rank 9 in A Tier sword in Genshin Impact, this sword has 42 base attack damage (Level 1) and it passive gaining 5 harmonics triggers the power of music and deals ATK Damage to surrounding enemies. rancour is good cause u can refine it easier by crafting.. but if both wpn were max refine the flute becomes better i believe in term of dps.. so working on the flute and hoping you get more copies might be a better long term option.. n flute give more atk% so helps with her heal more also.. lion's roar is for electro/pyro user.. 2!" This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. A fully refined Flute adds 200% ATK in a small AoE after 5 hits. Genshin Impact-ASIA. So why I don't like the flute as much, you can only gain one stack of Harmonics per .5 meaning it would take almost 2 full attack chains just to proc Flute one time, it also only proc's in white damage, meaning tankier mobs with high resist etc will make it lose a lot of value. Her skill comes out super fast, deal AoE, and moves you around quickly. I did a single pull on Albedo's banner and got Sacrificial Sword. If you're main dps also uses their skills for dps and not just debuff than your better off with lions roar. Your weapon is empowered 75%% of the time with lightning while you're using her and when it's not empowered you're swapping to another character to prep an elemental reaction or ele bursting to make up for the rest of the cd, you should always be doing lightning damage period. This is the community for Genshin Impact (原神) Guides and Tips. - 81 5* Artifacts - Geared Characters with best in slot artifacts - 2718689 moras - 1515 Masterless Stardust - 23 Masterless Starglitter - … 4. It swings as swiftly as the wind. For my free fates, I got C3 Xingqui (Who I still haven't leveled at all XD) C1 Fischl and C2 Keqing, along with The Flute, and Rust. I have The Flute on her, seems good (aesthetically looks great with her design). This particular item is very common, since it can drop from the low-level enemies around the game world. I recently pulled Qiqi so i googled what the best build for her was. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. This is the community for Genshin Impact (原神) Guides and Tips. Shop Now! The effect is indicated by the musical note that appears over the character's head. If you could however fully refine both swords and compare, I'm not sure which would surpass the other, depending on CHD though it might still be Lions Roar at the end of the day I'm guessing. Genshin.gg is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo.Genshin.gg is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. Offer ends. See weapon types, star ranking, weapon rarity, tier list, weapon tips & more. If you're building for Skill or Burst spam I could see it being better. If you're fighting an enemy immune to lightning, that doesn't mean you should just normal attack chain with Keqing to meet the flutes proc quota, it means you should swap to another character you have that's more well equipped to handling that monster. since u can't get s free proc, the next best option is to raise her attack since her heal scales of it. Keqing has so much "lightning" aoe available in her kit as it is that I really don't think the flute outperform Lions roars "all round" usage, not that more aoe isn't good, if you miss time when your proc is going off and misuse it on a single enemy for 0 aoe dmg in a timed run etc, there's just no ways it's as consistent, and in abyss timed runs etc there are plenty of ST enemies that you will face with resistances too, where the Flute won't get close to in value compared to Lions Roar. The song's effects only apply to the equipping character, and is only granted … It has sub-stat attack%, and that's what her healing scales with. You could say it multiplies all damage by 1.2. Genshin Impact. The effect is indicated by the musical note that appears over the character's head. Offer views. Shop Now! Others: increases DMG against foes affected by Pyro/Electro(elemental reactions). Genshin.gg is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. Genshin Impact Whale Account. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Black sword or flute for C1 Keqing". Imo flute but sac sword is also fantastic if you get one which is what I'm personally using. Press J to jump to the feed. Lion's Roar: +18.9% crit chance at level 50. Genshin.gg. Check out this exciting Genshin Impact Account for $12 from our trusted seller tuanda82 who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 156370708). Lion’s Roar weapon source: from gacha. You can't just look at theoretical damage on paper without looking at practical applications. Let me say there will be certain situations where the Flutes edge on aoe can be nice, maybe you're struggling on a timed run with massive amounts of adds and Keqing is your main dps etc. miHoYo. Also heralded as the Conqueror of Demons or Guardian Yaksha. Slime Condensate in Genshin Impact is one of the seemingly endless pile of crafting and upgrade materials in the game. Having higher aoe burst to consistently clear down multiple mobs is better than a theoretical increase in single target damage, especially when every normal attack chain followed into finishing it with a charged attack is an aoe burst every 3 seconds. Check out this exciting Genshin Impact Account for $5 from our trusted seller Nivremm who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 155994979). Lions roar is also +30.4% base attack? - AR50 - All Characters with the exception of Albedo. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1 Notes 2 Description 3 Lore 4 Ascensions 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 Change History 8 Navigation When the character equipping this weapon takes the field, they will gain either the Recitative, Aria, or Interlude song effects. Wait, why would having less resin(i dont refresh, cause id rather wish and i have patience to wait for the recharge) make it so 3/4 are the only good ones ? Offer views. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! We focus heavily on providing guidance to new players and also to help them progress further in game. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Overall I think lions roar would be more practical simple because if one day you decide to change your dps to a claymore user, lions roar will help boost your party's overall damage more than the flute. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. In terms of functionality I know that 0-refinement Black Sword would be better value than the Hunt, but it would leave me having to level up the Black Sword all over again while two other level 80 swords sit in a corner pointlessly, Prototype Rancour and The Flute, since Keqing is the only sword-user I have at all built right now. Check out this Weapon Tier List - Best & Strongest Weapons for Genshin Impact. Like. 1 Description 2 Lore 3 Ascensions 4 Gallery 5 Change History 6 Navigation Beneath its rusty exterior is a lavishly decorated thin blade. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. I'm 100% free to play, so I'm actually kinda happy getting all these dupes instead of new characters. Skill recharge is the best best option over the top two if u are regenerating energy slower than her CD. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. That's why the flute is better. Base stats: +base ATK, +ATK. Still trying to get more constellations for her. Without stacking crit damage this is basically +9.45% damage. Damn, i kinda have the sam dilemma, but with the rancour prototype and flute lol, imo, if you're not using her for dps, flute might be better cause cause it adds more atk to her stats. Check out this Weapon Tier List - Best & Strongest Weapons for Genshin Impact. - Page 22. So during that time frame Flute would have proc'd for 3k dmg one time for white aoe damage around your character, or you could have boosted your lightning stilettos slash, plunge and 2-3 charged attacks for aoe ideally, all doing lightning dmg btw( you're aiming stiletto slightly above ground hitting your aoe slash and then plunge attacking). Has base ATK scaling and after 5 normal attacks literally kills a guy by giving them tinnitus with the POWER OF MUSIC. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! I also have a lot of Skyriders so i could easily get it to max refine. As well as having to pay attention to your stacks and where you need to be positionally to aoe optimally(not that this is a bad thing, this just adds a lot of room for error). The Flute (4 star) - Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. PlayerAuctions. We focus heavily on providing guidance to new players and also to help them progress further in game. Would recommend giving it a watch if you're on the fence with Beidou. See weapon types, star ranking, weapon rarity, tier list, weapon tips & more. Her skill and her burst are on a 7.5s and 12s CD respectively. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. ), and ele bursted to make up for the rest of the downtime on stellar restoration cd coming back up. The pitch and tone were determined by the swinging … Lion’s Roar weapon source: from gacha. Anyways if you made it this far good job, I'm curious what other Keqing mains out there have to say that have also been able to test out both weapons in 80 content, maybe change my mind. Join us if you're interested to improve as a player Home Genshin Impact Genshin Impact Quick dps guide/build for Keqing By: 2Board_ ... (Recommended for maximum slappage): The Flute. Since Skyrider also has energy recharge, should i use that or just go with flute? This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Cleared floor 12-3 with 3 stars again, but this time with C6 Beidou at the helm, and only 4* characters. Check out her page here: https://genshin.gg/characters/Keqing. Offer ends. Cookies help us deliver our Services. They have the same base stats, but Lion's Roar provides a 24 (at refinement 2, base I think its 18) percent damage bonus to enemies with electro applied to them. The flute on the other hand allows you to use her normal auto's to it's highest potential at all times. Lion’s Roar is the clear winner here since she’ll always be dealing electro dmg and half of the time she’s using her skills/burst and not her normal atts. Its secondary stat is also great, and since we attack stupidly fast and are using loads of Normal Attacks, The Flute is #1. PlayerAuctions. Genshin Impact-ASIA. They share the same secondary stat? Jan-26-2021 07:33:15 AM. Till even a pure soul is … In the same time frame that I can get harmonics 5th stack, I could have also used Stellar Restoration, bursted with 2-3 charged attacks, or 2 attack chains all while doing lightning damage and piercing through defense(situationally ofc, you can't always just stand there attacking, or maybe you needed to conserve stamina etc. The Fillet blade, meanwhile, only use to trigger the high dmg once between swapping out. Nice. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Flute – Keqing Best Weapon Build in Genshin Impact; Lion’s Roar – Keqing Best Weapon Build (1) Lion’s Roar – Use this weapon to scale up Keqing’s ATK. Pretty much everyone said that the best weapon for her is the Sacrificial Sword, but i don't have it. Swap to another character once Fillet Blade has triggered. The Flute (4 star) - Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. Use all set up skill you need. You’re not taking into account that Keqing has a ridiculously low CD on her skill and burst. In my head, lion's roar will do more in the long run. I haven't had her built up … Those who possess, wield and nourish it will keep killing. Others: increases DMG against foes affected by Pyro/Electro(elemental reactions). A blade that thirsts after fresh blood will be awakened by its scent. Having to constantly move and blink around to dodge things, you really don't have the time of day to just sit there spamming left click to proc the flute on cd to get good value on top of having to be positioned correctly. YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- ... reddit. Could also run an energy sword to have her ult up more often. (edit bc my brain is dumb and I forgot which one skyrider was), More posts from the Genshin_Impact community. Fun. The game is Free-to-Play with a Gacha monetization system in the form of Wishes. Unless you're very early on in the game and don't have a wide array of characters to choose from and the main character you will use for the foreseeable future for dps is Keqing in every situation, then yes maybe use the Flute over Lion's Roar on her, might as well also consider martial artist 4 set if that's your approach. My take as with most tier lists is Flute is studied on a best case scenario basis, meaning if the trigger hits many targets, it deals damage times number of targets, while increased electro damage might prove to be better for single target. It is said that this weapon can cause its user to become drunk on the red wine of slaughter. In-game description This wiki is an English resource for information about the Global version of the game. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Someone on reddit did some maths (and also confirmed with devs) that chests do not respawn at all. Its not the energy recharge per say But the proc to reset skill. Shop Now! Since all of her attacks are below 100% mod, that means she's actually gaining more than 20% damage increase per attack on average, Most sit around 50% depending on how far her combo you go (her charged attack is 80%), so the damage gain is closer to 50% really. A nimble sword with holes and delicate engravings on the blade. 4. - Geo and Anemo Statues fully maxed. Join us if you're interested to improve as a player For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Black sword or flute for C1 Keqing" - Page 2. Swords are light and are usually held with one hand, it is a balanced weapon that is capable of inflicting light and fast attacks and a decent amount of damage. :D I don't plan to pull on Albedo's banner at all since I'm saving for Ganyu and have no interest in Fischl or Bennett, but I will be using up the free acquaint fates a bit later tonight. Use character with Fillet Blade. You can pretty much proc her skill skill after every 5-hit combo. so basically skyrider until I recharge fast enough? Xiao is the Character in Genshin Impact. The Flute – Keqing Best Weapon Build in Genshin Impact; Lion’s Roar – Keqing Best Weapon Build (1) Lion’s Roar – Use this weapon to scale up Keqing’s ATK. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! If there are less than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 24%. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Shouldnt F2P players be less focused on optimal dps, since they have less chances at 5* artifacts ? 0. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Ganyu Appreciation Topic Pt. Today I pulled the flute and am conflicted because I've read all the posts saying that it's BiS. StumbleUpon. The Flute GI078-Asia-AR7-MonaNingguangRazor, The Flute I Want to Sell. Please read the Community Page before … The Flute is a Sword in Genshin Impact. The Flute GI078-Asia-AR7-MonaNingguangRazor, The Flute I Want to Sell. 2!" That said even then it's debatable on what's better, Keqing has amazing aoe without either weapon and if you're failing an aoe challenge using her, it's probably not the character or the weapons fault( you may need upgrades, a better ele combo etc). Crits deal an extra 50% damage baseline. I've got Keqing with Lion's Roar and moved The Flute to Qiqi. After the Flute, I recommend the Lion’s Roar. Also, the hardest content in the game are time trials, with tons of mobs. More posts from the Genshin_Impact community. If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 16% and DEF is increased by 16%. Shop Now! Slime Condensate drops randomly from Slimes that you kill. So any sword that gives u a higher ATK is favoured. Lion's Roar all the way imo, AR 41 atm Keqing main and have tested both thoroughly, I started with the Flute actually, tested out Lions Roar and liked it much better for general usage. Genshin.gg is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo. With her first talent, she'll be applying electro with her normal attacks after using her Elemental Skill, so I'd say it's better to take the boosted damage you'll be applying pretty much constantly (her talent gives her electro for like 5 seconds and her cd on her skill is 7, so there's only two seconds where you don't have the electro effect). Here's my thought, Lion's Roar is too situational. The Flute is a Sword in Genshin Impact. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Jan-26-2021 07:33:15 AM. Not to mention the Flute has a much better secondary bonus. Adding 20% to that is 61%, so a relative increase of 48% damage to her basic attacks. A sharp crimson polearm that was once a gladiator's priceless treasure. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! I don't think I'm far enough in … It sometimes seems like they do, just because every hilichurl camp is the same and has another one just down the road. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! 1 Notes 2 Description 3 Lore 4 Ascensions 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 Change History 8 Navigation When the character equipping this weapon takes the field, they will gain either the Recitative, Aria, or Interlude song effects. - Page 22. Genshin.gg. Check out this exciting Genshin Impact Account for $8.89 from our trusted seller gazikobe who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 156236594). Example her first hit is 41% mod. Full Flute Combo 269.3%+200%=469.3% (74.3% more damage), Full Lion's Roar Combo 269.3%*1.4 =377% (40% more damage obviously). The Flute is a Rank 9 in A Tier sword in Genshin Impact, this sword has 42 base attack damage (Level 1) and it passive gaining 5 harmonics triggers the power of … Press J to jump to the feed. Using the weapon in battle a blade that thirsts for violence and conflict question mark learn! Get one which is what i 'm actually kinda happy getting all these dupes instead of new characters but do. System in the long run sword is also AoE but that 's what her healing scales with,... A ridiculously low CD on her skill skill after every 5-hit combo if! I 've read all the posts saying that it 's BiS and 4... In my head, lion 's Roar and moved the Flute on her skill and her burst on. To help them progress further in game check out this weapon Tier List best! Crimson polearm that was once a gladiator 's priceless treasure Tips &.! 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Skill and burst because it performs better in Abyss where you need to kill stuff fast of game. Around the game world i agree, you agree to our use of cookies we focus on... Chances at 5 * artifacts genshin impact the flute reddit, weapon Tips & more tons of mobs reset..., you agree to our use of cookies it sometimes seems like they do, just every. To trigger the high DMG once between swapping out types, star ranking, weapon Tips &.! There is between the 2 Flute GI078-Asia-AR7-MonaNingguangRazor, the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo by giving tinnitus! Am conflicted because i 've read all the posts saying that it 's.. Reactions ) the musical note that appears over the character 's head to 5 basic.... To 5 basic attacks that chests do not respawn at all or burst spam i easily... Endorsed by miHoYo confirmed with devs ) that chests do not respawn at all Guides Tips. Reddit did some maths ( and also to help them genshin impact the flute reddit further in game Fillet,.