Do you think the police will be able to enforce the new law banning hunting with dogs? Here’s a glossary of hunting jargon so you can hold your own during a holiday hunting exchange. The range of her influence is most varied, extending to war, athletic games, the tending of cattle, hunting, the assembly of the people and the law-courts. flouting hunt ban 19 Dec 2005 - BBC News A huntsman has pleaded not guilty to breaking the hunting ban in Devon. There will be a range of prizes for the winners including a shotgun, fly fishing outfit and a hunting air rifle package. The Beagle - another athletic hare hunting hound yet only sixteen inches high. Similar words: accounting, parenting, continuing, unrelentingly, hunt, hunter, until, jauntily. 1 : the act of one that hunts specifically : the pursuit of game. During one of these, in 1195, Alexius, the emperor's brother, taking advantage of the latter's absence from camp on a hunting expedition, proclaimed himself emperor, and was readily recognised by the soldiers. CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT From the 1930's, mechanized hunting parties from the north hunted the oryx, gazelles and houbara bustard. south-east of Pontiac, Cass and Elizabeth lakes), and there is good hunting and fishing in the vicinity. hunting noun [U] (SEARCH) Witherby, Bird Hunting on the White Nile (London, 1902). Gives you the best and accurate meaning and sentence of snipe hunt This animal appears to be a native only of the Deccan, where it is trained for hunting the antelope. Hunting meaning and example sentences with hunting. ", But Job himself, or whosoever was the justest judge, by such hunting for matters against him as hath been used against me, may for a time seem foul, specially in a time when greatness is the mark and accusation is the game.". They make incomparable guides for fishing, hunting and surveying parties, on which they will cheerfully undergo the greatest hardships, though tending to shrink from regular employment in cities or on farms. A: "hunt" in this sentence means: To look really hard for something that in the end will be worthwhile. It is hunted by the Arabs for its flesh and to test the speed of their horses and greyhounds; it is during these hunting parties that the young are captured for menagerie purposes. Karlsruhe takes its name from Karl Wilhelm, margrave of Baden, who, owing to disputes with the citizens of Durlach, erected here in 1715 a hunting seat, around which the town has been built. hunting instincts of the dog has been utilized by man over the years to hunt a variety of prey. The hunting tribes knew well the nature and habits of animals, their anatomy, their migrations, and could interpret their voices. As soon as the young entry have recovered from the operation of "rounding," arrangements for cub hunting begin. HUNTING COMPARED TO OTHER FORMS OF CONTROL The purpose of hunting is to control not exterminate a species. According to Herodotus, Cyrus devoted the revenue of four great towns to meet the expenses of his hunting establishments. mink hunting Paragraph 31 - the utility case for controlling numbers of mink is clearly not in dispute. Field sport campaigners claim Labor MPs pressing for a total hunting ban are acting out of class hatred rather than concern for animals. 45. Eastern Tennessee was recognized as a common hunting ground by the Cherokees, Creeks, Miamis and other Indian tribes, and the Iroquois of New York also claimed a considerable portion by right of conquest. The inhabitants of the northern districts - nomad tribes of Samoyedes, Zyryans, Lapps, and the Finnish tribes of Karelians and Chudes - support themselves by fishing and hunting. According to the Stud-Book, " Darley's Arabian was brought over by a brother of Mr barley of Yorkshire, who, being an agent in merchandise abroad, became member of a hunting club, by which means he acquired interest to procure this horse.". In the summer of 45 he was assassinated while hunting, and Gotarzes became king again. It is generally considered that the cream of the sport lies here, but with many of the packs which are generally described as "provincial" equally good hunting may be obtained. engrailed gold chevron between three hunting horns. Other industries of a desultory character include the collection of archil, or Spanish moss, on the western side of the Californian peninsula, hunting herons for their plumes and alligators for their skins, honey extraction (commonly wild honey), and the gathering of cochineal and ni-in insects. ‘She was the goddess of hunting, wild animals, childbirth, nature, and the harvest.’. The original Bradford shield featured a red and blue per pale field bearing an engrailed gold chevron between three hunting horns. You can't even feed on Elisabeth and you're still not hunting. More example sentences. To the north are the vine-clad hills of the LOssnitz commanding views of the valley of the Elbe from Dresden to Meissen; behind them, on an island in a lake, is the castle of Moritzburg, the hunting box of the king of Saxony. Besides the noose and the net, the arrow, the dart and the hunting pole or venabulum were frequently employed. If you need to rest, take a break before you go hunting. But the way in which they usually diverge just over and in front of the eye has suggested the more probable idea, that they serve to guard these organs from thorns and spines while hunting for fallen fruits among the tangled thickets of rattans and other spiny plants. House hunting. He expired rather suddenly while hunting at Troki in Lithuania in June 1492. This idea that material representation involves a profanation of divine personages, while disallowing all religious art which goes beyond scroll-work, spirals, flourishes and geometrical designs, yet admits to the full of secular art; and accordingly the iconoclastic emperors replaced the holy pictures in churches with frescoes of hunting scenes, and covered their palaces with garden scenes where men were plucking fruit and birds singing amid the foliage. Some attribute his death to an accident met with in hunting; others believe him to have been poisoned. The effect of hunting on willow grouse Lagopus lagopus movements. Instead of going through the drive through every day to eat, it's like hunting your prey down. 1 a : to pursue for food or in sport hunt buffalo. of the Bighorn Mountains was to be reserved as an Indian hunting ground and no white men were to settle on it without the consent of the Indians. 33. 2 : the process of hunting. While hunting with some of his godless companions in the New Forest, he was struck by an arrow, unskilfully shot by one of the party. The local farriers are very dependent on hunting for their income. the violent exercise of hunting, in supper-parties with his intimates, and in spicy indiscretions. The abundance of game made the region between the lakes and the Mississippi a favourite hunting ground of the Indians, and later a productive field for the trapper and fur trader. Howel, son of Cadell, commonly known as Howel Dda the Good, is ever celebrated in Welsh history as the framer, or rather the codifier, of the ancient laws of his country, which were promulgated to the people at his hunting lodge, Ty Gwyn ar Taf, near the modern Whitland. ‘Hundreds of packs of fox hounds, hare hounds, deer hounds and other hunts and clubs are planning to meet on Saturday, the day after the ban comes into force.’ The act of 1670 gave to informers a pecuniary interest (they were to have one-third of the fine imposed) in hunting down Nonconformists who broke the law, and this and other statutes were unduly strained to secure convictions. "I'll be hunting demons today," he said, needing a release for his fury. above the city, but the Pennsylvania canal was subsequently abandoned, and in 1888 the dam was bought and repaired by the South Fork hunting and fishing club, and Conemaugh lake was formed. The arrow-heads of flint (64-66) and of bone (6869) were pointed, and also square-ended (67) for hunting (P.R.T. BACKGROUND 2. You've GPS chipped me, killed six women, warned me about betraying you and now, you're hunting me down like a people-burger. Hunting people have the biggest vested interest in the survival of the species. m., and is used for sheep grazing; Muskeget Island, which has excellent hunting, and of which about one-half is a public park; and the Gravel Islands and other islets. There are different styles of riding adapted to the different purposes for which horses are ridden - on the road, in the school, hunting, racing, steeple-chasing and in the cavalry service - just as there are different horses more suitable by conformation, breeding and training for each. Most people chose this as the best definition of huntings: Plural form of hunting.... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. The old count had always kept up an enormous hunting establishment. 1. to seek out and kill or capture (game or wild animals) for food or sport. It is clear that on moral and ethical grounds there is not too much objection to canned hunting. house-hunting meaning: 1. the activity of looking for a house to live in: 2. the activity of looking for a house to live…. Meaning And Sentence Of Agreement December 12, 2020 / in / by admin Once you have learned English for the first time, you may have words like: English meaning of the word “in agreement”; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there is a better way for you to learn the meaning of “in tune” through sample sentences. What did the Inquiry conclude about this game of hunting hares? But it definitely isn't hunting season, and there's no good reason for anyone to be shooting. declivityuing the diversion of hunting they will run full speed along the side of, or directly down the steepest declivities. He died on the 5th of November 1370 from the effects of an injury received while hunting. They do not represent the opinions of At the present day, the woodlands are neither so large nor so numerous as they formerly were, while there are many more gorse covers; therefore, instead of hunting the drag up to it, a much quicker way of getting to work is to find a fox in his kennel; and, the hour of the meeting being later, the fox is not likely to be gorged with food, and so unable to take care of himself at the pace at which the modern foxhound travels. The dachshund, or badger hound, is of German origin, and like the basset hound was originally an elongated distorted hound with crooked legs, employed in baiting and hunting badgers, but now greatly improved and made more definite by the arts of the breeder. The town is one of the best hunting centres in the county, being within reach of several meets. With regard to the expenses of hunting, it is calculated that a master of hounds should be prepared to spend at the rate of £500 a year for every day in the week that his hounds are supposed to hunt. The hunting community exists beyond the limits of what these people consider acceptable behaviour. 2. They neither plant nor have they any manufactures except their rude bamboo and rattan vessels, the fish and game traps which they set with much skill, and the bows, blow-pipes and bamboo spears with which they and the produce of their hunting and fishing. luxuriant growth, I saw the creature we were hunting. Doubtless the early inhabitants of Britain shared to a large extent in the habits of the other Celtic peoples; the fact that they kept good hunting dogs is vouched for by Strabo; and an interesting illustration of the manner in which these were used is given in the inscription quoted by Orelli (n. 4 Of his grandson Athelstan it is related by William of Malmesbury that after the victory of Brunanburgh he imposed upon the vanquished king of Wales a yearly tribute, which included a certain number of "hawks and sharp-scented dogs fit for hunting wild beasts.". The site is teeming with fish, which use the numerous overhangs as shelter between their hunting forays out on the reef. The seat of the hunting man is the most important of any connected with amusement; he must sit firm, so as not to be thrown off when his horse leaps, or makes a mistake, and he must be able to save his horse under all circumstances, and to make as much of him as possible. There is a specific provision against treasure hunting, illicit excavation and dealing in antiquities (Article 51 - 52 ). But before taking further steps he retired to Versailles, then a hunting lodge, and there, listening to two of Richelieu's friends, Claude de Saint-Simon, father of the memoir writer, and Cardinal La Valette, sent for Richelieu in the evening, and while the salons of the Luxembourg were full of expectant courtiers the king was reassuring the cardinal of his continued favour and support. Few people realize what enormous sums of money are annually distributed in connexion with hunting. William Twici, indeed, who was huntsman-in-chief to Edward Fox II., and who wrote in Norman French a treatise on hunting, 6 mentions the fox as a beast of venery, but obviously as an altogether inferior object of sport. It stood in a more retired position, and was conveniently situated for excursions into the country and hunting expeditions. The lands included in the township of Litchfield (originally called Bantam) were bought from the Indians in1715-1716for 115, the Indians reserving a certain part for hunting. As with road riding, so with hunting, the actual length of the stirrups will depend a good deal upon the shape and action of the horse, but the nature of the animal and the peculiarities of the country ridden over will also have something to do with their adjustment. Excessive hunting greatly reduced the number of wild chinchillas. Cub hunting carried out on a proper principle is one of the secrets of a successful season. Several packs which hunt within these limits are not supposed, however, to belong to the "Shires," whereas a district of the Belvoir country is in Lincolnshire, and to hunt with the Belvoir is certainly understood to be hunting in the "Shires.". We were moored near a little copse, which was good for hunting. He was exceedingly fond of horses and hunting, leaping ditches prudently avoided by the foreign ambassadors. But it must by no means be supposed that every man who goes out hunting desires to gallop at a great pace and to jump formidable obstacles, or indeed any obstacles at all. hare hunting with packs of hounds was among the oldest field sports in Europe. Versailles was -chosen because of the hunting! They dwell in communal houses, and live chiefly by hunting. The Indians saw with alarm the movement of so many whites through their hunting grounds and became increasingly unfriendly. 3. There is no distinct mention of Belper till 1296, when the manor was held by Edmund Crouchback, earl of Lancaster, who is said to have enclosed a park and built a hunting seat, to which, from its situation, he gave the name Beaurepaire. Situated on the banks of the river, the former 17th century hunting lodge has been transformed into an award winning restaurant. I did not eat them; but I loved their fragrance and enjoyed hunting for them in the leaves and grass. In one courtyard of this temple are deposited the celebrated ten stone drums which bear poetical inscriptions commemorative of the hunting expeditions of King Suan (827-781 B.C. Find more ways to say hunting, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. hikee it for hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking, bike trips, expeditions in the tropics and for African safaris. Together with hunting and fishing it is illustrated in many of the Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of the same society. It contained an ancient abbey and a hunting château belonging to the dukes of Brabant. He was educated by the centaur Cheiron, who taught him the art of healing and hunting. Every demon on this mortal planet is hunting Sasha. I don't think she's as impressed with your hunting skills as you are, Bordeaux. In an hour's time the whole hunting party was at the porch. The walrus is now found mainly far N.; the sea otter, once fairly common throughout the Aleutian district, is now rarely found even on the remoter islands; the fur seal, whose habitat is the Pribilof Islands in Bering Sea, ha .s been considerably reduced in numbers by pelagic hunting. This conversion, represented as having been brought about while he was hunting on Good Friday by a miraculous appearance of a stag bearing between his horns a cross or crucifix surrounded with rays of light, has frequently been made the subject of artistic treatment. use "hunting" in a sentence The earliest cave paintings by man were generally depictions of hunting and fertility. They left the bull where it lay, reasoning that if they removed it, the bear might go hunting fresh meat. So far as the hounds are concerned, the object of cub hunting is to teach them their duty; it is a dress rehearsal of the November business. Their favourite pursuits were fighting, either against a common enemy or among themselves, hunting, hawking and listening to the minstrels who celebrated their exploits. On the fifteenth, when young Rostov, in his dressing gown, looked out of the window, he saw it was an unsurpassable morning for hunting: it was as if the sky were melting and sinking to the earth without any wind. buzzards patrol the impressive skylines hunting for the myriad small wildlife to be found in the hedgerows and on the open hillsides. Finally, in this connexion, the first steps in domestication, beginning with the improvement of natural corrals or spawning ground, and hunting with trained dogs and animals. They asked for a renewal of their ancient rights of fishing and hunting freely, for a speedier method of obtaining justice, and for the removal of new and heavy burdens. Rural economy from steel of the best and accurate meaning and sentence of hunt! 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