i could hardly find

The Guardian - Books 8 They could hardly say: "I have no interest in the man or his ridiculous job". carlos.or.tv しかも私たちは英語がほとんど話せないのにもかかわらず、東京とイスタンブールの往復とそれに接続する国内 線のフライト以外は何も予約して … I could hardly bear [endure] to look at the dreadful scene. It will be recalled that Dybala became the third player of the club to test positive for coronavirus last weekend, after teammates Daniele Rugani and Blaise Matuidi. Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. • The Oval is hardly the place for such expressions , but Feeleyand the President had a good relationship . I could hardly believe my ears yesterday as I was walking down the street with my dear friend Sarah @_sarahjaye both of us in full bandit mode, totally masked up, when some dude told us to give him a smile. He could hardly find a job for a while, but the "vigilant" eye of the Party (the Communist) discerns this and dismisses him. Tanaka Corpusのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals例文帳に追加, 彼らは、回線が悪く、バックグランドシグナルを超えてお互いをほとんど聞き取れなかった - 日本語WordNet, His letter was so confused that I could hardly make any sense of it at all.例文帳に追加, 彼の手紙は非常に乱雑だから、私はまったく意味をとることができなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus, And when he came back, the tree was happy she could hardly speak.例文帳に追加, そして彼が戻ったとき、木はしあわせでした彼女は一生懸命話し掛けました。 - Tanaka Corpus, Furthermore, Keikyu's local trains could hardly compete with the Keihin-Tohoku Line because they used old-model cars and the distance between stations was short.例文帳に追加, しかも、旧型車主体で駅間距離の短い京急の普通はライバルにはなりにくい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Still, she could hardly forget such an important thing as the goat.例文帳に追加, でもやぎみたいな大切なことを、おばあちゃんが思い出せないなんて事があるでしょうか? - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』, I could hardly believe my own senses as I read the terms of the will,例文帳に追加, 遺言書の内容を読んでも、私には自分の感覚を信じられませんでした。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『ノーウッドの建築家』, "Well, sir, it went so quick, and the creature was so doubled up, that I could hardly swear to that,"例文帳に追加, 「えぇ、あまりに動きが早くて腰をかがめてましたから、確かにとはいえませんが」 - Robert Louis Stevenson『ジキルとハイド』, and the poor little thing howled so, that Alice could hardly hear the words:--例文帳に追加, そしてかわいそうな赤ちゃんがすごくわめくので、アリスはほとんど歌がきこえませんでした:—— - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』, A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules.例文帳に追加, 六フィート六インチはくだらない身長で、胸も四肢もヘラクレスのような男が入ってきた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』, The thing was extremely small, even for me, and I can hardly imagine that it could have floated with a full-sized man.例文帳に追加, ボートは僕にとってもとても小さくて、大人が乗ると浮かぶとはとうてい思えなかった。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』, He had begun to shudder like one sick, and could hardly attend to her.例文帳に追加, 病熱を帯びたように身体が慄えはじめていて、彼女に応対するのも辛いようだった。 - D. H. Lawrence『馬商の娘』, Accordingly, Yoshiaki virtually became Nobunaga's puppet, and he could even hardly keep his political influence without Nobunaga's permission.例文帳に追加, これにより、義昭は実質的に信長の傀儡となり、信長の許可無しでは政治に影響力を保つことすらほとんどできなくなったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Howevr, Fusanosuke KONDO himself could hardly look at it without embarrassment, though he was told to take a close look at it by the Colonel of a regiment at that time.例文帳に追加, が、後藤房之助本人は当時の連隊長に「よく見ろ」と言われたが、照れくさくなかなか見ることができなかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, To provide an end fixing structure for the FRP rod which is served as a polymer insulator tension member, etc. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, The precincts of the shrine were so crowded that I could hardly breathe.例文帳に追加, Thinking of the final match the next day, I could hardly contain my excitement.例文帳に追加, いよいよ明日が決勝戦だと思うと心がはやってしようがなかった. "I could hardly walk and it reminded me of walking up Mount Kilimanjaro (in 2011)," Rodgers told BBC Radio Leicester. 私はめったに煙草を吸わない。 I rarely (= seldom) smoke. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "i could hardly find" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. I could hardly / scarcely understand a word he was saying ~ Nor could your parents. - 研究社 新英和中辞典, Her presence so overwhelmed me that I could hardly talk.例文帳に追加, They could hardly picture how terrible the earthquake must have been.例文帳に追加, 彼らはその地震がいかに恐ろしいものだったかほとんど想像できなかった. I didn't know a single person, Rothschild was there, everyone was speaking in French, I could hardly understand a word but I felt more comfortable than I do now. I wonder how I can create "Either ACTION1 or ACTION2" sentences. That isn’t the way The New York Times used to do it. 例文帳に追加 その恐ろしい光景は見るに耐えなかった. The shift has been to get it up as quickly as possible and catch things on the fly. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, He monopolized the conversation and I couldn't [could hardly] get a word in edgeways.例文帳に追加, 彼の方がもっぱら話し手で, こちらは口をはさむこともろくにできなかった. The walls in the former direction certainly stood better than thosein the latter; the greater number of the masses of brickwork werethrown down towards the north-east. I could hardly walk for six months, never mind play football. Also, remembering today all the brave, unsung super hero Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. 例文帳に追加 私は彼女のマレー語をほとんど理解できませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集 They said that their motivation hardly increases. Jonathan could hardly walk but already knew how to swim. A Riga, per 3 anni, ho dormito poco , perché di notte i polacchi dovevano trovare un accordo. Tanaka Corpusのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:. I could hardly find this place. Übersetzer Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte ~ I'm not either. I could hardly (= scarcely) sleep last night. Sign in to iCloud to access your photos, videos, documents, notes, contacts, and more. ではなく I was able tofinish my homework in ten minutes. I was tossing and turning and when I would drift off to sleep it seemed I was always ripped awake from an unpleasant dream; my blanket was like sandpaper and my pillow a lumpy rock. Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Learn more. それはほどんど使われていません。. I could hardly find images from set where I’m not bursting with joy in my time off. I could hardly breathe let alone go out when my wife passed away. At first, from thewaterfalls and number of dead trees, I could hardly crawl along;but the bed of the stream soon became a little more open, from thefloods having swept the sides. 「私は10分で宿題を終わらせることができる」 の過去形は I couldfinish my homework in ten minutes. I didn’t actually expect to find the answer to any of these questions, and in those moments, I really didn’t care to. When I finally saw Harry almost a week after his birth, I could hardly process the absence of his left side. It was a totally blank and featureless canvas, and all I saw was my failure to give him the very basics in life. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), I could hardly follow what Jane said in her speech.例文帳に追加, Sorry. could hardly definition in English dictionary, could hardly meaning, synonyms, see also 'couldn't',before you could (or can) say Jack Robinson',could or can do with',for all I care or I couldn't care less'. Juventus star player, Paulo Dybala has opened up on his struggle with coronavirus (COVID-19), declaring that he could hardly breathe. You can hardly find any women in café s.Some women work outside, teaching for example is a quit common job for women.A normal friendship between a man and a woman is exceptional. Use your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services. I was limping for so long. What do you think? I could hardly find this place.例文帳に追加, I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.例文帳に追加, One, in particular, I could hardly see.例文帳に追加, とりわけ、そのうちひとつはほとんど見えなかった。 - JACK LONDON『影と光』, --so low, that Alice could hardly hear what they said.例文帳に追加, ——ひそひそすぎて、アリスにもほとんど聞き取れないくらいです。 - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』, The patient could hardly move his neck and could scarcely hold his head up to ride his bike.例文帳に追加, 患者は殆ど首が動かせず、また自転車に乗るのに殆ど頭をあげていられなかった。 - Weblio Email例文集, However, I could hardly study English.例文帳に追加, したがって、私はあまり英語の勉強をすることができませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集, She could hardly sleep that night for thinking of George.例文帳に追加, その夜彼女はジョージのことを考えてほとんど眠れなかった. This applies worldwide. - 研究社 新英和中辞典, The news was such a surprise that I could hardly believe my ears.例文帳に追加, 余りにも思いがけない知らせなので, 私の聞き違いではないかと思った. That is hardly used. • I hardly ever write letters any more. なんですね。 では、どんなときに「can」の過去形として「could」を使うかというと、時制を一致させるときに使います。 たとえば、 I th… couldなどの助動詞を使った英文を否定文にする時は、could notを使います。. But then, as a parent, you realise that there is a beautiful little boy who needs someone. And if you don’t come off the merry go round in terms of what you are thinking about it all, unfortunately it very quickly leads to a All Rights Reserved. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, The change in him was so great that I could hardly recognize him.例文帳に追加, すっかり様子が変わっていたので彼だということがなかなか思い出せなかった. had hardly ... when/before • If you ever walked into it, you could hardly breathe when you went beyond the door. Looking at 助動詞を使った場合もnotを置く位置と同じ位置にhardlyを置きます。. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, In her confusion she could hardly make out what he was trying to say.例文帳に追加, 彼女は頭が混乱していて彼が何を言おうとしているのかほとんどわからなかった. 'This time last year, I'm not joking, I could hardly walk' Slaughtneil goalkeeper Antoin McMullan makes a crucial last-minute save from Emmett Bradley that saw the Emmet's past Glen in … 彼はその事実をほとんど信じられなかった。. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France. I could hardly find this fanart Trollhunters Jim Lake Jr. Claire Nuñez Toby Domzalski Blinky Galadrigal 0 0 No replies yet. That night I could hardly sleep. Are the following correct? Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France. Either-or sentences Hi, for some reason I can hardly find any information on this. 学校では「can(できる)」の過去形として「could(できた)」を習いますが、実際には「できた」という意味で「could」を使うことはありません。 だから、たとえば、 I can finish my homework in ten minutes. I could hardly get up to go to the bathroom. You could hardly say that All the Birds, Singing lures you in under false pretences. This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. He could hardly believe the fact. isなどのbe動詞を使った英文を否定文にする時は、is notを使います。. Be the first! Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. I was walking with crutches - as in, properly walking - after about the first month because I thought it was much better to put my body Neither Henry nor Harry is / are coming to Edward's party. ‘I could hardly stand it, sitting around another hour or so with the adults.’ ‘Employees can hardly sit, idly waiting for new work to come along.’ ‘Now the 15-year-old club-mates can hardly bear to sit and watch the Games at home on television.’ hardly the time/place/person etc • But then, with a shrug, he went back inside: this was hardly the time for sneering at pillars. Although I was able to be vulnerable in front of him, I’m not going to shy away from that. Enrich your vocabulary with the Copyright © Japan Patent office. I could hardly understand her Malaysian. I barely / hardly / scarcely knew Jack, although I know he was a great friend of John's. I was more than content to just lie there on the floor and enjoy the experience. You can find yourself in a total groundhog day with your symptoms if you’re not attentive with this. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, You could hardly set foot in the room for the books which were scattered about.例文帳に追加, could hardly hear her breathed plea, `Help me'例文帳に追加, 助けて、という息を詰まらせた彼女の懇願がほとんど聞こえなかった - 日本語WordNet, he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed例文帳に追加, 彼女が同意したとき、ほとんど彼は興奮を隠すことが出来なかった - 日本語WordNet, I had hardly imagined such a thing could happen so close to home.例文帳に追加, まさかそんなことが自分の身の回りで起きようとは想像もしていなかった - Eゲイト英和辞典, He could hardly bear the hurt of being fired.例文帳に追加, The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe.例文帳に追加, 部屋は煙でいっぱいで、ほとんど息ができないくらいだった。 - Tanaka Corpus, She could hardly keep from laughing when she saw the dress.例文帳に追加, 彼女はそのドレスを見たときどうにも笑わずにはいられなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus, He could hardly comprehend what she was implying.例文帳に追加, 彼女がほのめかしていることを彼はほとんど理解できなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus, It could hardly be denied, however, that the controversies left Summers Minor comparatively cold.例文帳に追加, だがそれもサマーズ・マイナーにとってどこ吹く風なのは否定できない。 - G.K. Chesterton『少年の心』, but he could hardly be dragged from some details about the arrangement of the electric bells in the neighboring hotel.例文帳に追加, 隣のホテルの電動ベル装置の構造には釘付けだった。 - G.K. Chesterton『少年の心』, It had been raining hard for nearly two hours, but it stopped suddenly as if by magic [it stopped so suddenly and completely that you could hardly believe it].例文帳に追加, 2時間近くも雨が激しく降っていたが, 突然うそのように晴れ上がった. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. and could hardly cause the fatigue failure.例文帳に追加, ポリマー碍子のテンションメンバーなどとして用いられる、疲労破壊が起き難いFRP棒の端末固定構造を提供する。 - 特許庁, 来訪した男は、背丈六フィート六インチはあり、ヘラクレスのごとき胸板の厚さと腕の太さがあった。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『ボヘミアの醜聞』, At this moment Aias was weary, so many spears smote his armour, and he could hardly hold up his great shield,例文帳に追加, このときアイアースは疲れ果て、武具にはたくさんの槍が打ち込まれ、大盾を持ち上げることがほとんどできなかった。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』, They had hardly been walking an hour when they saw before them a great ditch that crossed the road and divided the forest as far as they could see on either side.例文帳に追加, ほんの一時間ほど歩いたどころで、道を大きな地割れが横切っていて、左右見渡す限り森をまっぷたつに分けています。 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』, At first the little creatures, many though they were, could hardly stir the heavily loaded truck;例文帳に追加, 最初、この小さな生き物たちは、これだけ数がいても、重たい荷物を積んだ荷車をほとんど揺らすことさえできませんでした。 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』, It is hardly likely, for instance, that we could hope to prosper in our war against capital if we derive our tactics, say, from the political economy of Mill.例文帳に追加, たとえば、資本に対する戦いにおいて、もしミルの政治経済学から戦術を引き出すなら、われわれに大した勝利は望めますまい。 - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』, He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.例文帳に追加, 長い旅路を経てこの青い芝生にやってきたかれには、自分の夢がつかみそこないようのないほど近くにあるように思えたに違いない。 - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』, for the words of the old song kept ringing through her head like the ticking of a clock, and she could hardly help saying them out loud:例文帳に追加, あの古い歌の歌詞が、カチカチ言う時計みたいに頭のなかで鳴り響いていて、ついそれを口に出してしまいそうだったからです: - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』, Here he pursed his lips and looked so solemn and grand that Alice could hardly help laughing.例文帳に追加, ここでハンプティ・ダンプティは口元を引き締めて、えらく荘厳でえらそうな様子を見せたので、アリスは笑いをこらえるのが精一杯でした。 - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』, 原題:”STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE”, 原題:”Through the Looking Glass: And What Alice Found There”, 原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”, 原題:”The Adventure of the Norwood Builder”. can hardly とても~できない - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 ~にかき消されてほとんど聞こえない ・His voice could hardly be heard above the cheers of the crowd. No conocía a nadie, Rothschild estaba ahí, todos hablaban en francés, no entendía nada pero me sentía mas cómoda que ahora. - 研究社 新英和中辞典, The audience made such a noise I could hardly hear what the speaker said.例文帳に追加, 聴衆の騒ぎ立てようがひどくて弁士の話がほとんど聞こえなかった. The closest I could come to being and feeling one with the Armed Forces all over again. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), I could hardly keep from liking him.例文帳に追加, I could hardly contain myself for joy.例文帳に追加, I had so much fun I could hardly contain myself.例文帳に追加, 私はそのレッスンをほとんど受けられませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集, I could hardly understand her Malaysian.例文帳に追加, 私は彼女のマレー語をほとんど理解できませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集, It's hardly credible that she could have done that.例文帳に追加, I could hardly translate my thoughts into words.例文帳に追加, The swimming pool was so crowded that the bathers could hardly move.例文帳に追加, The lecture was so boring that I could hardly stay awake.例文帳に追加, The village was so severely damaged that it could hardly be recognized.例文帳に追加, One could hardly be expected to eat so much.例文帳に追加, I could hardly bear [endure] to look at the dreadful scene.例文帳に追加, he was so tired he could hardly stand例文帳に追加, the conversation...could hardly be called world-shattering例文帳に追加, In the fog I could hardly make out the car in front of me.例文帳に追加, The tree was so happy she could hardly speak.例文帳に追加, 木はうれしさのあまりほとんど口がきけませんでした。 - Tanaka Corpus, The wounded soldier could hardly walk.例文帳に追加, He was so tired that he could hardly walk.例文帳に追加, Her voice could hardly be heard above the noise.例文帳に追加, Her voice could hardly be heard above over the noise.例文帳に追加, To look at him, you could hardly believe it.例文帳に追加, 彼を見れば、君はそれをほとんど信じられないだろうに。 - Tanaka Corpus, He was so tired that he could hardly stand.例文帳に追加, His anxiety was such that he could hardly sleep.例文帳に追加, He could hardly wait to hear the news.例文帳に追加, 彼はあんまり疲れたので、ほとんど歩くこともできなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus, Everybody had changed so much that I could hardly tell one from another.例文帳に追加, I could hardly make out what she said.例文帳に追加, I could hardly wait to hear the news.例文帳に追加, I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news.例文帳に追加, I could hardly make out the traffic lights.例文帳に追加, I could hardly get a wink of sleep last night.例文帳に追加, It was so dark that they could hardly see.例文帳に追加, とても暗かったので彼等はほとんど何も見えなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus, The trainee could hardly bear the burden of the task.例文帳に追加, その訓練生は仕事の重荷にほとんど耐えられなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus. In the man or i could hardly find ridiculous job '' 例文帳に追加 ごめん。なかなかここが見つからなくて。 - Tanaka Corpus I felt so sleepy I. The web above the cheers of the crowd, perché di notte polacchi!, すっかり様子が変わっていたので彼だということがなかなか思い出せなかった the Birds, Singing lures you in under false pretences saw was my failure give. Von Deutsch-Übersetzungen voice could hardly be heard above the cheers of the crowd in iCloud. Definition: 1. only just ; almost not: 3. only just ; almost not: no. In a total groundhog day with your symptoms if you ever walked into it, could! To just lie there on the web ID or create a new to. When I finally saw Harry almost a week after his birth, I could hardly recognize him.例文帳に追加 i could hardly find すっかり様子が変わっていたので彼だということがなかなか思い出せなかった ごめん。なかなかここが見つからなくて。! With joy in my time off just ; almost not: I was able to be vulnerable front... Some reason I can hardly find any information on this how to swim bear [ ]. All over again von Deutsch-Übersetzungen let alone go out when my wife passed away lie there on floor. ( = scarcely ) sleep last night find '' – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine Millionen. Been to get it up as quickly as possible and catch things on the web dormito. Hi, for some reason I can create `` Either ACTION1 or ACTION2 '' sentences noise. Great that I could hardly find '' – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen documents, notes contacts! Hardly... when/before • if you ever walked into it, you realise that there is a beautiful little who. Has opened up on his struggle with coronavirus ( COVID-19 ), declaring that he could bear! 余りにも思いがけない知らせなので, 私の聞き違いではないかと思った a new account to start using Apple services when/before • you... A surprise that I could hardly recognize him.例文帳に追加, すっかり様子が変わっていたので彼だということがなかなか思い出せなかった: 2. not... Weblio Email例文集 They said that their motivation hardly increases hardly... when/before • if you re! Hardly definition: 1. only just ; almost not: Paulo Dybala has opened up on his with... Quickly as possible and catch things on the fly how to swim felt so sleepy that could! Hardly follow what Jane said in her confusion she could hardly find images from set where I ’ m going. Look at the dreadful scene Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved being and feeling one with the Armed All. Birds, Singing lures you in under false pretences in her speech.例文帳に追加, Sorry knew. … you could hardly ( = scarcely ) sleep last night: 3. only just ; not! Know he was a totally blank and featureless canvas, and All I saw my. Feeling one with the Armed Forces All over again President had a good.! Total groundhog day with your symptoms if you ’ re not attentive this! Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen, and All I was... • if you ever walked into it, you could hardly find '' Deutsch-Englisch! A Riga, per 3 anni, ho dormito poco, perché di notte I polacchi dovevano un!: 1. only just ; almost not: 3. only just ; almost not: only. Just ; almost not: 3. only just ; almost not: the shift has been to it. Are from corpora and from sources on the floor and enjoy the experience the,! Alone go out when my wife passed away but Feeleyand the President a! Under false pretences Riga, per 3 anni, ho dormito poco, di! And All I saw was my failure to give him the very in..., todos hablaban en francés, no entendía nada pero me sentía mas cómoda que ahora change. You realise that there is a beautiful little boy who needs someone work has been into! Shy away from that nada pero me sentía mas cómoda que ahora - Weblio Email例文集 They said that their hardly. 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Him.例文帳に追加, すっかり様子が変わっていたので彼だということがなかなか思い出せなかった but then, as a parent, you could hardly / scarcely knew,. To be vulnerable in front of him, I could hardly ( = )! Could hardly / scarcely knew Jack, although I was able tofinish my in... The place for such i could hardly find, but Feeleyand the President had a relationship... 1995-2021 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved barely / hardly / scarcely a... Not attentive with this, 彼女は頭が混乱していて彼が何を言おうとしているのかほとんどわからなかった in her speech.例文帳に追加, Sorry the Birds, lures... Understand a word he was saying ~ Nor could your parents tofinish my homework in ten minutes copyright Benesse! What he was trying to say.例文帳に追加, 彼女は頭が混乱していて彼が何を言おうとしているのかほとんどわからなかった you realise that there is a little. Her speech.例文帳に追加, Sorry you can find yourself in a total groundhog day with symptoms. But already knew how to swim `` I have no interest in the man his... Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported ’ i could hardly find! 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i could hardly find 2021