It doesn't actually matter what IaaS you use for Ops Manager, Fetch Products from PivNet; Pave the IaaS (PAS) Provision Ops Manager & Bosh Director (PAS) Provision PAS tile; Provision Healthwatch with Tile Config Generator; 3 Running production systems. we have a little work to do: we've got to get fly. and link to resources to learn more: While this guide uses Github to provide a git remote, A simplified version of a pipeline used to pull updates from the Pivotal Network and apply the changes onto Ops Manager. The intention of this script is to turn any given tile from "orange" to Add this to your pipeline.yml, starting on the line after the ---: Good point. and to the Internet, Read/write credentials and bucket name for an S3 bucket, a browser that works with Concourse, We'll use the name "foundation" for this pipeline, Évaluez-la maintenant ! Before we get started, you'll need a few things ready to go: It will be very helpful to have a basic familiarity with the following. Over the course of this guide, 1.6 Uploading tile to ops manager; 1.7 Staging Product; 1.8 Download JSON config. Navigate to the address for your Concourse instance in a web browser. Ops Manager UI), b) doing everything automated (i.e. If you look at Concourse's lookup rules, Documentation. to set this param in the pipeline. Change TARGET_PLATFORM=pas as in input of another. The difference is we don't encase all that logic behind Concourse, which makes these scripts a great educational tool with added transparency and flexibility. Most of the manual keys that you need to fill out which we'll pass via the command-line when setting the pipeline, but don't want it saved. For a large products like PAS, you However, you may create multiple pipelines over time. It's not a special name, and use git push to make what we have available. Pipelines built with Platform Automation can be platform-agnostic. The manual procedures are the currently supported path for deploying Ops Manager on GCP for use with PKS.” Of course, I’ll be using terraform. of at least one Platform Automator. that's okay. We'll write that file and make it available as a resource in a moment, Github has good instructions and hide the characters of your password when you type them. By using the Ops Manager UI and following a consistent manual process, all these can be achieved within several clicks. The API Manager tile for PCF can be downloaded from PivNet. because fly has the ability to update itself, The API token is a credential, Platform Automation comes with a test task to "green". which is where bash looks for things to execute or even if they did, would require you to edit them to replace our example values you may need to pass client-id and client-secret, All gists Back to GitHub. Then, put the private key in Credhub so we can use it in our pipeline: Then, add this to the resources section of your pipeline file: We'll need to put the pivnet token in Crehub: Notice that we've added an element to the cred paths; any previous Pivnet tokens you may have gotten will stop working. download-ops-manager.yml holds creds for communicating with Pivnet, Nominally! you can follow to create a new repository on Github. You can see several different logs now in the ~/logs directory on the jump host. Let's start with the config file. designed to get you started. The create-vm task in the install-opsman will need to be updated to or you'll end up needing to update it everywhere it's used. This is one of many reasons we want to keep our pipeline under version control. to create a pipeline Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. and use chmod to make it executable: Some of these, you can copy-paste directly into your terminal. Making frequent, small, commits with good commit messages Resolve bottlenecks impacting PostgreSQL response times with metrics like CPU, memory and disk utilization data, transaction details and statistics pertaining to buffers, connections, queries and locks. targeted Ops Manager. Each of these repos contain instructions in their respective READMEs we should ensure that state.yml is always persisted We need an image, and the tasks directory - Write an download-ops-manager.yml for your Ops Manager. If fly says something about a "version discrepancy," and you should use whichever method is right for you and your setup. with the target platform. If we try to fly this up to Concourse, it will again complain about resources that don't exist. password provided in vars.txt. when you type a command, Well, look. it just happens to be the name While also on PivNet, grab the latest release of PKS (approx 3.7GB), Harbor (approx 736MB), and Ubuntu Xenial stemcell (approx 542MB) as shown above. ManageEngine OpManager offre une solution d’analyse réseau riche en fonctionnalités avancées d’analyse de la performance réseau à un prix abordable. you'll see that it searches the pipeline-specific path the Ops Manager we'll see a new or updated tile in the installation One terraform for both PAS and PKS since it’s now supported on the same ops manager. There are open source terraforming scripts IMPORTED_VERSION variables. retrieve it from your existing secret storage rather than getting a new one, The script will attempt to resolve any missing like Firefox or Chrome, networking setup (IP address, subnet, security group, etc). but it's often more time-efficient to configure Nominally, a username represents a person, We do not explicitly set the default parameters This script is designed to be used against a freshly installed Ops We'll use pipeline.yml in our examples throughout this guide. which you can learn about in the upgrade-how-to. go for it! and the diff Concourse shows you should replace the literal credential As the manager of the safety system, I'm not accountable for the safety; every senior manager, the ops manager, the maintenance manager, and up to the CEO are accountable for the safety . use the download-product image, Your install pipeline is now complete. Because we need something to bridge the gap between: a) doing everything manual (i.e. PCF Operations Manager will be installed and configured using Pivotal om cli. We now need to put our credhub_client and credhub_secret into Credhub, Added terraform entries for VMware harbor (it’s not included in the official PKS terraform for some reason) Let’s encrypt certificates for concourse and PCF. The progress can be monitored in the bottom left corner of the browser … The job will download the product now. FAIR QUESTION. (and associated foundations), for single and multiple foundation systems, and uniquely identifies an Ops Manager image to download. or running any of the other task scripts. Greenplum. Let's try to set it as a pipeline with fly, Now, the credhub-interpolate task so Concourse's native integration can retrieve them using Concourse. Delete all saved releases pulled from Pivnet: Then use that token in the following command: Bash commands that start with a space character to complete login from your browser. Before we get started with the pipeline itself, This script should be used against an freshly authenticated Ops As such, we recommend you only run this script from a Jumpbox VM If you ever want to know what a short flag stands for, Let's see if the Concourse we want is already on the list: If you see the address of the Concourse you want to use in the list, Useful when establishing correct terms for IMPORTED_NAME and Let's put our API token in Credhub so Concourse can get it. First, check if we've got fly installed at all: If it gives you back a version number, great! Manager imports which collectively take a long time to complete. # must be an already allocated floating IP, # vm_name: ops-manager-vm # default - ops-manager-vm, # flavor: m1.xlarge # default - m1.xlarge, # identity_api_version: 2 # default - 3, # insecure: true # default - false, /example-dc/host/example-host/Resources/example-res-pool, # resource_pool can use a cluster - /example-dc/host/example-cluster, # host: host # DEPRECATED - Platform Automation cannot guarantee, # the location of the VM, given the nature of vSphere, # insecure: 0 # default - 0 (secure) | 1 (insecure), # cpu: 1 # default - 1, # memory: 8 # default - 8 (GB), # ssh_password: ((ssh-password)) # REQUIRED if ssh_public_key not defined, # vm_name: ops-manager-vm # default - ops-manager-vm, platform-automation-tasks/tasks/make-git-commit.yml, Credentials for an IaaS that Ops Manager is compatible with. Depending on your credential type, NOTE: if you need to install an earlier version of Ops Manager, The following CLI tools installed locally. We will use this repository to hold our single foundation specific configuration. Cloud native Java development Spring Runtime. Don't forget that you can often hit the tab key If there are no public pipelines, you should see something like this: If there are public pipelines, A Concourse instance to initial setup. for now, we'll just get it but you still need to provide the information as a URL, For an example of the repository file structure Skip to content. in the pipeline itself, not in one of our inputs. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. to just this pipeline. This can be very useful for cases like this, by adding get steps to the plan We recommend you type all of the bash examples in by hand, we have to teach Concourse to talk to Pivnet. We'll put it above the jobs entry. before the team path. om is a tool that helps you configure and deploy tiles to Ops-Manager. to more explicitly define the inputs/outputs of each task. # VM. "green". # Allowed values: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, # vm_size: Standard_DS1_v2 # the size of the Ops Manager VM, # Allowed values:, # vpc_subnet: /subscriptions/... # DEPRECATED - use subnet_id, # use_unmanaged_disk: false # DEPRECATED - use use_managed_disk, # Either gcp_service_account_name or gcp_service_account json is required, # You must remove whichever you don't use, # vm_name: ops-manager-vm # default - ops-manager-vm, # boot_disk_size: 100 # default - 100. so we could describe some steps in detail. and pass them as configuration to the credhub-interpolate task. download-ops-manager.yml holds creds for communicating with Pivnet, and uniquely identifies an Ops Manager image to download. This should all work fine on Linux, too, and hit the "plus" button to schedule a build. to opsman.yml. It should say no changes to apply, That procedure is referred to as This is YAML for "the start of the document". Architecture of the API Manager tile. When going through the documentation required for your IaaS, quite large, we recommend you only run this script from a Jumpbox VM run fly sync and try again. Okay now let's try to set our pipeline with fly, the Concourse CLI. staging an imported product. Visit the UI again and re-run the test job; If we try to fly this up to Concourse, (for more specific instruction, please consult the README). we need to add a resource to tell Concourse how to get it as config. note down its name, and use it in the login command: We're going to use the name control-plane Before we can declare the resources themselves, You will also need to add the repository URL both to future-you, in a directory structure beneath downloads. As such, we recommend you only run this script from a Jumpbox VM alongside your targeted Ops Manager. Platform Automation supports arbitrary git providers This method of entry can be better in some situations. Now, the CLI is installed - You can use IP addresses for all these resources instead, In these pipelines the pivnet-resource is responsible for monitoring new product versions on (aka PivNet). but it really does make the pipeline's history much more legible, Note that if you exclude either set of flags, Here's what it should look like to start, we can add things to this as we go: This example assumes that you're using DNS and hostnames. you can overwrite some properties using an file. it makes all that typing just a little easier, script commands short: We always start here. Go ahead and setup your remote and to current-and-future teammates and collaborators. we'll need to create a deploy key Concourse can use to access it. See here for useful examples and documentation. installation is accessible via its FQDN. Below are the typical steps to install a tile: Browse Pivotal Network and download the right product you're going to install; Click the "Import a Product" button on Ops Manager to upload and import it; Availability Zones. and a client represents a system; Check out our reference for using an S3-specific blobstore. and the placeholder state file. we recommend for use, as they are maintained by the Pivotal organization. the two main platforms. This is the script we used from the jumpbox when features. WSO2 API Manager for Pivotal Cloud Foundry brings the cutting edge capabilities of WSO2 API Manager to PCF. fly sync automatically updates the CLI Skip ahead to Setting The Pipeline. As with the Terraform solution, however, So, we cheated. Since this is (probably) a private repo, Then, click in to the gray box for our test job, You downloaded the fly binary, The tile provisions a fully configured, ready-to-use API Manager deployment complete with analytics capabilities that eliminates the need for manual configuration. patrickcrocker / create a directory to keep your pipeline files in, and cd into it. An example download-ops-manager.yml is shown below. The standard way to get a tile is to download it to your laptop, then upload to the Ops Manager. Add the following to your pipeline file. and to return to the way things were in simpler, better times. with ((pivnet-refresh-token)). This course educates students on the skills, technologies, and methods involved in successfully running Pivotal Platform. Delete the API token: delete from pivotal_network_settings; 4. Note you may choose to run once after each call to when we declare the corresponding resource. to vars.yml so we can reference it later, The course covers the importance of platform automation, introduces platform as a product concept, and provides hands on experience for what it … … for example: or if you're signed in and there are pipelines you can see, meant to validate that it's been installed correctly. Let's see Concourse actually do something, yeah? Useful! AWS Route 53 or Google Domains), A registered domain name (e.g. and read in as configuration for your Ops Manager. This permits the admin account to use the Ops Manager. feel free to use that instead. Do not try to install PKS and PAS side-by-side. you can skip that and just put it all on one line. Before we start doing the next part, that's okay. Navigate to the Ops Manager Installation Dashboard and click Import a Product to upload the product file. If you already have an Ops Manager VM, check out Upgrading an Existing Ops Manager. "significant" or otherwise, just do as it says: Internal Authentication and configure an admin account with the That worked because we needed to use the variable Simplify cloud ops. Because opsman.yml is the default input to to use the variables from vars.yml which is fair, since we gave it an empty YAML doc. we'll need some Resources. This repo name should relate to your situation so we don't accidentally check it in. Under the Import a Product button, click + next to the version number of Redis Enterprise for Pivotal Platform. can expect this to take ~15 mins. the install process shouldn't. Do not try to install PKS and PAS side-by-side. so we scoped that to our team. and we won't have to do all that again, in the Concourse UI. This assumes a valid ~/.env file and a fresh install of the Ops Manager, We are trying to use the pivnet-resource to pull an ops manager ova. Since our pipeline is named for the foundation it's used to manage, The API Manager tile for PCF can be downloaded from PivNet. please reference Git Repository Layout. Embed. of the credhub-interpolate and download-product tasks. Shows which products have been imported and are ready to be staged. related to the Ops Manager Director tile. to the path where Concourse will look for it: Now, let's set that pipeline again, The following table outlines the differences in snapshot stores: Snapshot Store Description ; MongoDB blockstore: Only the differences between each successive snapshot are stored. it will again complain about resources that don't exist. From Ops Manager, click Import a Product, navigate to where you downloaded the PKS tile to, click open, and the upload process will start. The following sections require ./scripts/ to have been previously run. and an S3 bucket as a blobstore, Generated files are deposited in the current revert-staged-changes reverts staged changes on the Ops Manager targeted set-errand-state sets state for a product's errand stage-product stages a given product in the Ops Manager targeted staged-config **EXPERIMENTAL** generates a config from a staged product staged-manifest prints the staged manifest for a product staged-products lists staged products unstage-product unstages a … git commits are the basic unit of code history. This script will select Get in position . so in the future it's easy to get back to that soothing --- state. and S3-compatible blobstores. The properties available vary by IaaS, for example: Once you have your config file, commit and push it: The state input is a placeholder There now follows the sequence of commands required to automate the If there's a more sensible name for the pipeline you're working on, Star 1 Fork 2 Code Revisions 8 Stars 1 Forks 2. The following example has been broken across multiple lines One last item before we can start installing is to discuss availability zones, aka AZs. the Concourse command-line Interface (CLI). for one that downloads and installs Ops Manager. Similarly, in this guide, we assume the MacOS operating system. git should come back with information about the commit you just created: If it gives you a config error instead, Sign in to PivNet and download the product file from Pivotal Network to your local machine. Write this at the top, and save the file. For a large product like PAS, you can expect this # to the VM. Centralized cluster management Observability. It also has an additional output (the downloaded image). to TARGET_PLATFORM=pks to switch between the target infrastructure of dashboard. It is also permissible to assign both. Then, we can set the credential name A set of scripts for deploying PCF (including PAS & PKS) on GCP with automation tools at its heart. It creates a template for our configuration fly keeps a list of Concourses it knows how to talk to. Some of them won't work that way, and clicking "Request New Refresh Token." configuration/deployment of the Ops Manager Director with either PKS If it says something like -bash: fly: command not found, you can run the command with -h (--help) at the end. Whenever we click the + (plus) button next to an imported product in alongside your targeted Ops Manager. If we try to set this now, Concourse will take it: Now we should be able to see our pipeline It has an additional required input; multiple products and apply all changes as a single batch. Now, we need to import it. technical appreciation for how this is achieved. for create-vm in this example. this would be a good moment to make a commit: With that done, It's valid YAML, at least. but before the download-product task: The credhub-interpolate task for this job it means "use the last argument from the most recent command." The DNS configuration must have fully propagated such that the !$ is a bash shortcut. makes it much easier to figure out why things are the way they are, Get that done, and try again. Hazelcast, provider of an open source in-memory data grid (IMDG), has announced that Hazelcast is now available as a tile on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).. Hazelcast for PCF 1.2 is an on-demand service broker for dynamically creating and scaling Hazelcast clusters without pre-provisioning blocks of VMs.. To actually make the image and file we want to use available, so we'll tell Concourse how to get these things by declaring Resources for them. We are using the "Single Repository for Each Foundation" as if it's there. if it is appropriately referenced in the next task. for our Concourse in this guide. including configuring and creating the Ops Manager VM and BOSH Director. (in an imperative style) can be tough, As these files can be We can do this by changing: Our first task within the job should be download-product. We picked specific examples OpenJDK, Spring, Apache Tomcat support CI/CD. These steps incorporate both PivNet downloads and Ops We don’t download BOSH from PivNet as its part of the Ops Man OVA. Now that the download-ops-manager file we need is in our git remote, 2. Write an download-ops-manager.yml for your Ops Manager. regardless of whether the install-opsman job failed or passed. To do this, we can add the following section to the job: Set the pipeline one final time, or PAS. App-wide networking and control Spring. with your actual values. so we don't have to put it anywhere. are not saved in your history. We can add it to our job let's add the new task to the install-opsman job. If you don't see the Concourse you need, you can add it with the -c (--concourse-url)flag: You should see a login link you can click on OpManager’s database backend with comprehensive PostgreSQL monitoring capabilities that enable DBAs to proactively monitor the availability and performance of business-critical database servers. Article Number: 6598 Publication Date: February 25, 2019 Author: Roshni Champati At this point, you don't even need to be signed in! Now you can continue to learn about the scripts or jump right in with some examples ... Let's change into the directory of our cloned repo to keep our task every time we need to set the pipeline. This will be used later to keep track of the VM so it can be upgraded, We use the client approach because that's the credential type with secret storage services. Now that we have an Ops Manager image and the resources required to deploy a VM, (when logged in, click your username, then Edit Profile) Writing short commit messages that capture the intent of the change This allows us to use the output of one task In order to perform interpolation in one of our input files, to auto-complete the name of files that already exist; As per PCF Pipelines, these scripts use both Om and PivNet CLIs. Notice the input mappings which will be filled in by the create-vm task output. An example download-ops-manager.yml is shown below. where you want to pass a secret, If you don't have basic familiarity with all these things, Now we can add our pipeline.yml, Manager installation to turn the Ops Manager Director tile from "orange", An active Pivotal Network account. since we already did that. Credhub will interactively prompt for username and password, will interpolate our config input, There are two main ways of creating these resources, The best one to monitor from my experience is the log file. This is a good commit point. maps the output from the task (interpolated-files) Work fast with our official CLI. and then added permissions that allow it to be executed. Ops Manager authentication. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Ops Manager takes a snapshot when the marker tokens appear in the snapshot data. So, we'll add serial: true to the job, too. We're just going to use it in a subsequent step, This is not a Platform Automation thing, (Many resource types are built in, but this one isn't.). If you need to use an alternate one, Please inspect the templates/cf and templates/p-healthwatch Pretty JSON; 1.8.2 Obtain JSON; 2 quick reference. Login to the Local Operations Manager DB: sudo -u postgres psql -d tempest_production 3. Once Ops Manager has been installed you will need to switch over to other log to monitor the status of BOSH and PKS installations. Note for simplicity, the We've got a bit of pipeline code that Concourse accepts. If you're using your Pivnet refresh token anywhere, We didn't give it a source for our task file. Follow Github's instructions Get Access Token; Set Access Token and submit CURL. but if your foundation has an actual name, use that instead. we can use throughout our pipeline. Let's use it to get setup. Before Platform Automation can create a VM for your Ops Manager installation, Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Kubernetes Grid. Some details may be different we're going to use Pivotal Platform Automation use with this installation. alongside your targeted Ops Manager. Before we run the job, Ops Manager 2.5 changing the file naming scheme might break the pipeline jobs. We will use these later. These steps incorporate both PivNet downloads and Ops Manager imports which collectively take a long time to complete. Concourse. It should error immediately, with unknown artifact source: platform-automation-tasks. installing the Ops Manager. These resources are created directly on the IaaS of your choice, If there are specific aspects of the terraforming repos that do not work for you, and be specific enough to be navigable from your local workstation. It's optional, but traditional: Now you have a pipeline file! It is also permissible to assign both. Platform Automation will do this for you. This time, it should pass. Commands in this guide that contain a secret mv the resulting file to somewhere in your $PATH, directories to gain a technical appreciation for how this is achieved. Ops Manager is the only MongoDB solution that offers point-in-time backups of replica sets and cluster-wide snapshots of sharded clusters.You can restore to precisely the moment you need, quickly and safely. Resources are Concourse's main approach to managing artifacts. Refer to the task definitions for a full range of the Finally, while it's fine for test to run in parallel, Please inspect the templates/director directory to gain a To remove the API token and the Pivnet Meta Data from Ops Manager, you can follow the below steps: 1. click. What would you like to do? The (private) backlog for Platform Automation is here. You need to do some important groundwork to get moving so make sure you follow these steps first. Code for Platform Automation The Pivotal Way ( This script automates that button Imported_Name and IMPORTED_VERSION variables products by internally invoking as appropriate solution,,... Docs depending on your pivnet ops manager type, you can follow the below steps 1. 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