/;/metadata The C280-6 generator set incorporates years of proven success of the 3600 engine with the latest technology in electronics. Slf81Pq9/wBw2f5z/wDySSmzg9H6b0x7n4NApdYIcQSZA/rEpKbqSlJKUkpx/rCawyj1Opu6Xq6H Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the EPA Tier 2 compliant C280 engine line. US adobe:docid:indd:115fd7ec-2777-11df-a419-939a44dab291 Product News Cat 3126 420 Hp MUI Marine Propulsion Engine. Berjalan idle yang berlebihan atau beban tinggi Kualitas bahan bakar Kecepatan/pewaktuan Injektor bahan bakar Batasan Udara Masuk Pembatasan buang Peralatan yang digerakkan Tindakan yang … Power Range: 2320-2722 bhp (1730-2030 bkW) more info. including performance, torsional-vibration analysis, fuel consumption, engine, and generator special tests Product Support Offered Through Global Cat Dealer Network More than 2,200 dealer outlets Caterpillar factory-trained dealer technicians service every aspect of your Cat engine Caterpillar … Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II C280 engine line. FJSv299Vf+4f/sqP/IpKT4PWPq7fl1U4uLsue6GO+zhkH+tGiSnfSUpJTk/VP/xK9G/9N+L/AOea Mjs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7QEBAQEA7QEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBA/8AAEQgA/wDAAwER /;/metadata H��Wۊ�}/�?ԣ�09y�Jku��i�ÎY�-���L���o��>�Y]U=��+�-�Ѫʜ�ȸ�8�{���Cw��J�? 2010-03-03T10:58:22-06:00 xmp.iid:6045719420C11168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. Feedback indicates that the C280 has virtually eliminated transient smoke, reduced steady state smoke, and lowered fuel consumption by as much as 11 percent in a line haul towing application. Air at 25oC, 101 kPa is drawn into the engine at a rate of 488.3 m3/min. MfXgVek2w7nDc50kafnuckptpKUkpSSnnvrdXRZVjetXjWQ58farX0gaN+jseyUlPNfZsD/uP0z/ 2010-03-02T11:57:52-06:00 7Pd/3Dyv/clX/wCk0lK+z3f9w8r/ANyVf/pNJSvs93/cPK/9yVf/AKTSU3emZ2b0p1jqOn2W+qAD gal (838.9 g/liter). Flexibility each job requires with the performance and productivity you expect. Cat generator sets are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty. f85Opf8AlRb/ANus/uSUr/nJ1L/yot/7dZ/ckp1em5ludjetdQcZ8kGpzg4gDgyPFJTQ+snS8rqb Request quotation Download brochure. iIjT7klNKgdItbkdQxGl07TbY8Et9ogcyBp4JKbNV3SDjvyYa6qsgPta2QDpzp5pKXY/pGZWbqWz 2010-03-10T11:17:53-06:00 Fuel consumption is based on ISO3046/1 with +5% tolerance at rated power for fuel having an LHV of 18,390 Btu/lb (42 780 kJ/kg) and weighing 7.001 lbs/U.S. Filters centrifuge bypass oil from the main lubricating oil pump. On2xXj14jQ20t/RVPFjAYt1O4c8pKdbpnTcTpAyRgYtlYzMh+XdLw7dbbG93usMTt4SU3PVs/wBC Wx2wuLQBuJ2hvfxSUwr6h1DotWS/p7qm0ZFrGMLQXu9UOFRrhu4cykp18H6zClzn5rrXuaNrv0Vj Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. /;/metadata tcXV5fVWZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/cRAAICAQIEBAMEBQYHBwYCOwEAAhEDITESBEFR SSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSnJ+qf/AIlejf8Apvxf/PNaSnWSU8T17Bpt6tkWOwa7S5wl7s2uon2t/wAG Proper servicing of your equipment is very important, and Caterpillar offers the online training courses that can better inform and educate you about taking care of your equipment. IMO Tier II emissions compliant. /wDJJKV+zaP/ACuq/wDcjT/5JJSv2bR/5XVf+5Gn/wAkkpX7No/8rqv/AHI0/wDkklOj0rovQ7t7 The result: better management of your fuel consumption that produces positive returns. 0lOskpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpys7F+sNmU9+DnVU0GNlb6g4jQTrHikpo5fRfrHn0OxsvPx7anQS00x Performance and fuel consumption are based on 35 API, 16oC fuel having a lower heating value of 42,780 kJ/kg used at 29 o C with a density of 838.9 g/liter. /sc3+9JSv2D1I6/se3/2Ob/ekpX7B6l/5T2/+xzf70lK/YPUv/Ke3/2Ob/ekpX7B6l/5T2/+xzf7 MGRxCSnP/wCY2Z/psX/tt396Sne+r/SLej41lFrq3l9m8GppaOAO/wAElNb61fa/Tx/sn26dz932 Improperly working thermostats have been noted to increase fuel consumption by 25%. With the Caterpillar Foundation we reflect our philanthropic efforts & corporate social responsibility. Power Range: 2320-2722 bhp (1730-2030 bkW) more info. C7 320 Mhp 315 Bhp 235 BkW MARINE PROPULSION SPECIFICATIONS. acknowledge and agree that use of Google Maps is subject to the Buy buckets, blades, adapters and other machine attachments for your specific application. Diligent maintenance not only saves fuel, but also reduces repair costs. AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAABBAEDAgQCBQcGCAUDDDMBAAIRAwQhEjEFQVFhEyJxgTIGFJGhsUIjJBVS One stuck valve lifter can increase fuel usage by 10 – 15%. By clicking "I accept, Continue to Chat", you consent to the use of the cookies that enable the chat function. The one-stop spot for all official Caterpillar licensed merchandise. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art … Cat.com was able to retrieve your Caterpillar profile, but requires a few more pieces of information that you don’t have stored. /pZJSt31I8LP8y3/ANLJKVu+pHhZ/mW/+lklN7pnW/qx0h1jsB7qzaAHzVY6dsx9K0+KSnpsDMPU Fuel Consumption Of Twin 3208 Caterpillar Engines. kp7Pp1eXXiMbm3/artSbQwVyCZHtbpwkpspKUkpyfqn/AOJXo3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klPL9WFB6hdv+ xmp.iid:AB2C96CF20DA1168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 Adobe InDesign 6.0 dJww2dYyL+P+3UlPU9O6R0/pLXt6fV6ItIL/AHOdMcfTc7xSU5P1wrqsqxfVopvhz4F2Q3HjRvBc 90OZQ55sI8GyOUlPSJKUkpyfqn/4lejf+m/F/wDPNaSnWSU5/WOj4nV8V9ORU179rmscdCJERuGs xmp.iid:32F19E5920CB1168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 j699+R/6USUotxJ0Z0eO0vyP/SiSltuL+50f/PyP/SiSlw3EnVnR47w/I/8ASiSltmL/AKPo/wDn Usage: MD6310 DLK Gunakan prosedur ini untuk memecahkan masalah konsumsi oli yang berlebihan. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II C280 engine line. Inches gtlrTJlhZGk8gpKe7SU899bhUasb1G4jvc+PthsaOG/Q9JzUlPNbcX9zo/8An5H/AKUSUuW4x1LO See all specifications. Ratings: 5500 ekW (7684 kVA) @ 60 Hz (900 rpm). The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. Would you like to do that now? Product Design By clicking "I Agree" or by using the Google Maps functionality to obtain driving directions, you acknowledge and agree that use of Google Maps is subject to the then-current Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service at https://developers.google.com/maps/terms-20180207#section_9_3  and Google Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy, Note that by entering data in ikpX/O3ov79v/bNn/kUlK/529F/ft/7Zs/8AIpKV/wA7ei/v2/8AbNn/AJFJSv8Anb0X9+3/ALZs Cat C280-16 offshore generator set with front-mounted turbochargers. I have several questions concerning this model engine. Learn more about licensing with Caterpillar. Cl3H/sIkp6X7RX4P/wC23/8AkUlK+0V+D/8Att//AJFJSvtFfg//ALbf/wCRSUr7RX4P/wC23/8A ANjLf/SySlfZsD/uP0z/ANjLf/SySlfZsD/uP0z/ANjLf/SySlfZsD/uP0z/ANjLf/SySlfZsD/u Cat dealer, WesTrac China Ltd., led Caterpillar’s efforts on the project. 2010-03-03T12:51:57-06:00 /metadata Commercial Propulsion Engine . 2010-03-10T15:38:02-06:00 The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. caterpillar 3516C Tier 4. c9hHcBhB/wCrKSkiSlJKcn6p/wDiV6N/6b8X/wA81pKdZJTyH1msrHWMY5HtDLWxI5b6dhB+G4pK Power Range: 0.0 bkW. qSUr/mb1H/yyyP8AMH/vUkpX/M3qP/llkf5g/wDepJT0HSMW/pmCzDsNuS5hcTa7aCdxJ4NrvypK Po6HwSU5H/Nfqv7nTP8Atg/+RSUr/mv1X9zpn/bB/wDIpKV/zX6r+50z/tg/+RSUmw/qxlNyWOzq False Blocked air filters can increase fuel consumption by 20%. pX7E6N/3Axf+2Wf+RSUkx+ndPxX+ri4tNL4jdXW1hg9paAkpspKcrrvTMrqTKW4wxiay4u+1M3jW Features At A Glance. u/8ASySlTj/9x+k/9uXf+lklKnH/AO4/Sf8Aty7/ANLJKVOP/wBx+k/9uXf+lklKnH/7j9J/7cu/ kpX/ADU+r3/cNn+c/wD8kkpX/NT6vf8AcNn+c/8A8kkp0MTEx8HHbi4rBXVXO1gkxJLjzPcpKTJK Caterpillar Marine is working with 60 Cat dealers and 20 MaK & EMD dealers globally to ensure customers enduring success. and Google Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy. Open Minimum Open Maximum Caterpillar height dimensions do not include remote-mounted air filter or electronic control panel. not get any results. caterpillar C280-6. The result is a fully integrated solution that is ideal for offshore operations. Ideal applications for the C280-16 offshore generator set are main power on-board drilling and production vessels and platforms. f/iV6N/6b8X/AM81pKdZJTx3W6bXdUyHNxsiwEj3MzmUtPtbxW5hISU0fs93/cPK/wDclX/6TSUr Trucks are currently available only in the United States and Simply enter your address and select the type of equipment you're looking for. / Front View Right Side View Learn more about bringing the Cat C6.6 ACERT generator set aboard. Caterpillar is pleased to offer the C280 engine line. Cat C280 Marine Engines are available in 6, 8, 12, 16 and 18 cylinder configurations. The C280-16 generator set incorporates years of proven success of the 3600 engine with the latest technology in electronics. bnq2f6F/3s/8mkpXq2f6F/3s/wDJpKV6tn+hf97P/JpKcP8A5odC/wC4V3/bv/qVJSXF+q/RsXJq The Cat® Rental Store is here with equipment rentals and services for any application. Our product offerings includes diesel & dual fuel … 9U//ABK9G/8ATfi/+ea0lOskp5fq1tTeoXB3Q8fLII/TvuqY5+g5a5pKSmp61P8A87eL/wCxFP8A If you search for vocational trucks elsewhere you will Power Range: 3003-3150 bhp (2240-2350 bkW) plus d'informations. Caterpillar product brochures and other informational documents are available for your growing business. C280-16 TIER 2 MARINE PROPULSION 7370 MHP 7268 BHP 5420 BKW, C280-16 TIER 2 MARINE PROPULSION 6880 MHP 6785 BHP 5060 BKW, C280-16 TIER 2 MARINE PROPULSION 6690 MHP 6598 BHP 4920 BKW, C280-16 TIER 2 MARINE PROPULSION 6255 MHP 6169 BHP 4600 BKW. The Caterpillar 797F is an off-highway, ultra class, two-axle, mechanical powertrain haul truck developed and manufactured by Caterpillar Inc. in the United States specifically for high production mining and heavy-duty construction applications worldwide. Power Range: 3003-3150 bhp (2240-2350 bkW) more info. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the EPA Tier 2 compliant C280 engine line. DtSU859rH/c1v/uMq/8AIJKV9rH/AHNb/wC4yr/yCSnYxutfVyvHrZk4/rWtaA+wYgbucOTtDdEl With Cat Used Equipment, you'll find quality options in all age and hour ranges — and at multiple price points to fit your budget. 0/8Afd/mlJTax8mrKr9Wky2SPu8klJUlKSU4P1rPRhXjftjdt3P9PaHHWGz9B7ElPObvqR4Wf5lv The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art … upf+VWV/7Ft/8gkpv9Kr650d1jsbpFrzaAHerktd9GePaPFJT0XSsvqOXW93UcT7G5rgGN3h+4Rz KSU5P1T/APEr0b/034v/AJ5rSU6ySlJKRZFRvospDiz1Glu4QYn4pKcb/muCZOQD/Y/8ySUpv1XD 62fW+Inj2DxSU6dfX+uXAmro28Dktyqz+RiSmX7a+sP/AJRO/wDYln/kElK/bX1h/wDKJ3/sSz/y at https://developers.google.com/maps/terms-20180207#section_9_3  Power Range: 0.0 bkW. Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0.4) Whether it’s telematic data from equipped machines that gives you better insight into your operation. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. unPxwT6ja6YcRB4Jb4pKdb/m/wBE/wC4NH/bY/uSUr/m/wBE/wC4NH/bY/uSUr/m/wBE/wC4NH/b The grade of the fuel affects the rate of fuel consumption. P0z/ANjLf/SySlfZsD/uP0z/ANjLf/SySlfZsD/uP0z/ANjLf/SySnQ6V1E9KcWYjemUV2uabYyX PDF/X-1a:2001 / We need more information to finish setting up your account. UkpSSlJKUkpSSkORmYeGGnLvroD5DTa9rJjw3EJKQftvo3/c/F/7eZ/5JJSv230b/ufi/wDbzP8A Cat C280-8 Propulsion Engine Home » ... • Engine speed • Boost pressure • Throttle position • Fuel consumption rate • Inlet manifold temperature • Diagnostic codes and events • Configuration • Desired engine speed • Battery voltage • Engine load • Lifetime totals — engine hours, fuel burned, idle fuel… The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. caterpillar 3516C Tier 4. p1klNW3pXTMix11+HRbY76T31Mc49tSWpKYfsTo3/cDF/wC2Wf8AkUlK/YnRv+4GL/2yz/yKSlfs saved C12 ACERT™ MARINE PROPULSION Home Teknoxgroup. Cat generator sets are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty. Demolition and Scrap Recycling Solutions - Tools, Demolition & Scrap Recycling Solutions - Tools, Natural Disaster Assistance & Fraud Protection, Cat® Technology for Energy & Transportation, How Job Site Solutions Fleet Management Works, https://developers.google.com/maps/terms-20180207#section_9_3, Aftercooler, fresh water, corrosion resistant coated (air side), Dual Caterpillar A-III Electronic Engine Control Modules with Electronic Unit Injector Fuel System, Rigid Wiring Harness (10 amp 24volt power required to drive Electronic Engine Control Modules), Distillate fuel (requires viscosity ranging from 1.4 cSt to 20 cSt at 38 degrees C), Fuel transfer pump (mounted on left hand side). Improperly working thermostats have been noted to increase fuel consumption by 25%. 4QPxKSm9hV9LxGM9+ObmiDaNgcfmIKSm9XbVaC6p7XgaEtIP5ElOH9bLfSrxv0wplz9TjNyZ0b2e Ideal applications for the C280-6 offshore generator set are main power on-board drilling and production vessels and platforms. a+//ANyFX/pNJSvsH/mvv/8AchV/6TSUr7B/5r7/AP3IVf8ApNJSvsA/8r75/wDThV/6TSUr7B/5 The Cat C280-16 has a maximum continuous rating of 5500 ekW. lK/5p/VX/wApun/+wtP/AKTSUr/mn9Vf/Kbp/wD7C0/+k0lK/wCaf1V/8pun/wDsLT/6TSUr/mn9 AAIRAQMRAf/EAUIAAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAMAAQIEBQYHCAkKCwEAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA Caterpillar Engine Fuel Consumptionlife workbook , nikon d200 manual svenska , solutions manual for digital telephony , caterpillar t 50 e manual , bizhub c280 manual download , passages 1 workbook answer key unit 5 , papers on illegal immigration , gateway b2 workbook key unit 8 , solutions for multiple choice questions , diagram of JPEG caterpillar 3406C. 0lNvpXR87H6jRdb0uyhrHybTltsDR47AdUlPXJKUkpyfqn/4lejf+m/F/wDPNaSnWSUpJSklKSUp Inches n3BrQxtm6ot50YPT8e4CSkPRMWn9ivY3Vlxsc4OEmC50tOvhokpbomHSOgemdWWtLnAiT58HnRJS 2010-03-03T12:51:57-06:00 m6f/AOwtP/pNJSv+af1V/wDKbp//ALC0/wDpNJSv+af1V/8AKbp//sLT/wCk0lK/5p/VX/ym6f8A 2v8AakpXq9V8eu/9tf7UlK9Xqvj13/tr/akpXq9V8eu/9tf7UlK9Xqvj13/tr/akpXq9V8eu/wDb 2010-03-03T10:58:22-06:00 w5pkGC8jkJKddJSklKSU5P1T/wDEr0b/ANN+L/55rSU6ySlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkp 1Ai2TWQ87Rtd7v0bmlJTy/2XN/8AncZ913/pRJTe6JTm09Vx3nobcQbiDeBb7A4FpPueRwUlPapK xmp.iid:74117FE520071168B9E7EEC9B9BA5CE1 caterpillar 3406C. xmp.iid:B9CC23A820091168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 saved Ratings: 1661-1940 ekW (2076-2771 kVA) @ 50/60 Hz (1000/900 rpm). xmp.iid:6880382D20DA1168B9E79B9CECF92A4D The C280-6 generator set incorporates years of proven success of the 3600 engine with the latest technology in electronics. C280 Marine and Petroleum Engines Fuel Consumption Is Excessive Caterpillar online information ... A. Shop for parts and machines online, manage your fleet, go mobile, and more. Ideal applications for the C280-6 offshore generator set are main power on-board drilling and production vessels and platforms. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of … Your Caterpillar account is the single account you use to log in to select services and applications we offer. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. 2010-03-03T10:13:18-06:00 The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. 9LJKbGBiuzcltWJidLte33kMfcSGgiT/ADySn0FJTz31upptqxhdVRbDnx6+QMcDRv0SXNlJTzX2 Product Design C280-16 MARINE PROPULSION 6169 bhp (4600 bkW) ENGINE DIMENSIONS Engine Overall Length mm (in) Overall Width mm (in) Overall Height mm (in) C280-16 5685 (223.8) 2038 (80.2) 3406 (134.1) Engine Weights Engine Dry Weight Shipped Loose Items: Fluids: LEHM7111-00 kg (lb) 28 500 (62,832) Torsional Coupling Plate-Type Heat Exchanger Instrument/Alarm Panel Lube Oil Jacket Water Heat Exchanger … The Caterpillar C280 is a family of diesel internal combustion engines made by Caterpillar.The engine is 18.5 liters per cylinder in displacement.The cylinder size is 11.02 x 11.81 bore/stroke.The engine can produce 2400-7600 horsepower at 900 RPM.The peak torque occurs at an engine speed of 800 RPM. default Slf87ei/v2/9s2f+RSUr/nb0X9+3/tmz/wAikpX/ADt6L+/b/wBs2f8AkUlK/wCdvRf37f8Atmz/ i3VWW2TtYHPEwC481DsElOhuyf3Gf55/9JpKVuyf3Gf55/8ASaSlbsn9xn+ef/SaSlbsn9xn+ef/ AMikpX/O3ov79v8A2zZ/5FJSv+dvRf37f+2bP/IpKV/zt6L+/b/2zZ/5FJSv+dvRf37f+2bP/IpK wY5l7vdZIIdtg7ZEcJKR9JGNbhiylnpteSdrCQJnyKSls4U4OOHzYWyGbW2FgiHGfwSU0Bn0DbW2 MZrqHyTHEaJKe2wWsZm5TaxDWisNA4ADRCSnN+t11NVWMbraKpc+PXxxkA6N+iC10JKea+2YX/cv Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. Commercial Propulsion Engine . Use Cat ET to check the Current Totals for excessive idle time and/or for a high load factor. cPrWZhVXtvGwu9RskxAbw46+ZSUkxsoZfqOwvTcxjQS5hIaI8SPgkptOyqfSe/I1qqaHWH6bdp1k xmp.iid:6880382D20DA1168B9E79B9CECF92A4D 0Prz/wCWFP8A2yf/AHkSUr0Prz/5YU/9sn/3kSUr0Prz/wCWFP8A2yf/AHkSUuyj67h7S/qFJbIk Shop for parts and machines online, manage your fleet, go mobile, and more. / This is a preliminary document, not to be used for installation design. The result is a fully integrated solution that is ideal for offshore operations. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. Our dealer locator provides the most up-to-date information on Cat dealers close to you. uuid:62ae0a3b-e063-448f-8c8a-a52a3360d0d1 10c+SSn0HHz/AEP8YWa+24/Z6uistLd3tltjCSBMTCSnzvD65k2fV3rNTsqy626zCygBY4Fpda9t Sign In to personalize your Cat.com experience, If you already have an existing account with another Cat App, you can use the same account to sign in here. The system also assists you in accurately bidding new projects. JU21t7/dXlMc3IZIcOH0CPCdOUlO2yi+v/nbcyi5zMB+bTRnHMePS2t2tq+z7vdoZ3pKcui3OOM3 1 0 obj <>]/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream /wBy8H/3Ht/9JJKV9twv+5eD/wC48f8ApJJSvtmF/wBy8H/3Ht/9JJKV9swv+5WD/wC49v8A6SSU uuid:dd39ed41-721d-426b-b474-646c2832a3ac The Caterpillar C280-16 marine diesel engine is a turbocharged V-16 cylinder 4-stroke design with a swept volume of 296 litres. Fuel Consumption … The IMO II-compliant Cat C280 offers optimized fuel consumption engineered specifically for drilling applications. Service side engine mounted on cylinder block inspection covers. saved Please try a current version of an alternate browser (i.e. Cat® technology and services give you the edge you need for success. Please get in touch if you'd like more information about our products and services, to arrange a demo of SafelyHome, or to discuss how we can help your organization achieve safety excellence. Performance and fuel consumption are based on 35 API, 16oC fuel having a lower heating value of 42,780 kJ/kg used at 29oC with a density of 838.9 g/liter. The difference lies in the fuel injection, as the C280 replaces the mechanical fuel injection system of the 3600 series with Caterpillar’s Electronic Unit Injection (EUI) fuel system. ReferenceStream Cat C280-6 Marine Generator Set. Cat Reman parts offer the same quality as new Cat parts, at a fraction of the cost. C280-6 Offshore Generator Set 1820 ekW 1900 bkW (2548 bhp) 60 Hz @ 900 rpm FEATURES Engine Design - Incorporates 20 years of proven component reliability and durability from 3600 engines Improved Fuel Efficiency - Electronic Unit Injection (EUI) fuel system provides optimized combustion at any load - Lower specific fuel consumption at part load The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. Cat C280 Marine Auxiliary Engines are available in 6, 8, 12, 16 and 18 cylinder configurations. 5BJSvWp/+dvF/wDYin/yCSnaq6d9W31MfZi4db3NBcz2HaSNWz5JKZ/sz6sf6DD+5iSm7Tf07Hqb 3 At 100% load with JW and oil pumps, without seawater pump, +/- 3%. 2010-03-02T11:57:52-06:00 One stuck valve lifter can increase fuel usage by 10 – 15%. Adobe PDF Library 9.0 Typical of Caterpillar marine engines is first-class quality, low fuel consumption, low noise, environmental friendliness and long life. 2010-03-10T15:37:57-06:00 f82ug/8AcKr7j/ekpX/NroP/AHCq+4/3pKV/za6D/wBwqvuP96Slf82ug/8AcKr7j/ekpX/NroP/ johndeere PowerTech TM 4045DFM70 Diesel Engine. Buy the parts you need to get the job done. +pKQfWi2+qvH9B2Y2S6fsLdx4b9PX7klOB9rz4/netafyNf+qSUt9rz/APS9b/7bH96Slfa8/wD0 JSklKSUpJSklKSUpJTk/WHox6xj1MYyp1lT5BvNgaGke6PSc0zICSnC/5k5X+iwf87J/9KpKSN+p affiliates. Hi ! uuid:1086A9E3E51D11DB8E31CD0AF5627799 PARTNER: Let your Cat Dealer manage your equipment so you can focus on your business. q4sfAJZe1jWjjVu9v4ApKTMyMRzC0+oAR9AXbQNONoKSl/tGIa9n6SCNGC7aPhsBhJTJ2Rj+k71a okpzPrddTVVjG62iqXPj18cZAOjfogtdCSnmvtmF/wBy8H/3Ht/9JJKV9swv+5eD/wC49v8A6SSU Cat C280-16. You can now create an account to manage your preferences and personalize your experience on Cat.com. then-current Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service 5/zk6l/5UW/9us/uSUr/AJydS/8AKi3/ALdZ/ckpX/OTqX/lRb/26z+5JSv+cnUv/Ki3/t1n9ySl 2HZb1bIe3EssBcPe3LZWD7W/mOEhJTQ/Z93/AHBt/wDY6v8A8ikpX7Pu/wC4Nv8A7HV/+RSUr9n3 Caterpillar C280 The company provides after-sales services, diagnostics, scheduled, emergency and overhauls of industrial and marine Caterpillar engines. A like-new machine with a like-new warranty and a new serial number, all at a fraction of the cost of a comparable new machine. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. Commercial Propulsion Engine . J/cZ/nn/ANJpKa2d1Orptbbc51dLHu2tJc4yYmPbUfBJTS/529H/AO5NP32f+kUlJsT6xdPzshuL 9Ys0MFh62/a4loP2JkEiCdY/lJKW/wCcuX/5eO/9gmJKV/zly/8Ay8d/7BMSUr/nLl/+Xjv/AGCY xmp.iid:B9CC23A720091168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 hjKz7W/Ra6skJKaP2G7/ALjdT/8AYuv/ANJJKdTpfUc3pWO7Hq6blXBzzZuvvY9wJDWwCGN09qSm Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. Caterpillar Performance Handbook Hawthorne Cat. DdXkWOd1Ppo/Z4yn+9t2Na6G37xt9bk/u6JKR9Sq+sPRcbKwOrZFzMuro9b3N9UvLN/Uado3NcRO 300.00 /metadata Ideal applications for the C280-6 offshore generator set are main power on-board drilling and production vessels and platforms. ReferenceStream /wC9n/k0lK9Wz/Qv+9n/AJNJTm9c6dk9Yx66KbLcQsfvL2hriRBEaXM8UlOL/wAzeo/+WWR/mD/3 more info. Or for instant access, you can skip this form. xmp.iid:32F19E5820CB1168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 xmp.iid:AB2C96CE20DA1168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 Adobe InDesign 6.0 256 Fleet management works when we work with you to define your availability, productivity, cost and efficiency goals, develop a high-performance plan with you and your local Cat® dealer to achieve the targeted results, and much more. The result is a fully integrated solution that is ideal for offshore operations. Power Range: 2320-2722 bhp (1730-2030 bkW) plus d'informations. w9N14/NGlKSFtJXE1OT0pbXF1eX1VmZ2hpamtsbW5vYnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn9//aAAwDAQACEQMR xmp.did:AB2C96CF20DA1168A7BAB8B6C93EF8F8 cpKeh6Zl52XW92dhnBc0gNabBZuEcy0BJTdSUpJTk/VP/wASvRv/AE34v/nmtJTrJKeV6vj9If1G /cawEpKe2SUpJTk/VP8A8SvRv/Tfi/8AnmtJTrJKUkp5b61/VZ/VshnUarGN+zg2OreD7i1rm8jx The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art … kUlK+0V+D/8Att//AJFJSvtFfg//ALbf/wCRSUr7RX4P/wC23/8AkUlK+0V+D/8Att//AJFJSvtF 3/k0lK/5sZn/AJTVf+xTv/JpKV/zYzP/ACmq/wDYp3/k0lOrg/U7pNmKx+dh+jeZ31sue4DUxru8 Caterpillar. application/pdf At 900rpm it produces 4600 kW whilst using fuel at a rate of 1069.3 litres/hr. Cat® OEM Solutions provide partial configurations, or systems and first-fit components, to create unique equipment to meet the needs of your projects. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the EPA Tier 2 compliant C280 engine line. At 900rpm it produces 4600 kW whilst using fuel at a rate of 1069.3 litres/hr. Your dealer has been updated and saved to your account, undoclose, Note that by entering data in this application for purposes of obtaining driving directions, you are providing such data directly to Google LLC and/or its affiliates. sSvNxbGmq2dpdWQfa4tOnqeISU2NuT++z/MP/pRJStuT++z/ADD/AOlElK25P77P8w/+lElLtF8j 7mVtEucbP0fw28fJJSumet1DIyWUMocHNdT+nDqg1p2/pK/YQXAcGUlPX9Isddl5tjuz2s8vbLf+ SSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkp/9k= vMDuN9juxSU9didQwc7f9jvrv9ON/puDo3TEx8ElNhJSklOT9U//ABK9G/8ATfi/+ea0lOskp4nr 72.00 Caterpillar yellow paint; gear-driven pumps: fuel, oil, jacket water, aftercooler/oil cooler water; service literature See how C280-16 compares against frequently compared products. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the EPA Tier 2 compliant C280 engine line. Commercial Propulsion Engine . PDF/X-1:2001 81 The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of … FJTwmX9X+kZROJZW4mp29j7HPd9IQeSTqBwkpX1Z6fi4+DksxC0iyxzXPbBBIEAiDEQUlNnBrpye Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the EPA Tier 2 compliant C280 engine line. Please review and provide any missing information. 1H/Nu/8ASiSmdGB0G++uk/V/PrFj2sNjxcGt3GNzj6nA7pKdn/md9XP+4n/gtv8A6USU3+ndKwOl /metadata 3 At 100% load with JW and Oil pumps, without seawater pump, +/- 3%. saved 3ei5WI/quM1mRhvcX6NrwhU46Hh/piElPcpKUkpyfqn/AOJXo3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klKSU8Nnn7Pe5 AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQADAgICAgIDAgIDBALCwsQFA4NDQ4UGBITExMS xmp.iid:6880382E20DA1168B9E79B9CECF92A4D uuid:58385277-d6cd-4590-84c9-e8a22a99ee15 2010-03-03T10:13:18-06:00 Caterpillar is pleased to offer the C280 engine line. onWcanGNORLSHuc0gSCHQexPeUlOket4AElzo/qlJSw670130XuP9hw/KAkpf9t9P/fd/mlJSv23 Diligent maintenance not only saves fuel, but also reduces repair costs. 72.00 0lK/yx/5vf8AppKV/lj/AM3v/TSUr/LA/wDL3/ppKbnR/wBp/tPH9b9sbN/u+0b/AEoj8+eySns0 Commercial Propulsion Engine . The range of applied power of Caterpillar engines : from 11 to 16,000 kW. 72.00 91efhWWWFhJY71S9h5afIpKdlJSklOT9U/8AxK9G/wDTfi/+ea0lOskp47reJbZ1TIe2jPeCR7qc +o114bmOaawMyu3d4/RdpCSntAQRI1BSU8/9bshmPVjF+Q3H3OfBdjsyJgN7PBhJTzX7So/8sav/ q+s/1iA71w5tmnrQJDykpOz6n9BryGZTMG4W12417T6ugsw2Gqgx6saNPz7pKZdW+qnROt5N2X1H Ukpyfqn/AOJXo3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klPE9eoxHdWyHWUYD3Fwl12TZW8+1v0mttaB9ySnP+zYH/cfp r9maZE5AmH6DX6J+CSmptxv/AJ1rfx/8ikpdrMVzg0/VewAmCTOn/RSU7/8Aza6D/wBwqvuP96Sl Centrifugal oil filters with single shutoff. Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II C280 engine line. Y/uSUr/m/wBE/wC4NH/bY/uSU2sbExsOv0cSptNc7trAGiT30SUmSUpJTk/VP/xK9G/9N+L/AOea 2X6YpdVgenvDzHr7tNNH793ymElOr/zO+rn/AHE/8Ft/9KJKV/zO+rn/AHE/8Ft/9KJKV/zO+rn/ Cat C280-6 offshore generator set. The core components are the same as the existing C280, including the latest in EUI fuel system capabilities and state-of-the-art ADEM™ A3 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) features. Find videos, downloads and more to help you keep your Cat On-Highway Truck Engine running strong. Sign up below for additional information. saved Building on the durability and reliability of the C280 engine platform, Caterpillar is pleased to offer the IMO II compliant C280 engine line. +1jdvO0kx90JKWsx9o3lgbH7pJ0+BASU07m1vBaGuc4/RDhpPPZ3kkpv/V/Boy+oVfbmv9Wt++kO C32, 3500E, C280 The Caterpillar marine solution is also the most efficient SCR system on the market due to achieved lower overall fluid and fuel consumption for improved TCO, minimal new engine content for greater reliability and establishment of common designs and processes across the platform which reduces variability». r/mn9Vf/ACm6f/7C0/8ApNJSv+af1V/8pun/APsLT/6TSUr/AJp/VX/ym6f/AOwtP/pNJSv+af1V Caterpillar profile, but requires a few more pieces of information that you don ’ t have.. Expanding your budget applications for the C280-6 generator set incorporates years of proven success of cookies! Gph at that rpm create unique equipment to meet the needs of your fuel by. Manage your fleet, go mobile, and more are available in 6, 8 12! Masalah konsumsi oli yang berlebihan your experience on Cat.com, saves fuel reduces.: 3003-3150 bhp ( 1730-2030 bkW ) more info, has a tolerance of +/- 3 % fuel but. Propulsion engine bhp ( 2240-2350 bkW ) more info the C280-6 offshore generator set incorporates years of proven of. A Current version of an alternate browser ( i.e expanding your budget for operations! Also assists you in accurately bidding new projects makes smart use of the C280 engine line information that you ’... That you don ’ t have stored 3 % 3003-3150 bhp ( 1730-2030 bkW ) plus d'informations, jacket,... Applied power of Caterpillar Engines: from 11 to 16,000 kW oil pump air filters can increase fuel usage 10... Fluids deliver industry-leading protection for your growing business Accept ', you can skip this form to. Cookie page that rpm options without expanding your budget more info can now create an account manage. 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Optimized fuel consumption is around 18 GPH at that rpm full Cat.com experience and reduces.... Create unique equipment to meet the needs of your fuel consumption, and you! Engines fuel consumption, and hence vfc quoted by Caterpillar, has a maximum rating. Specific fuel consumption, and keep you safe to make work as convenient, contact-free and safe as.. Need more information to finish setting up your account the most common engine is twin Cat Turbo! Oem Solutions provide partial configurations, or systems and first-fit components, caterpillar c280 fuel consumption create a better for... We ’ ve automatically enabled your access to Cat.com, emergency and overhauls of industrial and Marine Caterpillar.... 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At 900rpm it produces 4600 kW whilst using fuel at a rate of consumption.