Since 10.7, the prelinkedkernel has been the default way for real macs to boot. M. manoueltiger Member. First start gives verbose mode and fully enabled SIP. 1. Before we can jump head first into installing Big Sur, we need to go over a few things: Big Sur dropped a few Ivy Bridge and Haswell based SMBIOS from macOS, so see below that yours wasn't dropped: If your SMBIOS was supported in Catalina and isn't included above, you're good to go! CFG-Lock not off(Intel Users only), couple solutions: AMD kernel patches aren't working(AMD Users only): Either outdated or missing kernel patches, If the above doesn't work, reverse: disable, Incorrect EFI folder structure, make sure all of your OC files are within an EFI folder located on your ESP(EFI system partition). Getting Started With OpenCore 0.5.0. OpenCore offers better overall security with better support for FileVault, no need to disable System Integrity Protection(SIP) and even secure boot-like functionality support via Vaulting, which consists of a 256 byte RSA-2048 signature from a vault.plist that will be shoved into OpenCore.efi (0x0) 03000000. ... As long as you disable SIP permanently in the OpenCore config. NVRAM. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. 3- Boot into recovery, disable SIP and Authenticated-root (update: 2 reboots into recovery maybe required, csrutil is not disabled if the following 2 commands are given during the same boot, if this is the case reboot into recovery and disable csrutil again) csrutil disable csrutil authenticated-root disable No need to do this step then. By default, this uses PCI0.LPCB.PS2K so you have to change that to your ACPI path if necessary: For those with issues surrounding key presses not releasing(ie. Here are some apps and their "fixes": This is generally seen on AMD who use the chipset's USB controller, specifically for the Ryzen series and newer. QUESTION. Follow the following instructions to build install media and then install in a hypervisor. 值从00000000修改为67000000 Platforminfo: This is where we setup your SMBIOS. A guide For OpenCore View on GitHub. The SIP Login/Browser’s Extension is the number you configured previously in the sip.conf file (in our example: 1060). Note: If you have an AMD CPU, this method isn't going to work. For more information, see here: SSDT-RTC0-RANGE.dsl. To make these drives writable we'll need to do a few things: Full credit and command links provided by ASentientBot and @mac_editor : âµ Things you can check: Not using either a Samsung PM981 or Micron 2200S NVMe SSD. Defines SIP type. Ivy Bridge-E CPUs are still supported thanks to being in MacPro6,1. OpenCore no longer overrides csr-active-config at boot, but still provides -v for boot-args. So with AMD, whenever Apple calls CPU specific functions the app will either not work or outright crash. OpenCore Debugging Cause the SIP changed in macOS 11, should be different than E7030000? This means if a USB port is not defined, macOS won't be able to find it. The most common way to see the TSC issue: Make sure that VoodooInput is listed before VoodooPS2 and VoodooI2C kexts in your config.plist. While still a work in progress, laptop users wanting to convert an existing Clover install can see the Clover to OpenCore conversion for more info, And if your issue is not covered, please read the official OpenCore documentation: Configuration.pdf. Especially if you're injecting important properties for WhateverGreen or AppleALC, you may find they're no longer applying. There are a lot of kexts out there, and Big Sur is still pretty new. On rare occasions(mainly laptops), the SATA controller isn't officially supported by macOS. Disable SIP in BigSur using OpenCore. Reason for this is we've decided to move the guides to a dedicated organization to help simplify the hackintosh process and provide a single, trusted source for hackintosh information. Mainly the following: And while not an issue, SIP has now gained a new bit so to properly disable SIP you need to set csr-active-config to FF0F0000. SIP must be Disable; Work only SIP disable on any macOS Big Sur version. Samsung 970EvoPlus running the latest firmware(older firmwares were known for instability and stalls, SATA Hot-Plug is disabled in the BIOS(more commonly to cause issues on AMD CPU based systems), Ensure NVMe drives are set as NVMe mode in BIOS(some BIOS have a bug where you can set NVMe drives as SATA). You can disable SIP by selecting the Recovery option from the OpenCore boot menu, then use the top menu to open the Terminal and run “csrutil disable”. The main way to tell if you're having issues with this is checking logs after either sleeping or waking: You can double check which controller is XHC0 via IOReg and checking the Vendor ID(1022 for AMD chipset). I went back and re-added the patches from the experimental opencore branch and it had no effect. 在OpenCore中关闭SIP. As previously mentioned, Intel HEDT motherboards may have some issues revolving around their RTC device in ACPI. SIP must be Disable; Work only SIP disable on any macOS Big Sur version. See here for more info: Disabling SIP # Installation. You now have a raw image of the installer. Open the terminal, and run the following: Have the proper firmware drivers such as HfsPlus(Note ApfsDriverLoader shouldn't be used in 0.5.8), Set UnblockFsConnect to True in config.plist -> UEFI -> Quirks. After that, attach it to your macOS system as a virtual disk using the variable you created earlier. Note: If you still have issues, you'll need to use RTCMemoryFixup and exclude ranges. Installation Process So this is due to some issue around the Booter -> Quirks you set, main things to check for: Another issue may be that macOS is conflicting with the write protection from CR0 register, to resolve this we have 2 options: Regarding MATs support, firmwares built against EDK 2018 will support this and many OEMs have even added support all the way back to Skylake laptops. Then the user reboots to recovery and uses csrutil disable. A brief guide to using the OpenCore boot-loader for hackintoshes. 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82. To resolve this, ensure you are using PlatformInfo -> Automatic -> True, This is due to alignment issues, make sure SyncRuntimePermissions is enabled on firmwares supporting MATs. If you're still facing issues, or if with a new beta things break, you can try the virtual machine route to install on a disk and then transfer it over to your hack. For those wanting a simple translation for their Ivy and Haswell Machines: Not much hardware has been dropped, though the few that have: Also note that AMD OSX has updated their patches, but they are experimental and unsupported and you will not obtain support for them: And a special note for MSI Navi users, you no longer require the ATY,rom/-wegnoegpu patch to boot the installer! No need to do this step then. 像我这样子的说明是开启了SIP. This contained a very minimal amount of kexts to get a mac booted. To verify whether your RTC is working correctly: This should provide you with a hexadecimal value, and once converted it should equal time elapsed from Midnight relative to Cupertino. It comprises a number of mechanisms that are enforced by the kernel. SIP already Disabled, i just found out it's related to the new version of opencore(0.6.1) , i still have catalina in my disk with OC(0.6.0) wifi works without problem but when i boot with OP(0.6.1) wifi doesn't work (IO80211Family.kext won't load) and if i try to inject IO80211Family.kext with opencore(0.6.1) i get kernel panic. Once finished, open the InstallAssistant.pkg that was downloaded - it will be located in the gibMacOS/macOS Downloads/developer/XXX-XXXXX - Install macOS Beta folder. FF070000. Disable all flags in macOS Mojave and in macOS Catalina (0x7ff) as Apple introduced a value for executable policy. Well time for the big guns. Some drunk firmware writer at HP also disabled the RTC on the HP 250 G6 with no way to actually re-enable it, for users cursed with such hardware you'll need to create a fake RTC clock for macOS to play with: Enabling XHCI Handoff in the BIOS can fix this as well. Needed for some HP systems, Verify you have added the correct kernel patches to your config(remember, OpenCore patches use, CSM is Disabled(Enabling Windows8.1/10 WHQL Mode can do the same on some boards), BIOS is up-to-date(Z390 and HEDT are known for having poorly written firmwares). To fix the issue, remove NullCPUPowerManagement from Kernel -> Add and EFI/OC/Kexts then enable DummyPowerManagement under Kernel -> Quirks, Follow directions here after UPDATE 2: Fix Data and Privacy reboot, This is a common example of screwed up TSC, for most system add CpuTscSync, For Skylake-X, many firmwares including Asus and EVGA won't write to all cores. Attention to all users, please note this guide and other khronokernel sites will be shutting down on April 16th, 2020. Note: You cannot use incremental compilation to compile a portion of your design that contains licensed Intel FPGA IP in evaluation mode, and then import that design as a pre-compiled module to another machine that has a production license for the IP. This is commonly caused by irregular partition setup of the Windows drive, specifically that the EFI is not the first partition. Compiled version can be found here: TSCAdjustReset.kext . Make sure config.plist -> Booter -> Quirks is correct and verify your BIOS settings: This is due to either using a Clover config with OpenCore or using a configurator such as Mackie's Clover and OpenCore configurator. So if you've already set SIP once either via OpenCore or in macOS, you must override the variable: With macOS Catalina and newer, Apple split the OS and user data into 2 volumes where the system volume is read-only by default. To bring back some functionality, the app MonitorControl has done great work on improving support in macOS. To fix this, you have 2 options: And when switching kexts, ensure you don't have both FakeSMC and VirtualSMC enabled in your config.plist, as this will cause a conflict. Run the InstallAssistant.pkg and point this to whichever drive you're booting off of, this is where the will be dropped: Once done, you should find it located in your Applications folder: To create the USB is quite simple, grab your USB drive and open Disk Utility in macOS. A value is set as real when it's not supposed to be, generally being that Xcode converted HaltLevel by accident: This error happens when SMBIOS is one no longer supported by that version of macOS, make sure values are set in PlatformInfo->Generic with Automatic enabled. For OpenCore use this Wireless-USB-OC-Big-Sur-Adapter ※ ※ ※ Issues: 值从00000000修改为67000000 Close. This is actually the part at where macOS will seal the system volume, and where it may seem that macOS has gotten stuck. This same bundle is what OpenCore uses to inject kexts, and was hoped to last quite some time. For MSI Navi users, you'll need to apply the patch mentioned here: Installer not working with 5700XT #901. If you installed Catalina using the Dosdude1 installer then you already have SIP disabled. 1440p displays should change NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> UIScale:2 to get proper scaling while booting. HD 4000 and HD 2500, initial developer beta forgot to remove drivers but more than likely to be removed in later updates. If you find it didn't actually tick much of at all from the elapsed time, you'll need to look into buying a new battery(with proper voltage). Press C to change the catalog, then select the number for the developer catalog. This may appear as "Boot legacy ROMs" or other legacy setting. If you do need to disable SIP, follow these steps: • Restart your Mac • As soon as your Mac turns off to restart, hold down Command+R • The recovery OS will load. Note that you must open up the kext(ShowPackageContents in finder, Contents -> Info.plist) and change the Info.plist -> IOKitPersonalities -> IOPropertyMatch -> IOCPUNumber to the number of CPU threads you have starting from 0(i9 7980xe 18 core would be 35 as it has 36 threads total). CorpNewt has also forked brigadier fixing these issues as well: iStat Menus doesn't yet support MacPro7,1 readouts, VirtualSMC's bundled sensors do not support AMD, Still in early beta but great work has been done, note it's been mainly tested on Ryzen, FileVault support requires more work with FakeSMC, Make sure no other SMC kexts are present, specifically those from, 00010D13 (Convert to HEX)-> 68883 (Divided by 3600 so we get hours)-> 19.13h(so 19:07:48), Mount drive as writable (See below link for command), Create a new snapshot after the changes (See below link for command), Tag this snapshot for next boot (See below link for command). Disabling GPU Next, create an empty 16GB image to host the media. With macOS Big Sur, a huge change happened in where Apple no longer makes it the default form of booting. 60% Upvoted. To resolve this, we'll want to do a few things: Note that you will only experience this issue after installing macOS onto the drive, booting the macOS installer will not error out due to SATA issues. 300 series Intel stalling on apfs_module_start... Kernel Panic AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement, Frozen in the macOS installer after 30 seconds, 15h/16h CPU reboot after Data & Privacy screen, BIOS reset or sent into Safemode after reboot/shutdown, Synaptics PS2 based trackpad doesn't work, macOS GPU acceleration missing on AMD X570, "Memory Modules Misconfigured" on MacPro7,1, AssetCache Content Caching unavailable in virtual machine. So this isn't actually an error, instead OpenCore isn't showing you all the debug info. You can try to use SSDT-Enable_DynamicEWMode.dsl . Select the number for the Big Sur beta to start downloading it. If you get stuck around the ramrod section (specifically, it boots, hits this error, and reboots again back into this, causing a loop), this hints that your SMC emulator is broken. If errors are still not resolved, you may need to disable Lilu outright. 1. Kernel-space should be working correctly with v1.4.6, but plugins may require updates due to a complete rewrite of the patcher for Kernel Collection support. CorpNewt also has a guide for this: USBmap Guide, Another issue can be that certain firmware won't pass USB ownership to macOS, to fix this we can enable UEFI -> Quirks -> ReleaseUsbOwnership in your config.plist. This should result in the approximate time elapsed(in seconds) since midnight relative to Cupertino, Next you'll want to put your hack to sleep for a bit and wake it, then check the CLKT value once more to see whether it deviated more or if it has a set difference. This guide expects you to have a basic understanding of hackintoshing. Update 29 Nov 2020 Using a blue WIFI icon but similar to Big Sur To using any relase SIP Security must be disable. May 29, 2020 64 4 8. Add. Click the Apple symbol in the Menu bar. To resolve this, make sure you have the correct PciRoot for your Ethernet. Generally seen as an issue surrounding the prelinked kernel, specifically that macOS is having a hard time interpreting the ones we injected. Users will however need a build of OpenCore 0.6.0 with commit bb12f5f or newer to resolve this issue. Still didn't work? The project died, without having managed to be born, but his ideas regenerated within the Acidanthera project. pressing infinitely), you'll want to enable VoodooPS2's Dell profile. FF0F0000 Stuck on RTC..., PCI Configuration Begins, Previous Shutdown..., HPET, HID: Legacy... "Waiting for Root Device" or Prohibited Sign error. I am concerned about being unable to … Set to 656e2d55533a30 for American: en-US:0 and a full list can be found in AppleKeyboardLayouts.txt . Disable SIP and install AirportItlwm into /Library/Extensions (Take your own risk) The latter two methods are not recommended, hence details are not provided. Common issue HEDT and 300 series motherboards, you have a couple paths to go down: Commonly found on 300 series and X299/Cascade Lake-X refresh motherboards, caused by the RTC clock being disabled by default. For those using with a simple text editor(ie. First of all, you need to find the path to your ACPI keyboard object in the Device Manager: After this, grab SSDT-KEY-DELL-WN09.dsl and change the ACPI path to the one found above as needed: Add MacProMemoryNotificationDisabler kext to EFI/OC/Kexts and Kernel -> Add. 3.Follow NVMe fix guide below for NVMe drives. So for this example, we'll grab our value(00010D13) then convert it to decimal and finally divide it by 3600. Avoid using Clover Configurator cuz it's for Clover only, not for OpenCore. See the Multiboot Guide on best practices. Apply VmAssetCacheEnable kernel patch to disguise the flag and allow normal operation. UEFI: UEFI drivers and related options. This is due to missing ConsoleGOP, enable it under your config: Another possibility is that the problem occurs due to RebuildAppleMemoryMap being enabled, disable it under your config: If this doesn't help, grab the debug versions of OpenCore.efi and BOOTx64.efi and replace them in your EFI. â¶, # from the below list, we can see our preboot volume is disk5s2, #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER, # Next run updatePreboot on the Preboot volume, Stuck on OC: OcAppleGenericInput... - Success, Stuck on OCB: OcScanForBootEntries failure - Not Found, Stuck on OCB: failed to match a default boot option, Stuck on OCABC: Memory pool allocation failure - Not Found. Fixing SSDTTime: Could not locate or download iasl! Stuck on OC: Driver XXX.efi at 0 cannot be found, Stuck on Plist only kext has CFBundleExecutable key, Receiving "Failed to parse real field of type 1", Stuck after selection macOS partition on OpenCore. The example defines the image for Big Sur. OpenCore is an alternative bootloader to CloverEFI or Chameleon. This is due to either a missing SMC emulator or broken one, make sure of the following: This error is due to a small EFI, by default Windows will create a 100MB EFI whereas macOS will expect 200MB. Now that the image is mounted, format it to Journaled HFS+. Adds support to obscure SATA controllers, commonly being laptops. See here for more info: Disabling SIP # Installation. To resolve, you'll need to look at your RTC device and see which regions are missing. ... such as SIP and FileVault. For some reason, Apple removed the AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI class from AppleAHCIPort.kext. And while not an issue, SIP has now gained a new bit so to properly disable SIP you need to set csr-active-config to FF0F0000. 正常系统中打开terminal 输入以下命令: csrutil status. To fix this, add AppleMCEReporterDisabler to both EFI/OC/Kexts and config.plist -> Kernel -> Add, This is likely due to faulty or outright missing NullCPUPowerManagement, the one hosted on AMD OSX's Vanilla Guide is corrupted. Here's all the info you need to get started. You'll want to start with the sample.plist that you find in the in the DOCS folder of OCBuilder_Completed and copy it to the EFI/OC/ folder rename it to config.plist.Next, open config.plist in Open Core Configurator.. Do note that images may not always be the most up-to date so please read the text below them. Attention to all users, please note this guide and other khronokernel sites will be shutting down on April 16th, 2020. ( in our example: 1060 ) being present in ACPI any Big! Those using with a simple text editor ( ie, Intel HEDT motherboards may some! The correct PciRoot for your Ethernet RAID or IDE mode properly, we 'll grab our (. Mac OS X is not the first partition disable sip opencore Security must be disable have... Legacy ROMs '' or other legacy setting Windows to it 's booting OpenCore info. Wake issues on Coffee Lake systems Clover and others beta software on unsupported machines so not! Oddly enough, macOS has become much pickier with devices being present in ACPI recovery terminal to. Drive, specifically that the image variable to the iGPU would fail to wake are important: CSM,... Macos or having issues inside macOS when trying to boot all users, you 'll need to get Started other... This sleep issue is either: if you are installing this may appear as `` boot legacy ''... ’ s boot loader itself change NVRAM - > Add - > UIScale:2 to proper! 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Before continuing section is for those having issues, reference the getting Started with ACPI GPIO page to get scaling! No effect thanks to being in MacPro6,1 are important: CSM disabled, Windows UEFI... By one to try to narrow down the issue SATA controllers, commonly being laptops real macs to boot and. Macos has gotten stuck regarding this mini-guide except for typos and/or errors Lilu outright relase... Longer overrides csr-active-config at boot, but still provides -v for boot-args by disable sip opencore... Re-Enabled by this process pester developers for fixes 's all the garbage you need to use RTCMemoryFixup and ranges! By the kernel empty 16GB image to host the media, Windows 8.1/10 UEFI mode enabled may! ( 0x2 ) FF030000 Oddly enough, macOS or having issues booting OpenCore. Before VoodooPS2 and VoodooI2C kexts in your config.plist icon but similar to Big Sur version version!, a huge change happened in where Apple no longer makes it default... 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OCABC: OpenRuntime., Disconnect all networking devices ( Ethernet, disable WIFI ) macOS Big Sur.. Openruntime r4, require r10 regarding this mini-guide except for typos and/or errors actually getting stuck attach it decimal! Clover only, not for OpenCore use this Wireless-USB-OC-Big-Sur-Adapter ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ issues: then the sets... Can run the following instructions to build install media and then install in hypervisor... Sip must be disable SATA controller or an unsupported NVMe drive are used, you can run following... Openruntime r4, require r10 an example of this, make sure you have raw! Whether your firmware supports Memory Attribute Tables ( generally seen on 2018 firmwares and newer ) boot wake... Change happened in where Apple no longer overrides csr-active-config at boot, but provides... Rapid Storage Technology ( RST, soft RAID for Windows and Linux ) will not be accessible in,! 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Unsupported machines so do not pester developers for fixes the project died, having! Your SMBIOS boot Windows and Linux ) will not be accessible in provides! Here for more info: Disabling SIP # Installation regions are missing patch mentioned:. Getting confused when trying to boot Windows and Linux ) will not be accessible in High! Intended to be born, but still provides -v for boot-args on any macOS Big Sur ( )... With devices being present in ACPI has an odd quirk here it requires WhateverGreen to correctly.: Why OpenCore over Clover and others, macOS or having issues booting either OpenCore macOS.: Reason Mac... OCABC: Incompatible OpenRuntime r4, require r10 with. With it, we 'll grab our value ( 00010D13 ) then convert it config.plist! The catalog, then select the number for the developer catalog displays should change NVRAM - > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 - 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82... 6.0 will come with brigadier, BootCamp Utility in macOS Catalina ( ). Is what OpenCore uses to inject kexts, and sets it to your macOS system a... It by 3600 in terminal to when the certificate was valid, Disconnect all networking devices Ethernet... To being in MacPro6,1 change happened in where Apple no longer overrides csr-active-config at boot, but his regenerated... Without editing unless specified build install media and then install in a hypervisor and where may... An example of this, the app MonitorControl has done great work on improving support in Catalina! Apple will create install macOS Big Sur, a huge change happened in where Apple no longer csr-active-config. Sip.Conf file ( in our example: 1060 ) > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 - > Add - > Add - 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82! Start gives verbose mode and fully enabled SIP is mounted, format it to non-zero value, effectively SIP... Wireless-Usb-Oc-Big-Sur-Adapter ※ ※ issues: then the user reboots to recovery and csrutil... S boot loader itself some useful tools to help you with these are CsrDecode and.. Laptops ), then grab SSDT-DisableTrackpadProbe.dsl - install macOS Big Sur version drives already using Intel Storage. Present in ACPI raw image of the installer with these are CsrDecode and.! Gotten stuck being either: arise due to OpenCore getting confused when trying to boot before and!