Now that we’ve highlighted the key strategies behind succeeding in a competitive selling environment, let’s talk about the sales process itself. You should always have 2-3 (no more) “landmines” to feed your buyer as soon as you find out they’ll be looking at your competitors: Are you GDPR compliant? Find a niche in the market via storytelling and specialization.. Even better, if you can track instances where customers have left your competitors and come to you, this can be hugely beneficial. Selling Against the Competition in New Markets. Then your customers are going to wind up there in the end anyway. You should be aware of the product matrix of your competition while trying to perfect your own. Explaining to a buyer how your product is different means nothing if they don’t value that difference. You can have no idea how you’re better if you don’t get to know the competition. All product and company names are trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 2. But to truly gain a competitive advantage, you should also know about the other companies in your space, their products, the pros and cons of them, and so on. As such, it’s often a viable strategy to talk about your brand, your company, and your business ideology. © 1990-2021 Accent Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. So be honest. While AI and machine learning are not able to replace humans in this arena (…yet), they are excellent tools to help you build relationships and trust with your buyers and set your team apart from your competitors. Prepare A Strategic Battle Plan Your knowledge of the business terrain and the competition is important in determining how to capture your market. Dominate your competition by transforming your sales conversations. With time, and some practice, you’ll be winning far more often than you’re losing. At some point, you simply can’t cut your price any lower. For decades, businesses have optimized the manufacturing process by improving supply chain and operational productivity, while underinvesting in front-office tools. How to beat the competition Most companies these days operate in established markets where it is essential to consistently overcome any competition. The first step in differentiating yourself from the competition involves talking to your customers just like always. There are customers who will buy from companies and salespeople they like and trust, even when there’s a potentially more affordable option available. If you’ve only been dabbling in LinkedIn, now is the time to make a concerted effort. As much as I’d love to help you come up with your own landmine questions, it’s a situation-specific tactic that only you can answer. If there's one gold nugget of wisdom I can share on beating the competition it's this – don't give the 'hard sell'. However, we’re not just trying to close deals – we’re trying to foster long-term relationships with customers. Customers aren’t solely driven by the best price – in a close competition, they may well go with a company they feel aligns with their own values. Your differentiator has to be “meta” rather than incremental. Ideally, these aren’t easily answered, proven, or refuted. What was the turning point or “aha moment”? But, it’s canceled out by everyone who misses quota. The way I see it, competitors are everywhere. The name of the game used to be having a unique product. Want to learn more about sales and marketing? The latter may require you to “untangle” your customers’ current buying criteria, even though it’s the last thing you want to do because you just want to close the deal. But before you go into the death spiral of answering competitive questions, and arming your buyers to ask landmines, it’s best to avoid the “comparison trap” to begin with. Brought to you by Gong – the #1 revenue intelligence platform for sales. This is achieved in a number of different ways – you can demonstrate product value, you can demonstrate the brand and company value we discussed earlier, or you can connect with personal values. Don’t lie – and don’t make up data – but remember that your past successes can pave the way to your next big win. During this phase you can learn if they’re considering the competition (which is good to know), but beyond that, you can understand their needs and pain points. drops of water, you’ve got an excellent drink on your hands (bonus points if you drink it in front of a fire place). Do this a few times and your pattern recognition will kick in. Do you simply want to go head to head with your competitors, or do you want to find out how to beat the competition in sales with a distinct advantage? Think of it this way – when a customer approaches you, you can not only highlight your own products, but you can potentially talk about all of your competitors in the space, pointing out areas where your offering is better. When sales representatives are on phone calls and a prospect asks a question comparing a competitor's product to your own, they should be well equipped to answer the questions. Dominating your competition today is not a “nice-to-have,” it’s a necessity. As soon as competitors are even mentioned in an intro sales meeting, you can get an alert in Gong so these competitive deals are proactively brought to you. Take inventory of everything you offer– product features, company strengths, support services, value-added benefits, and so on. Use these ten ideas to defend your market position and build your competitive advantage Know the competition. Either your product isn’t very good or it’s extremely overpriced. They needed to increase sales to combat a global competitor who bought customers with low prices and rebates. Don’t just shout your name or your company’s name; tell your prospects how you can help them. Many other players have had difficulties with Beat the competition in terms of sales that is why we have decided to share not only this crossword clue but all the Daily Themed Crossword Answers every single day. Sales conversations truly are the competitive battleground, and more than ever, it’s imperative that you dominate your competition. Get Accent’s latest sales enablement articles straight to your inbox. Explaining to a buyer how your product is different means nothing if... 2. Sales leaders that have visibility into their team’s sales conversations have an unfair advantage. We provide both sales and marketing with better visibility into the performance of their teams. Needless to say, this is not a good approach. So Burger King decided to use that strength against them. When a salesperson finds themselves in a competitive sales situation, all too often their go to solution is to simply lower the price. Many first-time entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking they need to blaze a new trail to be successful. Truth be told: If you want your salespeople to beat the competition, they need to fully understand the competitive landscape that they’re up against. Using competitive intelligence to create competitor profiles and live training sessions can help ensure that your sales team provides factual information to prospects that also positions your solution favorably. This drives revenue through intelligent recommendations for complex sales scenarios and provides the data for rich analytics that power better coaching, forecasting, and long-term customer support. Rank each aspect of your offering (e.g., definite disadvantage, slight disadvantage, seems equal, slight advantage, definite ad… How to Beat the Competition Through Effective Sales Forecasting. When you're selling against a lower-priced competitor, you have two choices: discount or differentiate. Plus, customers seem to respond better when you don’t tell them they’re stupid for considering another option (which is essentially what you’re doing when you trash the competition). It should be something that takes the buyer out of comparing you and your competitor side-by-side. Offering a discount is easy, which is why sellers resort to it. When most sales pros realize they’re dealing with a customer who’s also considering a competitor, there are often one of three responses: One of the most common responses sees the salesperson going off on a rant about how the competitor is terrible. Occasionally, we at find ourselves selling to B2C sales call centers (rather than our core market: B2B sales). You have to be the competitive advantage. If you can relate to them as people (without being fake – no one wants to deal with the used car salesman who’s your new best friend the second you step on the lot) and form bonds that way, do it. So they resort to grinding you both down on price until the “winner” is she who erodes the integrity of her pricing. Absolutely genius strategy, if you ask me. The first step to refining your sales strategy is understanding what’s working and what’s not. Period. Once the moment is ripe and the buyer is feeling the pain, now we introduce the difference. Early in his career, when Gong’s CEO Amit Bendov was an enterprise account executive, he lost a painful deal to a competitor. Many times, customers will come to respect a salesperson who’s knowledgeable – helping them (again, without being negative about your competitors) can be a huge bonus – but if you aren’t familiar with the other people in your space, you can’t seize this opportunity. They no longer have the perception that we’re in the same category as the speech analytics providers they’re already familiar with. It’s hardly a winning strategy by itself (. So, if we can’t win the deal solely on the basis of a superior product, we have to figure out other ways to set ourselves apart. But, if you flood the scotch with too much water, you’ve got a diluted, watered-down “cocktail.”, The less you try to get across, the more your message will “pack a punch.”. Competitive selling is about improving your company’s ability to beat the competition by developing stronger, longer-term relationships with customers. Do this on a quarterly basis, and you’ll wake up next year to an entirely different market position. Despite the fact that sales best practices are constantly evolving (and lately becoming more virtual), one thing remains true: buyers want to buy from people that they trust. better than what your competitor has — you’re going to get caught in the “comparison trap.”, to compare the two products and make an “intelligent business decision.”. Competitive deals are good… if you win the battle early on. The rise in the number of competitors and the increasing ease with which customers can research and compare their options means that you will have to acknowledge your rivals. What does your business do? Know the Competition. Do you see the distinction between leading to your difference vs. leading with it? To this day, Amit makes sure our sales team keeps their competitive messages concise and consistent throughout the sales process. (Potential) customers generally already have a favourable attitude towards their current partner, so it’s all about changing mindsets. “I stuck with one (and only one) difference that I know the buyer valued.”, “You bounced around so many differentiators that you diluted your message.”. It happens all the time: You find you need to figure out how to beat the competition in sales. Knowing how to handle the competition objection effectively can mean the difference […] As a salesperson, you have to know about your products. Contact us today to learn more about how sales AI can gather and process your buyer’s activity data, analyze their engagement, and provide insights about their interests. In the 1980s, Canon and Xerox were competing in the market for copiers. When you play against your competitors’ weaknesses, they are either refuted or corrected. Before we dive in, let’s spend a few minutes discussing what competitive selling is so we’re all on the same page. Expand your battlefield; Shoot from all angles; Reinforce the borders; Make sure competitor attacks miss their mark; The frontline of the competition; Attack your competitor’s borders; Benefits Ultimately, they found McDonald’s was highly valued by children — it was the place for kids to have fun. Think about your standard sales interaction – your customer comes to you as a potential solution to their problem – but you know for a fact they’ve done their homework and aren’t just considering you, but your major competitors as well. They loved going to McDonald’s for the food, the “Play Place,” and to play with their friends. They can “call in airstrikes” from product marketing, get in the trenches themselves, and help their reps chart their deal strategy. When everything was said and done, he asked his rival — the salesperson he was competing against — out for a beer so he could understand why he lost. Now, that’s nothing more than a ticket to play the game. Once you understand the problems, your sales process can become more consultative – meaning you can diagnose other issues and showcase how your product can make those problems a thing of the past. your buyer to ask your competitor because you know it will trip them up. This has been a really popular tactic in automobile sales for years – you mention you’re looking at a BMW at the Mercedes dealer and the sales guy will then spend 30 minutes explaining why the BMW is likely to blow up before you drive it off the lot. This opens up a new set of competitors: Speech analytics providers who have been serving the call center world for over a decade. Interrupt the pattern: If most salespeople are doing the same thing (which they are), then you want to do the exact... 2. likely to win the deal than if your competitors were absent from the deal entirely. A good competitive selling strategy should be enduring. Sales is a competitive industry – whether you’re competing against yourself to meet your quota, going head to head with your colleagues for the big prize in a contest, or facing off against your industry rivals, you’re going to always be striving to beat someone. Amit would never make that mistake again. You one-up your competitor with Feature A. There are specific things salespeople can do during the sales process to “box out” their competition and win competitive deals. Sign up to receive sales stats, data, and insights that will help you drive quota attainment across your team. Instead of those responses, here’s how to gain a competitive edge that will find you closing more deals and turning those sales into long-term customer relationships. Assess Competitor Prices and Sales for Comprehensive Target Setting 82% of Amazon buyers consider price the most important factor while shopping on the platform. © Copyright 2021 Inc. All rights reserved. things salespeople can do during the sales process to “box out” their competition and. How can you proactively alert me to competitive deals? your competitors’ landmines, and how to answer them. It’s an ongoing, never-ending project that requires continual “sharpening.”. In either case, it’s an unsustainable competitive sales strategy. Make sure you’re proactively alerted as soon as deals become competitive so you can help your rep with deal strategy. “ is different because it’s specifically for sales.”. They contracted with my company to beat the competition. It's so off-putting to potential clients because no one likes pushy sales tactics. Every time a competitor is discussed on a sales call, we can an immediate alert and review that section of the call within minutes. Burger King brilliantly used that strength against them. trust with your buyers and set your team apart from your competitors. Your relationship with the competition doesn’t have to be adversarial. Sales conversations truly are the competitive battleground, and more than ever, it’s imperative that you dominate your competition. As a sales professional, you have a full arsenal of tools at your disposal to help you convert leads to customers, and you may have to dig deep into your bag of tricks if your competition has a better or more affordable product. Now you can formulate bullet-proof answers to disarm them. are where the perception of difference is created. Here are four easy ways to set yourself apart and beat the competition in your industry. Business competition can be fierce, especially in markets with aggressive competitors and when customer spending is slowing down. You’re getting ready to move a prospect to the final stages of negotiation and they bring up your biggest competitor. Your sales strategy is not a “set it and forget it” to-do list item. When Burger King became a serious competitor of McDonald’s in the 80s, they took inventory of McDonald’s strengths. The keys to coming out ahead in a competitive sales environment are pretty simple when you break them down – simply put the customer first, don’t denigrate your competition, and find ways to showcase your value without immediately dropping your price and you’re off to a good start. Undercutting the competition can certainly be an effective strategy, but in many instances this leads to a race to the bottom. Chris Orlob is Senior Director of Product Marketing at What works much better than playing on weaknesses is to use their own strength against them. The completion of a competitor analysis becomes the focal point for understanding your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in … This is where competitive selling comes into play. But when you educate the buyer on the problem your differentiator solves first, you’re not guessing. The potential customer’s interactions with you should set an example for them of what it’s like to work with your company. is different because it’s specifically for sales.”, 5. It turns out when you discuss your competitors early in the sales cycle, you’re actually more likely to win the deal than if your competitors were absent from the deal entirely. And even if you think you have a handle on using LinkedIn to generate leads, here are two tips to get a jump on the competition that you may not know about. They launched an aggressive marketing campaign that positioned Burger King as being “for grownups.”, It was the place to eat when you wanted a hardy burger rather than another “Happy Meal.”. Highlighting the questions your buyers ask during competitive deals can help you identify what landmines your competitors are planting: Once you identify the consistent patterns…, … The questions your competitors consistently plant your buyers to ask…. In order to beat the competition, retain your clients and attract new customers by showing them the appealing side of your services/products. Undercutting the competition can certainly be an effective strategy, but in many instances this leads to a race to the bottom. going to McDonald’s for the food, the “Play Place,” and to play with their friends. It’s hardly a winning strategy by itself (read more about why that is here). The goal here is to make an appeal to something beyond the analytical brain that looks at every potential purchase as a dollars and cents proposition. Your competitors help … How To Handle Competitors That Customers Bring Up. likely to win the deal than if your competitors weren’t involved at all. You have one shot to answer the question: What makes you different than your competitor? And since they’re always learning, each new opportunity gives them more insight into how to help you achieve your goals – selling more product. When someone says something is “impossible,” are they being realistic — or are they giving themselves a reason to not try? One surefire advantage that can quickly help you gain an advantage is using sales enablement software. What are the Six Battlefields? Their entire positioning was built around Ronald McDonald, Happy Meals, and their Play Place. In the final approach, we can just ignore our competitors. And send them home with their tail between their legs. Be warned, failing to “unteach” what your buyer learned from your competitor late in the game is an easy way to fall into the “comparison trap” discussed earlier. Change Your Strategy Based on Sales Cycle Stage, 6. It isn’t good enough that … Accent Technologies is the first and only SaaS company to bring together Sales AI and Content Management in a true Revenue Enablement Platform. Reframe Your Proposal for Value Do you want to send this message? In its simplest terms, it means exactly what you think it means – sales is a competitive field and we have to find and utilize any tools at our disposal to gain an advantage. Following the advice and tips in this article will help you navigate the tricky waters of selling against competitors. Continually Improve with Win/Loss Analysis, You’ll pick up specific things that should be eliminated for your team to. The results can be implemented as early as the following morning! The assumption is the customer is here to hear about your product, and will go to the competitor to hear about theirs. Figure Out How You’re Different. When we enter competitive situations and the buyer asks how we’re different, the worst thing we can do is explain how our features are better in some way. Instead, you need to get creative. It’s a dog eat dog world out there – and if you want to get ahead of the competition and close more deals, you’ve come to the right place. Instead of competitors “flying under your radar,” there won’t be a single competitive discussion on your sales floor that goes unnoticed: So… what’s your takeaway if you’re a sales rep? You must show them that you know their interests and concern and are designing your products accordingly. It’s a question that you tell your buyer to ask your competitor because you know it will trip them up. It's tempting to daydream about what it would be... 3. And finally, we build on the last point by not only demonstrating our value, but by using our selling techniques to set ourselves apart from the competition. We all face competition. Because of this, prospects – and even customers – are constantly on the search for a better deal. This can work to your benefit if you have a product that has better features overall – but if your product is the same as your competitors (or god forbid, not as robust…), this approach probably won’t close the deal. Never underestimate how being likable can close the deal for you – people shopping for your product aren’t machines. The Flawed Sales Thinking – Beat the Competition in 10 Easy Steps There is a simple blindness that sometimes disables many sales functions when they think that they SHOULD exist in a competitive market place, that having competitors is a necessary evil…it’s the singular inability that the firm has to recognise that it is being viewed as just one of many by the prospect market place. You need to know what your strengths are and play to those strengths. Remember, as a salesperson you have the power to make a deal happen – don’t sell yourself short. hile AI and machine learning are not able to replace humans in this arena (…yet). This requires ongoing research, awareness, fact-finding, and questioning. Find your expertise, and then double down on... 2. You’re selling. The cycle continues until the buyer sees the products as more or less at parity with each other. Sometimes the key to selling against your competition is not as simple as having the stronger product. Today we’re going to discuss competitive selling and give you some advice on how to crush the competition and put yourself on the winner’s podium. Get in on the action. If that pitch had started with the differentiator, it may or may not have landed. 3. Playing to your strengths means placing outsized effort and energy on the areas where you’re doing so produces outsized … Learn more about our solutions or request a live demo to see it in action. And don’t be too fast to give price concessions. Communicating a message is a bit like pouring a glass of scotch. Beat the competition in terms of sales Please find below the Beat the competition in terms of sales answer and solution which is part of Daily Themed Crossword February 8 2018 Answers . Educate the buyer on a problem or opportunity they’ve previously undervalued that ultimately leads to your differentiation. 1. How are you playing your cards differently? A big-agency alternative for digital marketing from Nova Scotia specializing in website design, social media marketing, and online marketing training. and the buyer is feeling the pain, now we introduce the difference. There is always someone who can do it cheaper, or faster, or better (at least in the mind of your prospect). In order to be competitive and win, you need to play your game. Attention, sales professionals: Office 365 and LinkedIn saved searches are your friends. Believing something is impossible holds us back from pushing through and reaching our goals. In order to make a competitive comparison you will need to: 1. Take a look at a few accounts you lost, and pull them up. 2. Just remember, not everything comes down to price – and as the salesperson, you’re the emissary for your company. When talking to your potential customer, listen to what they’re telling you. Your prospects want a solution. This idea goes hand-in … They’ll forever remember your answer as your differentiator. 9 Ways to Beat The Competition in Business and Create a Winning Competitive Advantage 1. Our product marketing team here keeps a close eye on helping our sales team avoid the comparison trap. Train Your Staff. Being blind to sales conversations as a sales leader is like being a platoon commander in the midst of a chaos-ridden fire-fight with no communication or enemy intelligence. S not entirely different market position forget it ” to-do list item try to fill in part! Opportunity they ’ ve only been dabbling in LinkedIn, now we introduce the difference be implemented as as. Extremely overpriced problem or opportunity they ’ re a startup owner or veteran, you two... It will trip them up because of this, your action item is simple: get involved in competitive are. Out of comparing you and your business ideology moment ” of selling against competitors getting bogged down the. 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