We’ll help you identify areas of your chimney that need repair to ensure that your waterproofing material is able to operate effectively. The stone, brick, or concrete blocks and mortar that chimneys are commonly constructed from may seem solid and impenetrable, but in fact these materials are porous and they can soak up moisture. This is where the experienced professionals at Smokestack Chimney Service can help! To be done correctly and according to CSIA standards and regulations, it requires the use of a special commercial sealant product. Even if the flashing is properly installed, the metal can still begin to rust. A professional chimney technician will be properly trained in the safe and effective application of this product to ensure an adequately waterproofed chimney. 6 Questions to Answer Before Buying a New Fireplace, 5 Reasons for Chimney Leaks and How to Fix it, How to Tell if You Need a Chimney Rebuild, 10 Things That Can Happen to a Chimney in the Spring, What Homeowners Should Know About Their Chimney and Venting System, How are home heating and chimneys related? Read on to learn more. Contact us about your professional chimney services to learn more. Waterproofing your chimney can keep it functioning smoothly for years. Is your fireplace ready to keep your home cozy? Gradually, water will start to seep through, penetrating the flue and causing damage to other chimney components. It’s almost a certainty that if water penetration of your chimney isn’t stopped you’ll eventually have to do expensive repairs on your home. Waterproofing your chimney can prevent major damage down the line, which makes it important for you to seek out the guidance and assistance of experts that offer exceptional chimney services in Raleigh, NC. So, what can be done to ensure your brickwork and mortar aren’t left exposed to the elements? However, it is highly recommended homeowners have a chimney inspection before waterproofing a chimney to determine the extent of repairs, if necessary, to spalling or missing bricks. My chimney has held up for many years, there is no reason to do it now. Many professionals suggest homeowners apply a waterproof sealer to protect against water damage. 46239, If you are ready to have your chimney inspected before you start your waterproofing project, contact. What You Need to Know, [5 Benefits] of Continuous Pilot Mode for Your Fireplace, The Benefits of Humane Animal Removal Services. A well-built chimney can last for many years, but you need to put the work into maintaining your chimney for a long life. Because the chimney breast has a more severe exposure to rain and particularly snow, it needs more coats of waterproofing. Keep in mind that less expensive waterproofing products tend to be less effective. Measure all the sides of your chimney to determine the total area. Your flashing should be checked regularly by a professional chimney technician. 10 Reasons to Convert Your Wood-Burning Fireplace Into a Convenient Gas-Fueled Fireplace. Needless to say, you should waterproof your chimney. Chimney Applications - chimney stack external treatment of brick and stone, chimney gable walls. All About Waterproofing. If you are ready to have your chimney inspected before you start your waterproofing project, contact Chimney & Masonry Outfitters of Indianapolis. The first step to waterproofing your chimney is to determine how much material is needed. The chimney exterior may also need to be cleaned before the waterproofing material is applied. How Much Does it Cost to Repair a Chimney? Preparation for chimney flashing Before a chimney duct is properly waterproofed, it is necessary to protect it with a layer of pre-coating. A cap will keep snow and rain from entering your home through the vent opening, as well as leaves, trash, and animals. OPEN. Mortar is used to seal chimney masonry. This is because the high pressure from the water can crack the hard surface of the brick, causing damage to the effectiveness of waterproofing. They’re built from brick or stone to be durable and solid because they have to be. It could be you didn’t know waterproofing was necessary, but it is very important. Most masonry chimneys are designed with bricks or stone with mortar or cement to bond the materials. Prior to weatherproofing your chimney, you should get a chimney inspection from an experienced professional to assess the condition of your chimney and determine if you have any water damage. Many are told that waterproofing is a necessary step in keeping their chimney better protected, but what exactly does this mean and what does the process entail? Use a waterproofing sealer, like this one found at homedepot.com which is a silane/siloxane blend that will waterproof and protect your chimney from future leaks and water damage for over 10 years. Tuckpointing is a repair technique used to replace damaged areas with strong mortar while leaving the masonry in place. Find the nearest Midtown Chimney Sweep Professional. Eventually, this can lead to weakened structural integrity, a cracked flue liner, and damage to your home, furnishings, and belongings from water leaks, including potentially dangerous mold infestation. An experienced chimney mason will … How Often Should You Have Your Chimney Inspected? Waterproofing is a preventive measure. Your chimney is constantly exposed to the elements year-round, enduring extremes of heat and cold, the deteriorating effects of UV rays from the sun, and high winds. Waterproofing is a task that is best left to credible companies. Water is insidious and persistent, it seeks out the cracks and fissures in the masonry and over time can cause serious damage to the structure of your chimney and to your home. Water penetration and freeze/thaw damage results in loss of insulation value and leads to structural failure. According to the Brick Industry Association, chimneys require special attention and maintenance to prevent costly damage caused by water penetration. Otherwise, you are just preserving its already weakened condition which can lead to more extensive renovations in the future. No matter where you live, it’s important, but here in Seattle, it’s critical. by Joshua Merson | Jun 14, 2019 | Waterproofing. Chimney deterioration may require tuck pointing work to replace missing mortar and will need to be completed before waterproofing. However, it’s important to remember that the waterproof coating will need to be reapplied every five years, as it will wear over time and begin to lose its effectiveness. Whether it happens during a particularly wet … In addition, in areas that experience cold winters, this water freezes and contracts then expands as it thaws, creating extreme pressures that cause cracks and collapse, allowing even more water to enter your home. Is your chimney currently inoperable? Flashing can be challenging to install properly. Before waterproofing your chimney, it is essential to make any necessary chimney repairs. We’ll help you identify areas of your chimney that need repair to ensure that your waterproofing material is able to operate effectively. Waterproofing in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina. By the time you see evidence of chimney leaks, what you … The flashing on your chimney is the metal portion located between the roof and chimney; it acts as a watertight seal. Save $25 Off Chimney Sweep and Dryer Vent Cleaning, Save Up To $200 Off of Your Masonry Repair. We only use ChimneySaver waterproofing formulas that are 100 percent vapor permeable. When the chimney goes neglected for years, it may begin to lean as the foundation of the home shifts. Before waterproofing your chimney, you should have a professional chimney inspection completed by a reputable company like Chimney & Masonry Outfitters to determine the extent of the repairs needed. Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Add a Fireplace To Your Home. For this purpose we … After we inspect your chimney for damaged bricks and mortar joints and make any necessary repairs, we will apply a waterproofing treatment that is made specifically for masonry chimneys to the exterior of your chimney. A vapor-permeable sealant should be applied by a professional trained to determine which of the available products is best for your chimney. Chimney waterproofing is a must to protect your valuable investments. When damage or deterioration (gaps, voids, cracks, missing mortar, etc.) Rain can cause the different components of your chimney, like the damper as an example, to start rusting. Once this damage is repaired and all necessary maintenance performed, you’re ready to waterproof your chimney. CALL OR BOOK ONLINE. You’ll also want to purchase a product that contains poly siloxanes or silanes. Chimney Maintenance Is … 5151 S Franklin Rd If harmful vapors cannot escape the interior of your chimney will will contain the water you are trying to keep out. Chimney leaks are a much more serious problem than most people realize. Dryseal Cream - 3 litres - long life, external wall breathing waterproofing cream water repellent. Mar 1, 2020 - Award-winning, certified, chimney products and services in Texas & Oklahoma City. These experts will be able to spot moisture problems and other hidden damage. Your chimney plays an important role in protecting your home against wind, rain, fire and anything else mother nature tries to throw at it. Call for your free consultation! They’ll also be on the lookout for any existing damage and for places where water is already entering your system. The Importance of Waterproofing Your Chimney. If not repaired, the chimney can start to lean and eventually collapse. Is Waterproofing My Chimney Necessary? While chimney chase covers and caps perform important functions and should be part of your waterproofing efforts, waterproofing itself is essential. Call 919-747-1859 today! It’s time to look at the condition your chimney’s exterior is in, get it repaired if necessary, and have it coated with a waterproofing product. Keep reading to learn more about why waterproofing is an important part of your roofing and chimney maintenance. Questions? How Do I Start My Fireplace For the First Time? This can cause damage to the structure of the home as the chimney starts to separate from the flashing material attached to the roof. Once it begins to flake, crumble, and decay, moisture creeps into the masonry. In other words, vapors and gases can still pass through the bricks and mortar (which is necessary for proper chimney function), while larger water molecules can NOT. The hard outer shell that is added on to waterproof the brick eventually weakens overtime from constant exposure to heat and cold, wind, rain, and snow. Waterproofing is an important step in extending the life of your chimney. The first step to waterproofing your chimney is to determine how much material is needed. Chimney & Masonry Outfitters of Indianapolis. Even a very small leak can create huge problems. While water can enter the chimney from just about anywhere, the most vulnerable points by far are the brick and mortar joints. Know someone that could benefit from our services? Chimney Doctor’s “Chimney Saver” is a penetrating water repellent which protects masonry from destructive water penetration and freeze/thaw damage. Calculate the area of each side of your chimney, then add all four sides together to come up with the total area. Schedule waterproofing services now, and avoid water damage to your chimney and your home. Seattle is rainy for the majority of the year, so waterproofing your chimney is vital. One of the most important things you can do to extend the life and service of your fireplace is waterproofing your chimney. The chimney cap (also known as a chimney topper) prevents rainwater from entering your home through your chimney. The damage caused by water in your chimney system can include very costly problems which can also lead to safety hazards that put your family at risk. Waterproofing your chimney can keep it functioning smoothly for years. Calculate the area of each side of your chimney, then add all four sides together to come up with the total area. Indianapolis, IN Over the years this moisture will begin to break down and deteriorate the materials in your chimney. PROVIDING SERVICES. Fact - We here this a lot in … What skills do I need to be a chimney sweep? The water you see in your fireplace or the stains you see on your roof and ceiling around the chimney are just on the surface. If water gets into your chimney system, it can wreak havoc, and even a well-constructed chimney can become compromised. The waterproofing sealant we use is specially formulated for chimney masonry, so it provides that helpful layer of protection while remaining 100% vapor permeable. Fix any cracks in the mortar, or if the chimney is severely damaged re-point the chimney. A well-applied coating of sealant will protect your chimney for many years. This creates a stronger structure and helps freshen up the look of the chimney. High strength treatment for external walls, designed for high exposure walls.Apply one coat by brush to produce a deeply penetrating water repellent effect, even in areas of strong, wind driven rain. In order to avoid this type of serious overhaul, prevent water damage by having your chimney waterproofed. Well, one important step is to invest in waterproofing services from a team of CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps. Most waterproofing used these days is water-based material. Technology for Chimney Inspections: What’s needed? Water penetration is the number one cause of deterioration and damage in chimneys. COVID-19. Measure all the sides of your chimney to determine the total area. This material is formulated to waterproof and protect the outside surface of your chimney while also allowing your chimney to ‘breath’, letting the harmful gases and toxic chemicals that are produced from burning wood to escape to the outside. Be advised this is not a job you should attempt to do yourself. This is for a couple reasons: one is that water-based materials … Need a chimney sweep? These create a strong barrier to prevent outside water from getting in. To make your chimney and fireplace completely waterproof you should consider having your chimney service install a chimney cap if you don’t already have one. If you reside in or around Raleigh, North Carolina and own or rent a home with a chimney, it’s important to waterproof it. Don’t wait until you have an expensive leak on your hands—take preventive action by contacting the certified service professionals at SirVent Chimney and Venting Service today to have your chimney system professionally waterproofed today! Here are a few other ways you can protect your chimney: Installing a chimney cap at the top of your chimney is a simple way to keep moisture from penetrating. This helps create a structure that is virtually impenetrable. Feel free to reach out and start the conversation. Top 11 Trending Fireplaces for Homes in 2019, The History and Legends of Chimney Sweeps, How to Operate and Maintain a Gas Fireplace, Here’s Why it’s Important to Maintain Your Wood-Burning Fireplace, Why Home Buyers (and Sellers) Love Fireplaces. This should be done at least once annually to check for creosote buildup in your chimney which can be a serious fire hazard. Chimney leaks are a frustrating problem for many homeowners. Repeated freeze and thaw cycles that occur during the cold season can cause the masonry to pop off. Why is this important? already exists in a masonry structure, the chimney should be repaired before the waterproofing agent is applied. Homeowners can extend the life of their chimney by avoiding high pressure power washing. Professionally-done waterproofing ensures your system stays protected, no matter what the weather is doing outside. Instead, the exterior portion should be cleaned using a low pressure hose and mild detergent. The damage caused by the moisture that accumulates in a chimney system can be extremely expensive to repair and can even result in a devastating chimney or house fire. Most paints merely seal the brickwork, which stops rain from working its way, which is terrible for your masonry chimney. Waterproofing your chimney is an effective way to prevent water damage and keep your chimney in great condition for many years. But how should you go about it? Chimneys take a lot of abuse. Waterproofing your chimney is smart preventive maintenance. Your chimney plays an important role in protecting your home against wind, rain, fire and anything else mother nature tries to throw at it. A well-built chimney can last for many years, but you need to put the work into maintaining your chimney for a long life. Waterproofing Your Chimney The very first thing you need to do is hire a professional chimney and fireplace repair service to do a thorough inspection of your chimney. Early Time has been keeping Chicagoland homes clean and safe for over 30 years. This should be done at least once annually to check for creosote buildup in your chimney which can be a serious fire hazard. Contact us today to … The very first thing you need to do is hire a professional chimney and fireplace repair service to do a thorough inspection of your chimney. However, water can still compromise the integrity of these materials, as these bricks are made from soft, porous material. For that reason, waterproofing a brick chimney is important in order to prevent any problems in the future. Because chimneys project above the roof line, they are vulnerable to the elements. Well, if your chimney cannot vent out vapors or pre-absorbed moisture, it will continue to break down from the inside. When it comes to your chimney, moisture is enemy number one. You must waterproof the exterior, while allowing the interior to breathe. For these reasons, it is extremely important to protect your chimney masonry from water exposure. Chimney maintenance really needs to have waterproofing included so you can have peace of mind, as well as protection for your entire home. But arguably the most damaging element to your chimney is water. Give us a call at 1-317-500-1250 to get your free quote. The damage it causes can also create a serious fire hazard, and of course it can lead to costly repairs. Of all the things that can affect your chimney system (time, heat, sunlight, weather), water is the worst! Well, chimney waterproofing is a treatment that is done to the chimney that protects it from rain, snow, sleet, and other types of moisture. Is Your Home Getting Hotter When the Dryer Is Running. Fixing it could increase your homes value! It needs more coats of waterproofing your chimney water you are ready to keep.... Chimney deterioration may require tuck pointing work to replace damaged areas with mortar! 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