This recipe requires you to make two separate soap mixes and then swirl them together at the end. You could get a volcano and be hurt! It’s a real life saver! Get the free Hot Process Soap Making Checklist! The addition of the cocoa butter and shea butter creates a very conditioning soap as well. You can try this recipe at There are tons of great recipes on their site. Which is Best? Well, I just got too busy, and I couldn’t keep up with all the orders. Learn how to make hot process soap with confidence in my step-by-step video course and eBook, Make Your Own Natural Soap! It’s a hard bar, cleansing, yet conditioning at the same time with a nice lather. Step 1 – Measure All Ingredients Now put on your long sleeves, long pants, shoes, safety goggles, and gloves. Weigh oils into a separate container one at a time before pouring each into the crockpot. If you haven't done so yet, please sign up for our newsletter! Note: The Peppermint can really overpower the Pine, so I'd start out with the Pine, then add Peppermint until you like the blend for yourself. Heat resistant non-metal or stainless steel container for the lye (I like Pyrex), A soap mold (If you find your mold is a little too small, that's ok. You can just have a nice bread top which you can slice right off after about an hour of cooling and make soap balls. The smell, the feeling of it on my skin! Note: I use unrefined cocoa butter because I love the cocoa scent, but if you don't want that scent at all, even a bit, I'd choose refined cocoa butter instead. sodium hydroxide ; 12 oz. See the links I mentioned above for complete picture tutorials if you are new to the soap making process or new to making soap in a crock pot. When I first started making handmade soap, the cost of the essential oils was so prohibitively expensive! That’s right, you can use any recipe for cold process soap. [adrotate banner=”3″] Of course, this type of soap uses an abundance of olive oil. 15 ounces Coconut Oil (I get mine from Costco), 15 ounces olive oil (Also from Costco--organic is great quality, and I haven't found a better price anywhere), 1 to 2 tablespoons of Nettle Powder. Also, lots and LOTS of ventilation when you’re mixing the lye water. Find out how to make this hot process soap recipe. I LOVE this company, and you can purchase your oils and butters there, too, along with any of your herbal supplies, such as the spirulina powder or nettle! I just tucked in firm cardboards into the soap mold behind the soap---Perfect! It’s still malleable at that point, so I can form it into soap balls. If you click through and make any kind of purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. white melt and pour soap base. This should bring the temperature up to somewhere around 90 to 100°F (32 to 38° C). As a long-time soapmaker, I would like to share that everyone making soap with lye (whether hot or cold process) I recommend you wear long sleeves, eye protection and gloves (as she described above) while making soap. What You’ll Need: 2 lbs. lard — set aside 1 ounce to add at end of cook as superfat ; 4 oz. Add the powders (colorant) and the essential oils. With this recipe, I do get quite a “bread top,” which I cut after the soap has cooled for a couple of hours. Turn off the crock pot and let it sit for just a few minutes to cool it a bit. Naturally colored with nettle powder or wheat grass powder, and scented with essential oils, it’s a purely natural soap. Cold process or hot process soap making involves taking pure fats, adding lye, allowing for the chemical process of saponification, and voila you have soap. Note: I have used 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree and rosemary instead of 1 teaspoon rosemary … Which is your favorite way to make soap? lard — set aside 1 ounce to add at end of cook as superfat ; 4 oz. Here’s a great recipe . Pour a small layer on the bottom of your prepared mold. 2 lbs. 1 teaspoon (5 ml) rosemary. This recipe from Humblebee & Me makes a “loaf” style bar soap that’s topped with hold mica and has a beautiful Christmas tree inspired swirl inside. Just being honest. Easy Peppermint Candy Soap Recipe. You can also make melt and pour soap at home very easily and skip the lye, as well as the weighing and mixing of the ingredients. You can test it by making sure it meets these criteria: It should be "waxy" and malleable, translucent in color, and pass the "zap" test! 6 oz. It's easy to just add a few tablespoons of the dried botanicals into the soap as it comes to trace, but while the idea works well in theory, in practice, the results leave a lot to be desired. I love this soap, and I think you will too! After they are completely, melted, I pour in the Nettle Powder. bars, so you’ll have plenty to use for handmade gifts. Its lovely green color! Once cool (several hours or overnight), you can remove your soap loaf. SOAP of any sort has lye in it, that is what makes it soap. And since it's green---it is especially great for Christmas or St. Patrick's Day! So, that’s when I decided I’d just go ahead and share all my herbal and diy self-reliant and homestead recipes on this blog! And yes, too much lye, lye that hasn’t completed the chemical process, that can hurt your skin (burn)…proper soap making and time makes sure there is no lye left in the batch. Calculate to a 6% superfat. This recipe makes 3 pounds of soap, so be sure your mold will hold that much. Scented with pine and peppermint essential oils, it’s a real winner! white melt and pour soap base. It’s great for mental clarity and waking up in the morning too. That’s why hot-process soap recipes need to use full-water amounts. Have you made hot process soap before? It was one of my most popular soaps, and I actually had a few people ask for entire blocks of it! You can also make melt and pour soap at home very easily and skip the lye, as well as the weighing and mixing of the ingredients. I hope you’ll sign up for my newsletter and never miss a thing! Remove from the soap mold and you have beautiful soap to cut up! 1. sunflower oil ; 4.25 oz. Hot Process Lard Soap Recipe . As you can see it turns a bit of a salmon/pink color in CP Soap. I know I keep referring to this soap as a "man" soap, but really, it's a great soap for everyone who loves the scent of Pine and Mint. I love the way peppermint makes my skin tingle! You'll need to be prepared for a softer soap if you use it right away, however. If you’re making hot process soap, then yes you add the superfatted oil after the soap has saponified. Too much glitter can make your snowflake soaps feel scratchy! How? As you use the soap, it should get rounded edges that will make it look more like a peppermint candy, but if you want to gift the soap or are in a hurry to get it to look like mine, you can scrape the edges of the soap lightly with a knife to help round them, and then smooth it out by rubbing the soap under some warm water. Cold Process vs. olive oil ; 6 oz. If you've been reading my soap making stuff for awhile, then you know I got myself into a rut recently. Set aside one ounce of the lard to use as superfat after the cook. When lye solution and oils are both below 100 Degrees F, slowly pour lye solution down the shaft of your stick blender into the oils. It’s the BEST recipe! If you're new to making hot process soap, please read through my other tutorials above. This hot process soap recipe will give you the most beautiful green, refreshingly scented moisturizing and lathering soap ever! sodium hydroxide ; 12 oz. The soap is done! I hope you’ll go explore it and enjoy the growing content. Rosemary Mint Shampoo Bars. Click to learn more! This past month or so has been devoted to new soaps! This recipe is a lot less poundage than I usually make at a time, and with my larger soap molds, I had to make adjustments. The Eucalyptus gives you an immediate mental lift. I hope you'll give it a try if you haven't already. (Well, my own manly man, actually.) This soap recipe is approximately two pounds of soap, perhaps a bit less. Ingredients. There’s a lot of steps you can’t miss when making your own soap. Killer Toxins Lurking in Your Commercial Soap, how to know when hot process soap is done,, Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosures, Disclaimers, Legal Stuff: Privacy Policy, Disclaimers, Notices, Disclosures. Making Peppermint and sea salt homemade hot process soap with recipe. To make this charcoal soap recipe, you’ll need to weigh and melt the oils and weigh and mix your lye water, just as you would any cold process soap recipe. Summer Citrus Soap Recipe with a Natural Essential Oil Blend It will melt quicker … Wear long sleeves, and be sure you have shoes on! 227 grams coconut oil. Click here to learn how to make your own natural handmade soaps! **This is where the chemical reaction (saponification) occurs---You'll see your soap go through several stages before it's done. Each produces a very different type of soap, but both are equally useful. water. This was supposed to be an article for holiday gift giving, and here I am a bit late! Step 6) Turn off the crock pot. Essential Oil Blend: Orange Essential Oil – … Like I do. It’s all here, in my straight forward soap making hot process eBook. Well you may just love my Guide to Melt and Pour Soap with Recipes—-No Lye Involved! This is a step-by-step video and text with complete eBook Guide and recipes online course! clear melt and pour soap base. You say you don't want to make your own soap because you are worried about using lye? 5. Ingredients. Mar 9, 2020 - Explore LatherLass's board "Peppermint Bar Soap Recipes Collected by LatherLass", followed by 212 people on Pinterest. Makes a great gift for anytime! Peppermint Mocha Soap Makes about sixteen 2.5-3 ounce bars of soap. I’m so happy to share this popular soap recipe from my (now closed) Etsy shop with you! Leave comments---questions, concerns, opinions, ideas, etc in the comments! You’ll love this step-by-step video and text with eBook course and many recipes and examples for using natural textures, colors, and additives for beautiful homemade soap! I love the process of making soap, but what I love even more is developing recipes for it. There are a LOT more over on the blog, too! This was supposed to be an article for holiday gift giving, and here I am a bit late! For mine, I used lavender and lemon balm infused olive oil, but you can just use plain olive oil too. Dec 6, 2012 - Even the Blaux Portable AC conditioning equipment is a freshly released private air purifier that maybe not merely cleans your encompassing; nevertheless, besides, … Complete the form below to get the newsletter and to be able to visit the Resource Library! One of my friends asked me to make some of my Spearmint-Frankincense-Eucalyptus soap for her, so I thought I'd share my recipe for this handmade naturally colored and scented soap with you! 143 grams castor oil. Additives: Orange Illite Clay – 1 teaspoon. Mar 18, 2014 - Peppermint is one of my all-time favorite flavors and scents. Why not try: Banana & Cream Soap Now weigh out .1 oz. With this recipe, I do get quite a “bread top,” which I cut after the soap … Dec 27, 2016 - I love Peppermint! I used to use pH strips, but I have found over time that the ZAP test works best and is the simplest way. Christmas Tree Cold Process Soap image from Marie at Humble Bee & Me. Additives: Orange Illite Clay – 1 teaspoon. Want to learn how to make hot process soap with confidence? Also---ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SAFETY GLOVES AND GLASSES WHEN WORKING WITH THE LYE! This is the chemical reaction between the oils and sodium hydroxide (lye) that results in saponification (soap). 301 grams distilled water. You'll see it start to rise up the sides at a certain point. Mocha Soap. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. :-), Want a wonderfully skin softening, soothing handmade soap with excellent lather? Start with the same ingredients and supplies. NOT the essential oils, though--these will be added last. This thick and moisturizing cosmetic oil is perfect for caring for sensitive skin as it is highly conditioning. If you want more, just double it up. FTC Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this article, and this simply means that if you click through and make any kind of purchase, I may earn a very small commission at no extra cost to you! Measure out your water FIRST. The color of this soap also makes it a great soap gift for Christmas or St. Patrick's Day! Essential Oils. go to for the base and superfat recipe. This recipe from Humblebee & Me makes a “loaf” style bar soap that’s topped with hold mica and has a beautiful Christmas tree inspired swirl inside. Crock pot soap is sometimes called hot process, different from cold process because it is heated and cooked for a while. Sunflower oil – 4 oz. Stir well. Anyone who loves to meditate will love this soap. But, Friend, here is another reason why I love you: Your questions and comments made me realize it was time to break out of that rut and do some different things with my soap making! 2. There are picture for each and every step with super detailed instructions. Since the saponification process is complete, the soap is technically ready to use as soon as you cut it, but like cold process soap, it will benefit from a cure of a few weeks. To make the swirls, I separated out a small amount of the soap and added red soap coloring, then layered that in as I was pouring out the rest of the soap and used a knife to swirl it through the soap. clear melt and pour soap base. After all, what’s the point of making “natural” soap if you’re using toxic chemicals, right? Liquid soap colorant or pigment in red 2 tablespoons Spirulina powder or Wheat Grass powder. Blend until medium light trace and blend in essential oils. I think men are a little more picky about scents, but almost every man I know loves the smell of Pine and Peppermint. I used my standard olive, coconut, and castor oil blend for conditioning, hardness, and good lather. 10. This means it will be the consistency of stiff pudding. How to make Peppermint and Sea Salt Homemade soap with Recipe This checklist has been a lifesaver for me, so I don’t forget any steps, plus I include the basic instructions for you too! Water – 9 oz. Just place the ball on your tongue. Shea Butter Soap Recipes MP Embed CP Soap Recipe. I use a silicone soap mold that is roughly 3 1/2 inches wide at the opening, 10 inches long, and about 2 1/2 inches tall or so. If creating hard bars of soap that last well, then this is a great recipe for you! Avocado + Spearmint Cold Process Soap Tutorial - Soap Queen NOTE: This article has SUPER basic instructions for hot process soap. Coconut oil – 12 oz. It doesn't matter because it's really just great for everyone. Get the Hot Process Soap Making Checklist, the Melt & Pour Guide with Recipes, and lots more when you complete this form: Herbs & Essential Oils, Natural Body & Home, Soap Making, how to scent soap, fragrance oils, essential oils, which are better, ginger essential oil, how to use ginger essential oil, benefits ginger, uses for ginger, essential oil, You can find out more about making soap without using lye in this article. AND…I have something else for you: My FREE Checklist for Making Hot Process Soap! It’s also got tons of new recipes, and it comes with my Hot Process Soap Making eBook as a Bonus! I’m now sharing it with you! I sure love to hear from you---. … Hot process or Cold process? 72 oz. of the peppermint essential oil and stir into the melted soap base. If making hot process soap, the lye solution only needs to cool for around 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the melted soap from the microwave using a folded tea towel as the glass may be hot. Hey! It's a great combination! You can cut it all at once, or do what I like to do and just cut it as you need it! It contains all kinds of downloadable eBooks, guides, checklists, and lots more will be added on topics I write about here on the blog. Because it’s seriously NO fail. Lye – 4.6 oz. #handmade #soap #hotprocess #howtomake #homemade #healingharvesthomestead #meltandpour #natural #essentialoilblend. 24-28 oz. Mmmmm....Delicious! Every oil brings its own properties to a bar of soap, and finding the perfect soap recipe is a balance of those things. Everyone loves this soap, but I created this recipe with your manly man in mind! olive oil. It’s so much easier than making a hot or cold process peppermint soap recipe. 12 Hot Process Soap Recipes: Castile Hot Process Soap Recipe. Coconut Oil Soap. Making hot process soap takes about an hour or so to cook, sometimes more, sometimes a little less. These soaps will are super cute and very fun! It’s just a wonderful bathing experience, my friend. Honey Soap. If your man loves pine and peppermint, this soap may just become a favorite! If you are new to making hot process soap or to using lye, please be sure to read through these two articles, which provide very complete picture tutorials: How to Make Hot Process Soap and Rosemary-Lavender-Vanilla Hot Process Soap. Pumpkin Soap. Now add the olive oil, melted palm oil, castor oil and avocado oil to the coconut oil and shea butter. Your man will love this hot process soap recipe! I generally add an ounce of essential oil per pound of soap, and that makes a nice strong, long-lasting scent. Pour your lye into the water---NEVER the other way around. Not really. You might also enjoy these similar articles: Which is Better? It lathers well, and best of all…it’s quite a hard bar, so it will last longer. The best place I've found to purchase both olive oil and coconut oil is Costco. Castor oil – 3 oz. Hot Chocolate Soap. (I purchase my dried Nettles from Starwest Botanicals), ***You can use Nettles medicinally, too! This lovely green soap recipe is moisturizing, conditioning, and cleansing at the same time. ** You can also add the colorant to the oil mixture in Step 1 if you like. It’s peppermint-rosemary with green clay and a smidge of ground rosemary on top. #soapmaking #recipes #forbeginners #natural #withessentialoils #crockpot #hotprocess #vegan #healingharvesthomestead #handmade #sheabutter. If your mold is too large, see the pictures below. This cold process soap recipe is the best ever. And the Spearmint rounds these sharper essential oils out with a sweetness that makes for a lovely blend. It really is. You can find out more about making soap without using lye in this article. How? You can still make these 7 Homemade Holiday Soap Recipes from scratch and have them ready in a day or two. Here you go! Anyone who wants soft skin will love it too! Therefore, I love making my own Peppermint Essential Oil Hot Process Soap! NOTE: For making soap, I purchase my essential oils at Starwest Botanicals. P.S. A new friend of mine suggested making a soap that paired peppermint with oatmeal and I have to say that I'm so pleased with the results that I will probably keep this as a … To check to see, you should be able to roll a little piece up into a ball, and it should feel waxy. And I refused to turn to fragrance oils to scent my soap. Mix, then, add to your batch oils and set aside to cool. Place the pan of solid oils on the hob and turn it on to the lowest heat setting. 9. 2. Essential Oil Blend: Orange Essential Oil – … Have fun with it, but be careful not to go overboard. ), Heat resistant measuring pitcher (s) (You want a heat resistant pitcher to make your lye solution because the solution is HOT when the water and lye are combined. See the articles mentioned above to know when your soap is finished and safe. The scent is awesome. This means that you can use your soaps much sooner. The fumes will dissipate in a few minutes, but are highly irritating at first. Hot Process Crock Pot, Oatmeal & Honey Castile Soap. What are the Best Essential Oils to Use to Scent Your Homemade Soap? 2 lbs. Set aside one ounce of the lard to use as superfat after the cook. I think perhaps my original basic soap recipe found in my hot process soap eBook, How to Make & Customize Hot Process Soap, may have just met its match! STEP 2. Christmas Tree Cold Process Soap image from Marie at Humble Bee & Me. It's ready!! If you need less, simply halve the recipe. You won’t want to get out of the shower! This has happened to me! I always do, but some people don't like to do this. However, I’m posting this anyway because you can make this soap ANY time! This soap lathers well, has a nice slip, and leaves your skin feeling clean! 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) peppermint. As you can see it turns a bit of a salmon/pink color in CP Soap. Olive oil – 10 oz. I use a silicone soap mold that is roughly 3 1/2 inches wide at the opening, 10 inches long, and about 2 1/2 inches tall or so. I made this soap with the cold process method, but it’s the same basic recipe that you can find here in my hot process tutorial. Using a moisturizing homemade soap recipe is a great way to return moisture to dry skin. I like the basic manual crock pots you can just keep right on low. You'll never miss a thing, plus you’ll get immediate access to the Healing Harvest Homestead Resource Library, which is updated weekly. Just complete the form at the end of this article to access it right away! 7. Makes a great gift for anytime! Get your lye solution ready. Make the basic hot process soap; At the end where you would add in Essential Oils add in 3 tsp of peppermint oil and 1/2 cup finely chopped pine needles (if you add more the soap will be even more coarse, that is up to you but just don't add more then 3/4 cup). You can Hot process them! Work in a well ventilated area that is free from distractions. Especially with the onset of cooler weather! If you've never made soap before, please refer to these articles: Hot Process #1 and Hot Process #2. Peppermint essential oil is steam distilled from Mentha piperita, a flowering perennial herb that grows prolifically wherever it is planted. ***If you want you can cut off the top and have a nice smooth soap appearance--much like cold process. I have found the quality to be perfect for making soap, and I can buy the quantity I need, too. Pour soap batter into soap mold and mount the batter a little on top of each bar; Texture the tops by using the back of a small spoon; Decorate each bar by placing whole coffee beans along the middle; Place soaps in the freezer overnight; Unmold after 24 hours; Cure for 3-4 weeks; Enjoy! Then there is hot process soap which mixes the oils and lye–and then adds extra heat to jump-start the saponification process and basically “cooks” the soap to completion. Melt your oils on LOW in the crock pot. GET THE PEPPERMINT BARK SOAP RECIPE HERE . Video tutorial and tons of great new recipes! 4. 3. But if you don't like a lot of fragrance, just cut the measurements in half. Still WORKING full time at my long-time teaching career back then I called it my Third Eye soap in long! Of peppermint essential oil and stir into the Killer Toxins Lurking in colors. The point of making “ natural ” soap if you are worried about using lye in this article to it! And learn everything you need to be able to visit the Resource Library about soap recipes MP Embed soap! Oil too cook, sometimes more, just double it up added last these similar articles: which is?., without one of the shower used my standard olive, coconut, and melt and soap. 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Oils at Starwest Botanicals ), want a wonderfully skin softening, soothing handmade soap, but be careful nicer. Stirred in time cosmetic oil is Costco # soapmaking # recipes # #... Do n't get it stirred in time have n't done so yet, please read my. Give any away, however soap and a smidge of ground rosemary on top it!