function(){var a;b.assert(this._options.transports,"No transport.factory specified");for(var c=0;cd;d++)e[d]=b[d];b[0]=b[0]+1295307597+this._b|0;b[1]=b[1]+3545052371+(b[0]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[2]=b[2]+886263092+(b[1]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[3]=b[3]+1295307597+(b[2]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[4]=b[4]+3545052371+(b[3]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[5]=b[5]+886263092+(b[4]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[6]=b[6]+1295307597+(b[5]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;b[7]=b[7]+3545052371+(b[6]>>>0>>0?1:0)|0;this._b=b[7]>>>0>>0?1:0;for(d=0;8>d;d++){var f=a[d]+b[d],g=f&65535,h=f>>>16;c[d]=((g*g>>>17)+g*h>>> (a=d.allocUnsafe(10),a[0]=215,a[1]=-1,b=c&4294967295,a.writeInt32BE(4*f+c/Math.pow(2,32)&4294967295,2),a.writeInt32BE(b,6)):(a=d.allocUnsafe(6),a[0]=214,a[1]=-1,a.writeUInt32BE(Math.floor(b/1E3),2));return e().append(a)}function v(a){var b,f=[];for(b=0;ba? if((c=b)&&"function"!==typeof b&&("object"!==typeof b||"number"!==typeof b.length))throw Error("JSON.stringify");return f("",{"":a})}}if("function"!==typeof JSON.parse){var g=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;JSON.parse=function(a,c){function b(a,d){var n,k=a[d];if(k&&"object"===typeof k)for(n in k)if(,n)){var e=b(k,n);void 0!==e?k[n]=e:delete k[n]}return,d,k)}a=String(a);g.lastIndex= âQuiet neighbors. {}],99:[function(g,l,h){(function(a){a(function(){function a(a,b){function c(c,e){if(0>c.i)return b(c.f,c.thisArg,c.params,e);a._handler(c.args[c.i]).fold(d,c,void 0,e)}function d(a,b,d){a.params[a.i]=b;--a.i;c(a,d)}2>arguments.length&&(b=f);return function(d,e,f){var g=a._defer(),h=f.length;c({f:d,thisArg:e,args:f,params:Array(h),i:h-1,call:b},g._handler);return g}}function f(a,b,c,f){try{f.resolve(a.apply(b,c))}catch(v){f.reject(v)}}a.tryCatchResolve=f;return a})})(function(a){l.exports=a()})}, From Jennifer Donnelly, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Stepsister, comes a fairytale retelling that'll forever change the way you think about strength, power, and the real meaning of "happily ever after. null!=Symbol.species&&a[Symbol.species]===a&&($jscomp.initSymbol(),Object.defineProperty(a,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,writable:!1}));a.poolSize=8192;a.from=function(a,b,c){return f(a,b,c)};a.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype;a.__proto__=Uint8Array;a.alloc=function(a,c,e){d(a);a=0>=a?b(a):void 0!==c? 201326592:524304,218103808:0,234881024:16400,251658240:1074266112,8388608:1073758208,25165824:540688,41943040:16,58720256:1073758224,75497472:1074282512,92274688:1073741824,109051904:524288,125829120:1074266128,142606336:524304,159383552:0,176160768:16384,192937984:1074266112,209715200:1073741840,226492416:540672,243269632:1074282496,260046848:16400,268435456:0,285212672:1074266128,301989888:1073758224,318767104:1074282496,335544320:1074266112,352321536:16,369098752:540688,385875968:16384,402653184:16400, c,c=Error("write after end"),this.emit("error",c),n.nextTick(d,c);else{var h;if(! return{formatError:function(b){var d="object"===typeof b&&null!==b&&(b.stack||b.message)?b.stack||b.message:a(b);return b instanceof Error?d:d+" (WARNING: non-Error used)"},formatObject:a,tryStringify:f}})})(function(a){l.exports=a()})},{}],111:[function(g,l,h){(function(a){a(function(){function a(a,b,c){a[c]=b;return a}function f(a){return"function"===typeof a?a.bind():Object.create(a)}return function(b,e,c,g){"undefined"===typeof e&&(e=a);return Object.keys(g).reduce(function(a,c){var d=g[c];return"function"=== Fearing that she might lose her beloved crown, the stepmother sends out her huntsman to take Sophie’s heart. O=e[4];for(d=0;80>d;d+=1){var V=C+a[b+w[d]]|0;V=16>d?V+((F^N^L)+k[0]):32>d?V+((F&N|~F&L)+k[1]):48>d?V+(((F|~N)^L)+k[2]):64>d?V+((F&L|N&~L)+k[3]):V+((F^(N|~L))+k[4]);V|=0;V=f(V,v[d]);V=V+O|0;C=O;O=L;L=f(N,10);N=F;F=V;V=A+a[b+r[d]]|0;V=16>d?V+((Y^(m|~x))+p[0]):32>d?V+((Y&x|m&~x)+p[1]):48>d?V+(((Y|~m)^x)+p[2]):64>d?V+((Y&m|~Y&x)+p[3]):V+((Y^m^x)+p[4]);V|=0;V=f(V,z[d]);V=V+t|0;A=t;t=x;x=f(m,10);m=Y;Y=V}V=e[1]+N+x|0;e[1]=e[2]+L+t|0;e[2]=e[3]+O+A|0;e[3]=e[4]+C+Y|0;e[4]=e[0]+F+m|0;e[0]=V},_doFinalize:function(){var a= She started screaming then and could not stop. b||y(a,4,this.length);return this[a]<<24|this[a+1]<<16|this[a+2]<<8|this[a+3]};a.prototype.readFloatLE=function(a,b){a>>>=0;b||y(a,4,this.length);return,a,!0,23,4)};a.prototype.readFloatBE=function(a,b){a>>>=0;b||y(a,4,this.length);return,a,!1,23,4)};a.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(a,b){a>>>=0;b||y(a,8,this.length);return,a,!0,52,8)};a.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(a,b){a>>>=0;b||y(a,8,this.length);return,a,!1,52,8)};a.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(a, Also I liked how the story was tied into the heart and love and how being loving does not equate to being too soft. a}).call(this,g("_process"))},{_process:75}],75:[function(g,l,h){function a(){throw Error("setTimeout has not been defined");}function b(){throw Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");}function f(b){if(C===setTimeout)return setTimeout(b,0);if((C===a||!C)&&setTimeout)return C=setTimeout,setTimeout(b,0);try{return C(b,0)}catch(k){try{return,b,0)}catch(p){return,b,0)}}}function d(a){if(q===clearTimeout)return clearTimeout(a);if((q===b||!q)&&clearTimeout)return q=clearTimeout,
0;c||k(this,a,b,4,2147483647,-2147483648);0>a&&(a=4294967295+a+1);this[b]=a>>>24;this[b+1]=a>>>16;this[b+2]=a>>>8;this[b+3]=a&255;return b+4};a.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(a,b,c){return I(this,a,b,!0,c)};a.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(a,b,c){return I(this,a,b,!1,c)};a.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(a,b,c){return l(this,a,b,!0,c)};a.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(a,b,c){return l(this,a,b,!1,c)};a.prototype.copy=function(b,c,d,e){if(!a.isBuffer(b))throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer"); "byteLength",{value:d});Object.defineProperty(this,"byteOffset",{value:c});Object.defineProperty(this,"length",{value:b})}.apply(this,arguments);throw TypeError();}function g(a,c,b){var d=function(){Object.defineProperty(this,"constructor",{value:d});v.apply(this,arguments);r(this)};"__proto__"in d?d.__proto__=v:(d.from=v.from,d.of=v.of);d.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT=a;var m=function(){};m.prototype=V;d.prototype=new m;Object.defineProperty(d.prototype,"BYTES_PER_ELEMENT",{value:a});Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, Jennifer Donnelly is a fairytale retelling of Snow White as she 's never been seen before to... 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