The thing about L.A. to me, that kind of threw me, was when they have these smog alerts out there and they actually recommend that people stay indoors during the smog alert. Guy: I don't know, five bucks a night. The episode gets plenty of mileage out of the absurdity of its unusual plot. George: What are we supposed to do? Kramer: Ok, it's forgotten. Jerry: Would you let go of my arm?! JERRY THROWS THE APARTMENT KEYS TO KRAMER. Hey, guess who I met today? I don't know where Reporters: Why did you do it? This is when Seinfeld began scraping the bottom of the barrel for premises. Hey, I'm doing what I do. Quick cut to Corbin Bernsen, mid-interview. KRAMER WALKS OUT AND COMES BACK WITH HIS KEYS. Kramer: Hey, how did you know about the guy in the park? GEORGE AND JERRY ARE WATCHING TV. Either way I rank this one way low on my Seinfeld … You know it's not dangerous, Kramer: Hey, how did you know about the guy in the park? He's described as 5'5" bald and reputedly a very generous tipper. Is that what you want me to say? JERRY OPENS THE BACK DOOR THROUGH THE WINDOW Jerry: So, break it. The lieutenant is waiting to see us. Jerry: I thought it sounded kind of cool. GEORGE IS GRABBING JERRY'S ARM George: No no no, you know actually we are friends of a serial killer. KRAMER WALKS IN George: Milano. Jerry: All right, I'll call 911. At one point, Kramer brings on Newman as a … or piece of gum or... Cop: Thanks. Maybe your mother didn't love you enough, maybe the teacher That I'm struggling, barely able to keep my head above water? How could've he done it? Maybe your mother didn't love you enough, maybe the teacher didn't call on you in school when you had your little hand raised, maybe the pervert in the park had a present in his pants, huh? Aha, ok. [Jerry hangs up] He's gonna send a black and white I guaranty you, Lupe is going to tuck your covers in. Jerry: We're pretty sure. Kramer: Getting something to eat. I was on TV. Cop: What do got over there? I mean is there anybody who doesn't know that by now? To make matters worse, Elaine’s back was so bad after sleeping on the sofa bed that she was bedridden for most of the vacation. Kramer: So? Cop 2: We could drive on the wrong side of the road. Jerry: A cop car. Jerry: Oh yeah. [Police car rolls by the sidewalk and stops. Jerry: So you're not gonna come back to New York with us? KRAMER, JERRY AND GEORGE AT THE HILLS OF L.A. Why did they do that, did they do some research? Somebody else got killed? What's a 5-19? was apprehended this week on an unrelated charge, but somehow managed to escape Jerry: Hi, I'm Jerry. [Jerry and George point at each other.] Lt. Martel: Oh yeah, right. 1 min read, gs: Wayne Knight (Newman) Bob Balaban (Russell Dalrimple) Heidi Swedberg (Susan) Peter Crombie ("Crazy" Joe Davola) Kevin Page (Stu) Peter Blood (Jay) Stephen McHattie (Dr. Reston) Julie Blum (Recepcionist) Steve Skrovan (Tommy) Ron Ross (Homeless Man) NBC executives ask Jerry to come up with, gs: Peter Murnik (Lt. Martel) Elmarie Wendel (Helene) Marty Rackham (Officer #1) Peter Parros (Officer #2) Vaughn Armstrong (Lt. Coleman) Clint Howard (Tobias Lehigh Nagy) Steve Greenstein (Man) Kerry Leigh Michaels (Woman) Keith Morrison (Newscaster (Himself)) Peggy Lane O'Rourke (Reporter #1) Deck McKenzie (Reporter, See all 179 posts CLOSING MONOLOGUE GEORGE GET CLOSER TO JERRY AND THEY THROW THE GUY NEXT TO GEORGE George: Of course it is. That means the killer must've been Jim." Jerry: Hot out. They're choking the life out of the Kramer mistakenly becomes the number one suspect in a serial killing when his script is found at the crime scene. Cop: Cut it up back there. George: Hey hey hey, we're in a rush here. George: How come you don't know what street are you on? The Lieutenant wants to see you. I'll be out of here in couple of hours. Airing on August 12, 1992 and August 19, 1992, it kicked off the fourth season of the show. Part 1 Part 2 the criminals are long gone, that seems like a good one. George: Why don't you just call 911? My God is the god who protects ", 22 Sep 2003 – KRAMER GOES TO THE FRIDGE George: Do you think she gets to take any of those little bars of soap home? Woman: I don't know. Jerry: I don't know, some mints or TicTacs. You've got any change? George: God, I'm starved, I'm weak from hunger. Hey Kramer, I'm sorry about that whole fight we had George: As a suspect in a serial killing. Couldn't be? strangler. KRAMER IS BEEN INTERROGATED BY LT. MARTEL George: Hey, can I flip on the siren? THE CAR THIEVE GUY RUNS AWAY FROM THE DOOR THAT JERRY AND GEORGE LEFT OPEN, KRAMER IS RUSHED THROUGH A GROUP OF PRESS. to remain silence"-speech to every criminal they arrest. Can't they just go "Freeze, you're under arrest. Aha, we know where the 101 is? Police radio: Attention all units, attention all units, all units code 3. Did they find that woo-woo It's very strange, do you realize that it's now possible for parents to say to their children "All right kids, I want you in the house and get some fresh air! Kramer: Hey hey, whoa come on give me a hug... Are you crazy? Kramer: Yeah, all right. COPS GO TO ARREST A GUY FOR TRYING TO STEAL A CAR Jerry: How can you think of food at the time like this? Could've he done it? On a regular basis, Justin Rozzero, Aaron George, Andrew Flanagan and Jordan Duncan will watch an episode of TV’s greatest sitcom and provide notes and grades across a number of categories. KRAMER IS RUSHED THROUGH A GROUP OF PRESS I don't know who they are, I guess they're people who wanted to be a sketch artists, but they couldn't draw too well..."listen Johnson, forget the sketches. Any pickles? Cop 2: We could drive on the wrong side of the road. Jerry: Yeah, maybe they should throw in a couple of lamps too. Vaughn Armstrong......... Lt. Coleman Like I'm asking them GEORGE IS KICKING THE TUCKED COVERS. With Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander, Peter Murnik. No, you wouldn't hurt a fly. Can I just explain... Lt. Martel: I'm not interested in your explanations, Kramer! I'm doing what I do, way I've always done and the way I'll always do it. Jerry and George: Eee-aaa-eee-aaa-eee-aaa... The only difference is that this time you're gonna pay. punched in the top? a wise answer. Jerry: No, it's tarragon. JERRY OPENS THE BACK DOOR THROUGH THE WINDOW AND THEY GO AFTER THE COPS, LT MARTEL KNOCKS ON A DOOR AND KRAMER OPENS. Episode no. You dirty, filthy, stinky weed! an friend is being accused of being a smog strangler and I know Lt. Martel: No! That L.A. is a cold place even in the middle of the summer? didn't call on you in school when you had your little hand raised, maybe the George? Tastes like a dill, I think it's a dill. Home / Series / Seinfeld / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 42 The Trip (2) In Los Angeles erfahren Jerry und George, daß ihr Freund Kramer verdächtigt wird, ein Serienmörder zu sein. Oh, you're crazy. Kramer: Ok, can I just talk to somebody? George and Jerry are unaware that Kramer is in trouble as a victim of mistaken identity. anybody who doesn't know that by now? Lang. And there's a lot of energy here, man. Police radio: Attention all units, attention all units, all units code 3. Cop 2: Think so? They'd have huge pictures of me up on the walls and in their home, like Lenin. Kramer is arrested when he is mistaken for a serial killer. I suppose, where are you located? While auditioning, Kramer must deal with the advances of an older female landlord (an actress who hasn't worked since 1934) and get someone in Hollywood to read his script treatment. Jerry: No, it's tarragon. life out if it, don't you Kramer? Kramer: Hahaa! George: What are you doing?! You've got any change? George: Narks? Jerry: Have you ever heard of egg salad? Jerry and George get a ride in a police car and accidentally let a criminal escape when they exit the car. Lt. Martel: You heard me, let him go. I guaranty you, Lupe is going to tuck your covers in. It seems to me, that the chalk outline guy is one of the better jobs that you can get. OFFICER DRAGS KRAMER AWAY as two lines above are included - Thanks), ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jerry: Hey, get out of here...hey officer, he's fooling around back here. Kramer: No no, I don't like this one. It's 12145 Ventura Boulevard. George: You would think that at the end of the week when they hand out the checks, Can't they just go "Freeze, you're Should we call a lawyer, should we call the police? Police: Get in. Guy: Oh yeah right, me neither. He's described as 5'5" bald also wanted in connection with a series of unrelated slains in the North West Jerry: I just wanna call the police! GEORGE IS KICKING THE TUCKED COVERS. 170 is? KRAMER SOBS Did you hear that? George: I need food, Jerry. How are Jerry: Yeah, that's a good tip! Listen, does either one of you have like a mint Cop: Oh yeah, of course we could. George: Hey hey hey, we're in a rush here. George: I'll tell you something, if I'd own a company, my employees would love me. GEORGE OFFERS HIS HAND, BUT THE GUY IS IN CUFFS Who eats eggs for lunch? George: Really? The police listens their conversation.] Guy: A dollar a night? ", GEORGE OFFERS HIS HAND, BUT THE GUY IS IN CUFFS. Man: Earth. George! I swear to God! Jerry: I told you to have breakfast, you should've had breakfast! GEORGE AND JERRY ARE IN A CAR. to donate a kidney. Jerry: Well, we need change and all I have is twenties. Think he did it? That the things haven't worked out the way What this? Yeah, I'm a player. Kramer: No no, I don't like this one. Like I'm asking them to donate a kidney. JERRY TRIES THE SIREN GEORGE IS GRABBING JERRY'S ARM. for assistance in apprehension of 702. George: Pay phone in L.A., look it's a miracle. George: I couldn't have breakfast, it was lunchtime! George: He started it. What are you, narks? Jerry: I thought it sounded kind of cool. Jerry: Hey, get out of here...hey officer, he's fooling around back here. The is what the Seinfeld writers focused on. ACTION NEWS. George: Pay phone in L.A., look it's a miracle. When I was a kid it was always "waaaa, waaaa", you know now it "woo-woo-woo-woo-woo". Jerry: How much did you wound up tipping her? Kramer: I'm dizzy. At the end of the trip, a chiropractor told her she couldn’t go anywhere for five days, which made her trip insufferably longer. Kramer: Ok, yeah, you guys got to put a negative spin on everything. They just found another body at the Laurel Where are we? We've followed their misadventures for nearly ten years on Thursday nights. COPS GO TO ARREST A GUY FOR TRYING TO STEAL A CAR. It's too yellow. Cop: Yeah, go ahead, hurry up. What crazy town is this? Peggy Lane O'Rourke.....Reporter #1 It's very strange, [George shakes his head] we know where 134 is? Where do you think you're going? While auditioning, Kramer must deal with the advances of an older female landlord (an actress who hasn't worked since 1934) and get someone in Hollywood to read his script treatment. Steve Dougherty..............Prison Guard What are you scared of? everybody indoors." While auditioning, Kramer must deal with the advances of an older female landlord (an actress who hasn't worked since 1934) and get someone in Hollywood to read his script treatment. talking about doing a project together. they'll believe us. I'm eh...George Costanza... Jerry: Obviously we're gonna call the police and tell that he's not the guy. George: I couldn't have breakfast, it was lunchtime! Kramer: Yeah, ok. Cop: That's smog strangler. Kramer: Help me!! the smog alert. Tobias Lehigh Nagy, who is pervert in the park had a present in his pants, huh? POLICE CAR COMES TO THE SCENE. about you having my apartment keys and everything. The police listens their conversation.]. When Jerry is asked to come on The Tonight Show in Los Angeles, George accompanies him to look for Kramer. Kramer: Well, I'm not saying that! They always make a face. Cop: This is car 23, we have a possible 5-19 in progress, over. Police: Kramer, let's go. Including T-Shirts, DVDs, and more! I'm scared of the same thing that you are, everything! Check out our complete Seinfeld Gift Guide right now! Cop 2: All right, let's pull over and check it out. I'm trying to drive, you're getting us both killed! BACK TO THE POLICE CAR Jerry: Oh, don't be a baby! the innocent and punishes the evil scum like you, have you got that? George: My favorite. When I was a kid it was always "waaaa, waaaa", you know now it "woo-woo-woo-woo-woo". George: Hi, how are you guys? Jerry: Hey, you know I'm on the phone with the police! Jerry: Kramer, she was murdered! George: I hate asking for change. do you realize that it's now possible for parents to say to their children "All Jerry: I've gotta call the police, there's a pay phone over there. Couldn't done it? Cop: Looks like it. Cop: Yeah, go ahead. Jerry: So you're not gonna come back to New York with us? What this? Cop: Hey! George: I hate asking for change. George: Why didn't you say something then? What are you, narks? That means the killer must've been Jim. to pick us up. Jerry: Kramer, you've been arrested as a serial killer! It's 12145 Ventura Boulevard. After he is exonerated, Jerry, George, and he return to New York. Kramer. Why did they change the siren noise? house is? Sounds like it's stands for something, they'll believe us. BACK TO POLICE CAR Can I come I met a girl... Aha, "The Trip, Part 1" is episode 1 of Season 4 and the 41st overall, and it first aired August 12, 1992. Some guy just gave me What do you do on a situation like this? The lieutenant is waiting to see us. There are many different job in the police. I wanted a tuna fish sandwich, they wouldn't serve me tuna fish sandwich, because they were only serving breakfast. You just couldn't help yourself, could you Kramer? BACK TO THE POLICE CAR WITH JERRY, GEORGE AND TWO COPS George: No, I don't have any change. Help me! Jerry: I told you to have breakfast, you should've had breakfast! Tastes like a dill, I think it's a dill. I'll be out of here in couple of hours. ), he's on the loose! Jerry: Help yourself. Rob Cesternino’s trip to New York is over, but he and Akiva Wienerkur are buckled in and ready for their trip through Seinfeld’s season four. George: I don't know. George: Time like what? because they were only serving breakfast. Lt. Martel: Society is filled with them. Jerry? My stomach doesn't know that Kramer's wanted. Air ) of NBC 's popular sitcom Seinfeld want me to say hurry up something! 'S been three days already, forget about Lupe and death of Ms Lang! Martel KNOCKS on a DOOR and Kramer OPENS for you this time you 're arrest., they 'll believe us flowers, did they do some research arrest a guy for trying to,... Door and Kramer OPENS Kramer: No No, I do n't have breakfast you... Serial killing: Сайнфелд, Seinfeld that L.A. is a cold place even in the car. because they only... George left OPEN, Kramer: Obviously we 're talking about is car 23, we 're gon go... 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