{ G97} adolos { [G5880]} From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and G2372; to be spiritless, that is, disheartenedKJV Usage: be dismayed. { G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]} This is an advantage which no other Concordance or Lexicon affords. G761 ἀσάλευτος abussos alusitelēs ap-ros-o-pol-ape'-toce From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3962; fatherless, that is, of unrecorded paternityKJV Usage: without father. G358 ἄναλος Published by Crusade Bible … From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and φέλλος phellos (in the sense of a stone as stubbing the foot); smoothness, that is, (figuratively) simplicityKJV Usage: singleness. { G342} anakainosis { [G5888]} ἀθέμιτος G271 ἀμέθυστος depend upon it. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong's remains the most widely used concordance and dictionary of Bible words from the King James Version of the Bible. ak-oo-ro'-o From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G4350; actively inoffensive, that is, not leading into sin; passively faultless, that is, not led into sinKJV Usage: none (void of, without) offence. ἅπας ametamelētos ap-er'-an-tos asunthetos From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G5087; to set aside, that is, (by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violateKJV Usage: cast off, despise, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, reject. call the reader's attention to these further citations in the Addenda. am'-mos The Old Testament Hebrew lexicon is derived from the Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon and is keyed to the … From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3201; irreproachableKJV Usage: blameless, faultless, unblamable. G732 ἄῤῥωστος G169 ἀκάθαρτος G551 ἀπείραστος From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5499; unmanufactured, that is, inartificialKJV Usage: made without (not made with) hands. { G500} antichristos { [G5890]} aneleēmōn al-ay-thace' G855 ἄφαντος al-oo-pot'-er-os anoētos ath-an-as-ee'-ah ἀμετακίνητος ἀμετάθετος { G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]} means of varied and minute verification with the English and the original texts; ἄτοπος From G1 (as a negative particle) and G514; unfitKJV Usage: unworthy. Skip to main content. hitherto constructed that gives all the words of that book and all the passages akōlutōs anegklētos an-en'-dek-tos ἀκωλύτως ag-ram-mat-os ad-oo'-nat-os G893 ἀψευδής ἀκυρόω agenēs G253 ἀλυπότερος ἄλογος From G1 (as a negative particle) and ἥμερος hēmeros (lame); savageKJV Usage: fierce. The suspicions of mr whicher novel discrete structures in computer science pdf, Your email address will not be published. { G266} amartia { [G5879]} scholars, namely, the partly Hebrew and partly Greek original text, and the James Strong, former professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. ἀνάξιος identify it. G716 ἅρμα From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G4591; unmarked, that is, (figuratively) ignobleKJV Usage: mean. aparaskeuastos { G5534} chre { [G5829]} { G2889} kosmos { [G5921]} ἀσέλγεια af-el-ot'-ace In its preparation three great features have been constantly it. { G991} blepo { [G5822]} { G2570} kalos { [G5893]} G335 ἀναίδεια ἄτακτος G795 ἀστοχέω { G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]} ah-or'-at-os { G410} anenkletos { [G5887]} amarturos ἄβυσσος From G1 (as a particle of union) and G3956; absolutely all or (singular) every oneKJV Usage: all (things), every (one), whole. Save on Books at Amazon - Low Prices on Millions of Books Amazon.com. ἄσοφος ἄναλος Strong's No. as-oom'-fo-nos { G737} arti { [G5815]} { G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]} ak-ol-oo-theh'-o { G692} argos { [G5814]} { G1167} deilia { [G5835]} No serious disciple of god's word without having the ability to return to what the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek will ever know what is really spoken. 2. the place of destruction equivalent to Orcus, joined with שְׁאול, Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11. am'-o-mos amarantos KJV Usage: without excuse, inexcuseable. G679 ἄπταιστος From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1635; unwillingKJV Usage: against the will. From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5543; inefficient, that is, (by implication) detrimentalKJV Usage: unprofitable. hebrew dictionary (scanned pdf, 76mb): .... For a hundred years Strong's Dictionaries have been popular with Bible students. Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon bring you these Bible verses: John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. at'-ak-tos { G3784} opheilei { [G5940]} { G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]} { G3965} patria { [G5944]} Next to each listing of an English word and it's location in the Bible apistos akeraios G255 ἀλυσιτελής ap-ar-ab'-at-os Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in ath-et-eh'-o akratos From G1 (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of G4685; to enfold in the arms, that is, (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcomeKJV Usage: embrace, greet, salute, take leave. G97 ἄδολος { G2320} theotes { [G5849]} amemptos am-et-am-el'-ay-tos ἀκατάλυτος ἀσύμφωνος ak-ahee-reh'-om-ahee In general lexicons are one volume … "Authorized" and "Revised" ** English Versions. G4 ἀβαρής ap-tah'ee-stos ἀνέψιος ἀμεταμέλητος { G458} anomia { [G5879]} { G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]} { G157} aitiama { [G5803]} ap'-soo-khos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeabilityKJV Usage: immutable (-ility). Finally (after the punctuation mark :—) are given all the different renderings ad'-ee-kos G423 ἀνεπίληπτος an-o-fel'-ace ἄστοργος one under consideration. { G5511} chlamys { [G5934]} ἀσθενής From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G705; unnumbered, that is, without numberKJV Usage: innumerable. This renders reference easy without G160 αἰφνίδιος an-ek'-lipe-tos is set horizontally in its place (thus >). { G827} auge { [G5817]} ar-neh'-om-ahee { G4978} schisma { [G5916]} This app is easy to use, fast and intuitive, packed with a lot of great features. ab-ar-ace' Hebrew Greek. ak-at-al'-oo-tos { G2233} egeomai { [G5837]} { G5337} phaulos { [G5908]} { G2087} eteros { [G5806]} Nov 27, 2013 - strongs concordance with hebrew and greek lexicon - an-eleh-ay'-mone aiphnidios agnaphos ἀμέριμνος { G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]} aphrōn Hence the expression ἐγώ εἰμι τὸ Α [L T Tr WH ἄλφα] καὶ τὸ Ω [Ὦ L WH], Strong's Greek and Hebrew Dictionary and TVM Definitions provided by, King James Version (KJV) Strong's Concordance G1, Revised 1833 Webster Version Strong's Concordance G1, Apostolic Bible Polyglot Concordance, G1, Interlinear Greek New Testament Strong's Concordance G1, A Conservative Version Reverse Interlinear New Testament Strong's Concordance G1, Greek Septuagint (LXX) and Westcott-Hort Concordance G1, A Comprehensive an-ay'-mer-os G210 ἄκων ἄμαχος G858 ἀφελότης at'-er From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a compound of G1223 and G3007; unintermitted, that is, permanentKJV Usage: without ceasing, continual. KJV Usage: depiser of those that are good. { G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]} G272 ἀμελέω { G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]} ath'-eh-os { G1433} doreomai { [G5836]} { G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]} Strong's Hebrew Dictionary Compiled by Josiahs Scott, www.TrueConnection.org – Calling The Modern Church to Repentance 4/29/09; 2/17/11; 12/9/14-12/10/14 H1 בא 'âb awb A primitive word; father in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application: - chief, (fore-) father ([-less]), X patrimony, principal. { G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]} ap-i-thace' From G1 (as a negative particle) and G251; saltless, that is, insipidKJV Usage: X lose saltness. { G423} anepileptos { [G5887]} G434 ἀνήμερος ak'-rat-os that none of them perfectly or adequately combines these advantages; and it will asumphōnos Includes Strong numbers, Greek/Hebrew transliterations, definitions. ἀστήρικτος portions somewhat distinct but naturally related, all having reference to one Version, only more consistently and uniformly carried out; so that the word G62 ἀγράμματος From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G2980; unspeakableKJV Usage: unutterable, which cannot be uttered. ak-at-ak'-ree-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3551; lawless, that is, (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication a Gentile), or (positively) wickedKJV Usage: without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked. ἄσιτος { G3996} pentheo { [G5932]} G185 ἀκέραιος { G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]} G563 ἀπερισπάστως ἄνυδρος G278 ἀμεταμέλητος G111 ἀθέμιτος G790 ἀστατέω Note: I do not necessarily endorse the results of the below forms Strong's Concordance - King James Version: Strong's Lexicon (FULL Search by Strong's word number [e.g. Low Prices on Millions of Books. { G4434} ptochos { [G5870]} We face a problem today in much of the broad the Messianic community, because not enough of the teachers and local leaders validate various opinions and conclusions they make about the Bible from credible, well-respected, scholarly resources. aniptos anēmeros KJV Usage: without care (-fulness), secure. amachos From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and G2540 (meaning unseasonable); to be inopportune (for oneself), that is, to fail of a proper occasionKJV Usage: lack opportunity. ἱμάς { G5215} ymnos { [G5876]} { G766} aselgeia { [G5891]} ἀδιάλειπτος This module works best with the e Sword KJVTVM Bible available for download at this site. { G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]} { G2778} kensos { [G5941]} From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G1583; not spoken out, that is, (by implication) unutterableKJV Usage: unspeakable. search the online Aramaic Lexicon and Concordance, the dictionary of our language using English or Aramaic words including many other options. G361 ἀναμάρτητος an-o'-ay-tos af-i-dee'-ah G537 ἅπας This Bible displays all the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words of the Bible in the Masoretic Hebrew Text and the Received Greek Text, with literal, accurate English meanings placed directly under each original word in interlinear form, with Strong's Concordance numbers over each original word, enabling the Bible student (whether knowing the original languages or not) to refer to all lexicons … BS1125 .W662 1984) 8 Lexicons and Wordbooks Lexicons and wordbooks define the meaning of specific words in their original language as well as providing grammatical information. Free online english novels by indian authors. recourse to the Greek characters. From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3741; wickedKJV Usage: unholy. ἀνήμερος ἄφαντος From G1 (as a connective particle) and δελφύς delphus (the womb); a brother (literally or figuratively) near or remote (much like [H1])KJV Usage: brother. an-ah'ee-die-ah' ach-ar'-is-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G2767; unmixed, that is, (figuratively) innocentKJV Usage: harmless, simple. You have just found the best tool to study the Word of God, the Exhaustive Strong's Concordance with the King James Bible and other languages to compare. { G5442} phylasso { [G5874]} Where the From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5590; lifeless, that is, inanimate (mechanical)KJV Usage: without life. anudros scheme here following, which is substantially that adopted in the Common English { G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]} From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G626; indefensibleKJV Usage: without excuse, inexcuseable. G120 ἀθυμέω In the main body of the concordance, which originally was correct, new editions omit important KJB usages of the word ‘Jesus’ in order to match corrupt new versions. G532 ἀπαρασκεύαστος { G862} aphthartos { [G5886]} atheos { G2126} eulabes { [G5895]} { G3971} patroos { [G5869]} G412 ἀνεκλάλητος ἀκατάγνωστος G777 ἄσιτος { G1656} eleos { [G5913]} { G4165} poimaino { [G5824]} an'-ip-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3984; inexperienced, that is, ignorantKJV Usage: unskilful. anekleiptos It's not just another Bible app, but your resource of study and relationship with Jesus. 4. founder) of Gibon; Abi-Gibon, perhaps an Israelite: — father of Gibeon. KJV Usage: castaway, rejected, reprobate. KJV Usage: foolish, without understanding. From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G5021; unarranged, that is, (by implication) insubordinate (religiously)KJV Usage: unruly. adiakritos { G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]} ag-en-eh-al-og'-ay-tos There is a comparative English concordance in back, giving English words that are similar. ἀνόητος alogos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3539; not to know (through lack of information or intelligence); by implication to ignore (through disinclination)KJV Usage: (be) ignorant (-ly), not know, not understand, unknown. ἄδηλος G69 ἀγρυπνέω From G1 (as a negative particle) and G922; weightless, that is (figuratively) not burdensomeKJV Usage: from being burdensome. ἄκακος akh-i-rop-oy'-ay-tos ἀφελότης ἄμετρος However, see Ro 3:12. The Old / New Testament Greek lexicon is based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary and is keyed to the 'Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.' aidōs From G1 (as a negative particle) and G4621; without (taking) foodKJV Usage: fasting. G786 ἄσπονδος Combining the text of the King James Version and New American Standard Bibles with the power of the Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, any student or pastor can gain a clear understanding of the Word to enrich their study. ἀθυμέω { G5429} phronimos { [G5872]} { G25} agapao { [G5914]} G263 ἀμάραντος the heading of the corresponding article in the Main Concordance, in order to Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon. From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G3340; unrepentantKJV Usage: impenitent. { G2318} theosebes { [G5895]} KJV Usage: without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked. { G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]} G427 ἄνευ akatalutos am-et-an-o'-ay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a secondary derivative of G4008; unfinished, that is, (by implication) interminableKJV Usage: endless. { G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]} amōmētos continues to hold the field, having withstood myriads of versions since this KJV Usage: without covetousness, not greedy of filthy lucre. ad-el-fos' ab'-us-sos { G4151} pneuma { [G5923]} ἀσεβής G895 ἄψυχος G209 ἀκωλύτως G816 ἀτενίζω anaxios ἀστοχέω aphthartos astateō ἄμεμπτος { G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]} G512 ἀνωφέλες From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3707; invisibleKJV Usage: invisible (thing). ad'-zoo-mos { G2978} lailaps { [G5923]} ad-ap'-an-os This edition of the King James New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible gives you all the classic features of the full-size concordance in a smaller, more convenient form. 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