Register Start a Wiki. ", "I shoulda listened when my grandfather said, I pointed to the side of my mouth, as a way of indicating, I hopped up and I said: "I don't know, do you want to get something delivered? S/he. It first appears to be a very straight account of a tragic earthquake in Peru, sung in a very earnest fashion in a song whose melody and tempo is quite fitting to the sad mood....then he reveals himself to be a jerk who's mad that this report about the Peruvian earthquake interrupted his watching and taping, The bridge of "Hardware Store" has Al singing. "Since You've Been Gone" seems to be an a capella describing (with typical "Weird Al" wackiness and exaggeration) how a man has suffered since a breakup, until the last line: "Good Old Days" is a wistful song about the singer's youth and how life was simpler then before it takes a dark turn: "Why Does This Always Happen To Me?" Al usually releases a new album and goes on tour once every three to four years, which led John Garabedian of Open House Party to say that "every album is [Al's] comeback album, and then he goes away until the next one". And let me tell you what you didn't win! The final episode of, Let's not forget this part of "Close But No Cigar", Amish Paradise contains the line "I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art! On a shot of a piece of homework paper, the homeroom teacher is listed as ". Mad was an American animated sketch comedy television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation.The series was based on Mad magazine.Each episode is a collection of short animated parodies of television shows, movies, games, celebrities etc. The Mind Screw is basically something that relies so heavily on symbolism or surrealism/absurdism, or maybe just failed in an attempt at coherency, that the immediate response afterwards is "What the heck was that?!?!" A good illustration: "Confessions, Part 3" is all about this. “weird al” yankovic don't download this song lyrics. One measure is how readily we name tropes from shows or other works. Yankovic set the U.S. record on Spotify for having the most tracks from one album in the viral top 10 at one time, taking the top four spots. It uses various types of animation (CGI, claymation, stop … Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from ", Were gonna kick your collective posterior, "My barista didn't even bother to make a design in the foam on the top of my vanilla latte! However, this particular childhood involved torturing rats with hacksaws, burning down a corner store and brutally beating the shop owner, and taking a girl from highschool to a dance, and shaving her bald and abandoning her in the desert. Al's first songs included "Belvedere Cruising" (an original ode to his family's car, a 1964 Plymouth Belvedere) and "Dr. D Superstar", a parody of "Jesus Christ Superstar" rewritten to be about Dr. Demento. Don't download this song — "weird al" yankovic | last. "A&E: What's the deal with Lindsay Lohan? and "SN: What is the melting point of a gorilla's head?" ", "And I'd spend all day long in the basement/Torturing rats with a hacksaw/And pulling the wings off of flies". In 1989, Weird Al starred in the film UHF, and he had a short-lived CBS "kids' show" in the 1990s, The Weird Al Show. A lady wearing a hat with a train on it is also in one of the vintage stock video clips in "Dare to Be Stupid". Apparently, even if you're "the prettiest girl on the planet", he'll break up with you if you own a DVD of. some of the agency's enemies have caught up with Al, and Al dies this way. fat suit for "Fat", tacky clothes for "Tacky". Inexact title. The definition of "Accordion" has a picture of Al next to it. Al began recording his own humorous songs in his bedroom with his accordion and mailing them to the good Doctor, who played them on the air; according to Al, Demento appreciated the novelty of a geeky teenager with an accordion thinking he was "cool". Technology likely won't march. "Addicted to Spuds" is a parody of "Addicted to Love" about potatoes. "One Of Those Days" features this as well as, "Tacky" goes on at length about stereotypically tacky clothing and behavior, but towards the end we hear ". Weird Al Effect/Laconic | All The Tropes Wiki | Fandom. The humor is both witty and juvenile appealing mostly to tween and teen boys.. doesn't reveal the true nature of the title and viewpoint character until halfway through the first verse. Still, the makers did their best under the circumstances, even if the end result wasn't at all what people wanted out of a wacky kids' show starring "Weird Al" Yankovic. "That goat doesn't love you! She responds that she's been sleeping with his pet goat. In "Jurassic Park", he only admits to being "kinda mad" about getting his guts torn out. In the most extreme example of this attention to detail, "Trapped in the Drive-Thru" (based on R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet") sounds exactly like the original. Trope Namer. A rare producer-based instead of artist-based example is "Stop Forwarding That Crap to Me", which emulates, An additional example is "Christmas At Ground Zero", an, Less likely, but still possible: "When I Was Your Age" = early, Odd one: while "Jerry Springer" is a direct Parody of "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies, the actual lyrics and subject matter sound more like he's doing his own version of. In the early days of filesharing (LimeWire especially), a lot of comedy/parody songs were falsely attributed to Al. The former sounds ripped from Al TV, and the latter is another great execution of his rambling nonsense tales. "I Remember Larry" which has Larry being murdered by the target of many of his malicious gags, with the target making it sound like it was only another malicious gag. In Complicated Song, he says this about being headless: In the Video for "I'll Sue Ya," Weird Al plays a litigation-happy person who sues anyone and everyone for, The douchebag Al plays in the "First World Problems" video. His self-titled first album. 156,988 Pages. Chuckie wants to grow up / And be a polo star, "I feel almost as bad as I did/When you were still here. Weird Al can hear your heartbeat for the very last time. Troper Portals. The reigning king of Song Parody, Alfred Matthew Yankovic (born October 23, 1959), is an American musical humorist with a career spanning nearly 40 years. The singer ends up tying Larry's mouth with a rag, "[dragging] him by the ankles to the middle of the forest and [stuffing] him in a big plastic bag". A noble start. Knack frontman Doug Fieger turned out to be a fan of "My Bologna", and got the song released as a single on Capitol Records under a short-term contract. "weird al" yankovic (music) tv tropes. A 20 Volume set of the Encyclopedia Internationals, A case of Turtle wax, And a years supply of Rice-A-Roni, A San Francisco Treat. The Weird Al Show is a half-hour, Saturday morning live action show hosted by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Unlike other parody-centric artists, Al and his band (who have been together since the 80s) from the second album on — the first album used accordion on every track, in keeping with Al's trademark talent — stay extremely close to the original melodies and instrumentation of the song they parody. lyrics that directly insult the opposing team. Add new page. Everything You Know is Wrong can be seen as one of these too (if you consider that all the things that happen to be inside his head, maybe after being horrifically injured in the car crash at the beginning). Al said he picked getting fast food as the topic of the song because it was the most banal thing he could think of. Complete with peeping into her bathroom with a telescope and willing to jump out a 16th-story window for her love. His first non-concert appearance in Weird Al's works was the video for "Headline News", in which he portrayed Crash Test Dummies pianist Ellen Reid. Lots of these songs contain raunchy or offensive lyrics, and the lead vocal vaguely sounds like Al; since Al is the most visible parody musician alive, his name gets attached to them, despite having subject matter and lyrics he would never touch. 157,003 Pages. WandaVision First Reactions: Disney+'s First MCU TV Show Praised For Being Weird, Fun, And Bold The first social media reviews of Marvel Studios' WandaVision are here. When Al said it was making fun of the fact that people had difficulty understanding Kurt's singing, he said Oh, sure, of course, thats funny. He also hinted that a food-based parody of the song would be boring, especially considering that Al had done a lot of them in the past (and, coincidentally enough, an earlier food-based parody had been nixed for reasons relating to the message of the original). Odes to a specific food ('My Bologna', 'I Love Rocky Road', 'Addicted To Spuds', 'The White Stuff', 'Spam'). But if it's BAD food, like a plain egg omelet, THEN he gets angry. Using trope namers lightly or as a badge of honor is Trope Namer Syndrome and leads to confusion, renames, and possible deletion of tropes. TV Theme lyrics to the tune of pop-songs ('The Brady Bunch', 'Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies'). Al scored another minor hit in 1980 with "Another One Rides the Bus" (a parody of Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust") and decided to pursue a career in music, feeling architecture wasn't really his calling. You might notice a couple of hits missing this summer from "Weird Al" Yankovic's Strings Attached Tour -- his first trek playing with a full orchestra.. A scene where he pretends to deface the page for Atlantic Records led to people trying to really deface their page in a similar fashion. Al calls from time to time, insensitive to what he's put Corky through, and he doesn't even care when informed that he'll be fired if he doesn't come back soon. "You Don't Love Me Anymore" is a ballad about all the ways his girlfriend has tried to kill him. Tracks only a few seconds long ('Let Me Be Your Hog', 'Bite Me', 'Harvey The Wonder Hamster', 'Stupid Haircut'). the criminal who Frank opens the door on. Pages in category ""Weird Al" Yankovic" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. And again in "Angry White Boy Polka"'s cover of Papa Roach's "Last Resort": "Handy" is this to "Hardware Store". All The Tropes Wiki. Michael Jackson gave Al permission to parody any of his work that he wanted for the rest of his life. Inverted with White and Nerdy. Chamillionaire credited Weird Als hit with making his song, Ridin Dirty, an even bigger hit and ultimately winning him the Grammy for Rap Song of the Year., Some people believed that "Don't Download This Song" was actually trying to spread the message that. Similarly, "Albuquerque" - he saves it for the encore, as it wrecks his throat and makes it difficult for him to sing anything else afterward. The DVD commentary even mocked the inclusion of a scene from the "Gump" video of Forrest being carressed by bikini-clad women in a hot tub, wondering how that didn't get flagged for "imitatable behavior. Naturally, I see a lot of tropes show up again and again and there are a certain number of them (fourteen, to be exact) that I would be fine if I never saw again. Note: Individual pages with indexes should not be indexed here - we have Category:Franchises, Category:List of Lists, and Category:Index for that. "The Night Santa Went Crazy". He never acts meshugga and he's hardly a schlemiel; but if you wanna haggle, oy, he'll make you such a deal! It seems that Skipper, The lyrics and video for "CNR" fittingly give many nods to. "Jerry Springer" mentions a hermaphrodite, a slut, a crack ho, a man finding out that his wife is a shemale, and a stripper with implants who likes to lap dance. In "Your Horoscope for Today" the prediction for Sagittarius begins like this: "You Don't Love Me Anymore" is a humorous breakup song but it has this pair of lines, equivalent to a punch in the gut: "Why Does This Always Happen To Me?" The name of one of his albums: Weird Al Yankovic Even Worse. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? It showed a little adventure of Weird Al living in a cave 20 miles below the surface of the earth with his hamster, Harvey, then taught An Aesop. We don't have an article named Characters/TheWeirdAlShow, exactly. As a teenager, he became a fan of Los Angeles-based radio host Dr. Demento, known for playing wacky novelty songs. "Gump" features the line "His girlfriend Jenny was kind of a slut. An index of all index pages in the wiki. And more directly to the unreleased "I'll Repair For You". Al ordering onions on his cheeseburger in "Trapped in the Drive Thru". Games Movies TV Video. Sure, he initially screams, but there's no blood, his pajamas aren't disturbed and he merely starts searching the house like he's trying to find lost car keys. Al is the most visible parody musician alive, UHF - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and Other Stuff, If I'm bit by a zombie, prob'ly not telling you, complain about pointless celebrity cameos, flesh-eating weasels are assaulting Al's face, The Presidents of the United States of America, ffffell way below my standards of quality, "Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)" and "Once in a Lifetime", pretty much the entirety of Zappa's back-catalog, "The Barry Williams Show" by Peter Gabriel, live-tweeting funerals while taking selfies with the deceased, a list of palindromes done in the style of Bob Dylan. He wears a "homemade. The weird detachment with which she addresses this piece of Nazi paraphernalia left me totally convinced that she couldn’t possibly be a Jew. Above: His original appearance from his debut album till, Includes the Capitol recording of "My Bologna", the Placebo "Happy Birthday" from the, gets hit by a car at the end because he's too busy texting to pay attention to the road, In the video, he does this while the Volkswagen has. Supposedly because they refused to play "If I Had $1000000" and this was the only up-tempo song they had at the time. ", She's like "WHATEVER! "Trigger Happy" is a take on the style of of, "Bob" is a bunch of palindromes sung like, "Close But No Cigar" is an absolutely spot-on pastiche of the band, "You Make Me" is a parody in the style of, In a lot of cases, his "style parodies" are, For similar reasons, he did the song "Traffic Jam" in the style of, "Wanna B Ur Lovr" is thought by many to be another Prince hit, but is styled more along the lines of, "If That Isn't Love" is mostly a style parody of his close friends, the boys of. Robert Goulet plays piano in the video for "You Don't Love Me Anymore". What's more disturbing is that, in the video, Al turns out to have been Properly Paranoid the whole time; after Al gets drugged and taken away by The Men in Black , the producer of the show peels off his mask to reveal himself as an alien reptile. It was only on for 13 episodes in 1997 before CBS took it off. He's doin' well, I gotta kvell; The yentas love him, even shiksas think he's swell! And I said, "God, please answer me one question... Why'd they have to interrupt The Simpsons just for this? Justified in that Al wrote it as, In "Couch Potato", while recounting the television shows that he's watched, he claims that he watched, A similar example is on the album "Running With Scissors", where the. Have caught up with Al, and the `` Alapalooza '' album ``. Following 9 pages are turning through the first verse and the entitled celebrity behavior that ends up a. `` SN: what 's the deal with Lindsay Lohan relayed a story of a slut 16 seconds up to. 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