Jack . I’ve enjoyed hunting quail ever since Dudley and I first took “Arizona Quail Hunting 101” together. 2020 - 2021 Arizona Quail Hunting Season Info Below is the complete AZGFD Hunting Regs file so please hunt legally, correctly and ethically! ... Arizona California Quail Season October 16 – February 7, 2021 Limits: 15 per day in aggregate with other quail, 45 possession. Sometimes the giveaway cluck is several minutes after you call. Recent innovations have produced fancy vests with internal hydration systems and various configurations of pockets and game bags. The coveys huddle back to together around 3:30 pm to roost for the night. He not only told me where to hunt he even told me where to park my truck. If you look carefully, you will still have the opportunity to learn where and how to hunt quail most effectively. The alert hunter can read his dog’s behavior and know when a bird is likely to flush, even if the dog has not pointed. Arizona is proud of its dove season and has pushed a lot to the community aspect that dove hunting can create. 9 shot results in more crippled birds and is best-suited for clay targets. Additionally, I would also love any pointers on places to check out, either for hunting or … Quail are social-gatherers and live in social groups called coveys. Hunting in southern Arizona is not for the faint of heart or the thin of pants or the light of dog-power. Arizona’s great weather offers eager pupils many chances to go afield. Quail Hunt. Large coveys seem to evaporate as individual birds hide from the hunters. Ha anyone been around Lake Pleasant, Bloody Basin, Florence etc? We can discuss all things quail--hatching, breeding, raising, etc. Has me want to start the season early. General Season. Semiautomatics are a decent choice, but for price and performance, it is hard to beat a pump gun. Another resource for both new and experienced hunters alike is “An Introduction to Hunting Arizona’s Small Game.” Written by Randall D. Babb, the 196-page, full-color book covers where and how to hunt small game birds (like quail), squirrels, rabbits, ducks and geese. Youth ages 10-17 are required to have a Youth combo hunt/fish license. Arizona hunters primarily pursue three species of quail: Gambel’s, scaled and Mearns’ (Montezuma). Mearns’ quail breed much later than Gambel’s or scaled quail, so the hunting season starts later (mid-November) to allow chicks to mature. I know Mearns quail will be out of season, but the timing works with work and family so I’m not sure I could postpone to December. All three major species of Arizona quail form pair bonds by March, but each have different breeding seasons. Meanwhile, hunters should note that the season for Mearns’ quail doesn’t begin until Dec. 6. Prepare for your upland hunt. Unless you intend to carry birds and shotgun shells in grocery bags – don’t laugh, some hunter do – a good shooting vest is a necessity. This situation makes opportunities to hunt quail less abundant and hence more valuable. Birds often concentrate along desert washes in dense scrubby vegetation and near water sources. We’ve all heard stories about the fortunate neophyte (aka lucky idiot) who stumbles into taking a nice buck, but no one stumbles into bagging a limit of quail. Just a warning, busting quail coveys up late in the PM can result in single birds that freeze to death, because they don’t make it … These features can be convenient but are not required and may add unnecessary cost and weight. Mearns’ quail breed much later than Gambel’s or scaled quail, so the hunting season starts later (mid-November) to allow chicks to mature. AZQuailToday.com — a website with the goal to provide complete and updated information regarding quail and quail hunting in all of Arizona. Jun 13, 2013 #2 moonprincesskk Hatching. It’s true that we aren’t experiencing any high-water marks for the most common quail subspecies, of which the mortality rate any given year can come close to 80 percent. One thing I like about it is that success relies more on skill than luck. This broad array of hunting opportunities has given the sport an almost sacred place in United States history. 1 unit in the state for harvest. Arizona is our bread and butter. statewide. duck hunt. 6 Years. Scaled quail take advantage of both summer and winter precipitation, so their numbers are harder to predict than those of other quail species. Thank you. Arizona Mearns Quail . To hold this distinction means it can have a lot of quail. last week she got 3 on the ground again 2 with one shot and one on another shot. Jun 13, 2013 1 0 6. Here’s what I look for. Jack . Tight-holding singles will let the hunter walk by if every piece of cover isn’t investigated. With practice, you can do "covey clucks" and the more familiar "Chi-CA'-go" call to locate and regroup after the covey is split. While there will be a few hot spots out there, O’Dell said hunters should prepare to put in the work to find them. Generally the hunter who walks the most and shoots well is the one who earns an “A.”. Gambel’s quail occupy a wide variety of habitats. “Even with one good year of production — and hopefully more to come — statewide numbers will expectedly be lower than historical numbers, but hunting Gambel’s this fall should still be exciting.”. It is better to search for a new covey than to waste time searching for a lone bird. Found a covey? Arizona has thousands of acres of public land open to quail hunters, including some remote areas that receive low hunting pressure. Expect long walks with varied terrain ranging from relatively benign flatland to steep, mountainous canyons and ravines. There is safety in numbers. When a shot opportunity presents itself, be prepared to capitalize on it. In 1929 quail numbers must have been thought to be in need of improvement, as the season was shortened to November 1 thr… --Arizona's 1st and only-- Exclusively hunting quail over Braque du Bourbonnais pointers Selecting gauge and choke for California quail. Being forewarned is one of the biggest assets of hunting with a dog. I have been back from Montana for about 2 weeks and we are slowly getting out and checking out some areas and running dogs.This will increase now that its cooling off.From what I have seen here in S.E. Every day after the school bus dropped us off, I left my friends to watch “Gilligan’s Island” and solve their Rubik’s cubes while I took Dudley quail hunting. He’d put down two or three at a time and we’d hunt three or four human miles before heading back to the truck to swap dogs and set off in a … More eyes mean better chances of spotting and escaping danger before it gets too close. Mearns’ coveys are usually small (five to 15 birds), and the wooded, steep areas where they’re found make following up on single birds difficult. 8 shot is commonly used. Can anyone guide me to general areas to hunt quail near Phoenix? In my mind it is the ultimate way to hunt Gambel's quail. A quail-call can also help you “call-back” singles to your general direction after you bust up a covey. What’s Happening Now-Season Opener Oct 18 2019, What’s Happening Now-Post Season 2018-2019 Spring Report, What’s Happening Now-Season Opener Oct 19 2018. Drought and overgrazing decimated Southern Arizona's grasslands and caused the birds to vanish by 1900, scientists say. Try on boots before you purchase them. We will recommend a lodging location based on the species you desire to hunt. While many would believe that this Southwestern state is nothing but desert, Arizona’s ecosystem is perfect for a variety of wildlife. Lodging and Ammenities. The general bag limit is 15 quail per day in the aggregate, of which no more than eight may be Mearns’ quail (when the Mearns’ season opens Dec. 6). Many times a return call will give away the covey location. Upland Hunts. Wait. Except in the best summer rainfall years, predictions about Mearns’ quail numbers based on precipitation are less reliable than site-specific field observations. A fourth species, California quail, is found along the Little Colorado River drainage in Apache County, but number are so low in Arizona that I’ll leave it out of this discussion. To Hunt or Not Hunt Quail on the Mexican Border? Thought I’ll never again match that season for days afield, over the years I’ve continued to study the secrets of quail hunting. warning people that migratory bird was still … Quail call: I have started using CJ's quail call to locate Gambel's. Many bighorn sheep hunting zones are difficult to access. It’s a lifestyle that is weaved throughout the fabric of American life. PHOENIX — Truth be told, Arizona’s quail hunters are also we, “Unlike the past few years, when hatch dates were spread out over the spring and summer, strong winter precipitation patterns this last winter should have concentrated hatch dates for quail clutches,” said Johnathan O’Dell, small game biologist for the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Arizona is our home turf. Arizona’s quail season runs until Feb. 9. 14-17 I usually hunt the Gila out of my poke boat, but I also have a scanoe, if anyone is interested. Purists choose double-barreled firearms (side-by-sides, and over-and-unders), but these can be expensive. 7.5 or No. Arizona Bighorn Sheep Seasons. Mearns’ numbers can be high in thickly vegetated habitat. Any type of action works here, though few people hunt with single shots. “This is the second summer of widespread 'nonsoons' instead of monsoon moisture. It wasn't until the 1973 Endangered Species Act that the federal government was mandated to recover the quail. Nonresident anglers in AZ can purchase an annual fishing license for $55. Check Availability. Sometimes marking the spot where you were standing at the shot will help you line up with landmarks and locate a downed bird. I have shot quail with 12- and 16-gauge guns because those It also includes how to prepare and cook your harvest, with illustrations and recipes. Arizona Quail Hunting Camp: Home 2020-2021 Quail Reports Hunting Gallery 2019-2020 Quail Reports 2018-2019 Quail Reports Bird Dogs 2017-2018 Quail Reports ... How cool it was to touch base in the dove fields with an old quail hunting bud and his REI friend. As for the scaled quail (sometimes referred to as blue quail), you can find them in eastern parts of the state. Also, can you hunt bogs Hole without a dog. Whether you are hunting for a day or for a week, we can customize your hunt to achieve the objectives you desire. Among flushing game birds, quail accelerate fastest and seem to have an uncanny ability to put obstacles between themselves and the shooter. The heart of scaled quail habitat is southeastern Arizona in the semi-desert grasslands near Willcox, Safford, Douglas and Sierra Vista. With Gambel’s and scaled quail, this can be tough, as the birds tend to run and flush out of range. Often times your bird will be found five to 10 yards past where you’d marked it down. Overview: Quail season in Unit 26M is usually open from early October until early February (See Fall Hunt regulations for exact dates). “Anecdotal reports from hunters in recent years suggest that quail numbers and coveys vary by location, so it would be worthwhile to do some scouting,” he said. The California Quail, also known as the Valley Quail, covers the largest range of any western quail. The Mearns’ quail has been known to make its habitat in lower parts of southern Arizona. A lighter shotgun comes up to the shoulder and points quickly, and is easier to carry all day. Gambel’s and scaled quail make distinctive calls that can be heard from great distances. Predictions may be less accurate unless based on field observations and hunter reports after the season opener in October. Be persistent: Learning to kick cactus and other cover to flush tight-holding birds offers some of the most exciting moments in quail hunting. To hunt quail, I was required to buy a combination hunting and fishing license for $160 and had no intention to fish whatsoever. Many hunters use heavier loads to reduce the number of birds hit but not killed, but shot size is more critical to ensuring clean kills: No. but that doesn't apply anymore, I remember facebook blowing up in 2012 of buddies happy with the passing of that bill (HB 2640?) 520-235-9095. I don't quail hunt but I've been deer hunting in the Mojave desert during quail season. Desert water holes can often provide spectacular evening and late morning shooting during both seasons, and in the late season is a great way to combine dove and quail on a hunt. Our Arizona quail season ended last Sunday on February 10th . If hunting with a dog, trust the dog – its ability to locate birds is better than yours. The year I turned 15, I trained my first bird dog, a German shorthaired pointer named Dudley. Those that zip or snap completely open are easier to clean. Yuccas and mesquite scrub are good habitat indicators. Home. There is no sneaking, stalking or crouching in camouflaged concealment. Shrugging into my vest and slipping the shotgun from the case, I flipped the tailgate down, dropped the dog dish into the dirt and opened the nozzle on the blue water jug. Some is so remote, thick and steep it gets little to no hunting pressure. Harding says this probably isn’t the best year to hunt Mearns', or Montezuma, quail. Big Game Hunts. I've never seen anybody hunt quail with a .22, even when they're on the ground. Posted on January 10, 2021 by windypointsj1s@aol.com. Shell loops are handy but wear out quickly and shells fall loose in your pockets anyway. The next problem is getting in position for a shot. Also, you are almost entirely dependent upon your dog to find Mearns’ quail, and because one bird gives off less scent then 10, even the best Mearns’ quail dogs have difficulty finding singles. Boots that are uncomfortable in the store will be tortuous in the field. Scaled quail will travel long distances when stressed, but are usually homebodies that can be located with methodical searching once you find the general area where they are hanging out. After record-breaking precipitation the previous winter, desert plants flourished, yielding a bumper crop of Gambel’s quail. Compared to just about any other outdoor activity, quail hunting requires a smaller initial investment. Arizona Boys Hunt California Valley Quail, The KT Diaries – Arizona Means Quail Video. Another great thing about quail hunting is that it’s pure pursuit. Arizona upland bird hunting information, season limits, bag limits, species overviews and quick links to Arizona DNR and hunting licenses. He not only told me where to hunt he even told me where to park my truck. Gambel's quail (Callipepla gambelii) is a small ground-dwelling bird in the New World quail family. Hunts usually fill fast, so if you are really interested in a certain date, please book early. Arizona has many surprises when it comes to hunting seasons. My Brittany is a little young for water retrieve, but I have heard this area is full of Mexican ducks an am looking to do a combo quail. Specializing in upland birds- Gambel's, Scaled, and Mearns quail / Lunarita Outfitters. I'd completed my Arizona trifecta way back in the 1990s in one morning's hunt near Wilcox. Arizona offers the wingshooter the opportunity to pursue three species of Quail which are Gambels, Mearns and Scaled Quail, on top of great Arizona Quail hunting there can be awesome late season hunting for Mourning Doves along with Duck hunting via jump shooting tanks. Those hunters under 10 must either have a valid hunting or combination hunt and fish license, or be accompanied by an adult who possesses a valid hunting or combination hunt and fish license. Call us to book your guided or outfitted hunt in southern Arizona, New Mexico, or Utah. Specializing in upland birds- Gambel's, Scaled, and Mearns quail / Lunarita Outfitters. Go to the Ca fish & game web site or call one of their offices for clarification. Anglers are not required to buy a hunting license to fish in AZ. The book can be ordered for $16.95 at, Finally, hunters should check out O’Dell’s techniques for field-dressing quail at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gRwZAcWzzk. A youth combination hunt and fish license (ages 10 to 17) is $5. Hoping to start a new active thread for all of us who are raising quail in Arizona. Spend some time around quail hunters in the South, who had the benefit of hunting during peak bobwhite numbers, and you’ll hear plenty of bemoaning about the current state of affairs. Oct. 1-Dec. 31**. I prefer sturdier material in hunter orange for enhanced safety. More quail-hunting information can be found on the department’s website. A knowledgeable salesperson can guide your decision, so ask for help before making a purchase. Arizona Gambels and Scaled Quail Numbers are solid ,up from previous years.We are excited about what this season will bring as its been a while since Arizona has had good Desert Quail Hunting. We can discuss all things quail--hatching, breeding, raising, etc. More quail-hunting information can be found on the department’s website at, . Ethics aside, you will have a hard time finding quail without a dog once they roost. The Mearns’ quail is unique to the southern part of the state at elevations above 4.000 feet. Scaled Quail are found in the arid regions of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, ... hunt the surrounding cover. We hunt the entire state, and can combine all 3 species of Arizona quail into a hunt of a lifetime. I had called an Arizona biologist and he was really helpful. What I'd never done was hunt Mearns quail when their numbers were as high as they were last December. “It’s best to hunt quail with a trained hunting dog since quail would rather hunker down and hide than fly away,” Talley said. From guns and outdoor gear to photography and trail cams, we have the information you need. A good dog and a call can improve enjoyment, but are not necessary for success. 6 shot. Except in the best summer rainfall years, predictions about Mearns’ quail numbers based on precipitation are less reliable than site-specific field observations. Quail hunting in Arizona is not for the faint of heart. (Photo by … That was “Arizona Quail Hunting 101” for me. While quail hunting in South Georgia is synonymous with the bobwhite quail, many hunt Valley quail, Gambel’s quail, and Blue quail in other parts of the country. Quail populations are affected by winter precipitation (October through March), so local information on winter rainfall from the previous year narrows the hunter’s search. As it takes 2 vehicles, is anyone interested in trying this. and the game dept. Generally, scaled quail are less concentrated along washes, preferring more open upland areas, although they seek out dense, scrubby vegetation in these areas. Avoid being distracted by other shooting opportunities until the downed bird is located – you’ll bring home more birds and less frustration. I prefer strap vests that suspend the game bag and shell pockets from the shoulders with crisscrossing straps. After a spotty and relatively weak monsoon across southern Arizona, these birds are likely to be abundant only in pockets that received sufficient precipitation this summer. Awesome seeing this. var d = new Date(); Brian joined me and Brett on an all-day Mearns marathon while the rest of our troop accepted the Herculean task of finding a Gambel's quail or two. Species of Arizona quail form pair bonds by March, but mesh can shred after one season in our country. To fish in AZ can purchase an annual fishing license for $ 55 ended last Sunday on February 10th easier... With my two bird dogs hunting requires a smaller initial investment Arizona Boys hunt California quail... We live, train, and over-and-unders ), but are not uncommon quail distinctive! And quail hunting requires a smaller initial investment beat a pump gun and ravines scaled. 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