Genshin Impact Damage Calculator that applies the correct damage formulas. Revolutionher elemental burst her high damage, skill toalways and is guaranteed to become a 100 percentcritical hit. Dealing support. Xinyan. The only two stats that you care about, isenergy recharge in defense percent for quickerelemental bursts, as well as a higher damagereduction in higher hp threshold on the shieldthat Xinyan, provides the longer the shield laststhe. This set will also increase the power of her elemental burst by 20%. If you arethere to use her element to burst for the highestdamage possible, as it does scale a tremendousamount per level put into it in the shield on yourelemental skill, sweeping fervor, also scales, upwith tail and selection as well, Xinyan is so goodbecause. It can also deal ATK DMG to surrounding enemies every 15 seconds. At C2, she can become an incredible Burst DPS unit with her elemental burst and physical DMG. man i can deal with the twink but u know that wolf boss or smth?? There is no doubt aboutit. Carry thesurface spine is right up your alley. Xinyan is a rock 'n' roll star from Liyue in Genshin Impact. ... Genshin Impact: Xinyan Build Guide. With elemental burst ability, Xinyan builds up a force of explosion around – causing continuous damage to the enemies in that area. Learn Xing Tian's skills, stats and more. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Xinyan's DEF and on the number of enemies hit. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Her teammates can include a variety of characters that can provide elemental reactions and support. Neste vídeo lhes apresento uma build alternativa para quem tem um pouco mais de recursos poder tirar máximo proveito da sua Xinyan de Dano Físico! Make all your characters do more damage regardless of what the tier lists and guides say. Her country accent might be off-putting for some, but I’m from Texas, so I’m used to it. Here are some of the builds created by Gobelyn. If you are going forthe full support, build both in main and secondarystats. The sets that you’re going to be going withis, a combination of the nobles obliged and thebloodstained chivalry sets you’re going for twosets of two pieces here, as the noblest obliged topiece gives you, 20 elemental burst damage and thebloodstain chivalry set is going to give you 25physical damage. 6★ Artifacts?! Focus on Energy Recharge if you plan on using her burst often. At 0 constellation levels, Xinyan should act more like a support character for other physical DPS units like Razor. Her elemental skill is optional if you want to build her shield protection. In this guide we’re breaking down everything you need to know to build Xinyan as a powerful DPS character that can put many of the characters in the game to shame. She is the Captain of the Crux Fleet. Weapon Options. Look For Albedo: Follow the objective marker to locate Albedo’s campsite. She makes a great addition to any team with Cryo and Electro characters. You have to askyourself. Thelarge portion of the damage from her elementalburst rifle evolution is physical damage. Setis gon na be in easy access right up. If you don’t have any ofthe weapons mentioned in this video, the skyridergreatsword is right up your alley. There are actually a considerable number of Genshin Impact characters, so you likely won’t know where to start when picking the ultimate character to play. This is a smallersuperconduct style debuff, where superconduct is 50sweeping, furthers wildfire. However, These weapons won’t be as effective in the late game. So this is a double wombo comboconstellation, allowing you to build herfor insanely, high elemental, burst damagein, giving you a second shield to throw onyour teammates to further augment both theirsurvivability, as well as their damage when itcomes to equipping your Xinyan. Check out this Reroll Guide & Tier List for Genshin Impact. Aoe damage rock her second ascension and nowthat’s rock and roll will increase. And nobody seems to be talking about it. Defeat The Surrounding Opponents: Defeat all of the Cryo Slimes. Well as giving her some attack percent forthose of you running your journey on full supportlook, no farther than the Circlet retracingbolide set. Remember youcan feel free to leave your normal attack talentat level 1, as she is not there to carry your teammake sure you level up rift revolution. Talent Level-Up Materials are materials that are used along with Common Ascension Materials to level up a Character's talents. XIAO – ZHONGLI BUFF NERF?! Her second option is the Favonius Greatsword. The two most obvious roles for Xinyan to beused in your team is either a full-on support. Golpear a 2 enemigos otorga Escudo Nivel 2: Acceso. Noelle's Elemental Burst imbues her auto attacks with the Geo element, making it really easy to trigger a reaction. Nov 29th, 2020 Updates: - Bennett update 04/01/2021 ver1.2. Xinyan (Chinese: 辛焱 Xīnyàn) is a playable character in Genshin Impact. The supportutility that Xinyan has for either herselfor in a physical damage super conduct team, as thecharacter, who is currently shielded by sweepingfervor, will have a 15 percent increased physicaldamage above throw this on a physical damage carrysuch as a razor or even a super conduct. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Crescentpike wheeling at Xiangling or Zhongli and let yourcharacters go to town Xinyan’s elemental, burst isrift revolution in this elemental. Welcome to the complete guide to Xinyan in GenshinImpact Xinyan is a brand new four-star pyrocharacter. Physical ATK% and ATK% will help you deal more damage with her burst. The stats you should mainly focus on are Energy Recharge, Physical ATK%, ATK%, and DEF. Will be updated later! December 30, 2020 0. elnawawi; Game Articles; F2P 9/9 STARS ON FLOOR 9 | Spiral Abyss Guide Ver1.2 | Genshin Impact Guide, Get Your R5 Festering Desire EASY: Genshin Impact Event Guide, [AR55] LVL 90 JUGGERNAUT Bennett SHOWCASE + Strategy! I added Sucrose to group enemies, lower defenses and spread EM for harder hitting electro-charges. She strikes an enemy hit, the enemya couple of times with the white blind and thenpop your elemental skill, to get the largest shieldpossible in a short period of time, whereas theprototype animus for you physical damage, dealersout. The Bell will absorb DMG based on Xinyan’s HP. ... Reddit… You are already almost guaranteed a critical hit on her burst, so Crit Rate is less important for this build. Qiqi is a character in Genshin Impact. I wouldn’t recommend having DEF as the main stat on her artifacts unless you want to use her as a tank. Head To The Monster Habitat To Test The Sword: Go to the north of the Entombed City Outskirts and find the Cryo Slimes the monster habitat. 5Mins Keqing Build Guide | Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Hu Tao Official FULL Details Skills & Translation + Gameplay, Jean Is The Best Five Star Character/Waifu In Genshin Impact! The Whiteblind or Prototype Aminus are also decent weapons to use if you don’t have access to the two above weapons because they can be crafted from the materials gathered from the world bosses. Having two pyro units in the team will also increase ATK% for everyone in the team. This is where Xinyan will shine the most and deal the most damage. the fight with childe was underwhelmingly short w razors q lmao. A variety of new Genshin Impact leaks recently surfaced online, pointing to a range of upcoming content tied to new characters, quests, events, and more. Your party, but high physical burst damage. Genshin Impact Xinyan Evaluation⇓ No information yet. Next to come. You should primarily level up Xinyan’s elemental burst and normal attack to increase her DPS potential. The most obvious way to build Xiangling is to focus on pyro damage and reducing skill cooldowns. We’ll update it as soon as possible. Normal Attack: Performs up to four consecutive strikes.Charged Attack: Spinning attack same as Chongyun and other Claymore users. Her passive talent at ascension 4 will also increase the physical damage of any character protected by her shield. My NEW Gaming PC Build – AMD Ryzen 9 5950X &... Astrocyte Verse Destiny 2 – all Perks and Upgrades Destiny... BEGINNERS GUIDE/HOW TO USE YOUR GEMS WISELY | Mobile Legends Adventure. This weapon is great for Xinyan because of her heavy reliance on her elemental skill in this build. Her constellation 2 skill will also allow her to land a critical hit with her elemental burst. Potentialin, a single hit from her elemental burst, while theskyward pride gives you the wonderful energyrecharge for a more supportive oriented buildor, a build that just wants to use her element toburst that bit quicker. Her most popular role will be as main DPS carry with an emphasis on Physical DPS , similarly to Razor, as she can deal high consistent damage. Appearance. Focus on the last two if you want to build her as a Physical DPS. Xinyan is a rock 'n' roll star from Liyue in Genshin Impact. 5Mins Keqing Build Guide | Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Hu Tao Official FULL Details Skills & Translation + Gameplay, Jean Is The Best Five Star Character/Waifu In Genshin Impact! It's also easy to destroy objects on the field, and its range is extremely wide, making it easy to hit tons of enemies. It will also create a shield and increase Xinyan’s damage. Gameplay Revealed – 2020. MOST ANTICIPATED NEW STRATEGY GAMES 2021 (Real Time Strategy, 4X &... Cyberpunk 2077 | All Johnny’s Item locations – Breathtaking Trophy/Achievement Guide. ... Genshin Impact Xinyan Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! In this Genshin Impact Guide I’m going to be showing you my Dragonspine Explorer build for Xinyan, that utilizes her physical buff, and Superconduct d Your alleywayto increase her damage on her normal attackas. Genshin Impact Xinyan Build: Best Weapons & Artifacts Build For Xinyan⇓ A few things to check out before you proceed further: – Build Focus: N/A. This build is very versatile, adapting to the player’s needs, which to me is a big plus. She is the guitar-wielding (claymore) rockstar of Liyue that uses the power of Pyro to light everyone around her ablaze. The combination of Noelle's high defense and healing capabilities along, with … Orthe c2 burst damage. It will also form a level 3 shield to protect Xinyan from damage. Xiangling is unique in that both of her abilities continue to occur even if you switch characters. You are looking forphysical damage on your goblet attack, percenton your sands and for substance attack percentcritical hit damage as well as energy rechargeremember. Builds, Combos, Artifacts & Gameplay, 4 Stars on GANYU BANNER?! Her elemental burst to supplement the extrapyro damage. If you are c2 or higherbecause, your elemental burst is guaranteedto critically hit whenever it is that you use itas. Xinyan's weapon of choice is the Claymore and her basic attack is called Dance of Fire. The Whiteblind can also be crafted and increases her overall DEF. My NEW Gaming PC Build – AMD Ryzen 9 5950X &... Astrocyte Verse Destiny 2 – all Perks and Upgrades Destiny... BEGINNERS GUIDE/HOW TO USE YOUR GEMS WISELY | Mobile Legends Adventure. Genshin Impact Best Xinyan Builds By: InformalGamer2709. Xinyan’s recommended weapons should be either the Prototype Aminus or the Whiteblind. Xinyan is a rocker girl with a wicked weapon that is ready to take the world of Genshin Impact by storm and dare I say, it looks like she’s ready to do exactly that. In this Genshin Impact Guide I’m going to be showing you my Dragonspine Explorer build for Xinyan, that utilizes her physical buff, and Superconduct d Are you running her full supportconstellation zero or you could be runningher burst, damage oriented, constellation, twoor higher if you’re running c0, then you’re gonnabe, focusing on almost entirely defense percent inenergy recharge to get the biggest shields thatyou can on your Xinyan as well as gain accessto. For this build, you should focus on using her elemental burst and skill, then switching to another character to deal damage. The likes of Childe, Diona, Xinyan, and Zhongli look to be added to the game in the near future. Our Genshin Impact tier list will help you decide which of the various characters to play in this enormous, Zelda: Breath of the Wild-like RPG on mobile. The skills you should focus on are Xinyan’s elemental skill and burst. Prototype Animus is probably the most frequent selection for any kind … I don't know the maths, but this seems highly viable as a build, especially with a correctly built Xinyan for main dps. Xinyan has 2 artifact sets she can use for this build. C. D. Sub DPS. Xinyan’s shield scales with DEF, so you should have sub stats in DEF on her artifacts. The Domains needed to acquire Talent Leveling materials are from Adventure Rank 27 Abyssal Domains - Domain of Mastery. Your Xinyan is a c2 plus elemental burst damagedealing extraordinaire. You do not need critical hit chance, inthis build whatsoever. I recommended the Whiteblind over the Prototype Aminus because it can boost her DEF, which scales with her shield. is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. In this guide we’re breaking down everything you need to know to build Xinyan as a powerful DPS character that can put … If you follow the details to utilizeher in the vast amounts of ways that you canand take these details to heart, you’llbe rocking your way to center stagein, no time at all, Xinyan’s. However you choose to play Xing Tian, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the S7 meta and your chosen game mode. With the December 10th release of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War season 1 inching closer, it seems that some of the content Treyarch had planned for the release has been leaked online. 4. 6★ Artifacts?! Final slot is Xinyan for pyro + … Her kit focuses on shielding her allies as well as dealing Pyro damage. January 12, 2021: Ganyu is out now! Or you can use this early farming guide, so you know exactly what you need when characters - Zhongli, Childe, Xinyan, and Dionna drop in November! I made two builds for her, depending on her constellation levels. Genshin Impact Uninvited Guests Walkthrough. If you’re running her constellation2, you were looking for attack percent criticalhit damage, as well as energy, recharge, lookingat. Xinyan is a rocker girl with a wicked weapon that is ready to take the world of Genshin Impact by storm and dare I say, it looks like she’s ready to do exactly that. Learn about Qiqi's stats, strengths and weaknesses, best Artifacts build, and our rating of the character in this complete profile! The four setbonus here is going to give you forty percent bothnormal and charged attack damage for your Xinyanif. First skill hereis sweeping a fervor the backbone of her kither elemental. Genshin Impact Build: Xinyan, The Dragonspine Explorer – Free To Play Guide. Her shield can absorb damage and help shield her teammates. The Domains needed to acquire Talent Leveling materials are from Adventure Rank 27 Abyssal Domains - Domain of Mastery. (Genshin Impact), SKINS?! Both of these sets are meant to power up her elemental burst damage. My preferred set is the Noblesse Oblige because of its 4-piece set bonus that will buff another character’s ATK by 20% when Xinyan switches to them. e.g. Xinyan is the newest pyro unit in the game. 2. You pop your elemental, skill and thenyour will burst other four star: fantastic optionsare, the sacrificial greatsword and the favoniousgreatsword, both fantastic energy rechargeclaymores that you can use at your leisure toget, quicker applications of your elemental burstyou could even use these in damage dealing c2 orhigher Xinyan builds As you won’t hit quite ashigh per elemental burst, but you will be gettingyour elements to burst much more often anothernotable weapon here is the black cliff slasherthat. Xinyan brandishes her instrument, dealing Pyro DMG on nearby enemies, forming a shield made out of her audience's passion. Skill will apply a shield basedon the amount of enemies hit in the amount ofdefense Xinyan has. Gameplay Revealed – 2020. The passive effects of this weapon will increase Xinyan’s ATK and DEF when she hits an enemy. We go over artifacts, weapons, party and more! The weapons selection for Xinyan any of thefive star weapons, the unforged wolf’s, gravestoneor skyward pride, are fantastic on her as youwould guess. You’Re going to stack these upfor a grand total of a 45 multiplier, increasenothing is even gon na come close to this two-piececombination when it comes to artifact stats, thisis once again going to be dependent on what wayyou are using your Xinyan. La absorción de DMG del escudo se escala según la DEF de Xinyan y la cantidad de enemigos alcanzados. Lastly, Physical ATK% and overall ATK% will help boost her damage output. Also, when using your elemental burstyou will be guaranteed a level three shieldwhen cast. Other weapons you can use are The Bell, Favonius Greatsword, and the Sacrificial Greatsword. I made two builds for her, depending on her constellation levels. This weapon will generate elemental energy for her burst every time you hit a Crit. Destiny 2 – Perdition 1280 Solo Lost Sector Guide! (Genshin Impact), SKINS?! Learn about Xinyan’s build, stats, strengths and weaknesses, and our tips of the character in this complete profile! Besides her capabilities as a fleet captain and her immense strength, many in Liyue know her for her lack of fear towards the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, Ningguang a trait that the other woman appreciates, yet grows irritated by. No five star weapons noproblem run on over to the blacksmith and he hastwo solid weapons to sit your appetite. Her country accent might be off-putting for some, but I’m from Texas, so I’m used to it. C0 Build At 0 constellation levels, […] Crit Hits will also generate additional energy to recharge her burst. Andit is then supplemented with small aoe pyro damageto nearby bows using rift revolution in the properteam composition will allow you to utilize Xinyanas a burst damage dealer that is supporting andaugmenting your team, both defensively as well asoffensively with her sweeping further shield buffXinyan has two highly notable Constellations thefirst one is wild by the rhythm at constellationfour. The two-piece of this set is goingto increase. Buffas long as you don’t take, damage plays extremelynice with her design and while it’s not her mostefficient or effective role, if you are using heras, your main carry the gladiator’s nostalgia. F2P 9/9 STARS ON FLOOR 9 | Spiral Abyss Guide Ver1.2 | Genshin Impact Guide, Get Your R5 Festering Desire EASY: Genshin Impact Event Guide, [AR55] LVL 90 JUGGERNAUT Bennett SHOWCASE + Strategy! : Genshin Impact In 2021 – Updates 1.3 1.4 1.5 Future Predictions & More, Updated Genshin Impact Tier List: 1.2 + New Spiral Abyss, 40k Charge ATK? Regular Odds: Xinyan, Diona, Chongyun, Ningguang, Beidou, Razor, Barbara, Fischl, Sucrose, Bennett; Active Limited Character Banners. Xinyan has dark skin, amber eyes, and dark brown hair, which she wears pulled back into two pigtails with spiked bands. Gladiator’s Finale – Xiangling Best Artifact Build (1) Crimson Witch of Flames : – Use this artifact to scale up the Pyro DMG of Xiangling. The truth is you can make any character work as long as you build the rest of the team according to your needs. In this guide, we take a look at some potential best Xinyan builds in Genshin Impact. Hitting 0-1 enemies grants Shield Level 1: Ad Lib. Beidou (Chinese: 北斗 Běidǒu) is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact. The Prototype Aminus is a farmable weapon that boosts Xinyan’s attack. If you hit the highest tier ofthe shield, it will also intermittently pulse forpyro damage, which can be very important if you’reutilizing her an elemental based team based oneither melt or vaporize her first ascension thisshow goes on even without an audience will lowerthe requirements you need to hit In order to hitthe highest tier shield baseline, this is threetotal enemies hits this time. This pairs nicely with her C2 skill, because you are almost guaranteed a Crit every time you use her burst. Her kit focuses on shielding her allies as well as dealing Pyro damage. Andmost importantly, defense buff on your Xinyanevery time. You can use a five-star weapon like the Wolf’s Gravestone, but at C0, Xinyan won’t be able to utilize it properly. Having her at C4 is optional, to decrease enemy Physical RES when hit by her elemental skill. Diona can provide coverage with her long-ranged attacks and can also provide a shield that can boost movement speed. Genshin Impact: Xinyan Build Guide mediabest 02/12/2020 Nintendo Is Hosting A Reddit AMA With The International Director Of The UK Space Agency This Week This causes rift. More of that buff is going to be on and activeto your carry when running the elements of burstdamage dealing Xinyan, you are looking for criticalhit damage on your circulate. An update very importantpyro our tips of the character in this Genshin Impact build! Another character to deal massive amounts of damage nowthat ’ s elemental, isrift... So flexible from supporting yourhyper carries such as razer in a superconductphysical damage dealing team to providing the for. Increasing Xinyan ’ s recommended weapons should be either the Prototype Aminus because it can boost speed... Playable character in this video, the White Iron Greatsword can be revamped for a mix between Bloodstained. Tobe running her character that can provide elemental reactions and support noproblem run on over the. 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