cat ard head fuel filter fittings

Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting , “ARD Fuel System – Test”. Check for external leaks. Allow the engine to idle for three minutes. Visual inspection of the fuel line connections and the coolant line connections is the only method to detect a fuel leak or a coolant leak on the ARD system. Note: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Cat ET Service Features” for information about service features. To save you the cost and headache of premature fuel system failure, get a CAT fuel filter adapter … B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes by cycling the keyswitch to the Off position. C. Perform the “ARD Ignition Test”. Loss of combustion.. A. Refer to Troubleshooting, “ARD Nozzle – Test”. Still can't find your Filter, Vehicle or Model? FIND YOUR FILTER FOR CATERPILLAR BY TYPE FAST!! Visually inspect the fuel line connections and the coolant line connections at the ARD head and the ARD manifold when the ARD ignition test is active. I chased this same issue for 4 years with my 09 Safari. C. Check for voltage between pin 1 and pin 2 on the connector to the fuel priming pump. Override the pump and record the pressure from the pressure gauge. Result: The “ARD Air System Service Test” passed. Table 1 lists the diagnostic code that relates to low Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) temperature. B. Refer to Troubleshooting, “ARD Ignition – Test”. Start the ARD Ignition Test by selecting the following menus on Cat ET: G. Start a “Manual DPF Regeneration” in Cat ET. BMP Rear Water Separator Cat Adapter for your 13-20 Cummins, This replaces the Rear Fuel/Water Filter Housing and stays in the factory location using factory quick connects, no cutting or adding fuel … REPLACED THE FOLLOWINGS. Result: The “ARD Ignition Test” was not successful. The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. See hydraulic adapters. Replace the fittings that contain the filters in the ARD head. FIND YOUR FILTER ON THE WEB FAST!! The service tests provide enhanced diagnostics that are necessary for proper troubleshooting and repair. A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Learn More. Shipping calculated at checkout. The current flow is between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. These connection fittings contain 40 micron sintered filter media. A. Or, between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system. Do not attach fuel lines to the ARD head at this time. Voltage is not present unless the pump is priming. Clear All PRICE. Your email address will not be published. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET. Select the “Aftertreatment Fuel Pump Relay Override” in Cat ET in order to activate the pump. A. Replace the Filter for the ARD Fuel Manifold A. Perform a test for ARD ignition. Result: The “ARD Ignition Test” was not successful. Western Diesel. ... Fittings; Nuts; Pins; Plugs and Stops; Springs; Washers Spacers and Grommets; Seals; ... Fuel Filter With Mounting Head, 6667353 . ARD head, Fuel fittings, Spark Plu … read more Click to View all Filter Types with Caterpillar equivalent. Or, the current flow is between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS4824, “Replacement of the ARD Combustion Head on Caterpillar Products with Clean Emissions Modules”. Or your fuel filter fittings are plugged and need to be replaced...not much u can check for that. ARD head (typical), (23) Pilot fitting that contains the filter, (24) Main fitting that contains the filter (If equipped). The pump pressure must be 1900 ± 120 kPa (275.5 ± 17.4 psi). These too can clog and cause regen problems. Engine itself isn't that bad (when the EPA stuff works), but looks like a massive pain to work on until you dig into it. remain in the ARD. Determine if any of the codes in Table 2 are present. Reinstall the nut onto the tube and tighten the nut. The code is logged. Approximately 10 minutes are required in order for the test to provide a result. G&R has fabricated a billet aluminum filter head that bolts into the same place as the factory fuel filter and features return ports to connect directly to the OE hard return lines for the cleanest installation possible. Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting , “ARD Fuel System – Test”. Hello I have a Cat C-7 ( E.S.N C7S09800 ) this unit came in with a 3473-31 codes Aftermeant #1 failed to ingite, in the past when this code comes up we replaced the ARD head and filter fittings … Install 136-8543 Connector and 6V-8641 Connector. E. Click the “Connect” icon on Cat ET in order to connect Cat ET to the engine ECM. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Buy in monthly payments with Affirm on orders over $50. If you are troubleshooting an E1053 (1) or 4077-17 code with an ETI of 2, Proceed to Test Step 8. HYDRAULIC FILTERS. CEM (typical)(4) Fuel filter fitting Table 8 Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results 6. Remove the pilot and main fittings that contain an in-line fuel filter from the fuel manifold. Install a . Reattach fuel lines to the fittings that were installed in Step 1. A. The fittings included with this filter had 1/4" NST threads which will not seal in the NPT threads that were Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed. Determine the Type of ARD Manifold Fuel Filter Fittings and Replace if Necessary Determine if the unit has screen element filter fittings (323-2205 Filter Connector As and 323-2206 Filter Connector As). I have a 2007 cat c15 acert with the regen and i have codes 3473-31 and 3719-16 I have replaced the ard head, the fuel filter fittings in the fuel manifold, had the particulant filter … A code will become active if the nozzles are plugged. ... FUEL FILTERS. B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes by cycling the keyswitch to the Off position. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET. Shop fuel line parts. Follow the troubleshooting procedure in order to identify the root cause of the problem. If the fitting is not accessible, remove the fitting and use a vise to hold the fitting. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and … Cleaning the ARD head may work temporarily, but once an ARD head begins dong this, the best way to repair is to replace the ARD head. C. Install the required parts listed in Table 2 at the outlet port of the pump. Replace the Fittings that Contain the Filters in the ARD Combustion Head. 5. Cat hydraulic fittings are designed to withstand pressure, torque, & corrosion to ensure long life & leak-free connections. Illustration 3 g02625777 Regular price. Shop Caterpillar's C7 Diesel Engines | Remanufactured HEUI Fuel Pump Kit 20R6642 | OE# 20R064, 10R1308, 10R3144, 10R6327, 10R7147 & More Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”, if necessary. Cat Filters offer maximum protection of vital engine parts and optimum performance, leading to the lowest owning and operating costs for your Cat iron. There are Enhanced Troubleshooting Indicators for this code. Replace the filter for the ARD fuel manifold. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Cat ET Service Features” for information about service features. Result: The “Manual DPF Regeneration” did not complete successfully. Fuel/WaterSeparators >20µm(absolute) 10-20µm(absolute) 5-10µm(absolute) Note:Substitutingahigher-efficiencyfilterthan recommendedistypicallysafe.Substitutingalower These filter fittings provide for protection against debris that may be introduced during servicing. ETI codes are not available for (2) or -18 codes. 2019+ REAR KIT IS ALSO NOW AVAILABLE! NOT INCLUDED: Filter Base and Head. Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting , “ARD Fuel System – Test”. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET. Result: The “ARD Ignition Test” was not successful. The G&R Diesel High-Efficiency CAT Fuel Filter Conversion kit stands out from the competition for multiple reasons. Buy Car Fuel Filter Kit, Filter Head Parts and Filter Bowls (1, Filter Head and Bowl): ... 2003 2020 Ram CAT 1R-0750 Secondary Fuel Filter Kit . The Sinister Diesel Difference. B. The DPFs cant take any oil in them at all, niether can the ARD head (were the flame front starts). Had the ard head replaced along with tiny fitting/filters in the fuel supply to the ard. B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes by cycling the keyswitch to the Off position. B. Check for pinched lines or leaking lines. A. Engine power is derated. Here are examples of Caterpillar engines we carry oil filters for: C7, C12, C13, C15, 3116, 3126, 3208, 3406B, 3406E We offer filters … 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pump – Inspect, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pressure – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Valve Lash – Inspect/Adjust, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Aftercooler – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Inlet Manifold Pressure – Test, Low Aftertreatment #1 Fuel Pressure #1 – Least Severe. A. Your email address will not be published. 4. Simply put, a CAT fuel filter adapter kit from Sinister Diesel is one of the least expensive ways to ensure trouble-free operation of your diesel truck. C. Perform the “ARD Ignition Test” by using Cat ET. There are not Enhanced Troubleshooting Indicators for this code. Result: An associated diagnostic trouble code is present. Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting , “ARD Fuel System – Test”. Standard Efficiency (17) Standard Efficiency (17) … Brush into a drill and clean the fitting. Replace the existing fuel filter base with the 280-2698 Filter Base if a standard fuel filter base is used and if the threads for the inlet port into the base are "pipe thread". Out of stock. Select “Fuel Priming Command Override” or use the manual priming switch (if equipped) in order to activate the ARD fuel pump. Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 show the location of the components for the ARD system. Refer to Table 2 for associated codes. A7SOVM750 Installation Manual Replace the Fittings that Contain the Filters in the ARD Combustion Head. If you are troubleshooting an E1052 (1) or 3480-17 code with an ETI of 2, Proceed to Test Step 7. Replace the fittings that contain the filters in the ARD combustion head. This is the T-Fitting at the Filter for the Fuel Feed Tube # BC3Z-9A564-B. Disconnect the ARD fuel line from the pump. Less than $100 (67) Less than $100 (67) Facet Value ... Cat (74) Cat (74) Efficiency Rating. A. Between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Refer to System Operation and Testing and Adjusting , “ARD Fuel System – Test”. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET. A. Videos for related products. F. Start the engine. 3. Active regeneration failed due to an inability of the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) to reach a high enough temperature. Low Aftertreatment #1 Fuel Pressure #2 – Least Severe, Low Aftertreatment #1 Fuel Pressure #2 – Moderate Severity, Voltage within 3 VDC of the battery voltage. Check the voltage while the pump is in override. The ARD head contains a single connection for pilot fuel (23) and a single connection for main fuel (24). PRICE Facet Value. ok changed fuel enable valve, both pilot and main valve, then lastly the $1110.00 ard head wich comes complete with new filter fittings, then I got code 3711 low exhaust gas temp, so I replaced the module on top of dpf wich contains both temp sensors. ARD combustion head (typical), (11) Combustion air absolute pressure sensor, (15) Cable for CEM connection to the engine, (22) Combustion air inlet to ARD combustion head. Your email address will not be published. Troubleshoot the associated diagnostic code. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and … (7) Main fitting that contains the filter (If equipped) Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. Or you heated nozzle in yer ARD head is shorted out and your fuel nozzles in yer ARD head are plugged, check the fuse for the heated nozzle, if shes blown replace ARD head and fuse as well as fuel filter fittings. If fitting (3) is accessible, this procedure may be performed with the fitting on the combustion head. Replace the fittings that contain the filters in the ARD combustion head. Changed the spark plug several times and carried a spare with me. Efficiency Rating Facet Value. Establish communication between Cat ET and the ECM. Replace the fittings that contain the filters in the ARD head. Illustration 5 g03043385 Troubleshoot the additional codes before returning the unit to service. The Cat ET service tool enhances the diagnostics during the service test. Result: The current flow is not between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Bobcat® fuel filters help ensure your engine receives clean fuel while taking on the toughest jobs. Wait for five seconds. B. Click the “Disconnect” icon on Cat ET in order to disconnect Cat ET from the engine ECM. Low Aftertreatment #1 Fuel Pressure #1 – Moderate Severity. In addition, its also a good idea to replace the fuel filter fittings that are in the manifold that the two fuel lines that connect to the ARD head are located. Troubleshoot the code that applies to the failed regeneration. I was in and out of Cat shops all over the country and never really solved the ard issue. Required fields are marked *. Do not start the engine. Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed. A. C. Table 2 lists the diagnostic trouble codes that are associated with the E593 (2) or 3711-31 code. B. Download the “Warranty Report” from the engine ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble codes. C15 and C18 – Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot. A restriction in the fuel system for the ARD can cause the code. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for associated diagnostic trouble codes. Try these Filter Manufacturer's websites. More info: how to service the fuel filter on a 3 -8 ton Cat Mini Excavator. The pressure must be within specifications. Won't refer had doc baked then ran few hundreds mikes same problem. Required fields are marked *. Replace the ARD combustion head. B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes by cycling the keyswitch to the Off position. A. LUBE FILTERS. BMP 6.7 Cummins Rear Cat Water Filter Adapter 13-20. Perform an ARD Ignition Test. UPC: 810025917500. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Replace the filter for the ARD fuel manifold. Cat fuel lines ensure fuel is delivered through your machinery as it is needed. Kenworth T660 2011 with cat Acert SDP 21414 ENGINE. Flush the fuel system and replace the filter fittings exactly as instructed in the Special Instruction, REHS3848, "Procedure to Flush the Fuel System for the Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD)". B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes by using Cat ET. C. Perform the “ARD Ignition Test” by using Cat ET. B. Result: The “Manual DPF Regeneration” did not complete successfully and there are no associated codes. Sale. The ETI code is located in the “Status” screen under “Enhanced Troubleshooting Information (ETI) – ARD”. Inspect the fuel lines from the pump to the fuel manifold. C. Perform the “ARD Ignition Test” using Cat ET. C. Perform the "ARD Ignition Test" by using Cat ET. The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. A restriction in the fuel system for the ARD can cause the code. Learn more. Your email address will not be published. $195.00. This system includes: (1) AirDog® Champ II™, (1) Volvo Fuel Filter, (1) Return Line Hose Assembly, and (1) Volvo & Mack Engine-Specific Fitting Kit (all fittings needed in most cases). The inline fuel filter fittings for the ARD are bad about plugging up, the spark plug, and coil fails on the ARD occasionally. Fuel Filters; Fuel Filters Filter by Press enter to collapse or expand the menu. OEM # BC3Z-9B246-A. Illustration 1 g01985013 6988961. Do not use the operators switch for a stationary regeneration. Save Time and Money by replacing just the connector instead of the entire hose assembly. $58.46. Establish communication between Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) and the Electronic Control Module (ECM) . There may be a problem with the ARD nozzle. Refer to Troubleshooting for the correct procedure. C. Perform the “ARD Ignition Test” using Cat ET. 4:17 . WATER FILTERS. This test must be performed through Cat ET. 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pump – Inspect, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pressure – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Valve Lash – Inspect/Adjust, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Aftercooler – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Inlet Manifold Pressure – Test, Aftertreatment Insufficient Temperature to Complete Regeneration. None of the above SOLVED the problem. Record the Enhanced Troubleshooting Indicator (ETI) code. E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. This procedure covers the following diagnostic trouble codes: Note: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Cat ET Service Features” for information about service features. Perform an ARD Ignition Test in order to verify the repair. The ECM tests the nozzles for plugging after the “Manual DPF Regeneration” is complete. 6V-7092. D. Turn the keyswitch to the On position. Also, replace the water separator and fuel filter assembly with 256-8753 Water Separator and Fuel Filter As. inlet and outlet, so I got well over 2k in parts and still no regen. Check the list of active diagnostic codes. The newer design fittings with sintered metal elements are 353-8397 Connector As and 353-8398 Connector As which are taller at the hex. Replace the filter for the ARD fuel manifold. C. Turn the keyswitch to the Off position. Or, the current flow is not between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system. 2011 – 2015 6.7L OEM Ford Powerstroke Diesel Fuel Feed Tube Fitting. Fitting ( 3 ) is accessible, this cat ard head fuel filter fittings may be introduced during servicing determine if any the... `` ARD Ignition Test '' by using Cat ET the country and never really solved the Ignition! To ensure long life & leak-free connections the Off position order in which the steps are listed to low #. 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cat ard head fuel filter fittings 2021