how to sink cucumber in fish tank

I have Mbuna cichlids, parrotfish, pearl gourami and Congo tetra. Wir haben buchstäblich Tausende von großartigen Produkten in allen Produktkategorien. I haven't got goldies but I have been feeding my tropical fish cucumbers, if you microwave them until they are cooked (and cool them obviously so that the fish don't burn their lips) they will sink to the bottom more easily. Unexpected fry in your fish tank? Also a photographer, she records adventures by camera, combining photos with journals in her blogs. Oh, do you mean as fish food? Either sink it using a weight/boiling it, or put it at the side using a clip. I do remove the seeds as no one eats them and they can get everywhere and gunk up the tank. Nigel W. Lv 6. Cut a slice, boil it for a bit to soften it up, cool it off, then sink it in the tank. Most woods will sink after 6-8 weeks. Don't leave the slice of cucumber in the tank for more than about a day, because after that it will begin to spoil. Just make sure it is heavy enough to Just make sure it is heavy enough to how to sink a cucumber - Page 2 - I have Mbuna cichlids, parrotfish, pearl gourami and Congo tetra. Is its flow rate reduced? 4 years ago. The advantage of boiling the cucumber or other veggie is that you make it softer (thus easier for fish to eat), and you make it heavy enough to sink in water. I read a little about weighting it, but didn't try too hard with that. (I feel so stupid). Gold Fish will eat anything if its small enough. Wash a cucumber well in lots of clean water. And no, it's not Nemo. that is how the hobby moves forward. Either pour boiling water over it, or microwave it for about 7 seconds (for a slice). 1 decade ago. How To Get Driftwood to Sink in a Fish Tank. I don’t have anything to tie it to, and I already tried to tie it down. For one … Egal, ob Sie nach hochwertigen Etiketten oder günstigen, kostengünstigen Großeinkäufen suchen, wir garantieren Ihnen, dass es sich hier auf … Leave the cukes in for 8-10 hours. I went out and bought a veggie clip. Therefore, you have to devise a way to sink the cucumber to the bottom of the tank, making it easy for your fish to get at. Sponsored Links Fish Forums. Pick food that floats, sinks, or slowly sinks depending on your fish's mouth shape. later tht week we went to the fish store n i saw cucumber … Young plecos can subsist on one algae wafer per day. Courgette is much better than cucumber as cucumber is bascially … Find out if you have a glass or acrylic tank and use the appropriate sponge for that. Fish count. what's the best way to sink a veggie? As a result, it will be easier for the fish, shrimp or snail to eat them. Next morning, i put 2 carrots and 2 cucumbers into my 3 litre shrimps tank. Any vegetable or fruit that is sliced can easily be placed in a veggie clip or a MagFeeder®. Also, you can put it underneath a heavy … im always doing projects and worry about contaminating my tanks with oils or grease of some sort. Nigel W. Lv 6. How often can I feed my fish cucumber? may be necessary. Member. Soak and scrub the wood for at least 3 days and up to 7 days. Join Date: Jul 2006. 3 years ago. If you decide to do it this way, slice the cucumber, and then boil it just until the slices wilt a little and sink in the cooking water. Of course, that's if a bacterial pathogen is causing the problem. Especially if you are not going organic thorough washing is a good idea (for you and your fish). Don't leave the slice of cucumber in the tank for more than about a day, because after that it will begin to spoil. For most fish tanks, one small slice is as much as the fish can eat. I have left cucumber for days on end in the tank and have not had any problems with it, however most of the time i just leave it in the tank as long as it is one peice and doesn't appear to be going off/decaying (you know when its time to take it out when it starts to go slushy or its colour changes). The viewing panel you can clean with a regular aquarium algae sponge. my pleoco would cme up for that floating cucumber and enjoys it sometimes it takes away to its hidey place.I also feed him tomatoes, watermelon, spinach. Once the water is boiling then we are going to add the pieces of cucumber into it and blanch them. Why does iceberg lettuce cause stomach cramps? If the fork becomes lost in the gravel, remove it when you next clean your aquarium. even so my comments are sound. 0 0. I have 2 clown loaches that I want to cucumbers to I just don't know how to get it to sink. Well, I wouldn't put a whole cucumber in there, unless you have a huge number of fish, or you have huge fish. Cucumber is good food for aquarium catfish and plecostomus. 0 0. You may have to leave it in there a day or so before they notice it. That softens it up a little for the fish, and makes it sink. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. 2:32. Oh, do you mean as fish food? To easy to prepare and store. Can I feed my plec cucumber and how long do I leave it in for? Cucumber chunks besides as peas are solid for a pleco. You can boil it but it tends to last far less long if you do. works well for me and them. Josie*paolillo. Do not use a fork made of any other material because it could leach harmful substances into the water. I gave my fish some cucumber for the first time on Saturday, and they loved it. It's in the shape of a clown fish, which I thought was pretty dumb at the time, but the more I looked at it, the cuter it got. What I did (or remember … Leave it in for a couple of hours. Cucumber, Tomatoes, Zucchini: They are the most widely accepted vegetables especially for live-bearers, or any other fish that eats plants or algae in the wild condition. May 9, 2020 #1 I totally forgot. Sea cucumbers resemble large aquatic caterpillars and they come in a variety of colors and patterns. that is … 0 0. Help! Too many fish? If any of your fish … Advertisement . Leave it in for a couple of hours. when I feed my pleoco I leave it inthe tank floating. Remove Advertisements. Harry being too impatient for his cucumber to sink by itself. 2. Please help! Stick a cucumber slice on the end of a stainless steel fork. After having recently added an otto to my 35G tank, i've come across suggestions to feed it cucumber to vary its diet. You can place a smooth pebble on top of it and sink it to the bottom, or try covering up part of it with gravel. How to feed cucumber to fish, snails, plecos and shrimp. That way it will sink and make it easier for the fish to eat. Jul 7, 2017. If you are one of the lucky people to have a fish tank toilet, then you’ll need to add this to your bathroom…the fish tank sink… The Moody Aquarium Sink by Italbrass, designed and manufactured in Italy, was created to give a playful and pleasing atmosphere to the bathroom environment. You can also blanch cucumber or zucchini (courgette) to make it sink. his bladde... How to make an effective DIY sponge filter for your aquarium. Afternoon when i returned home, i found my tank is cloudy. I boiled the piece for 60 seconds, put it in, it sank, but then 2 hours later, it won’t stay sunk. Cucumber is a good food to fish fish, snails and shrimp. my cucumbers just float around the top, and i don't think my pleco will find it. Slice a piece off the cucumber about 1.2 cm (1/2 inch) thick. If you are feeding a smaller fish, such as a betta, coarsely chopping the lima beans, etc. It wouldn’t stay tied. you read and agreed to the. The fork provides the weight to sink the cucumber slice. My Tiger Hillstream Loach, Steve, doesn't seem to like the algae wafers or shrimp pellets, but I was told to try cucumbers, so I shall.Picked up a cucumber and I can't get the thing to sink for the life of me. Spinach, Lettuce, or Romaine Lettuce: Koi, goldfish and many marine herbivores … iheard that some sort clips are available at lfs with a suction cup to stick the cucumber to it. Also, as your pleco matures and grows, it will need more variety in its diet and a larger amount of food. I believe zucchinI (squash) has more nutrition than cucumber, if that matters for your purposes. Carefully wash it and remove the jelly bits and the seeds. Fish Fish Fish. There are also commercial sinking implements that you can use to impale and weight the cucumber. I've tried just about everything. My plecos don't usually bother eating the skin off the cucumber, so i also … Mittlerweile wissen Sie bereits, was Sie auch suchen, Sie werden es auf AliExpress sicher finden. Thread starter DwarfCichlidLvr; Start date May 9, 2020; click to enter! cichlids gouramis tetras. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. If not that, use a rock or heavier decoration to partially weigh it down. You can try to weigh it down will a heavy rock or decoration. You just have to make sure you take any uneaten cucumber … How often can I feed my fish cucumber? If they do not finish it and lose interest, remove uneaten portions of cucumber immediately so that it does not contaminate the tank. If they do not finish … 07-11-2007, 03:17 PM #12: gemjunkie . Wild Fish Tanks 783,153 views. In fact, most of the fish in your aquarium, especially clown loaches and cichlids, will feed on fresh cucumber if it is available. My question is, how long can i leave it in the tank? 35:42. it is right to be on the safe side with anything you put in the tank, but the uneaten fish flakes, your fish miss, are far more likely to affect the water of your tank than a bit of degenerated cucumber. So use a regular aquarium sponge. How to: make Cucumber sink in your Aquarium fish tank - Duration: 2:32. reply #3. You can also use patience. Please advice… However, sometimes it's better to tie it to something, as it means it doesn't move when the fish eat it. Feed courgettes to your fish and aquatics using the same steps for sinking cucumber. Does the media need cleaning? sink it by putting a weight on with ahelp of sme gravel Cut a slice, boil it for a bit to soften it up, cool it off, then sink it in the tank. Now that's AWESOME idea I've seen yet. That softens it up a little for the fish, and makes it sink. For most fish tanks, one small slice is as much as the fish can eat. You can ask an aquarium store employee for advice if necessary, but often watching your fish's behavior or mouth shape will be enough to find out what type of food to buy. I’m trying to feed zucchinI to my Otocinclus, but it won’t sink. then my mom was yelling at me bcuz the cucumber is in there, she said" ur gonna make the water good bad bcuz of the cucumber" n i was like idts mom. It will also make them sink to the bottom so they do not float on the surface of the tank. However, sometimes it's better to tie it to something, as it means it doesn't move when the fish eat it. it is right to be on the safe side with anything you put in the tank, but the uneaten fish flakes, your fish miss, are far more likely to affect the water of your tank than a bit of degenerated cucumber. If you catch the condition very early -- prior to any actual swelling -- adding antibacterial medication to the aquarium might keep the edema from worsening. As a result, it will be easier for the fish, shrimp or snail to eat them. There is nothing wrong with tannins in the water for most fish. Either pour boiling water over it, or microwave it for about 7 seconds (for a slice). 3. my pleoco would cme up for that floating cucumber and enjoys it sometimes it takes away to its hidey place.I also feed him tomatoes, watermelon, spinach. I can position it wherever and when there done I take it out with the string. I blanched some carrots and cucumbers and cool it off and store in the freeze. A blog for fish . However, if the pleco is the only fish in the tank, it will need to be fed more often. Opti-fish, brings you the superbly practical Screwcumber, Offering a totally different approach to weighing and holding down Vegetables in your aquarium. It will also make them sink to the bottom so they do not float on the surface of the tank. Furthermore, cucumber-proofing your tank is relatively simply, and we have no excuse for not doing so. surly you cant be suggesting that half a cucumber, even in a 10g tank would degenerate enough in 4 hours to affect the tank, never mind smaller bits, which is what many people use. How much really depends on how many fish you have that will eat it. For example, properly protecting pump intakes and overflows before adding any crawling animal (such as a sea cucumber) seems like a pretty reasonable request for our tanks, and in my opinion this should never be viewed as a downside to keeping such animals. Neither way will make the pleco (or other fish) sick. These unique creatures are found throughout the ocean, not just in reef environments, and they may grow up to 12 inches long. What did i do to cause this problem. After blanching you can put your veggies/fruit immediately in a bowl full of water with ice cubes in it. I felt bad because my barbs had still been picking at it, but I didn't know if it would be safe to leave it in the tank … Her latest book, "A Travel for Taste: Germany," was published in 2015. Open your aquarium cover and place the weighted cucumber slice on the bottom of the tank where your fish can easily reach it. Thanks, and can I give it even after feeding my fish normally? Although I hate having to get my hand in the tank to put it in and out. It is important to remove anything on the surface such as wax that can adversely affect your aquarium. Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle für sink fish tank. I ... Can I put a cucumber in the tank for my betta and my apple snail to eat? This generally makes the cucumber slices soft enough for immediate consumption. you can put the veggies in the clip and suction the cucumber at the bottom of the tank on the inside of the glass 6 years ago. How to make the environment in your fish tank better for nitrifying bacteria when cycling. Aquanick. Cucumber, Tomatoes, Zucchini: They are the most widely accepted vegetables especially for live-bearers, or any other fish that eats plants or algae in the wild condition. So i sliced a piece of cucumber, wieghted it down by some soldering lead (i didn't know cucumbers float). Par-boiling is basically soft boiling the cucumbers until they sink and also making sure that it's not fully cooked (so it doesn't fall apart). A pleco is not built for swimming up to the surface since its armour plating is so heavy. I just wedge a slice of zucchni into a cave and my pleco is a very happy camper because no one will bother him while he munches away. Aquaphobia. U have to cut it small enough to fit in its mouth so i would advise … They love it and it provides variety in their diet. this way I don't have to put my hands in the tank. Cucumber is good food for aquarium catfish and plecostomus. It helps in reducing the discoloration that occurs. we all have our own way of doing things. Is a dead tropical fish decaying unnoticed behind your aquarium decor? Because of its dark brown color, it changes the color of water in your tank into a light “Tea color”. 2018 profile art by nyannaj on However, cucumber floats in water and the fish the cucumber is intended for are bottom feeders. cichlids gouramis tetras. 06-18-2007, 10:28 PM #2: Phantom_Cichlid . Can you feed snails cold cucumber from the fridge? Check the fish tank filter. They sink and are eaten as they fall, or they are eaten after they have sunk to the bottom of the tank. Bottom feeders such as catfish spend time at the bottom of the tank, with their down-turned or underside mouths … If the wood is too large to fit in a sink or stockpot, put it in a plastic tub or trashcan and keep adding hot water. That will make up the whole meal right there. It's just a random little beady eyed clown fish It suction cups onto the glass inside and I just clip on the veggie. we all have our own way of doing things. There are also commercial sinking implements that you can use to impale and weight the cucumber. It is not much of a hassle to sink driftwood, but it requires a commendable level of patience, and depending on the type of driftwood you have, more, than less resilience is best. Cucumber is a good treat. You have a mix of carnivores and herbivores, and that may be a bad idea when the parrotfish decides to take a bite out of the other fish in the tank … Are there any fish missing? 3 years ago. Posts: 606 … Its a strong clip with a suction cup attached. answer #2. Cousins to sea urchins and starfish, sea cucumbers are a popular addition to marine and reef tanks. The best way to overcome this is by soaking the peat moss in a bucket of water for a few days before placing it in the tank. However, some porous woods are usually … Oh my gosh. Tannins are not harmful to fish but they can change the pH of your tank water and will also stain it a yellowish brown color. Remove the fork when they have finished eating the cucumber. how to sink a cucumber ... no muss no fuss. Also read: How to Raise pH in a Fish Tank. Then remove them from water and … ( He dragged it down from the surface) Fish Fish Fish — Harry being too impatient for his cucumber to sink... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. You're supposed to SINK the cucumber. But I prefer to use a vegetable clip found at most fish stores for under 3 dollars. They're slow and sluggish and prefer to stick to the bottom. However, cucumber floats in water and the fish the cucumber is intended for are bottom feeders. i hit upon frozen peas, soaked for a couple of minutes in warm water and then drained, epidermis easily (My pleco won't devour an entire pea in basic terms the squishy interior) in basic terms carry the pea on your palms and dad the exterior off. I had a pleco like 6 month ago that I rehomed. The alternative is using a rubber band to fasten the slice to a rock. let me know what you do to get yours to sink. This will make them sink to the bottom of your tank as well as cool them down. I have left cucumber for days on end in the tank and have not had any problems with it, however most of the time i just leave it in the tank as long as it is one peice and doesn't appear to be going off/decaying (you know when its time to take it out when it starts to go slushy or its colour changes). 2. Open your aquarium cover and place the weighted cucumber slice on the bottom of the tank where your fish can easily reach it. Karren Doll Tolliver holds a Bachelor of English from Mississippi University for Women and a CELTA teaching certificate from Akcent Language School in Prague. I have been using stanless bolts for years all you do is just stick one through the veggie and put in the tank. Aarons Aquarium 80,624 views. 5 years ago. I've heard that feeding cucumber bits to Betta fish is good for them, it supposedly relieves constipation. I changed my water +- 50% but is still cloudy. Cucumber is a good treat. When I just put pure raw cucumber slices in the tank, the fish don't seem as interested (until 24 hours … For humane purposes, remove the fish from your tank and euthanize it. Cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, and many more are great for fish. Observe the fish as they feed. If you are considering adding a sea cucumber … reply #5. debcc. Well, I wouldn't put a whole cucumber in there, unless you have a huge number of fish, or you have huge fish. Should i just let glofish sink to bottom of tank. A lot of people soak theirs for days or weeks before adding it to the tank. See the video below[Broken link]. Before feeding, cut into small pieces and place them into the fish tank. Once the pleco grows to 24 inches, it is considered mature. answer #2. I drilled a hole in a flat rock, used baking twine and rubber bands. 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how to sink cucumber in fish tank 2021