Whether you’re moving into a new area or your family is starting to grow, you’ll need to think about school catchment areas. (ie, enter Broadway, not West Broadway or Broadway W.) Remember to Enter in your Street Name only and not your Address. It is also situated on a very small site. In 2019, 20 out of catchment children were placed at the school in reception year. The school locator tool is offered to help families identify their catchment school. Primary School Admissions to reception and year 3 at an Infant, Junior or Primary School are received and processed for all schools in the borough by the School Admissions Team, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council for all residents in the borough. A review of Primary School catchment areas within Leigh-on-sea will be carried out over the next few months. Search Find data Data links Link to the data Format File added Data preview; Download sos_primary_school_catchments , Format: WMS, Dataset: Southend Primary School Catchments: WMS 23 September 2014 Preview on map: Additional information View … What are the documents required as proof of residence? Idoknow Post … Children officially start their primary school education when they enter a reception year class. The property guide price £350,000 £375,000 we have great pleasure in four bedroom town house that is situated within the bournes green school catchment area. What are the documents required as proof of residence? However the scores required for the out of catchment places or the colchester schools are much higher than in catchment for the southend schools. Many schools admit children based on distance from the school or a fixed catchment area. There’s more information on how catchments work in our guide to how catchment areas work. They’re also subject to change, so the best thing to do is look up the schools in your area and contact them directly. The basic school data is taken from a mixture of different Department for Education sources like Edubase and the school performance tables. Our pupils are often involved in writing whole school policies such as the Playground Code which they review and add to each year. Useful documents. The main villages served by the school are Danbury, Bicknacre, East and West Hanningfield, and Chelmer Village. Enter your street address into the school locator to find out which school your child should attend (catchment school). Please note that living in the priority admission (catchment) area of a school does not guarantee entitlement to school transport. Education; Apprenticeships; Careers; Issues affecting teenagers today Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and the Local Offer. St John Payne Catholic School, Patching Hall Lane, CM1 4BS. forecast data for Southend, taken from births and trends in admission, predict that there are specific risk areas where meeting catchment preferences are likely to worsen over the coming years, Leigh causing the greatest immediate concern. Using the form below you can check which schools' priority admission area an address is located in. Catchment Area Information Available: Yes, our catchment area data is FREE: Last Distance Offered Information Available: No: Highlights from Latest Inspection: Information about the school Southend High School for Girls is broadly average sized. 2018 & 2019 Admission Arrangements PAN. This means the test takes place after the closure of school applications on 31 October 2020. Create alert or save search. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE, Contact Southend-on-Sea Borough Council regarding this dataset, Public Sector End User Licence ? Admissions arrangements for West Leigh for 21/22. Hovering over a school shows its catchment area indicator, whilst clicking on a school or property icon pops up a box with all the crucial information you need to know; with relevant links, such as to the school's Ofsted reports. This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it, The dataset shows the secondary school catchment areas in Southend. The primary school has one pupil intake into Reception each year. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible. Top . Where’s the data from? At a West Leigh School Parents Association meeting at the Scott & Stapleton offices this evening it got me thinking about people purchasing properties specifically for school catchment areas. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council has 42 primary schools and 22 secondary schools. Southend Primary School Catchments Southend Primary School Catchments Published by: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council ... Other Licence View licence information Summary This dataset shows the Primary School Catchment areas for Southend. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE . GIspg cobeL.2 egLuJ CLGSU moor; kc1J6hboce OCCV9Lq MêlqGu2 eonwsuq Hssq) eorupeuq b!SL BOCHE-OBD bO$ÇOlJ CPSbwgu aoruusuq gguq cru L,1Gae rGldp Discover the catchment area for Southend Primary School, read parent reviews and see exam results. Logo: Visit the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council home page, Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, Communities, neighbourhoods and the environment, Erratum St Georges Catholic Primary page 42, Parents Guide to applying online for school admissions to Year R, Year 3, Year 7, Changes to the published catchment area - postcode look up table, Supplementation Information Forms (SIF) for Southend Primary Schools, Primary School Catchment Area Postcode Look Up Table, Primary School Admissions 2019 Reception Application Form, Primary School Admissions Form 2019 - Transfer to Year 3. Years ago, there were unscrupulous parents trying all sorts of tricks to register their children in their preferred schools. For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. Welcome to the priority admission area section. Would Tenancy Agreement do? Report bins, pay your council tax, find out about roadworks and more online. Contact Schools and Learning. p-ou- The offer of a place is dependent upon passing the selection tests. The criteria therefore have been amended to reflect this proposal. 2. Southend Primary School Catchments; Southend Children Centre Areas; Southend Pharmacies; Southend Libraries ; Search. Admissions; catchment areas; term dates ; For young people aged 13-19 the Connexions service can give information on. Many schools admit children based on distance from the school or a fixed catchment area. The potential alterations, which will be rolled out in 2018 / 2019, will involve a number of schools in the area including West Leigh, North Street, Chalkwell, Blenheim & Darlinghurst. catchment area who have a sibling at the school. Following Government advice, the Consortium for Selective Schools England (CSSE) has announced the date for the selection test for grammar school admission has been re-scheduled to Saturday 7 November 2020 and results will be available 3 December 2020. Search Find data Data links Link to the data Format File added Data preview; Download sos_secondary_school_catchments , Format: WMS, Dataset: Southend Secondary School Catchments: WMS 23 September 2014 Preview on map: Additional … School uniforms can be purchased from the following suppliers: Southend School Shop 144 Broadway Leigh-on-Sea Essex, SS9 1AA Tel: 01702 480140 . Click on the search icon below, then enter your street name. In addition, Essex County Council provide a ‘Catchment Area Finder’ (please refer to link below) which you may use to determine which school’s priority admission area your address is located in. For such schools, the cut-off distance will vary from year to year, especially if the school give priority to siblings, and the pattern will be of a central core with outliers (who will mostly be siblings). All other subjects can contribute to the development and enhancement of students’ numeracy skills including their ability to describe and explain their strategies and reasoning. 3.1 The existing primary school catchment areas and admission limits have largely remained unchanged for many years and there has been no overall review since Southend became a Unitary Authority responsible for education in April 1998. If you have a child born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017, they are due to start school in September 2021. £825,000 Guide price. Admissions during the school year are called In-year admissions. If a parents live in the ss0 to ss9 area (in catchment for these schools), Is there any requirement as to how long do they have to live there (inside catchment) after entry in to the school? The dataset shows the secondary school catchment areas in Southend. In practice in Southend only about … Schools in the Borough; Catchment Area Postcode Lookup Table; Changes to the published catchment area - postcode look up table ; Applications for this year group can be submitted online or in hardcopy anytime between 14 September 2020 and 15 January 2021. Pauls … Priority admission (catchment) area finder. Catchment Area Information Available: Yes, our catchment area data is FREE: Last Distance Offered Information Available: No: Highlights from Latest Inspection: Information about the school Southend High School for Girls is broadly average sized. Catchment Area. School uniform suppliers. 3.14 The criteria of ‘pupils of staff’ was introduced for the 2019 round of admissions. This rose to 30 out of catchment in September 2020. Priority admission (catchment) area finder. Visit the SBC website for information on local schools, including. Situated south of Leigh Broadway, within North Street School catchment and a short walk to Chalkwell station, is this beautiful turn of the century house which has been kept to high standard throughout and been newly, fully redecorated. Admission to the school at age 11 is determined through a selection procedure administered by the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE). Chelmsford grammar schools distance checker. Applications for this year group can be submitted online or in hardcopy anytime between 14 September 2020 and 15 January 2021. Catchment Area Map. Highest price; Lowest price; Most recent; Include under offer. For applications to reception or transfer to year 3 for September 2021 parents/carers can apply between 14/9/2020 and 15/1/2021. It is the responsibility of parents to apply for a school place at the correct times. Working to make lives better in the borough of Southend-on-Sea. Our vision. Years ago, there were unscrupulous parents trying all sorts of tricks to register their children in their preferred schools. Attachments. Search for an Ofsted report for any school in Essex. Bournemouth Park Primary School, Hamstel Primary School and Temple Sutton Primary School Catchment Areas For high resolution copies of these maps, please contact Sharon at Bear Estate Agents. By definition, ‘admission arrangements’ means the overall procedure, practices, criteria and supplementary information to be used in deciding on the allocation of school places and refers to any device or means used to determine whether a school place is to be offered. St John Payne Catholic School, Patching Hall Lane, CM1 4BS. So whether you're looking for 'schools near me' or relocating to a new area, we've got it covered! Your chances of … Please can someone explain, for Westcliff and Southend girls grammar schools : a. 2021 School Trustee By-Election. catchment of a particular school from expressing a preference for the school.” 3.8 Catchment areas for community primary schools, although reviewed annually, have remained the same for 8 years. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Summary Report from Phase 1 Public Engagement Review of Primary School Catchment Areas in Leigh on Sea September 2017 Report prepared by: Catherine Braun, Group Manager Access and Inclusion Leigh Primary Community School and Own Admission Authority Catchment Area Review for Admissions Arrangements 2019/20 1. Catchment Area Finder. She had no idea that several years on the location would become the biggest nightmare for her. For such schools, the cut-off distance will vary from year to year, especially if the school give priority to siblings, and the pattern will be of a central core with outliers (who will mostly be siblings). How catchment areas work. A CONTROVERSIAL consultation over changes to Leigh school admissions includes two detailed plans – set to either shake-up or scrap catchment areas. Built for parents, the UK’s Best School Guide. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. For guidance please click on the link below to see a map of the catchment area for our school. Email: council@southend.gov.uk. More from this publisher All datasets from Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Related datasets . For such schools, the cut-off distance will vary from year to year, especially if the school give priority to siblings, and the pattern will be of a central core with outliers (who will mostly be siblings). Many schools admit children based on distance from the school or a fixed catchment area. Please can someone explain, for Westcliff and Southend girls grammar schools : a. Read our admission booklets to find information about all infant, junior, primary and secondary schools in Essex.. Ofsted inspections. "The school admissions system makes no sense. The property offers living accommodation throughout and is a perfect opportunity for the growing family. Catchment areas are based on your child’s permanent address. This rose to 30 out of catchment in September 2020. It is also situated on a very small site. School admissions code. Southend Primary School Catchments; Southend Children Centre Areas; Southend Pharmacies; Southend … Top . If you are looking for an estate agent in Southend-on-Sea or an estate agent in southchurch , please contact Bear on 01702 811 211 today. eonwsuq Hssq) eorupeuq b!SL CPSbwgu aoruusuq gguq cru L,1Gae rGldp 1219uq ogsG b!6L ugpuqas ego ru.òueee r ElCH-OV1-2EV auoepnLÅlJGaa 04 q re! Toggle navigation. The family moved into a property near the Castle Point and Southend schools catchment border. 3.2 Living in the catchment area for a school means that a pupil will normally get priority in admission to the school. 6 now have a catchment area reserving a small number of places for out of catchment children, only the 2 in Colchester have no catchment at all. Admissions appeals . Purpose of Report 1.1 … Southend High School for Girls is a selective girls’ school. Would Tenancy Agreement do? Please ensure you read all of the information on the page once results are displayed. Admission to the school at age 11 is determined through a selection procedure administered by the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE). You’ve accepted all cookies. Please stay at home. 10% of Southend-on-Sea's schools are private schools. b. For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. Application forms and further details about in-year admission should be made by selecting 'in-year admissions' on this web site. The school took more pupils when this was required. Catchment Area Finder. For the September 2018 intake, the school’s published admission number is 180. Children start primary school in the school year in which they reach the age of five. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council. 24. All other subjects can contribute to the development and enhancement of students’ numeracy skills including their ability to describe and explain their strategies and reasoning. Please contact Southend admissions service on 01702 212934 or Mrs S Hood on 01702 525137 or office@eastwoodprimary.southend.sch.uk to discuss admissions to the nursery. Students celebrating their A Level results at St John Payne Catholic School . She had no idea that several years on the location would become the biggest nightmare for her. We use cookies to collect information about how you use data.gov.uk. Southend Council are, therefore, launching a consultation on a proposal to solve the situation by reducing the size of the catchment areas for these schools while increasing the catchment areas for neighbouring schools Darlinghurst and Eastwood Primary while moving the borders of Blenheim and Fairways - so that they can take the pressure of the other schools. It really couldn't be any easier. Schools in Southend-on-Sea Foundation schools in Southend-on-Sea Academic disciplines Business Concepts Crime Culture Economy Education Energy Events Food and drink Geography Government Health Human behavior Humanities Knowledge Law Life Mind Objects Organizations People Philosophy Society Sports Universe World Arts Lists Glossaries 3.1 The existing primary school catchment areas and admission limits have largely remained unchanged for many years and there has been no overall review since Southend became a Unitary Authority responsible for education in April 1998. 3.5 Admission arrangements for Community Schools in Southend must be determined by 28th February 2018 and included in a composite ... 3.6 The current admission arrangements for Community Schools (including catchment areas) were last consulted on and approved by the Council for the admissions in the academic year 2019/20. In 2019, 20 out of catchment children were placed at the school in reception year. Southend-on-Sea schools and catchments. There are 8 grammar schools in Essex, 4 boys, 4 girls (and some semiselectives). If you live in the Essex administrative area, you can find out if your address is in the priority admission (catchment) area for a school.. Find school information. All children born between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2017 will start school in September 2020. The catchment area for the school covers a wide rural area in addition to the immediate locality of Great Baddow, Sandon and Chelmer Village. Catchment area map. Southend High School for Girls is a selective girls’ school. The Primary Admissions Booklet 2021/21 will be published here in September 2020. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. If a parents live in the ss0 to ss9 area (in catchment for these schools), Is there any requirement as to how long do they have to live there (inside catchment) after entry in to the school? Southend Secondary School Catchments; Southend Children Centre Areas; Southend Pharmacies; Southend Hospitals ; Search. "My son is four and no one cares that he doesn't have a school and it's really frustrating," Heather claimed. Catchment Area Information Available: Yes, our catchment area data is FREE: Last Distance Offered Information Available: No: Highlights from Latest Inspection: Description of the school The school is average in size. Find a school Catchment area finder. Catchment Area Information Available: Yes, our catchment area data is FREE: Last Distance Offered Information Available: No: Highlights from Latest Inspection: Description of the school The school is average in size. "The school admissions system makes no sense. By definition, ‘admission arrangements’ means the overall procedure, practices, criteria and supplementary information to be used in deciding on the allocation of school places and refers to any device or means used to determine whether a school place is to be offered. The school took more pupils when this was required. 07 Aug 2015. All content © 2021 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. Primary Schools Catchment - Maps (East and West) A map of the East and a map of the West of the Borough with the outline of the catchments for Schools in the area. Please note that living in the priority admission (catchment) area of a school does not guarantee entitlement to school transport. Catchment areas form part of admission arrangments therefore to be read in conjunction with Southend-on-sea Primary and the Secondary Admission Booklets, the in … Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE. Therefore, back in the summer, the Council decided to review the catchment areas, particularly to see if there was a way of dealing with the recent significant oversubscription in the south Leigh area, with West Leigh Infants, Leigh North Street and Chalkwell Hall Infants schools. Elementary Catchments Nov 2019 . Chelmsford grammar schools distance checker. All rights reserved. For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. Pupils come from many areas within Southend and some from further afield. You can change your cookie settings at any time. At a West Leigh School Parents Association meeting at the Scott & Stapleton offices this evening it got me thinking about people purchasing properties specifically for school catchment areas. Simply enter your postcode below and select your address from the list of results. Users do not need to enter the direction or city. 3. Telephone: 01702 215007. 9 state schools in Southend-on-Sea follow the local authority's admissions criteria, while 43 set their own. Students celebrating their A Level results at St John Payne Catholic School … Pupils are admitted to the school the September before their fifth birthday, without reference to ability or aptitude. It was agreed to provide priority of pupils who live outside the catchment area with a sibling attending the school above pupils of staff. The family moved into a property near the Castle Point and Southend schools catchment border. At Southend High School for Boys we believe that Numeracy is not the sole responsibility of the mathematics department. The last consultation where proposals were made to changes to catchment was in relation to the 2009 arrangements 2. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. At Southend High School for Boys we believe that Numeracy is not the sole responsibility of the mathematics department. Schools are adding links to their SEND Local Offer on their records. BETA Average homes found within top school catchment areas are worth £400,850; In one case, homes were 149 per cent more expensive than the county's average; Price of homes new best state schools … School Locator Information & Announcements. The catchment area for the school covers a wide rural area in addition to the immediate locality of Great Baddow, Sandon and Chelmer Village. Author. The School Locator will show what catchment you belong to based on your street address. Priority Admission (Catchment) Areas. National lockdown restrictions now apply. Portico Cosultation letter. Primary . Review of Primary school catchment areas in Leigh-on-sea Possible Arrangements for Community Schools – 2019/20 round Early public engagement June-September (dates TBC) For office use (to be removed from final/published version) Office use Timeline Early engagement with public June-Sept 2017 Admission Forum Sept 2017 Cabinet October 2017 Full formal consultation Nov – Dec - 31st Jan (min … Pupils come from many areas within Southend and some from further afield. 5 bedroom detached house for sale - Admirals Walk, Shoeburyness, Southend-On-Sea. So Southend-on-Sea Borough Council has … The School Trustee by-election day is Saturday, February 13, 2021. 3.2 Living in the catchment area for a school means that a pupil will normally get priority in admission to the school. The by-election is organized for the School District by the City of Chilliwack. Our Mission Statement, which was written by the pupils, is central to everything we do and is based on the word RESPECT. This site aims to record, as far as is practical, the effective catchment area for every school for every year of admission. St. Helen’s Catholic Primary School is the oldest Catholic Primary School in Southend and has been on the present site since 1973. You will not receive any letters from Southend-on-Sea Borough Council to inform you that you must apply for your child’s school place however, early years settings and general marketing is in place to ensure parents are alerted. Southend Council has launched its preliminary consultation on two proposals, both designed to lessen the load on already oversubscribed schools. The online and paper form will only be available during this period. For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. INSPIRE; http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/public-sector/mapping-agreements/inspire-licence.html, , Format: WMS, Dataset: Southend Secondary School Catchments, All datasets from Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/public-sector/mapping-agreements/inspire-licence.html. Admission to community schools in Southend for the 2022/23 school year ... Chalkwell’s direct catchment area has seen a 22% drop in births. More from this publisher … Grid; Map; List ; UK; Essex; Southend-On-Sea; Highest price; Lowest price; Most recent; Most recent. b. The main villages served by the school are Danbury, Bicknacre, East and West Hanningfield, and Chelmer Village. Admission to community schools in Southend for the 2022/23 school year ... Chalkwell’s direct catchment area has seen a 22% drop in births. Secondary Catchments Feb 2018. "My son is four and no one cares that he doesn't have a school and it's really frustrating," Heather claimed. Houses for sale in Southend-On-Sea. For a high-level overview of our elementary* and secondary catchments (school boundaries), see the PDF attachments below. In catchment for the Southend schools catchment border during the school or a catchment. John Payne Catholic school which school your child should attend ( catchment ) area of school! About how you use data.gov.uk do not need to enter the direction or city on their records 2009 arrangements.... 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