The Marx Brothers.. The teeth of seals are also considered a good ivory. What's wierd is that over in Africa, India etc., they have buildings literally FULL of it. Bone and antler in archaeological collections are often burnt and can be blue black to whitish gray. No, you're my friend, I'd kill you for nothing. Also Is a customs agent really trained that well to be able to know to examine a guitars nut and saddle and go "Whoa this is elephant ivory here pal!" It doesn't. 1950. Yeah, you buncha kill-happy Cretins......just think, with tear in eye, of all the wild Nauga's (Seatcoverusii Boogium) that had to die just to upholster your pick-up truck......shamey, shamey, shamey!!!! My opinion of course. Ummmm Steak Man I dont know what the big deal about eating animals is. Perhaps increasing the height is what did it. These walrus teeth have a unique marble like quality, with an outer dentine layer and a mottled inner core, as with all teeth. The bigger the chunk, the more$$$$ per ounce he must pay> But little pieces like what us Martinites want , is still relatively cheap. The bridge lifted a little. But a tusk, NO WAY!!! I'd kill someone for money. I made a saddle out of some legal preban ivory, and caught myself wondering if bone wouldn't sound just as good. Fossilized walrus ivory is generally regarded as the best. A friend of mine makes pistol grips out of "legal" ivory ( he has papers) and he has to pay "war" prices for it now. LET me correct a misconception concerning IVORY'S and Specifically ELEPHANT IVORY; IT IS LEGAL to own, possess,sell,trade and buy ELEPHANT IVORY IN AMERICA ! Most of it, NO. Ivory harvesting led to the extinction, or near-extinction of elephants in much of their former range. Definitions Carved ivory. Polished cross sections of elephant and mastodon/mammoth ivories display stacked chevrons of cross-hatched lines called Schreger lines or Lines of Retzius—incremental … An Unofficial forum for those who love Martin instruments - Founded by Steve Stallings. But, if you CAN get elephant ivory< then go for it! King Alfred the Great of Wessex records that he was presented with walrus tusks by the Viking trader Ohthere of Hålogaland in about 890, which may mark the start of this trade. But when you’re a customs official staring at a crate full of tusks, how do you know which is which? Now how the hell does that cut down on poachers? INTRODUCTION . Another saddle thread: Elephant ivory vs. Ivory definition is - the hard creamy-white modified dentine that composes the tusks of a tusked mammal (such as an elephant, walrus, or narwhal). Ivory is an off-white color that resembles ivory, the material from which the teeth and tusks of animals (such as, notably, the elephant and the walrus) is made. No big deal, they just re-glued it. People want ivory now more than ever cause it's psssssst: ILLEGAL!! The craft use of any kind of ivory is potentially controversial. But I complained about Martin's new "easy-play" action. That's stupid because it's already been taken. Has anyone here ever switched between the two on the same guitar for an A/B tonal test? I don't like it.Chris is letting them Taylor idiots scare him.I like the "old" specs. Elephant ivory is the most important source, but ivory from mammoth, walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, killer whale, narwhal and wart hog are used as well. Is one kind of ivory (mammoth vs. elephant, etc) better than another? Ivory comes from teeth as well as tusks of a number of mammals. Personally I would save my money and use bone on an electric. I guess the strategy behind the CITES treaty is to "snuff-out" the worldwide demand for ivory. K. K-man Member. U.S. federal law prohibits sales of African elephant ivory, but six states have now banned the sale of ivory more broadly. It is oval in cross section, and can be over 2 feet in length. Jul 25, 2006 #2 Fossilized walrus ivory is generally regarded as the best. Girsch, How would the average customs guy know the difference between elephant ivory and FWI or FOP? Tusks are simply large teeth that extend outside the mouth. Like our own teeth—and those of many mammals—these tusks are deeply rooted. Ivory is also a … Many items that were imported from India also originated in Africa but entered the U.S. as Asian Ivory. Tusks and teeth are formed of the same four parts: enamel, cementum, dentine and pulp cavity. If you are confused by the difference between bone and ivory, this video will show examples and describe how to tell if it is bone or ivory. This material is hard to get. It occurs to me that buying "elephant ivory," legal or illegal, is unethical, because it adds to the demand for elephant ivory, which in turn promotes the killing of elephants for their ivory. Now, this domestic ivory, was it procured "ethically"? African Ivory vs Asian Ivory. Personally I would save my money and use bone on an electric. Ivory gets defined as a hard white substance that is creamy and substance composed of the main part of the tusks of an elephant, walrus, or narwhal, often (especially formerly) used to make ornaments and other articles. The paper then looks at poaching rates over time and the poaching industry generally. Ivory takes on a greater polish than bone and has parallel lines that run the length of the tooth or tusk. You won't go wrong either way. Ivory historically has been obtained mainly from Africa, where elephant tusks are larger than they are in Asia, the second major source, and much dead ivory was and continues to be taken from remains … Usually, it gets considered as a variation of white color but in some cases, gets categorized as a separate entity. Is there a test that can determine the difference between elephant and walrus? The tests are able to show when the ivory grew on a living elephant, not when the creature died. Bone is sometimes confused with ivory, which is also yellowish and compact. Yeah, you buncha kill-happy Cretins.....just think, with tear in eye, of all the wild Nauga's (Seatcoverusii Boogium) that had to die just to upholst Thanks - Girsch. Is there a test that can determine the difference between elephant and walrus? I'd kill someone for money. Have they been instructed to test every guitar saddle and/or nut to see if it is contraband ivory? In Alaska, the only people that are allowed to hunt walruses or collect ivory from walruses that died of natural causes are Alaskan natives. Structuring of this type is much less obvious in walrus ivory. Walrus ivory is easily differentiated from elephant ivory and mammoth ivory as walrus ivory is a tooth rather than a tusk and as such does not have any Schreger lines. Fossilized mammoth ivory seems to fall somewhere in between, leaning toward the walrus but with some of that glassy, shining treble that makes bone saddles so popular. Ivory is an off-white color that resembles ivory, the material from which the teeth and tusks of animals (such as, notably, the elephant and the walrus) is made. Before plastic was invented, elephant tusks and their ivory were used to make cutlery handles, musical instruments, billiard balls and piano keys. How to use ivory in a sentence. It consists mainly of dentine, one of the physical structures of teeth and tusks. And the whole tusk is wrapped in enamel, the hardest animal tissue and the part of the tusk that manages the most wear and tear. But I complained about Martin's new "easy-play" action. *** Mexican or Canadian ivory will be held up at the border ***. Eurasian elephant ivory was usually obtained from the tusks of elephants in India, and in Roman times, from North Africa; from the 18th century sub-Saharan Africa became the main source. Definitions Carved ivory. The History of ivory Elk also have two ivory teeth, which are believed to be the remnants of tusks from their ancestors. It has a very slight tint of yellow. I'd do anything for money. Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 40 of 97 Posts. Just a hair, but an improvement. Bases of many, but not all, artificial ivories are very nearly perfectly round. Either gotten from poachers or elephants shot by game wardens. The black and white pins are a limited production run. Elephant ivory vs Giraffe bone vs Stag for grips? The hex triplet code of ivory is #FFFFF0. Ummmm Steak Man I dont know what the big deal about eating animals is. But, as far as ivory vs. walrus ivory, I would go with walrus because it's a lot less hassle and probably just as good. In answer to the US Customs agent being able to tell the difference between any kind of material like micarta or ivory on a guitar saddle. Thanks in advance. Is there an obvious difference in quality? Another type of real ivory comes from hippos, mammoths, wild boar and mastodon. This is a look at some of the different types of bridge pins we offer. The ivory obtained from Asian elephants is much more white and dense than the tusks of African elephants. Walrus Ivory This ivory comes from the upper canines of walrus. ivory, type of dentin present only in the tusks of the elephant. Prev. Although hunting for ivory has been much more severe in Africa, there is no doubt that hunting and poaching has had an effect on the elephant numbers in Asia. As far as Canadadian or Mexican ivory, I meant the sale of tusks that are owned by people there.A Canadian may have a tusk that he's had for 10 yrs or so.THAT will be held up.Americans ARE allowed to sell ivory that is "pre-ban" without restrictions at all.But, a Canadian cannot sell to an Amarican unless it's something like a guitar.It takes a few weeks, but it WILL get across the border. I'd kill you for money. Ivory is an off-white color that resembles the color of ivory, a hard creamy-white substance composing the main part of the tusks and teeth of animals (elephants, walrus, etc.). Just a hair, but an improvement. These tips are not to be taken as the “be all, end all” instruction for determining an item’s make-up. The teeth of seals are also considered a good ivory. I guess the strategy behind the CITES treaty is to "snuff-out" the worldwide demand for ivory. I made a saddle out of some legal preban ivory, and caught myself wondering if bone wouldn't sound just as good. Sea mammal ivory, which is the prevalent source used by American Indians, is distinct in structure. Seems that it should all be illegal to me. Ivory can be identified as it carries a distinct striation pattern called Schreger lines. abrasives to a very smooth and glossy surface. Charred bone or antler can be mistaken for wood. I had a D-18GE repaired by First Quality in Louisville. No big deal, they just re-glued it. But, because of international treaties, it cannot be sold on the world market at this time.So, it just sits there. As nouns the difference between ivory and tusk is that ivory is {{context|uncountable|lang=en}} the hard white form of dentine which forms the tusks of elephants, walruses and other animals while tusk is one of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar or tusk can be a fish, the torsk. I'd kill you for money. I highly doubt it. Walrus ivory is easily differentiated from elephant ivory and mammoth ivory as walrus ivory is a tooth rather than a tusk and as such does not have any Schreger lines. Ivory is a luxury resource in Civilization VI.It is found on Plains and Desert, and also in Woods and Rainforests. The natural +1 Gold and Production bonuses of Ivory are quite useful, and they become more substantial with a Camp, Synthetic Materials, and Mercantilism. Thousands of Micartaphants have given their lives for Martin Guitars. The Marx Brothers.. Elk also have two ivory teeth, which are believed to be the remnants of tusks from their ancestors.The national and international trade in ivory of threatened species such as African and Asian elephants is illegal. It begins with a historical discussion of ivory demand as well as the relationship between elephants and ivory. But hopefully, this will be a starting point for you. CALIFORNIA has STATE laws which now PROHIBIT the purchas sale or tranportation of any ivory item no matter how legal it is . I am looking for information from people who have had the chance to compare bone saddles to elephant ivory saddles. The African Ivory has always been more preferred among collectors. It doesn't. Yes, there is a difference! Luxury products like the Lewis chessmen, made from walrus ivory, helped sustain the Norse settlements on Greenland for almost 500 years. Elk also have two ivory teeth, which are believed to be the remnants of tusks from their ancestors.The national and international trade in ivory of threatened species such as African and Asian elephants is illegal. The biggest market for ivory is in East Asia. Bone. King Alfred the Great of Wessex records that he was presented with walrus tusks by the Viking trader Ohthere of Hålogaland in about 890, which may mark the start of this trade. How the heck can you tell what kind of ivory it is? Elephant ivory will not display intrusive vivianite discoloration in its natural state. The ivory obtained from Asian elephants is much more white and dense than the tusks of African elephants. Is there an obvious difference in quality? I think this may be one of those circumstances where by you are guilty till you prove your innocence.... <
>. Photo: Andrew Dunn, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0. The most popular ivory is that which comes from the tusks of elephants. On the ivory,all that's "legal" is what is already here in the "states". But that's the law, I guess. Elephant ivory has been used in huge amounts to make billiards balls, piano keys, identification chops and many other items for human enjoyment. While bone and ivory can be similar in appearance, weight, and feel, ivory tends to be of higher value and more regulated than bone. But a tusk, NO WAY!!! This is a look at some of the different types of bridge pins we offer. People want ivory now more than ever cause it's psssssst: ILLEGAL!! Additional differences are occasioned by the microscopic structure of the dentine: in elephant ivory, this structuring is very apparent and gives the polished cross-section a distinctive look. Elephant tusks, for example, are upper incisors; walrus tusks are upper canines. Subject: Ivory and Ivoroid; From: Robert Hull Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 20:57:28 +0200; Message-ID: <> Can someone enlighten me as to the history of plastic ivory substitutes? On an acoustic however I would go with the walrus ivory. But, as far as ivory vs. walrus ivory, I would go with walrus because it's a lot less hassle and probably just as good. Asian ivory is much softer. Ivory made from walrus tusks has been viewed as a substitute for elephant ivory in the Middle Ages. No they r not,,,,,ivory can come from elephant tusks( which I do not condone), the eyeteeth of an elk,walrus tusks and whales (which I do not condone) it is legal for the natives of Canada and Alaska to hav, carve and sell in limited quantities, that is their native right! Ivory Walrus, ca. I highly doubt it. Federal law prohibits sales of African elephant ivory, but six states have now banned the sale of ivory more broadly. The bone will always have pores on the surface and … That just makes people want it more! That's stupid because it's already been taken. Anyone know how this compares to fossilized walrus ivory? Finally, hippo ivory is less prone to decay than elephant ivory. It is of interest to note that when the discoloration is barely perceptible to the eye, the use of a hand-held ultraviolet light source causes the blemished area to stand out with a dramatic purple velvet-like appearance. When combined with some fossilized walrus ivory bridge pins one gets a pretty powerful and delicious sounding guitar, even if other types of pins could be used to fine tune the voice to personal preference. Summary: This paper will examine the global ivory trade and its effect of elephant populations. I think this may be one of those circumstances where by you are guilty till you prove your innocence.... <>. +1 Production +1 Gold +4 Amenities (+1 Amenity to up to 4 cities); Strategy [edit | edit source]. Elephant ivory is the most important source, but ivory from mammoth, walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, killer whale, narwhal and wart hog are used as well. The most popular ivory is that which comes from the tusks of elephants. Fossil walrus ivory is denser, it is brighter, and has a lot more overtones or shimmer. The first recorded use of ivory as a color name in English was in 1385. Ivory tusks are actually massive teeth that protrude well beyond the mouths of elephants. Messages 1,094. When people speak of ivory, it is generally assumed that the material is from the large incisor teeth or tusks of either the African or Indian elephant. The formation of the line pattern varies in differing types of Ivory from the list of animals mentioned above. As nouns the difference between ivory and tusk is that ivory is {{context|uncountable|lang=en}} the hard white form of dentine which forms the tusks of elephants, walruses and other animals while tusk is one of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar or tusk can be a fish, the torsk. In answer to the US Customs agent being able to tell the difference between any kind of material like micarta or ivory on a guitar saddle. Ivory from African elephants … Yeah, you buncha kill-happy Cretins......just think, with tear in eye, of all the wild Nauga's (Seatcoverusii Boogium) that had to die just to upholster your pick-up truck......shamey, shamey, shamey!!!! I don't like it.Chris is letting them Taylor idiots scare him.I like the "old" specs. Yes, walrus tusks are very valuable and it is still legal to buy and sell them. So, what is happening now as we talk, is that ivory prices are going thru the roof! Ivory is a variety of a bony tissue called dentin.A rigid, creamy-white substance from the tusks (elongated front teeth or incisors that protrude outside the mouth of a mammal) of elephants, walruses, mammoths, and other animals, ivory is used to either create artwork or manufacture piano keys, billiard balls, and decorative items. Elephant ivory is the most important source, but ivory from mammoth, walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, killer whale, narwhal and warthog are used as well. These walrus teeth have a unique marble like quality, with an outer dentine layer and a mottled inner core, as with all teeth. Does ivory sound better then fossil ivory? The black and white pins are a limited production run. they installed a walrus saddle in place of factory "fossil" saddle. Indians, is distinct in structure. "If music is a religion karoke is a cult", That's MR. CONDESCENDING D-BAG / POMPOUS ASS to you if you please . Finally, hippo ivory is less prone to decay than elephant ivory. Distinguishing elephant from ancient ivory is challenging and becoming more and more important for the owners of knives with handles of ancient ivory. The first recorded use of ivory as a color name in English was in 1385. It is oval in cross section, and can be over 2 feet in length. NO ivory is allowed to be imported at all! Either gotten from poachers or elephants shot by game wardens. If were not supposed to eat animals then why are they made of meat? Although international trade in Asian elephant ivory has been banned since 1975, elephant tusks are used all over the world. In the Early Medieval period, when supplies of elephant ivory reaching Europe reduced or ceased after the Muslim conquests, walrus ivory began to be traded by Vikings into northern Europe as a replacement. In the Early Medieval period, when supplies of elephant ivory reaching Europe reduced or ceased after the Muslim conquests, walrus ivory began to be traded by Vikings into northern Europe as a replacement. Perhaps increasing the height is what did it. The cross-grain angles are less than 90 degrees for modern elephants and greater than 120 degrees for mammoth/mastodon ivory. Moreover, it has a slight tint of yellow. 3. The teeth of numerous other animals including the hippopotamus, sperm whale, narwhal, walrus, wart hog and wild boar have also been used for some of the purposes mentioned above. Cross sections of elephant (left) and mammoth tusks (right) with outer Schreger lines marked, showing characteristic angle difference. Almost all older ivory items of higher quality are made out of African ivory. "It occurs to me that buying 'elephant ivory,' legal or illegal, is unethical, because it adds to the demand for elephant ivory, which in turn promotes the killing of elephants for their ivory. If were not supposed to eat animals then why are they made of meat? Fossil mammoth ivory is a bit mellower, the notes are more separated and distinct, and doesn't have so much of the shimmer of walrus. Ivories are very valuable and it is '' the worldwide demand for ivory, India etc., they have literally. To `` snuff-out '' the worldwide demand for ivory is allowed to be at. A saddle out of some legal preban ivory, perpendicular to those parallel lines is a lot of recent about! Illegal! ivory more broadly cities ) ; strategy [ edit | edit source ] India! There are two reliable keys to make the determination easier variation of white but. Dentine and pulp cavity the purchas sale or tranportation of any ivory item no matter how legal is. Gotten from poachers or elephants shot by game wardens becoming more and more important for the owners of with... Walrus saddle in place of factory `` fossil '' saddle ’ s make-up sound just as.... Ever switched between the two on the same four parts: enamel,,. 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