She claims she's been authorized to fly Zym directly home, but Rayla tells her it won't happen and Callum gives a thumbs-up at this. Callum throws the cube and an evil version of himself catches it. He also has great stamina, keeping up with Rayla on the climb up the Storm Spire. When Rayla comes back, Callum sees that something is wrong and asks about it. Callum found his way to the library and then saw Claudia doing magic with the Sky Primal Stone which left him amazed. Seeing Callum struggling in Soren's grasp, Rayla just shakes her head in amusement. Soon, they would face the great lie of history - people would tell them that history was all about strength, but really, that was just power. Reuniting with Rayla and Ezran, Callum was informed upon a single word they'd go back but he refused to realize that returning the egg was their best hope of achieving peace. Zooming in on the Primal Stone once more, the Callum in the storm's ship has crashed and was broken into pieces. I Can't wait to see their interactions with Callum. Callum asks Ezran if he's okay and he replies that he is. He told Callum to come at him and let him win the fight, collapsing to the ground at the end and calling him "the stab-prince". After being chased by Rayla, he and his brother Ezran find the dragon egg that births Azymondias, the Dragon Prince. This includes pretending to be Rayla's hostage, so Amaya's soldiers would not execute her, breaking the Sky Primal Stone to create a storm for Zym to hatch, constructing a plan for fighting the giant leech in the Cursed Caldera, setting the formation of the Xadian army against Viren, and more. Ethari replies "Trees to meet you too" and Rayla tells him not to humor Callum. They start the plan again, this time defeating the monster. Rayla tells him that she agrees and Callum says that he'll tell Ezran and Soren. Some of the Dragon Guard did run, but not her parents. Upon hearing the young prince's plea, Callum watches him unveil something that he thought was gone forever: the egg of the Dragon Prince. Birthday Upon the marriage he was made a prince. Eye Color But ironically, he has the same sense of humor as her. Click the Callum from The Dragon Prince coloring pages to view printable version or color it online (compatible with iPad and Android tablets). Nyx gets the Ambler's foot unstuck, but they catch up and Callum is disbelieving as Rayla climbs onto the Ambler in midstride. Ezran agrees that it feels great to not be doomed. Just then, there is a jolt and Callum asks what happened. He tells her that there's a human saying that "sometimes you just have stop and smell the roses," or listen to them. That evening, towards sunset, Ezran arrives on the red dragon with Soren. Callum doesn't think it's good proof, and that he's known Claudia and Soren for years, which Rayla didn't have. He decides on tossing the primal stone to Rayla. As soon as she leaves, Callum starts staring at her winged staff. Upon making it there, he gives Rayla a map on where to find the object however things were complicated when the boys Aunt Amaya came and tried to warn his friend that they were here. He goes to bed again, feeling defeated. They hide and Ezran wants to prove that it isn't a real spider he goes out and Callum follows to protect him. Callum rejects Evil Callum's offer by telling him that destiny was a book you wrote yourself and the monster disintegrated. The human alliance led by King Viren start an assault on the dragon's lair, the surviving Sunfire elves are determined to protect the dragon prince at all cost. She tells him that she does too, but indicates the others, saying that seeing them all playing together is hope. He takes a deep breath, chants the spell a third time, and this time it works, granting him a pair of strong, feathery mage wings. He is incredibly compassionate and protective of those he care about, notably Ezran, Rayla, Bait, and Azymondias. 3,051 notes. Zym whines a bit at this but seems to calm down. When they find her, they explain about the Cursed Caldera. Just then, Ethari appears and breaks the spell. He stops for a bit to dance to the music, then catches up, telling her that she's pushing them to move too fast. He turns back to try to cast Fulminis on him, but Kasef knocks him aside before he can complete the spell. Inside the cave, he says that it's his dad, and Callum asks if he means that Viren is there in Xadia. Callum She says it wasn't really. Callum, Rayla, and Zym stand before Sol Regem, Rayla warning Callum that he's no ordinary dragon. However, he has used it as a last resort such as when he helped Rayla free the captured Fire Dragon Pyrrah. Nationality Callum (The Dragon Prince) EcstasyCheese. He asks what they call it and she replies "a tree." When they come across a large spider web and Ellis wants to turn back, Callum insists they keep going. Rayla draws her swords and Callum takes up position behind her, but she says they've forgotten something. He says that he has this and runs back to the dragon. Biography You say them out loud and then the other person says they hear your feelings, and it makes you feel good. As the stepson of King Harrow, Callum is the "step-prince" of Katolis. When humans starved and struggled, helpless and pathetic. On hearing the commotion he and Ezran devised a plan to set Rayla free and once done they tried to leave but were surrounded by his aunt's guards. Callum turns away to go see Rayla. She's selfless, even when it means her own people might turn against her. He follows after and, as he does, Nyx smiles. Callum says that he does and Soren apologizes. He asks if they should hug to seal the apology. He uses the Aspiro spell to blow them back, warning that he has more wind where that came from. But as they walk across, the sun starts to rise, causing the runes on the path to disappear. When Rayla insists that the group leave and continue their journey to Xadia, Callum wants to stay and learn moon magic from Lujanne. The Dragon Prince Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He demonstrates, runes glowing on his arms, and Callum is awed as he sports mage wings before his very eyes. To fight off monsters they come across, Callum makes up a plan that none of the others understand - flash, woof, whoosh, slish-slash. It’s fun to flip back to his older drawings to see how much better his art has become over time. Soren noticed him glancing at Claudia and said he saw what was going on. Afterward, he collapses. He and Rayla try the best they can to return Azymondias to his mother. She tells him that she's happy and excited, but also terrified. Rayla asks him why and he replies that something about it is strangely familiar. When Harrow was gone, Ezran would become king with Callum as his closest advisor, partner, and defender. After they land, Zym pounces on Ezran and Callum offers him a hand up. Callum, panting, points his finger accusatorily, saying that they trusted her. Cuz he is so cute Download skin now! She suggests trying negotiation. Sol Regem:I smell death! As he and Rayla enter a colorful forest, he studies the Key of Aaravos. Just then, Amaya arrives with the Sunfire Elf Janai. Bait comes down with him, and Callum explains to Bait why he doesn't want to open the letter. She hugs him, asking what this all means and what she should do. She smacks him playfully and he chuckles. Callum and the others stare in amazement as the baby dragon explores his surroundings and bites off Rayla's binding. As she draws her swords, Callum puts his "Earthblood elf" disguise back in place. As a child, he was wearing a dark blue shirt, held together with a brown belt and a golden buckle, decorated with the symbol of Katolis. ezran, raylaxcallum, love. He clutches her, telling her that she can't face an entire army by herself, that she'll die. After catching his breath, he tells them that they're all doomed. "Leave. The feather growth of Callum's transformation for the mage wings spell was a reference from. Like Rayla and his mother Sarai, he too values the life of other creatures, believing that he along with Ezran has their mother's big heart and with his strong desire to learn primal magic. As they land, Callum apologizes to clutching onto Rayla for dear life. His main clothing consists of a purple undershirt, tucked under a black belt with a silver buckle, and a dark blue jacket. He points out that it's not every day that you get attacked by an army of 10,000 monster soldiers. He tells her that the illusion isn't complete and puts on a stupid accent, greeting her with "Oy, mate" and hugging a tree, saying that those are all his best mates. He replies that Ezran would know how to keep him quiet, saying that they just need to trust each other. He adds a fifth Adoraburr to his pile, calling them "so stackable." Rayla: Exactly! He leaps again, this time getting his entire body covered like a puffy marshmallow suit. Phoe-Phoe starts to drop out of the sky because she is tired due to her great distance from the Moon Nexus. He says she's not thinking straight and she has to let it go. They all go flying when a giant ocean monster jumps out of the lake. She tells him it's no use and he shouts at Ethari that Rayla doesn't deserve it. He asks if they come off and they both chuckle heavily. Relatives When she is about to tell him about his stepfather, Claudia comes in and says she wants to talk to him. At night, Callum is talking to Bait about the Key of Aaravos. Callum was the stepson of King Harrow, however, he wasn't very good at anything that princes do. Thanks to Zym, Callum is saved from the next lightning strike and returned to the ship with him relieved that the young dragon is alright. Zym is disturbed by it and whimpers, but Callum tells him that it's okay. As Rayla and Claudia continue to argue, Callum asks if Viren didn't steal it why is it here and heard her say so the dragons and elves couldn't use it on them. July 15[1] So much has happened since then! He says that seeing him makes him sad and angry, but he's confused too. Elf Callum (The Dragon Prince) Summary. Callum has one special birthday tradition that he always makes sure to find the time for: he draws the same picture of his family every year. However, he realized that with Ezran being right that the egg must return to its mother, Callum stops Claudia from finishing her spell, takes her Primal Stone, and chains her to the wall hoping he's doing the right thing. But Callum warned Rayla there wasn't time and passes the egg to her, the hand that was hurt recoils and lets the egg drop through the ice and into the cold water. Continuing to examine the cube, Callum noticed that the moon rune glowed when near Rayla but was warned by the elf that things would end badly if he continued. The Minecraft Skin, Callum || The Dragon Prince, was posted by miletskyfarlaf. The end of the second season of the Dragon Prince splits up the main trio: Ezran heads back to Katolis to take his place on the throne, while Callum and Rayla journey onto Xadia. Status Ellis and Ava pick Callum up and jump up some rocks to get away from it. Callum didn't have enough time to even finish the rune intended to knock Kasef back before being knocked off his feet. Hearing the story, Soren states that his father is a villain and they need to fight him because there's nowhere they can run that will be safe. Later, Callum follows Ibis as he heads for the pinnacle of the mountain. In bed, he puts the cube up against himself but sighs when it doesn't light up. He replies that it will mean nothing if they die. Upon noticing Rayla acting strangely, Callum asked her what's wrong being informed that it's going to be a long trip to Xadia. Ezran tells him that he knows and flies off. When his father passed away and Sarai was remarried to Harrow, he received the title of a prince. TDP Official Website - Item Reveal: Callum's Sketchbook,, With his arm movements, Callum can change the direction of his wind breath, which he used to trap. He cries in shock as they begin a terrifying plummet. Ibis is impressed that he learned the Sky Arcanum as a human, but suggests some "helpful advice," that Callum and the others should leave - run, hide and survive. He holds his sketchbook as Amaya outlines how they can use the Storm Spire to their natural advantage. As everyone tumbles, he tells Rayla that he loves her. In the myriad of situations Callum finds himself in, he is quick to change and adjust to new surroundings and new abilities. During their discussion, he asked his aunt why is she here, and seeing her unveil a note she got from their father, Callum noticed that he was missing. She tells him to calm down, that Sol Regem can only use his fire breath every few minutes. It's the Key of Aaravos and one of the runes on it is glowing in response to the necklace. He asks if they should run for it, but Rayla tells him they'd never make it. Rayla comes in and remarks that their mother was beautiful, to which Callum looks away, sad. She tells him that she's a mess, that she's lost everything. He shouts to his forces that Ezran has brought help, emboldening them. He is then forced to take action himself as a number of them break the line. Callum shows her the Moonhenge, which she loves. He sits by her and asks her if she's okay. After failing several times, he noticed Claudia about to walk into a tree. Alive After setting sail again, Callum is below deck trying to decide whether to open his letter or not, but he puts it down. Zym flies into Callum's arms and he hugs him, apologizing for losing him. Ibis tells him that he is not offended and explains that while all Skywing Elves are born connected to the sky, fewer than one in ten are born with wings. She offered to give them a ride, as otherwise, they won't be able to cross the Midnight Desert. He tells her that he doesn't care if she's crying, that he's there with her. Rayla says that they have only two that they need to worry about - hearing and smell. "Please, no," she mutters as he turns around, then turns back with some sticks on and leaves on his head, presenting himself as "Elf Callum." He says his stepdad put it into the dragon's heart, asking her how he's supposed to feel about that, and if he's supposed to be glad, or happy that they got revenge. They set off again. Then, Ellis takes the illusion charm off Ava and the illusion disappears. She asks if it really matters, throwing more stones into the pond. Every choice they've made has been to protect Zym and so this could be the right thing to do. On the rock, Ellis talks to Callum about his being a mage and boosts his confidence in himself. They go to meet Zubeia and Callum frowns when Ezran's words of her child being alive seem to not affect her. Ezran, however, tells them that they need to keep going. He changes the plan to include his lightning spell. He picks up some dirt and holds the cube up to it for one of the runes to glow green, entertained by the idea of "magic dirt." Debut He closes his eyes and recalls a spell cast by Lujanne - Historia Viventem. Callum likes dusty old books, the rain, and made-up words such as "breakfunch". She gives him her necklace, asking him to remember her. They continue and cross a bridge before they finally arrive at the cave that serves as Zubeia's lair. Real strength came in forgiveness and love. And yet, Callum remains hopeful that his father will live, but Harrow firmly accepts his fate and asks to watch over his brother leading to them sharing one last embrace. Sol Regem chuckles at this, telling him that he won't go home; the choice is that either he dies or they all die because humans are evil. Then the dragons came and he thought they would win, but then things got doomed again, yet now they're okay. Human Rayla picks him up but Callum can barely stand. Later, he scaled hundreds of feet up the trunk of a giant tree, without any actual physical exhaustion, and climbed up the leg of a tall Ambler while it was moving. He gasps and smiles in delight as the runes upon it resonate with the magic of various flora and fauna of the forest. Everyone agrees. Rayla races out of the lair and Callum follows after her. Ibis is non-plussed, starting to say that a human can't do such magic, but Callum stops him by casting Fulminus. The group flies off on Phoe-Phoe leaving Soren and Claudia on the ground. When Ezran doesn't come up for some time, he begins to believe that he died, but Rayla says is not true, because her binding didn't come off. He comments to Rayla that "this is it" as Viren's forces approach. That evening, Callum awakens, hearing Rayla sniffling. They are forced to port and are disappointed that they won't save any time at all by having left early. She asks what the big deal is if she was just taking Zym back to his mother. Nonetheless, Callum has a big heart and tries his hardest at everything, no matter how many times he falls down – he knows that one day, he'll find his place in the world. They go into one of the rooms and Claudia gives Callum the letter he dropped and she says goodbye to them. It all started when Callum and Ezran met a Moonshadow elf and discovered the egg of the Dragon Prince. She replies that this is true every day. Soren told him not warn her but he called out her name at the last second. He tries again, and it again fails. She reveals that the only way to help the egg would be to hatch it in a storm. He awakes, declaring that he finally understands the Sky Arcanum. His stance against using it allowed him to open both his mind and body to the Sky Arcanum, displaying an iron will. Callum casts the spell using the rune and they are all able to breathe normally. Lujanne explains that without the primal stone, Callum wouldn't be able to use magic. It also contains notes from other characters who have "borrowed" his book at various times. Rayla agrees that it's painful, asking how he could feel any different. She tells him that she picked up a thing or two from Corvus and is already tracking them as they speak, via the Ambler's tracks. He’s an awkward fit for the role of a prince: Callum can hardly hold up a sword, he falls off every horse he tries to ride, and he isn’t quite sure how to act around his stepfather, the King. As they walk, they encounter a massive storm form. Rayla despairs and he asks what's wrong with them. One of them does, but the other won't come. Callum suggests that Rayla use the blade to cut her binding while he and Ez go look for an animal doctor. He'll be standing on the mountain, where he can use his lightning magic to pick off any enemy soldiers that may break through the line. Callum was born to Sarai and an unknown father on July 15. Callum at first wanted to practice dark magic for how powerful and useful it seemed to be, but after being told by Claudia that it works by killing and using parts of magic creatures, he became suspicious of it, finding it too easy, and after realizing the death toll that can cause, how unpractical it can be in the long run, and how dangerous it is for the user, he decided it is unethical because killing innocents on purpose is not worth it for any cause. Echoes of Thunder According to King Harrow, Callum has a lot of youthful optimism and hope as he tried to convince his stepdad to make peace with the elves understanding that both sides wanted to survive. Callum says he couldn't stop thinking of him when he was under the ice and believed their mother protected him. Callum is the son of queen Sarai, and an unknown father, and the older half-brother of Ezran. She guides them to the edge of the desert, warning them of Soulfang Serpents and introduces them to her ride, an Ambler, a giant mount that can carry them safely above the dangerous ground. She replies that it's hidden by an illusion and she has to perform a special ritual for them to get in, like having a key. Rayla replies that she doesn't think it's going to come up. Upload Download Add to wardrobe Callum tells her that it's definitely two. This magic is at its strongest during a storm or near the Storm Spire, the nexus of the Sky. He tells Rayla that he wishes Ezran were there to smell it, that he would love it. She tells him it's about who she is and he tells her not to let her parents' mistakes drag her down. While they are flying, Callum is still sad, but looking at Ezran cheering, he cheers up. Key of Aaravos: Callum owns the Key of Aaravos, a cube that displays a symbol of each Primal Source on each side. The trio is on a quest to return the Dragon Prince to its mother in Xadia, Viren seems to have evil plans, and, oh yeah -- Callum's learning magic! "Gee, thanks," comments Callum, and Soren adds "slower." He watches in shock as the plan goes wrong, as the dragon-fire only enhances the power of the bestial soldiers. Ecstatic that he made a connection with sky magic, he tries to explain it to her but seeing that his words aren't making any sense Callum attempts to perform Aspiro without the help of a Primal Stone. But after seeing his brother run away, Callum felt ashamed of himself. [1], At one point, Callum heard of Ezran's ability to communicate animals and asked him to prove it, but it ended with his underpants getting soaked when told there was a treasure behind a waterfall.[2]. Nevertheless, he and Zym eventually catch up with Rayla and continue their trek. He sees a glow from inside his bag. Although he struggled to connect to his stepfather, he had no issues becoming a loving brother to Ezran. He is annoyed when she pretends to be human. He manages to draw the rune and unleash a strong breath of wind. Rayla clutches him and then they both collapse. The Dragon Prince Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. However, thanks to Ezran they manage to go down a hidden staircase but Rayla manages to catch them. Eddie has little faith. The doctor is astonished but can't do anything for the egg, but after some hesitation, he suggests to them a dangerous idea. Good relationshop with Harrow and Ezran cast `` Manus.Pluma.Volantus. arrows, one through Primal... And true talent for art tough day how everything there resonates with Primal.... That someone is coming response to the Dragon Prince real spider he goes out and Callum follows after her truth... While he was n't very good at drawing either, but she ca n't wait to see her and ca! 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