‘Damara Môn’ will next week become the latest Anglesey based speciality brand to hit the food scene, offering a new and distinctive eating experience that has already got people across the UK showing interest. Again, what it was fed, how the meat was handled is very important. 33% of all the meat in the Damara carcass was distributed in the leg cut), (*) Means for two breeds within the specie (goat or sheep) differ significantly (P<0.05). They are what what is known as a 'fat-tail' variety of sheep, but are probably better described as being 'fat-rumped.' Damaras: Damaras are a hardy South African sheep with a broad tail that stores fat - good insurance against hard times. The Damaras are nice but they have very little meat once butchered, however it is quite flavoursome. Dudley’s breed objectives have taken a new turn. Smuggling through the fence was illegal and the government resettled the confiscated Damara Sheep at Omatjenne Research Station, near Otjiwarongo. Hope this is helpfull, Wayne. While there were relatively large differences in certain meat quality characteristics between the goat and sheep breeds, differences within the two sheep breeds were small and statistically non-significant. Dudley fell in love with the taste of Damara. Damara Sheep Of Namibia has 3,220 members. It reached Southern Africa some two thousand years ago, where it spread to northern Namibia and the southern parts of Ang… “In many countries around the World, Damara lamb meat is prized and considered to be the best,” explained farmer Peter Williams. Meat Production: The farm’s official carrying capacity is one smallstock unit on 3,5ha, and the flock is rotated according to grazing conditions. Bestprac | Pastoral Zone Best Practice & Innovation - ARTICLES Since the workers were not specifically skilled in working with the fat-tailed carcass, it is possible that some fat from the tail was left on the carcass, accounting for some of the difference in fat distribution in the leg cut. Not a buy/sell page of animals. So in plain terms, the lamb would be termed best as the infant form of the sheep. Being "hands on" and still having work to do in Brisbane and Beaudesert, I needed sheep country within a 3 hr drive of Brisbane. A score of 8 indicates meat with an extremely high aroma and flavour intensity (also goat and mutton aroma), extremely high in tenderness, extremely juicy, devoid of residual connective tissue (chewiness), extremely high in perception of fat release in the mouth during mastication. The abbreviation, SCF will be used for subcutaneous fat. Damara sheep breed information. Damara is the UK’s newest sheep breed, originating from Africa and the Middle East and recognised for their distinct tail and unique hide markings. The traprock is so similar, both geologically and vegetation-wise to the Kimberley area of South Africa, where Damaras thrive, the choice was obvious. Dorpers are known to be one of the best meat varieties available. Damara Sheep. The Damara is a unique breed of meat sheep ideally suited to our Australian climate. One of the interesting twists of cleanskin sheep is the flock of 60,000 Damaras owned by Queenslander Dudley Leitch at Warwick. See more ideas about sheep, goats, sheep breeds. “We were confident … But hair sheep, traditionally kept for meat, have coats akin to wild sheep. Table 2: Means and standard error of means (SEM) for sensory meat quality characteristics  I got a chance to taste one of these animals a few years back and I have to say I was absolutely blown away by the taste it had. What Does Lamb Taste Like. Damara Fat-Tail Sheep Milford-Damara , Narromine ,NSW , Australia Dudley, a gold explorer and geologist, made the switch to pastoralist, and then bought 10 properties around Gore, 64km west of Warwick. Dorper carcasses had a 4 percentage-age-units advantage for meat and bone yield over the Damara. “I met a number of people at Maclagan near Dalby in 2006 who struggled to get market acceptance of Damaras. ABN 97828460668 . Damaras originated in East Asia & Egypt circa 3000BC and were introduced to Australia from South Africa in 1996. Although the fatty acid profile is incomplete, the saturated fatty acid content of all species is slightly higher than the unsaturated fatty acid content, which was expected of meat (Table 3). The major benefits from the introduction of the new breeds has since appeared to be their adaptability to the Rangelands of Western Australia. of two goat and two sheep breeds (n=10 animals per breed). Hence, the meat proceeds are then referred to as lamb, this also holds for this young of the sheep at this age. This composite would be crossed with the appropriate Damara or Dorper to produce a consistent shape carcass.” A 12 member trained sensory panel scored the samples on an eight point hedonic scale for overall flavour and aroma intensity, goaty flavour and aroma intensity, mutton flavour and aroma intensity, tenderness, juiciness and chewiness (amount of connective tissue after mastication). This still needs attention and will resolve itself by market pressure. The Damara sheep is a meat sheep breed. Recently, it has become clear that Western diets have an imbalance between n-6 and n-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), with n-6:n-3 averaging around 10 instead of below 5. Hence, the meat proceeds are then referred to as lamb, this also holds for this young of the sheep at this age. This means that the Dorper carcass produces 1.2 units of meat per unit of bone more than the Damara in this trial. abc Means on the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05) Scores were between 1 and 8 where 1 indicates meat with an extremely low aroma and flavour intensity (also goat and mutton aroma), extremely low in tenderness, extremely dry, extremely abundant in connective tissue (chewiness), extremely low in perception of fat release in the mouth during mastication. The new sheep have been bred to produce prime lambs and fat-tail sheep in low Their lambs have a high growth rate and reach weights of up to 36 kgs in 3 to 4 months. The fatness of carcasses was influenced by species, breed and diet, which in turn affected the carcass composition and eating qualities. The ewes are excellent mothers and they can produce enough milk, even for raising twin lambs who usually occur in 5 to 10 percent of the births. Statistically significant differences in carcass proportion were found between breeds (within species) although the magnitude of the differences may or may not have commercial impact depending on the processing of the carcass. As expected mutton aroma and flavour intensity scores were higher and goaty flavour and aroma intensity scores lower for sheep meat than for goat meat in general. Damara sheep can survive in harsh environments under poor nutritional conditions. Significantly more (P<0.05) carcass weight was distributed in the shoulder, dorsal trunk and less in the ventral trunk of the Damara, compared to the Dorper. Damara is the country's newest sheep breed, originating from Africa and the Middle East, and recognised for their distinct tail and unique hide markings. Back to Site Map. Brae Park Damara- Damara Sheep Stud- Bred in the High Country of New South Wales. For the purpose of this report, only the results of the two sheep breeds will be discussed. Damaras are a breed of sheep that migrated down from North Africa, and ended up in Namibia. The flock grew into a number of levels of purity from top stud animals to commercial merino cross Damaras from western Qld. Anglesey farmers Peter Williams and Bedwyr Jones are the first to bring Damara lamb - a meat prized in many countries around the world - to the UK. Means were not compared statistically between species (goat and sheep). “There is still a bias against Damara and Damara merino crosses by buyers, most of whom, when asked, have never tasted the product. Our objectives have been achieved as we have culled our "woollies" and older ewes to be left with F3 to fullblood ewes. “I first tasted Damara meat while working in South Africa a decade ago. The Damara sheep, which can be mistaken for goats, is "in demand" in the UK for its meat. Within both species the breeds with larger carcasses (Dorper and Boer goat) also had higher proportions of meat relative to bone. How the breed carries fat is, I think, important when dealing with older sheep. Bighorn sheep, along with their northern relatives the Dall sheep, inspire a level of devotion among hunters that is unparalleled by any other game animal. 3) Mountain Sheep. if high intensity of goaty flavour is regarded as less favourable). Characteristics: Typically alert, lively, long-legged, large deep bodies, short hair varying from black, brown, white or all combinations of these. They were then killed at Dudley’s abattoirs to retail in 5 of Dudley’s Brisbane butcher shops at Taigum, Cannon hill, Capalaba, Woodridge and Broadbeach. We raise sheep (Katahdin/Dorper) but neither my husband nor I eat it (he doesn't like the taste so therefore I don't eat it myself). He spends most of his time between the eastern downs, Beaudesert and Brisbane. or get a couple of meat goats as well. “I first tasted Damara meat while working in South Africa a decade ago. I got a chance to taste one of these animals a few years back and I have to say I was absolutely blown away by the taste it had. Broadly speaking, more fat was distributed to the leg cut of the Damara carcass and less to the other cuts in comparison to the Dorper: a difference of about 9 percentage units. Also, much of the flavor ( good or bad) comes from the fat. Carcasses were processed into five wholesale cuts and these cuts were processed into subcutaneous fat, meat and bone. Adjusted means of carcass characteristics of two goat and two sheep breeds are presented in Table 1. Top. They produce a high quality hide that is used in products such as furniture or fashion. The Meatmaster is a breed of domestic sheep native to South Africa.Bred in the early 1990s from various hair sheep breeds, the Meatmaster was created with the goal of improving the meat characteristics of African fat-tailed sheep breeds. 3 Yields of these tissues expressed relative to total weights of the specific tissue in the carcass (e.g. Damaras are hardy South African sheep with a broad tail that stores fat. The flock normally consists of about 1 000 animals kept in 21 camps, each with its own watering point. It also includes every possible nutrition that you would have gotten from red meat. This is not necessarily a reflection of the typical carcass weight of the two breeds at this common fatness level (9.2% SCF), since final weight of the carcass is a function of a number of factors, including a feeding regime. Saudi Arabia alone imports an estimated 6 million fat tail sheep per year. They were largely unknown until in the late 1950s and early '60s, when they came to the attention of South African researchers. Wedge shaped tail extends below the hock, stores body fat utilised in hard times, minimal body fat … 2 Meat and bone yield expressed as % of carcass weight at a constant subcutaneous level (or carcass fat code). The real difference is the improvement in intelligence and temperament, lack of need for treatment for fly and lice and reduced worm issues.” The breeding ewes, which are continuously joined, have consistently achieved 120% annualised lambings, compared with local merino annual lambings of 45%. Results and Discussion The carcass weight of the Damara was 20% lower than that of the Dorper in this study. This also applies to every other type of meat; the lamb is composed primarily of protein. By Lloyd Dunlop Over the next few decades selective breeding improved the meat-producing qualities of the already well-adapted indigenous Damara without losing its main characteristics and adaptive traits for bushveldt savannah grazing. The meat is juicy, lightly marbled and flavoursome, without the strong smell of mutton disliked by many consumers. There was a need for a sheep breed to inhabit the higher rainfall (250-500 mm) area, … I have tried Damara sheep and prefer Dorpers as a low maintenance variety. (n=12 animals per breed), 1 Means for sheep breeds and goat breeds adjusted to common subcutaneous fat levels of 9% and 2.3%, respectively, to compare breeds within each specie at a common fatness level Actual subcutaneous fat %: Damara = 10.3%, Dorper=8.0%, Boer goat=2.9%, Indigenous goat=1.6%. As others faith dwindled we were able to purchase many hundreds of rams and thousands of ewes including almost complete studs of King Damara in NSW, Silver springs in WA, Cuppazon in Qld, as well as many rams from Sherana (Qld) and Hall Damara (WA). The mature Damara ram weighs at 50kg (110 lb) The meat of 10 of the 12 animals per breed was used for a sensory test. Table 1: Adjusted1 means (s.e) for carcass characteristics of two goat and two sheep breeds  The progeny are finished in Dudley’s own on property feedlots. Damara meat had the highest level of unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) of all three species, which was also reflected in a higher C18: PUFA(n-3) content which is favourable. Kaokoland Damara Sheep Rams 13 months old - Piet Coetzee +264811242242 (Namibia) It has to be kept in mind that this is only a tendency, and it cannot be stated with certainty that this is to the advantage of the Damara because the n-6 fatty acids (C18:2) were not determined to confirm a favourable n-6/n-3 ratio. They have adapted to extreme climates and harsh environments as they have migrated to many countries. Meat and livestock could not pass freely through the fence into the southern zone, which was free of diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and lung sickness. Feb 23, 2015 - Explore Jessica Doak's board "Damara sheep" on Pinterest. Dudley fell in love with the taste of Damara. The fat on the carcass is generally a thin layer of 1 – 2 mm, which makes it ideally suited to the preferences of the modern consumer. The Damara sheep has a fairly high resistance to most sheep diseases and they have a good tolerance against internal parasites. The sheep belong to one of the fat-tail breeds. No significant differences were found for the neck and leg cuts and there were also no significant differences in distribution of meat and bone in the leg cuts of the two breeds. On the whole, hair sheep are known as tough, adaptable breeds that thrive on open ranges with little human intervention. Phone (08)82105229. The Damara sheep are kept on Karoo-type veld and grain stover. There was a slight difference in mutton flavour between the Dorper and the Damara, which coincide with the difference in n-3 fatty acids, but due to the magnitude of the differences, this relationship is inconclusive. Colour is everything for meat sheep producers 2 years, 10 months ago Former Miles meat sheep breeders move their operation to Windera Lucy Kinbacher @lucykinbacher 17 Mar 2018, 10 a.m. They have a premium quality of meat with a good meat to bone ratio and low percentage of waste. 3) Mountain Sheep. In the processing of the carcass, the meat of the one side was minced and frozen for meat quality evaluation and fatty acid profile. This became easier when the early promoters of the breed switched their recommendation to Dorper, downgrading the value of Damaras. We are developing our purebred Van Rooy flock and have plans for the ultimate composite meat sheep ewe involving only the South African breeds, Damara, Dorper and white Dorper and van Rooy. The sheep look like a goat, they are present in Namibia and Angola. It has to be remembered that carcass development could highly depend on feeding regime, and although the two breeds came from the same are (habitat), different feeding practices (not exactly known in this trial) could partly have contributed to these differences. Breed Information . Damaras can be a variety of colors from black to brown to white and a reddish colour. This meeting taught me the trend to Dorper was increasing and there was no use whinging about my choice but just continue my faith in the breed. An older, fat sheep is likely where the reputation of nasty mutton comes from. This compares with many NSW producers who have used woolly anoestrus British breed ewes in their cleanskin composite grading up programs. Considering the type of habitat mountain sheep reside in, I naturally thought that the meat on these sheep would be dry and gamey, but after trying it out I was quickly proven wrong. Regarding goat meat, Boer goat meat had significantly higher scores for overall aroma intensity than meat from both sheep breeds and the Indigenous goat and was also more greasy and had a higher flavour intensity than the Indigenous goat meat. Damara sheep have potential as a producer of meat-marbled progeny when crossed with the dorper. However, Dudley’s choice was tested with the failure of the breed to gain acceptance among meat processors. Damara meat tastes different and doesn’t have much fat. Not only is it one of the biggest cleanskin flocks in Australia but it is found in one of the harshest climates, in the high rainfall traprock extension into Queensland, of the New England Tablelands. Twelve animals of two indigenous sheep breeds were purchased from commercial producers and slaughtered from extensive feeding conditions. "The first progeny born earlier in 2020 have adapted well … But a farmer on the island has introduced the first Welsh flock of the fat-tailed woolly animal to his land in the hope of winning the tastes of lamb-eaters in North Wales and across the UK. For most of the attributes, mutton had significantly more favourable scores than goat meat (i.e. They seem to be a cross between a sheep and a goat. They seem to be a cross between a sheep and a goat. Approximately a 1mm to 2mm layer of fat deposit in its carcass. Hair sheep are … Weights of neck, shoulder, dorsal, ventral and leg cuts expressed relative to carcass weight. His new Damara Môn flock has seen the pure-bred sheep crossed with Welsh ewes to bring a leaner quality meat than the popular Welsh Lamb, and they have gotten used to the wet weather on the green island. The indigenous Damara sheep are highly adaptable and selected by nature for exceptional fertility and foraging ability. From that time on, I knew that the South African native sheep was for me, particularly tasting meat from almost desert environment, as soft as grain fed lamb crossbred lamb without the sometimes offensive smell, particularly of crossbreds having some merino blood. Damara's are predominately bred as meat sheep as their meat is lean, tender, and doesn't have a strong mutton taste. The Damara is a breed of domestic sheep and was originally from Eastern Asia and Egypt.The breed then moved down to the present day Namibia and Angola.For many years the sheep were in an isolated region of Namibia and thus remained free of influence from other breeds. The Damaras are nice but they have very little meat once butchered, however it is quite flavoursome. Anglesey farmers Peter Williams and Bedwyr Jones are the first to bring Damara lamb - a meat prized in many countries around the world - to the UK. “From 2000 to 2005, I had only leased country near Mitchell and Texas. Not much meat, but it tastes good - good for year-round freezer lambs. Information. Sheep. The breed originated from wild Asian sheep such as the Moufflon, Argali and Urial and its ancestors entered Africa through Europe, moving south along the east coast of the continent. the new sheep meat breeds from South Africa in 1997, when Dorper and Damara ewe lambs were made available through the importer. DAMARA sheep may not be well-known to the shores of Anglesey, however it is prized cattle in many parts of Africa and the Middle East. As expected, the Damara had a heavier tale than the Dorper. They produce a high quality, fat free meat, ranking highly in tenderness and taste tests. 1 Means for sheep breeds and goat breeds adjusted to common subcutaneous fat levels of 9% and 2.3%, respectively, to compare breeds within each specie at a common fatness level Actual subcutaneous fat %: Damara = 10.3%, Dorper=8.0%, Boer goat=2.9%, Indigenous goat=1.6% . Animal Nutrition and Animal Products Institute, ARC, Private Bag X2, Irene, 0062 (This is an abridged version of the original article). Noting the harsh environment that produced tender meat from rank grass and shrubs, I decided to capture as many Damara cross ewes as possible. Differences in carcass fatness could have contributed to these differences. Table 3: Limited fatty acid profile of meat (muscle and fat combined) of two goat and two sheep breeds (n=12 animals per breed), SFA: Saturated fatty acid – C13:0, C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C18:O, MUFA: Monounsaturated fatty acids – C16:1, C18:1, C20:1, PUFA: Poly-unsaturated fatty acid – C18:3. Cleanskin. (2000). Damara Sheep . Live export of Damara-Merino cross sheep is already established from Western Australia where Damara … SHEEP MEAT PRODUCTION INFORMATION; They are used for both lamb and mutton. It is possible that this difference could be the result of the amount of fat trimmed off the leg cut of the Damara when the tail is removed. The first progeny born earlier in 2020 have adapted well to Anglesey’s weather. The confiscated Damara Sheep were resettled at the Omatjenne Research Station, near Otjiwarongo, Namibia. Damara Sheep: Awassi Sheep: Meat-master: Zebu Cattle: Miniature Cattle: Miniature Donkeys: Contact Us: Useful Links ♦ Karakul Sheep ♦ Damara Sheep ♦ Awassi Sheep ♦ Meatmaster Sheep ♦ Zebu Cattle ♦ Miniature Cattle ♦ Miniature Donkeys ♦ Black Cockatoos ♦ Enquiries Welcome. They tend to be more disease-resistant than wool sheep, and the meat is generally considered of superior quality, as are the hides, which may be sold for leather. It is raised primarily for meat production. The most impressive thing about the Damara is not one thing, but the combination of such a … Grass fed ruminant meat has a beneficially low n-6:n-3 according to Sanudo et al. Considering the type of habitat mountain sheep reside in, I naturally thought that the meat on these sheep would be dry and gamey, but after trying it out I was quickly proven wrong. But in the meantime, we are crossing our Damaras with nearly a thousand purebred Dorper and white Dorper rams to give a more traditional shape to the carcass. Dorpers are known to be one of the best meat varieties available. 2 Meat and bone yield expressed as % of carcass weight at a constant subcutaneous level (or carcass fat code). The kidney fat tended to be higher in Dorper carcasses than in the Damara carcasses. In addition, overall tenderness, chewiness, juiciness and greasiness scored significantly lower for goat meat than for sheep meat. Oleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid and its concentrations were highest in Damara sheep meat. Of interest, as Damaras went into decline from an estimated flock size of 100,000 in Queensland to less than 50,000 and Dorpers increased in favour, Damara cross ewes were and are used as a desirable dam for breeding up programs by many Qld meat sheep producers with outstanding results and high market acceptance of their “meat master” lambs. However, it can be accepted that the Damara is an earlier maturing breed than the Dorper. The meat of the Damara sheep is juicy, tasty, flavoursome, has a fine texture and not mottled with fat. Damara is the country's newest sheep breed, originating from Africa and the Middle East, and recognised for … Lamb meat sure has a whole lot of health benefits. Damara Sheep : A Goat Like Sheep Breed - Learn Natural Farming I was debating on purchasing some dairy goats to start with (can those be used for meat too?) Damara Sheep Breeders Society of Australia Inc. PO Box 108 Goodwood SA 5034. The meat which then proceeds from a sheep at this tender age is referred to as ‘lamb’ or ''lamb meat". feeding regime was not controlled although animals came from the same region), the two sheep breeds and the two goat breeds were very similar in carcass and meat quality, while differences between species were quite significant. Both goat and sheep meat contained higher molar percentages of saturated than polyunsaturated fatty acid. Meat is defined as muscle, intermuscular fat (seam fat or fat between muscles excluding fat on the carcass surface – subcutaneous fat) and intramuscular fat composition of the soft tissue of the carcass. Terms & Conditions (AWI) | Copyright BESTPRAC | Site by Bizboost, Manager, Woolgrower Education & Capacity Building. Shedding sheep breeds. They have a fat "V" shaped tail in which they store all their fat reserves for hard, drought times, much like the hump on a camel. Log in or register to post comments; Sun, 08/31/2014 - 12:38 #9. millview41. Special Notes. Damara Sheep Breeders´ Society of South Africa. • Fat tail - External fat is mainly located in the tail. Hope this is helpfull, Wayne. Under the conditions of this trial and within the limitations of the protocol (i.e. Damaras originated in East Asia & Egypt circa 3000BC and were introduced to Australia from South Africa 1996. 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