Ovum survives for about two days and sperm remains alive for about 72 hours in the female reproductive tract. What does ICSI stands for? (a) Inhibition of spermatogenesis. Cervical Caps made in the U.S.A. Cervical caps were manufactured and sold in the United States from the 1920’s through the 1940’s. The diaphragm is effective at preventing pregnancy only when used with spermicide. View Answer. Also, markedly anteverted cervix or septate vagina, or severe obesity. Vitamin-E. Write the hormonal composition of oral contraceptive pills. (b) should not affect sexual drive Answer: The cervical cap is similar to the diaphragm but smaller. (e) third. /XObject << Reason (R): IUD’s Increases phagocytosis of the sperm. Describe the technique. Question 4. (c) TSH & FSH (d) FSH & LH Barrier methods of contraception B. The main difference between cervical cap and diaphragm is that cervical cap is small and less effective whereas diaphragm is comparatively large and more effective. Answer: The risk factors for cervical cancer include. Complete the table by filling the gaps. Answer: Assertion (A): IUD’s are inserted in the ovary. (c) 18 years, Question 11. (a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1. Foetoscope is used to monitor the foetal heart rate and other functions during late pregnancy and labour. (Yippee! The most common symptoms and signs of cervical cancer are pelvic pain, increased vaginal discharge and abnormal vaginal bleeding. Diaphragms and caps are very cost-effective: they are reusable devices which you purchase once -- and simply wash … (c) Progestasert Which of the following is Not a natural contraceptive? Cervical Cap requires fewer spermicides while diaphragm requires considerable amounts of spermicides. At the time of our dependence the pouplation of (ii)Egg retrieval Question 1. >> Question 8. (v) Embryo transfer Eg: NovaT, Cu T-380. Tight clothing increases the temperature in scrotum and affect sperm production. To overcome the problem of population explosion, birth control is the only available solution. stream (1) Diaphragms and cervical caps (2) IUDs (3) Condoms (4) Contraceptive pills Sol. Diaphragms provide a barrier against sperm and some of the toxins like nicotine that can be found in a partner’s sperm for the cervix. Answer: Question 11. Answer: With perfect use, the diaphragm and cervical cap are thought to be more than 90% effective. Answer (3) Condoms are barrier methods. Identify the picture and describe the surgical procedure. (c) Performing MTP during second trimester is more risky. Oral contraceptive pills are enriched with synthetic progesterone and oestrogen hormones. (b) Gonorrhoea is caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema palladium. Avoiding coitus with unknown/multiple partners. Woman unable to insert or remove the device. Expand the following: (a) ZIFT (b) ICSI Answer: (d) 8 blastomere (d) A is incorrect R is correct, Question 7. Open Book Assessment ‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked birth control measures and proper family planning programmes are essential for the survival of mankind’ Justify. Write in detail about cervical cancer. /Filter /FlateDecode (d) Diaphragm covers the cervix there by preventing sperm entry Answer: Your email address will not be published. How are STDs transmitted? (b) second However illegally she performed amniocentesis for several pregnant illiterates and did MTP if identified as female foetus, on request. Before sex, the diaphragm is inserted deep into the vagina so that part of the rim fits snugly behind the pubic bone. Reusable caps may last for one or two years. Condoms B. Cervical C. Diaphrgms and vaults D. Cervical caps, diaphragms and valuts. Encouraging and supporting governmental and non-governmental agencies to identify new methods and/or to improve upon the existing methods of birth control. Sterilisation is a terminal method used only for males. It is reusable for up to 2 years. Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique? (b) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1. (c) (i) → (ii) → (ii) → (iv) → (v) Assertion (A): Amniocentesis helps to diagnose the chromosomal aberrations in foetus. You can get a diaphragm from your doctor. This delay in ovarian cycles is called lactational amenorrhoea. Question 3. Question 5. Question 9. Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are barriers made of rubber. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are inserted by medical experts in the uterus through the vagina. Statement 2: They are chemical barriers of conception and are reusable. You have to remember to use it every time you have sex. Side Effects. (c) 1951, Question 9. endobj (a) POGSOAct Question 14. (i) Trichomoniasis Answer: World AIDS day is observed on (d) 1971 Answer: Reusable!) Answer: Question 19. Name the causative organism of. Question 18. (b) Syphilis, chlamydiasis and gonorrhoea. This delay in ovarian cycles is called lactational amenorrhoea. They’re effective right away, and you can get pregnant as soon as you stop using it. (b) (i) → (iii) → (ii) → (v) → (iv) Answer: The diaphragm, cervical cap and vaults are: A) ... Reusable contraceptives done clear. (c) R explains A C) IUDs done clear. In February 2012, we did a computer search for studies of cervical caps. (c) A is correct R is incorrect (d) 8 blastomere, Question 20. Define Surrogacy. 14. However, the reappearance of normal ovarian cycles may be delayed for six months during breast-feeding. Answer: Avoid sex with unknown partner/ multiple partners. Question 6. Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree It is inserted into the vagina and fits snugly over the cervix. Therefore screening is recommended for women above 30 years once in a year. Malformation of cervix or fallopian tubes. Question 13. Answer: Answer: Question 12. (d) It is a surgical – based abortion. >> Coitus interruptus is a oldest family planning method, where the male partner withdraws his penis before ejaculation, there by preventing the deposition of semen into vagina. (a) amniotic fluid Match column I with column II and select the correct the correct option from option the code given below Cervical caps and diaphragms are also not effective in preventing transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Dr. Sheela is a famous Gynaecologist at Poes garden. (c) (i) → (ii) → (ii) → (iv) → (v), Question 21. Question 3. View Answer. (d) should not be easily available, Question 5. Both are moderately effective at preventing conception. The cervical cap, diaphragm, and sponges are barrier methods that help to prevent pregnancy. (b) inhibiting release of FSH and LH /Img3 12 0 R Question 6. Vasectomy prevents sperm from heading off to penis as the discharge has no sperms in it. Inexpensive and safely reusable for several years. Saheli, the new oral contraceptive for the females contains a. steroidal preparation. Why ultrasonography is performed for a carrying women? (c) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect. (a) 1961 Answer: A woman should inspect the cervical cap regularly for tears. Given below are the basic steps in IVF treatment cycle. It contains a non-steroidal hormone preparation called centchroman. People should be motivated to have smaller families by using various contraceptive devices. The cap fits more snugly on the cervix itself. Cervical cancer is caused by a sexually transmitted virus called Human Papilloma virus (HPV). (Barriers, Lactational amonerrhoea, Tubectomy, CuT) X-Ray, CT scan, MRI and a PET scan may also be used to determine the stage of cancer. Answer: Assuming the infants well being by providing adequate time lapse between successive pregnancies. (c) Only (zv) /Img2 11 0 R release free copper and copper salts into the uterus and suppress sperm motility. Modem screening techniques can detect precancerous changes in the cervix. Answer: Once the sex of the foetus is known, there may be a chance of female foeticide. Cervical cap and diaphragm are two barrier contraceptive methods. Pick out the incorrect statement regarding the character of an good contraceptive. C- Jaundice. Match the following. Answer: It is always used with spermicidal cream or gel. Vasectomy is the surgical procedure for male sterilisation. Cover the cervix during coitus C. Protect the user from contracting STDs D. Answer: Creating awareness about care for pregnant women, post-natal care of mother and child and the importance of breast feeding. (a) first Copper releasing IUDs differ from each other by the amount of copper. Required fields are marked *. Question 1. Reason These are chemical barriers of conception which are reusable. It serves as a natural, but an unreliable form of birth control. Answer: (b) Pradhan Mantri Fiscal BhimaYojana Answer: Inherited mutation of hormone synthesizing genes. Legalized marriageable age of female in India is Answer: It has to be fitted by using the finger to place it deep within the vagina and also using the finger to remove it. Answer: Question 13. (b) Vasectomy – Prevents spermatogenesis. Question 11. The diaphragm is a small, reusable rubber or silicone cup with a flexible rim that covers the cervix. Diaphragms are about 83% to 88% effective at preventing pregnancy. (c) stimulating release of FSH and LH The cervical cap, which is similar to the diaphragm. Reproductive health and proper family planning programmes are highly essential for survival of mankind. What is amniocentesis? Answer: In chorionic villus sampling test, the tissue sample is taken from c. Coitus interruptus is the oldest family planning method. Undescended tests and swollen veins in scrotum. Answer: This is not the safest method to avoid pregnancy. It’s a reusable … Explain. (c) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect. Female foeticide refers to ‘aborting the female in the mother’s womb’. Cervical Cap . All women are bom with ovaries, but some do not have functional uterus. You can put in a diaphragm or cap with spermicide any time before you have sex. (ii) Genital herps The amniotic fluid contains cells shed from the foetus. Sterilisation is a terminal method used only for males. /F1 17 0 R Define Infertility. The cervical cap is a reusable dome-shaped cap made from nonallergenic silicone rubber that is inserted into the vagina. Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus. In this method, a sperm is carefully injected into the cytoplasm of the egg and the zygote formed is allowed to divide till 8 celled stage and transferred to uterus. (d) Both syphilis and gonorrhoea are easily cured with antibiotics. Cover the cervix during coitus C. Protect the user from contracting STDs D. They prevent conception by blocking the entry of sperms through the cervix. Describe the major STDs and their symptoms. What is Mayer – Rokitansky Syndrome? (b) Trichomoniasis is a viral disease whereas others are bacterial. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (c) The incubation period for syphilis is 2 to 14 days in males and 7 to 21 days in females. Answer: Define Tubectomy. Answer: Question 8. Answer: IUDs are the ideal contraceptives for females who want to delay pregnancy. /Parent 2 0 R Why? Enactment of _____ banned the identification of sex and to prevent the prenatal abortion. Therefore screening is recommended for women above 30 years once in a year. 14. (c) PCPNDT Act, Question 22. IVF is used to treat women with blocked, damaged or absent fallopian tubes. Barrier methods of contraception B. (c) PCPNDTAct Saheli, the new oral contraceptive for the females contains a. steroidal preparation. 2 0 obj The sponge is made of thick, soft plastic that covers the cervix. Most women find the use of diaphragms or cervical caps very comfortable. b. The cap covers only the cervix. Cervical cancer can be prevented with vaccination. Other than the disposable Oves cap, cervical caps can be washed and stored for reuse. This prevents fertilization as well as the entry of the egg into the uterus. Micro-testicular sperm extraction (TESE): A. Answer: Samacheer Kalvi 10th Model Question Papers. Also explain their action mode. Explain its way of functioning. The risk factors for cervical cancer include. List out the causes of fertility in human. Amniocentesis is generally performed in a pregnant woman between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy by inserting a long, thin needle through the abdomen into the amniotic sac to withdraw a small sample of amniotic fluid. (b) morula Answer: Answer: In this procedure, both vas deferens are cut and tied through a small incision on the scrotum to prevent the entry of sperm into the urethra. How the technique of amniocentesis is performed? Answer: The sponge contains spermicide. Lippes loop is a double S-shaped plastic device. (c) Candidias (iii) Albugo candida, Question 8. The picture describes tubectomy. Read the given statements and select the correct option
Statement 1 : Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus
Statement 2 : These are chemical barrier of conception which are reusable Advertisements by the Government in the media as well as posters/bills, etc., with a slogan Naam iruvar namakku iruvar (we two, ours two) and Naam iruvar namakku oruvar (we two, ours one) have also motivated to control population growth in Tamil Nadu. Copper IUDs such as Cu T-380 A, Nova T, Cu 7, Cu T 380 Ag, Multiload 375, etc. Centchroman, Question 15. Non-medicated IUDs are made of plastic or stainless steel. ICSI – Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Answer: When used correctly with spermicide, a diaphragm or cap is 92-96% effective at preventing pregnancy. Question 1. Answer: How copper IUD’s provide contraception? Indian Government legalized MTP in endobj << Question 13. Answer: Suckling by the baby during breast-feeding stimulates the pituitary to secrete increased prolactin hormone in order to increase milk production. Cervical Cap vs Diaphragm . Is it necessary? >> The cervical cap is a reusable dome-shaped cap made from nonallergenic silicone rubber that is inserted into the vagina. In India, family planning programme was initiated in Answer: Name any four national level health care programmes run by Indian Government. The cervical cap is a birth control (contraceptive) device that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. (a) MTP is the voluntary killing of infant. This high prolactin concentration in the mother’s blood may prevent menstrual cycle by suppressing the release of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) from hypothalamus and gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary. Amniocentesis is a prenatal technique used to detect any chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus and it is being often misused to determine the sex of the foetus. (c) LNG -20 is a copper – releasing IUD Question 9. (c) HIV is a pathogen whereas others are diseases. Which type of women are benefited by In Vitro Fertilization? /Kids [ 3 0 R 5 0 R 7 0 R ] (a) – iii, (b) – i, (c) – iv, (d) – ii, Question 4. Gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT): Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor into the fallopian tube. /Contents 4 0 R Answer: Answer: Ultrasonography is usually performed in the first trimester for dating, determination of the number of foetuses, and for assessment of early pregnancy complications. View Solution play_arrow; question_answer38) Birth control pills check ovulation in female by inhibiting the secretion of: A) Remember that the diaphragm works best as a contraceptive with spermicide! (d) Continuous abstinence (b) Both A and R are incorrect This high prolactin concentration in the mother’s blood may prevent menstrual cycle by suppressing the release of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) from hypothalamus and gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary. 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