For TB's it is great for plumping them up and I've not usually found thatit hypes them up - being out 24/7 generally keeps a TB sane and happy. Feed grain to your horse in two or three evenly spaced feedings during the day. Horses who spend much of their time in stalls aren’t doing much grazing, but their natural feeding patterns can be replicated by keeping hay in front of them for most of the day. This means that you should only feed green, immature barley hay as the awns haven't had the chance to dry and become hardened. I then add oil, mollases, vitamin mix, electrolytes and whatever else the horse has in its feed. Palatability Some horses dislike the taste of barley. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Apr 2006 Location SEQ Posts … Millet & Linseed porridge – this makes a great feed for helping with weight gain. It will generally be more palatable when cooked, or by adding molasses. They can nibble at it for a while, take a break and snooze for a while, and then come back to it, keeping some roughage constantly moving through their systems. If your horse isn't eating barley, it might not prefer its "heavy" nature." You should also be sure to feed sources of dietary energy that are easy for young horses to digest. Add to Favourites. I've got four horses going on the same trail ride, burning nearly the same calories and no two of them get the same amount of feed for dinner. Emergency diet for a horse with endocrinopathic laminitis Feed: Hay - feed approx. The recommended feeding rates for Dunstan Extruded Barley are based on a 500kg horse and are guidelines only. Rolling or steam-flaking improves digestibility a little, roasting significantly. Print Print Print Post; Email Email Email to a friend; Newsletter Newsletter Subscribe; Facebook Share on Facebook; Twitter Share on Twitter; Horse owners looking for an easy-to-cultivate fiber source should consider barley hay. 1-2kg daily of the micronised barley is a good amount to feed. Millet is an extremely nutritious feed high in silica and is alkaline forming and can be fed boiled, soaked or crushed. Depending on the horse type and the feed type, some are satisfied with as little as 1.8% of their body weight, but others may require up to 3.2% of their body weight. You can do this using a special tape measure designed just for measuring horses’ weight and height. Barley is more energy dense and weighs more per unit of volume (48 pounds per bushel, or 22 kg) than oats. It also lacks vitamins A and D, so alternative sources will need to be found by horse owners. The answer is to mix the barley with a bulkier feed such as sugar beet pulp, chopped hay or wheat bran, lucerne chaff, even rolled oats, ensuring the bulkier feed comprises 15 to 25% of the mix. Less than half of the total food weight should be feed as horse grain. Heat processing barley reduces hindgut fermentation and makes steam flaked or cooked barley a "cool" feed for show and other horses. Always ensure your horse has access to clean, fresh water; A buffer should be added to sheep and cattle diets to reduce acidosis. This is due mainly to its lower energy content and its variable content of largely indigestible carbohydrate components (indigestible B-glucans, fibre). I tend to feed micronized barley with a coarse mix, ie Dobson & Horrel pasture mix, and chaff. It's also the more dense food option and is harder than oats. If you are feeding cereal grains and particularly corn and barley they should be cooked before they are fed (eg extruded, micronised, steam flaked, boiled). Expert advice from HORSE magazine on feeding concentrates . Only 21%of barley, 29% of corn and 65% of oats is digested in the small intestine, the balance is fermented in the large intestine. However he says he only has barley hay left. micronized barley is good to feed horses to get the weight back on, but it can fizz them right up. For high performance horses there are some that like to add a little sunflower seed for increased protein, but it's generally not necessary. Grab a calculator and multiply his weight by .03 (or 3%). The feeding value of barley for pigs and poultry is inferior to other cereal grains. Horses are very much individuals with different metabolic efficiencies, some require a little more, others a little less, for the same level of activity. of 1.5% of its body weight as dry matter. Head to a natural foods store or online supplier to purchase your raw grains. Every day, horses can also have ½ pound of grain per 100 pounds of body weight. Combine barley with oats if you'd like. Barley may be used as the sole grain in diets for all classes of pigs, cattle, horses, sheep and goats. hints and tips for feeding laminitic horses Dangerous C3 Grasses for Grazing Ryegrass, fescues, cocksfoot, brome, paspalum and barley grass pastures, as well as common cereal grain grasses, such as oats, wheat and barley, are most likely to have the highest NSC content as they flush early in spring or after summer rains. Mitavite Extru® Barley is an excellent source of energy and fibre, making it a popular ingredient in horse rations. Barley hay should be green. Barley is the safest grain to boil, as oats tend to heat horses up. Red Dun. However, because corn contains more starch (about 65%) than oats (about 40%), barley (about 55%), and wheat (about 60%), it’s not seen on horse feed ingredient lists … Horse feed on