Later, Afrikaans was sometimes called "African Dutch" or "Kitchen Dutch". While English will be used in the University of Pretoria, the University of Stellenbosch would retain Afrikaans if there is a demand for it. I’m writing this article to finally expose the truth: No. Feature Image: 534131/Pixabay. Are these two languages as similar as they’re rumoured to be? But Learn Dutch also brings tons of entertainment to the interweb with these video’s of expats talking about weird Dutch stuff: I’m almost certain that the Dutch received some sort of exposure to the history of their former colony, because almost every time I mention that I am South African, I often see the look of surprise mingled with recognition as they then usually exclaim: “Oh, so then you speak Zuid-Afrikaans, right? While many people welcomed the court’s decision, many more were against it. High school was huge, with ugly uncomfortable uniforms, sports-obsessed, competitive, strict, racist and extremely conservative. You have entered an incorrect email address! Afrikaans is more difficult for Dutch speakers than vice versa. The conflict and rivalry between English - and Afrikaans-speakers goes to the heart of the history of white South Africa. The analogies could go on and on! Afrikaans and English are the only Indo-European languages among the many official languages of South Africa. It is likewise a second language in Namibia. I have been living in Belgium for just over 4 years. Around 10.3 million students study Afrikaans as a second language. Many of the Colored and Afrikaners in South Africa spoke Afrikaans as their first language. After doing a bit of research on the two languages it strikes me that the vocabulary is 80-90% identical, with minor spelling differences. Some of these include: From the Portuguese language are words such as: The Khoisan languages gave some more words, such as: These words can also be found in the Dutch language. Rooted together, but different. A Germanic language descending from Dutch; the primary language of the descendants of Dutch and other European settlers, as well as many mixed-race (e.g. Dating a Translator? English VS Afrikaans During week 4, My lecturer Viktor lectured us on language planning in ex-colonies. It is also spoken in Zimbabwe and Botswana, but not extensively. Afrikaans is a creole language that evolved during the 19th century under colonialism in southern Africa. Want your business to reach an unrivalled expat and international audience? When or appears between vowels, they are dropped in Afrikaans, thus, regen or rain and hoger that translates to higher becomes reën and hoër. Afrikaans is a southern African language. Becoming a successful translator can…, We are a global language translation company specialized in Human Translation Services for legal,medical, and certified translations, 415 Madison Avenue 15th floor New York, NY 10017, US Email: Tel: 1-800-969-6853 Fax: 1-800-856-2759, Just type and press 'enter' to search Day Translation's blog. However, many Afrikaans speakers are exposed to English therefore Dutch words such as appartement, lift and computer would be understood by them. ), likes travel and languages. But I can do that with German people too (but i have a small background in German), though Dutch is much easier. If the appears at the end of a word, it is often dropped as well, and the preceding vowel would be written with a circumflex, like the verb zeg that is replaced in Afrikaans by sê. Really nice article!!! See more. It’s been 20 years since the first Harry Potter novel came out in 1997. The Malay language was brought by the slaves imported by the Dutch East Indies Company. It uses the present tense or the present perfect based on context and the pluperfect is already omitted. Most of the language evolved from the combination of Hollands and Dutch Afrikaans. Current Afrikaans Language . That’s from the Netherlands, of course, New Zealand’s namesake: how the Dutch named NZ, Trip down memory lane: The Hague in 1937 (video inside! . The vocabulary of Afrikaans comprises various adopted words. In fact, much like two siblings dressed identically, Afrikaans and Dutch are similar but not twins. The spoken Dutch word, however, can be mind boggling! What are the Highest Paying Translation Languages in the World? From the languages of the Bantu, Afrikaans adapted the following words: As earlier mentioned, the mutual intelligibility between Afrikaans and Dutch is more on the written than the spoken language. As noted by Google, Afrikaans is “derived from Dutch”, so the saving grace is that the language is still very relevant to the Netherlands. Dutch fricatives and became a single sound , except when it comes before . It’s the third most spoken language in South Africa and has the broadest racial and geographical distribution among all the languages spoken in the country. For 15 years (1910-1925), the two official languages in South Africa were English and Dutch. ( w )) living in South Africa and in Namibia. Open Mic vol 1 – Interviewing Mr Sean Hopwood, Translating Mandarin: How Linguistic Works, How to Kick off your Career as a Professional Interpreter, Baie – many, very or much (Dutch – erg or veel), Sambreel – umbrella (Portuguese – sombreiro), Kraal – cattle enclosure or pen (Portuguese – curral), Fundi – subject matter expert or student (Zulu – umfundi), Tjailatyd or Tjaila – to go home (Chaila). That’s basically Dutch!” — to which I smile, nod and respond with what is, in essence, a white lie: “Yes! As noted by Google, Afrikaans is “derived from Dutch”, so the saving grace is that the language is still very relevant to the Netherlands. Several arguments were presented and debated. Dutchies haven’t had it entirely wrong all this time. An important fact to note is that Afrikaans is not pure Dutch; it’s a language that is an amalgamation of Dutch, German, French and Indonesian. I just thought this thread would be fun to check the differences between the two languages. On the other hand, when a vowel is an open syllable, a circumflex is added, such as in the English word “world” that is wereld in Dutch and wêreld in Afrikaans. Morning is morgen in Dutch and môre in Afrikaans. It is relatively easy to understand and communicate with the Dutch-speaking. The more pronounced are the grammar differences between the two languages. Get exclusive access to industry news, discounts and deals straight to your inbox, The lovable characters from “Despicable Me” are finally having their spin off movie. Unlike in standard Dutch, Afrikaans uses double negative. Another different is that there is no longer any distinction between the present perfect use of the verbs ”to have” (hebben) and ”to be” (zijn). Coloured South Africans is a mixed ethnic group the ancestry of which came from indigenous Xhosa and Khoisan people, colonizers from Europe, and slaves brought in by the Dutch East Indies from India, Mozambique, Madagascar, Malaysia and Indonesia. A term sometimes used of people from South Africa and Namibia (who speak Afrikaans), more properly called "Afrikaans … Although Afrikaans is very similar to Dutch, it is clearly a separate language, differing from Standard Dutch in its sound system and its loss of case and gender distinctions. Afrikaans has a considerably more regular morphology, grammar, and spelling. As a language spoken as a second or third tongue, it is the major language of the provinces of the Western Cape and Northern Cape, the western part of the country. It’s the same for bruggen and brûe, which in English is bridge/s. Dutchies haven’t had it entirely wrong all this time. Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in February 2019 but was updated in October 2020 for your reading pleasure. I briefly touched the matter of omdat and want earlier, in the post about conjunctions, but it turned out to be a bit more complex than I thought.I found the explanation which made it quite clear to me on the forum of in case, I’ve decided to copy part of the conversation here, but please visit the forum of for the original posts and more. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It evolved through the 18th century. If you are dissatisfied with the website or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the website. An estimated 90 to 95% of the Afrikaans lexicon is ultimately of Dutch origin, and there are few lexical differences between the two languages. Afrikaans does not have grammatical gender, while the same forms of verbs are used for the present and infinitive tenses. The name Afrikaans is simply the Dutch word for African, and the language is the African form of Dutch. Apparently it is also easier to learn Dutch in the Netherlands than it is to do so in Belgium…, That is why we offer Dutch classes specially for Afrikaans speakers! The Dutch language spoken at the Cape Colony in the 17th century slowly transformed into a separate language, with differences in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Understanding media: After a week of being exposed to Dutch TV, I could follow around 80% of what was being said in the TV news (for me, talk shows where people talk faster and sometimes with a heavy accent is more difficult than the news). I have to agree with you. It is derived from Dutch and is so similar that an Afrikaans person and a Dutch person can communicate effectively. They belong to different language families and their origins date back…, Well ladies and gentlemen, our poll to find the world’s sexiest language has finally come to a close. They’d show up at our house for a visit with my aunt and uncle, dressed in matching dresses or dungarees. But wait… If you can speak Afrikaans, you will likely understand some Dutch a bit more easily, although it’s still a challenge, even for the native Afrikaans speakers out there. It is an official language of South Africa, spoken by around 6 million people as their first language.”. They have advantages and disadvantages when learning Dutch: their vocabulary expands very fast because of similarities. The expanded use of Afrikaans was due to its use in TV, radio programs and newspapers. Afrikaans more black than white. No more! Afrikaans is considered as a major language as well because it is the language of commerce along with English. The second vowel has a trema in order to avoid confusion, as there are digraphs such as and . The history part in the Wiki-article and the article by M. Bas give a pretty good and short oversight. Here’s a little taster of what I mean: I think the general gist here is that like my cousins, Afrikaans and Dutch are not twins, but they are in fact sisters. But since my cousins were siblings and not identical twins, it didn’t take long for people to realise they were actually very different. Although Afrikaans is a daughter of Dutch, Dutch speakers might take some time to understand the language but they can understand Afrikaans. Aside from the mentioned areas, Afrikaans is spoken in Zimbabwe, Zambia, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the Netherlands. It’s a language tied to a lot of South Africa’s past and remains a very relevant language (despite informal arguments that it’s a dying language). Afrikaans is the "kombuis" taal of Dutch. Afrikaans grew a part of Dutch in 1925, but it replaced Dutch, as the latter was not used now. Most of the words in the Afrikaans language have Dutch origins. Afrikaans became a part of Dutch in 1925 but it later replaced Dutch, as the latter was no longer used. Afrikaans belongs to the Indo European language family’s West Germanic branch, along with English. The English term dins, written as dienst in Dutch turns into diens in Afrikaans. It is recognized as a regional language in Namibia together with German, while English is the official language used in the government. Afrikaans became a part of Dutch in 1925 but it later replaced Dutch, as the latter was no longer used. This represents 7 million people. Sort of.”. Although there are of course many similarities, they are officially listed as different languages for a reason.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'dutchreview_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',168,'0','0'])); But before we get going, if you’re interested in learning Dutch — online and in real-time — you might want to check out Learn Dutch by Bart de Pau. Feel free to ask any South Africans you may know for further insight into the challenges and similarities between the languages — a popular favourite is also to do the Afrikaans-Dutch conversation exchange and see what is the same and what is different. If you can speak Afrikaans, you will likely understand some Dutch a bit more easily, although it’s still a challenge, even for the native Afrikaans speakers out there. He has a kick-ass YouYube channel (170K+ subscribers) with tons of handy videos about learning Dutch. I may be wrong, but I think Dutch people can understand Afrikaans better than Afrikaners can understand Dutch. Introduction []. Learn how your comment data is processed. Part of the same family tree, but different branches on the tree. I will give an example dialogue in Afrikaans, then we can see how it comes out in Dutch, and just discuss the grammar around it. © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Image Copyright: homophoticus / 123RF Stock Photo. From then until 1994, Afrikaans and English were the official languages of South Africa. We're constantly hunting for the latest, greatest, and most Dutch spots for our readers. Some of the simplifications that happened: Phonetically, also simplified many consonant clusters when located at the end of words. Afrikaans definition, an official language of South Africa, developed out of the speech of 17th-century settlers from Holland and still very like Dutch. But using the right grammar is hard: it’s not only about learning, it is also about unlearning grammar of the Afrikaans language with similarities. Beside those 6 million there are also 10 million people that speak Afrikaans as a secondary language, often next to English, Xhosa or Zulu. Today six in 10 of the almost seven million Afrikaans speakers in South Africa are estimated to be black. Towards the end he spoke about the economic crisis in South Africa during the 90`s. One of the major differences between the two languages lies in grammar and morphology of Afrikaans. Language is an intricate facet of culture all over the world. English: Afrikaans is one of the eleven official languages in South Africa and also the biggest, but not an official language of Namibia. Much of the terminologies used by the medical and scientific worlds are in English. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. So it is a good idea to take a course that is aimed at Afrikaans speakers! In terms of vocab, it definitely helps to know Afrikaans. Personally if Dutch people speak slowly I can usually figure out what the say. Afrikaans and Dutch: the differences and similarities, Terminal children aged 1-12 could become eligible for active life termination, The world’s oldest airline? Seventy percent... It’s carnival season around the world and many people’s eyes turn to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, home to the largest celebration... Harry Potter in Translation: From Serpentard to Rumpledunk, The Ubiquitous Pencil: Still Going Strong after More than Five Centuries of Use, What the British Really Mean When They Say Certain Things, The Prague Carnival: A Costume Party in the Streets, The Minions’ language is a combination of French, Spanish, English… and food references. On the other hand, speakers of Afrikaans might not be able to readily comprehend the Dutch language. Initial syllable in Dutch, such as in school becomes as in skool in Afrikaans. What Are The Most Important Languages of The 21st Century? The same is not true with Afrikaans. So what…, Are you dating a Latino? Some came from the Khoisan languages, German, Malay, Portuguese and several Bantu languages, with about 90% to 95% derived from Dutch. The phasing out of Afrikaans would be gradual. The simple past tense is dropped for all the verbs except for seven modal verbs. The same is also true with ending syllabic clusters, such as lucht that becomes lug or air in English. However, the institutions of higher learning argued that they are removing Afrikaans as the medium of instruction but is not abolishing it from the curriculum and will continue to teach Afrikaans as a language course. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After a month I could follow 95%. So, with that said, if you’re not busy learning a language you can always read more about language on DutchReview. All material on this website (DutchReview) is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. likeable to Afrikaans words which means that it can be easy to grasp the gist of a sentence or what is being written about. *. Due to the simplifications in spelling and phonetic evolutions of Afrikaans, it became different to Dutch. But Dutch speakers would not be able to recognize, woonstel, hysbak and rekenaar that are the equivalents of those Dutch words. After the 1994 elections, English became the main language used in government. We’re not even talking about individual…, Currently, about 7,000 languages are spoken around the world. About 13.5% of South Africa’s population are native speakers of Afrikaans. I passionately hated both my Afrikaans mainstream primary and high-schools. But, no more white lies. Follow Day Translations in Facebook, and Twitter and be informed of the latest language industry news and events, as well as interesting updates about translation and interpreting. Because of the simplification of the many of the words and verb forms Afrikaans and the influences of other languages, Dutch speakers would not be able to pick up that many cognates in Afrikaans, but they would still manage to understand the context of the sentences. Flemish is actually just a dialect of Dutch. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. In need of a translation or interpreting service? Sort of like British English vs. American English. As you can imagine, outsiders often confused the two. What makes it more nuanced is that not all South Africans speak Afrikaans as their first language with native proficiency. Again, a few words here and there will be easily decipherable as these are almost the exact same spelling in Afrikaans, but the majority of Dutch is as difficult for an Afrikaans-speaking South African to learn and understand as it is for a German expat, for example. For companies conducting business in South Africa, have your business translations done by a reputable language services company known for providing excellent, professional and accurate translations. At the risk of this article turning into a language documentary of sorts, I’ll simply sum this up by saying that it’s not as simple as believing that Afrikaans = Dutch. Afrikaans was considered a Dutch dialect until the early 20th century, when it began to be widely known as a different language. Native speakers of English and Bantu languages are also second language speakers of Afrikaans. This is kind of what it’s like with Afrikaans and Dutch. Today, Afrikaans, the Afrikaner language, is one of … The language is generally used in South Africa and Namibia. Proper noun. Taking inspiration from the movie, “The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” let us take a look at the pencil, one... A survey was conducted a few years ago, which revealed that the British don’t really speak their minds. Also, one of the eleven official languages of South Africa and until 1990 one of three official languages of Namibia. That said though, the basis of Afrikaans does mean South Africans will be able to pick up Dutch a bit easier — so there is that little advantage. Size of the Afrikaans … It is considered a daughter of the Dutch language and was called previously as Cape Dutch because the settlers were concentrated in Cape Town. In 1961, South Africa became a republic and Afrikaans language included Dutch, which was later dropped in 1984. Well, Afrikaans and Dutch are actually very closely related, and there is a high degree of mutual intelligiblity -- so much, in fact, that before WW2 Afrikaans was officially classified as a … Afrikaans vs. Dutch: Over the years, Afrikaans has adopted words from different languages including German, but it has still failed to develop a new identity for itself that can distance it from Dutch. Get a 5% lifetime discount now! There is no distinction between the object and subject form of personal pronouns in the plural form. People have such a deep connection to their spoken words that picking up another language always seems daunting. Also mentioned was the fact that they want equality, and since it would be unfair to other native languages to be singled out, the schools decided that it is a better option to use English. Most people in South Africa speak one or two official languages, except for about two percent. Most of them understand a lot. One older, loves windmills and clogs, probably the parental favourite and one younger, has a sweet tooth (Google an Afrikaans koeksister! Interesting, right? You probably find the accent sexy, their sense of style appealing and the whole situation…, Are you interested in translation work? It’s not basically Dutch. Many do, but there is a high chance that the sunny South African you do meet has another first language (Eg: English, Xhosa, Zulu as some examples) and either speaks no Afrikaans at all, or Afrikaans to a high-school level proficiency (guilty!). In 1961, South Africa became a republic, and the Afrikaans language combined Dutch, which was later released. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control. Likewise, it is spoken in Malawi, Lesotho, Germany, Canada, Botswana, Belgium and Australia. They see it as the death of Afrikaans. When I was 9 we moved to Johannesburg, where I stayed until I completed high school. The Dutch and normally found in the middle of some words were changed into the single sound and single spelling of . South Africa speaks 11 languages officially: Afrikaans, Ndebele, English, Northern Soho, Swazi, Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswama, Zulu and Xhosa. Dutch is primarily spoken in the Netherlands, a country with over 17 million inhabitants. Many people, including the Dutch, seem to have the idea that Afrikaans is practically identical to Dutch. English words for af include off, down, on, out and ready. In this case it becomes . 20-something year old traveller, coconut lover (Seriously-anything coconut), and Libran. The Dutch language, however, is spoken by close to 29 million people word-wide if you also count second-language speakers and over 40 million if you include the very closely related Afrikaans … How Long Does it Take to Become a U.S. Citizen? Dutch is an original language, while Afrikaans = Dutch + African languages + some English. In 1961, South Africa became a republic and Afrikaans language included Dutch, which was later dropped in 1984. Are you thinking of becoming a certified translator soon? It is the first language of the large portions of black South Africans, Asian South Africans, White South Africans and Colored (often spelled as Coloured) South Africans. I hope this musing makes it easier for South Africans to explain and for Dutchies to understand — after all, in a way, we are family! White South Africa Afrikaans better than Afrikaners can understand Dutch not extensively languages compared to Swedish be widely as... 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