26-04:00276-04:002427pm07, JunpmWed, 27 Jun 2007 12:30:24 -04002007-06-27T12:30:24-04:0012 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm06, 26-04:00286-04:000128pm07, JunpmThu, 28 Jun 2007 22:19:01 -04002007-06-28T22:19:01-04:0010 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm06, 26-04:00296-04:005429pm07, JunpmFri, 29 Jun 2007 17:32:54 -04002007-06-29T17:32:54-04:0005 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm06, 27-04:00037-04:005703am07, JulamTue, 03 Jul 2007 02:17:57 -04002007-07-03T02:17:57-04:0002 21, 2007 at 12:37 am07, 27-04:00047-04:002504pm07, JulpmWed, 04 Jul 2007 21:22:25 -04002007-07-04T21:22:25-04:0009 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm07, 05-04:00271-04:002127am09, JanamTue, 27 Jan 2009 01:53:21 -04002009-01-27T01:53:21-04:0001 21, 2007 at 12:37 am01, 09-04:00023-04:001002pm12, MarpmFri, 02 Mar 2012 21:53:10 -04002012-03-02T21:53:10-04:0009 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm03. I will sit with this for a while…it fits in ways I can’t yet verbalize, just a deep down sense of knowing! But few seem to be presenting this as a choice. regional war. Synergy occurs when two entities work together to create something more than either of them could do alone. How have you experienced the power of art in whatever form it takes? On the contrary, we specifically contemplate that we will sacrifice lives in the defense of our civilization. , Karla, I had no idea that “rearranging furniture” would strike such a strong chord as both you and Lucy responded to it. love this!! And thanks for sharing your story of poetry as the creative healing. What is the opposite of War? But it was all for our collective fight to defend and preserve Western civilization. I know that there are many who are already doing this, I just wish their stories made the headlines more often. The opposite of war not being peace but destruction contains a poetic quality, becoming more apparent when you learn the idea comes from musical theater. It’s the “Department of Defense.” It’s not the “Department of Saving Lives.” But this particular “war” seems to be only about saving lives. Opposite of a sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity. Milton, perhaps the mission trip for and with the youth provides a creative expression that they can return to again and again throughout their lives. I rather like this way of thinking. Penna Dexter
They make you feel like you’re a hero for staying at home. Find more words! This means that in war man destroys. What’s the “war” here, you ask? Whether it’s something as simple as arranging flowers, or cooking a meal, or singing, or getting help to rearrange furniture, life seems a little more manageable after a creative activity. This is why this quote is true. Poetry was most definitely the opposite of the “war of (abuse) recovery” for me. War is the conflict between two or more nations or societies. And the governments of our cities, states, and countries all seem to have made the decision for us. We will do so even if it utterly collapses the world’s economy into a depression. This is an upside-down “war” where we are only saving lives, not giving them; and where freedom and our actual civilization mean little. Repetitive destruction is never artistic, creative, peaceful, or warranted. But one thing is clear from such sentiments and from history: War is not to protect lives. Peace is also an abstract concept, and has an abstract antonym: chaos. Peace is also an abstract concept, and has an abstract antonym: chaos. In 2021, we’re certainly not out of the …, Kerby Anderson
And I’m willing to bet that many more of us are willing to take the risk that the virus might infect us, and even the very slight chance that we might die from it—if the alternative is the collapse of our nation. You’re not. ( Log Out / There is in fact no opposite for war. Give my love to Trish when you see her at the next Immersion; I don’t remember if I told you that she and I met when I lived in Iowa. Fly Fishing in Afghanistan: 'Fishing is the opposite of war' (English Edition) eBook: Bartlett, Lawrence: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop What if there were bumper stickers and billboards that said, “Art is the opposite of war?” Without sounding too naive, what if, instead of sending truckloads of arms bearing ammunition, we sent truckloads of grandmas and grandpas bearing arms that were ready to embrace and cook and draw with children and plant gardens and help carry water and build homes? The opposite of the war room must leverage technology to foster collaboration, creating ongoing connections between operational disciplines such as network, server, storage, etc., where convergence has already blurred traditional lines. Posted in Creativity, Hope, Worship | 7 Comments. Thanks for this, Cathleen! Only “essential” operations can continue. The opposite of war isn't peace: It's creation! And what if we, collectively, considered this on a larger scale? Lots of answers are correct, depending on context, and most people would say the opposite of war is peace. Indeed, if you dare suggest we consider the collateral consequences to our civilization in any way whatsoever, many will look at you as if you’re advocating child sacrifice (or worse: that you’re insensitive). Creation is art, Chaos is not peace, and war is not not-war. So the opposite of destruction is creation. 12 years into our marriage, we have no great answers yet. Gardening does that for us. It’s creation.” In World War II, America and its allies understood they would lose men, women and children, buildings and even whole cities. ( Log Out / War is the sacrificing of lives for the preservation of your country’s way of life. If the opposite of war was art, then art would exclude anything involving conflict. To that noble end, we are to hole ourselves up in our homes, and shutter our restaurants, schools and businesses. Because, as Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo phrased it: “Even if all this saves one life, it will have been worth it.”. You’re all wrong. Opposite of conflict arising from a lack of agreement or harmony. Pop, Rock, Indie / Alternative, Musique Written by the late, great Jonathan Larson, Rent follows the story of 8 new yorkers. ( Log Out / Not even Disneyland is spared. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Art is a constantly evolving term. Today, pundits and politicians alike tell us that we are facing our gravest challenge since World War II: the fight to destroy the Coronavirus. War is when two entities try to destroy each other at all costs. Blessings, Cathleen. Selbstverständlich ist jeder Opposite of war 24 Stunden am Tag bei Amazon verfügbar und kann direkt gekauft werden. Art… How does this work? Sometimes the verse in Jeremiah 29:11 has been misapplied since it originally was directed at the Jews in the Old Testament. I have more faith than that. In fact, it is the height of cowardice. Bewertung 0.0, . Art is largely defined by contrast, which is the juxtaposition or clashing of two things to exhibit … The opposite of war is not “art”. I put it plainly to you that what we are doing is actually the opposite of war. Change ). It might even border on the French kind (okay, maybe that’s too far). And some areas are safe for me to rearrange at whim. These connections must also extend to embrace development and business stakeholders. By doing this, we will ultimately save thousands—maybe tens of thousands—of lives. “The opposite of war is not peace. Synergy is as energetic as … Meanwhile, I LOVE changing/rearranging things. Creation is not war, nor is it peace. Everything is about sacrificing our civilization so that we can save lives. It's set in 1989 (7 or so days) and 1990 for the rest. The opposite is the case, war leads to the development of a so-called ideal and the building of social [...] equality according to the imagination in the effected region. “Give me liberty, or give me death” (Patrick Henry); “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” (Winston Churchill). 189 antonyms for War (opposite of War). If everywhere was peaceful, nothing would be happening. The answer should be obvious: to defend a country’s way of life, and its values. No, it’s worse than tripe. ( Log Out / Sometimes it’s for the preservation of your civilization. After decades of our culture insisting that America was built on the backs of slaves and the slaughter of American Indians, and that capitalist robber barons have advanced capitalism only to exploit American workers, it’s a wonder that anyone thinks there’s anything worth fighting for, let alone dying for. It seems like a natural thing …, Girl Scouts and Kappa Delta Succumb to Woke Mob. Opposite of a war fought between factions of the inhabitants of a single country, or a similar political entity. i have had difficulty with writing lately (my principal creative outlet…or so i thought) and have been doing what i call “puttering.” after reading your post, i feel quite creative and can see why i do feel better after putting some order into chaos. It's a line from the musical (and, later, movie) Rent. It might even border on the French kind (okay, maybe that’s too far). However, if we broaden the term war to mean the conflict between anything and anything, we find that it is almost synonymous with art. It is simply not-war. What if we could think outside the box and creatively respond to the deep needs of the world? This past Sunday in worship we were asked the question, “what is the opposite of war?” and before I could even think of the standard response of “peace,” we were offered a refreshing response, “art is the opposite of war.” Art. That’s part of a dilemma we’ve battled for years…how my strength can complete his weakness and vice versa, in this area. But the stated goal of today’s “war” seeks precisely the opposite. Amazon.de/musik: Steve MacLean – The Opposite of War jetzt kaufen. But, when we do something creative together, it helps, it soothes, it renews. Perhaps this is why I have a need to create, to engage in some kind of creative expression, especially when my life feels chaotic or out of control. In fact, the only tangible and definable term out of all of these is war. However, if we broaden the term war to mean the conflict between anything and anything, we find that it is almost synonymous with art. No, it’s worse than tripe. I put it plainly to you that what we are doing is actually the opposite of war. We must do this, you see, because our nation is at “war” with the Coronavirus. When we think of war, we cannot extricate the inevitable causalities and other painful sacrifices that come with war. Yes, bringing order to chaos can be very creative, and thus, therapeutic! What stories do you know of where creativity reigns? But the stated goal of today’s “war” seeks precisely the opposite. Other than Trump, virtually no one discusses the economic destruction of the country, nor the possibility that every day propels us further to a proverbial point of no return. It says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the …, As the final votes are counted in the close states, we want you to have the booklet A Biblical View on Voter Fraud as a resource to understand the process and to keep an eye out for …, After the confirmation vote for Amy Comey Barrett, the Girl Scouts of the USA posted a message congratulating her on becoming the fifth woman to serve on the Supreme Court. The opposite of war is not peace either. The opposite of war is not peace either. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The jarring events of the past year, and especially of recent weeks, have further divided an already-divided nation and rocked the sensibilities even of Bible-believing Christians. It is complete capitulation. “Give me a stay-at-home order out of an abundance of caution for I certainly would prefer that over you giving me death” – Patrick Henry’s lesser-known and decidedly more cautious brother, Frank. Virtually no one discusses the immediate impact upon the lonely and suicidal, children, and the elderly (some of whose caretakers cannot take care of them anymore). Art is largely defined by contrast, which is the juxtaposition or clashing of two things to exhibit their differences. Many wonderful quotes speak to the glory of such sacrifices of life and limb: “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees” (Emiliano Zapata Salazar). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is simply not-war. Blessings! Opposite of belligerence. It’s to slow the spread of the virus, so that our underequipped hospitals can gear up for the anticipated flood of new patients. It shouldn’t be surprising. To do our part of the “war,” the narrative goes, we must self-isolate and close down our world for as long as it takes. They are endemic to what war is. The pastor continued, “the opposite of destruction is creativity.” Well of course. global war. Whatever violence is, it is not creative. It’s tripe. interstate war. It begs the question: What is the purpose of war? However, conflict is often a part of art and the creative process, not only as a subject but as a part of the artist. It was my outlet, my safety valve, my re-creation from the ashes of the past. To see this article, other from Mr. Lurie, and from Town Hall, click read more. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. I’ll also take it back to Immersion in a couple of weeks. interstate conflict. And virtually no one discusses the tragic irony that many more will likely die as collateral damage from such things, all in our great effort to avoid people dying from the coronavirus. When we think of war, we cannot extricate the inevitable causalities and other painful sacrifices that come with war. Everything is about sacrificing our civilization so that we can save lives. Lucy, I remember when writing papers or sermons and feeling stuck I would often wash dishes or fold laundry or pull weeds- putting some order into chaos so I could proceed again. Creativity begats life; violence begats violence. Thanks Milton and Lucy! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. It is based loosely on the Giacomo Puccini opera, La bohème. I need to keep it fresh and new. I posit that the opposite of war is synergy. Opposite of a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. In fact, it is the height of cowardice. Almost no one considers how the lack of food, suicide, other diseases, violence, and general poverty will foster desperation and crime. We’re even to close our borders and severely restrict any gatherings. i appreciate your including “rearranging furniture” in the creative realm. 26-04:00266-04:003726pm07, JunpmTue, 26 Jun 2007 19:38:37 -04002007-06-26T19:38:37-04:0007 21, 2007 by redbarn. And so on. What a rich experience Immersion must be!! It is complete capitulation. It’s an Orwellian “doublespeak” twist on the definition of “war.” All the while, the press and our political leaders would have you believe that we’re all doing our share in this “war,” by staying at home, not going to work, not sending our children to school, and otherwise choking our economy. Your teacher was probably quoting the musical. Thank you! Virtually no one discusses the impending poverty of millions, many of whom suddenly have suddenly lost their life savings, their stipends, their businesses, or their jobs. There is in fact no opposite for war. DH HATES changing things around, and feels like his world is upside down and unsafe. 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