They only wear the EXACT armor that they spawned in. If you see masterpug53 around on the boards, be sure to give him a shout out and tell him what an awesome job he's done. by this point the only conjuration spell used should be dead thrall, preferably on orchendor, malkoran or whoever you feel like. I never consider actually storing away other thralls as … (Needs to be confirmed). Another really unique thrall because he will turn into his ghostly form when the player enters through a long loading screen. But it has limited time (equipment of my thrall-followeres was reset shortly after). You don't necessarily have to keep your corpses in your house. Your feedback will directly help me make guides better now, and in the future. Also thanks to these GameFAQs users for testing out some of the items (in no particular order); Smackdowner1, carl8000, thekosmicfool (for a huge amount of items, seriously, good job testing these), and IamI3rian. Mogrul's Orders and the Writs of Executions happen to be from Dragonborn though, so if you don't have that DLC, you're best bet will be A Scrawled Letter that spawns on randomly encountered Necromancers after you complete the quest The Black Star (that is, if you're actually in need of permanent items and you've already collected the ones listed above). So, I believe, this works, my special items have some kind of "persistent" flag on them. To the side of the item is a link to UESP so you can find detailed instructions on how to obtain said item. Get Orchendor. He stays around for 30 days and since the player will more than likely never be away from the thrall that long, he is for all intents and purposes, what I consider permanent. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. I'm at the end of The Only Cure, and the wiki indicates that this guy is one of the best candidates for Dead Thrall. Enemy on fire takes an additional 10% of damage per second. As soon as I walked into my house, I was mauled by a Bandit Chief and a Bandit Marauder. If you want to add anything regarding unique thralls or you just want to say "Hi", click right here --> Contact Information. I hope that this list helps all the conjurers out there. The NPCs are programmed with poor pathing AI, so that means anytime you jump over a rock, they will have to find a way around. This also applies to every NPC in the game, meaning, your thrall will do half as much damage as they normally would to any enemy, but an enemy will also do half as much damage to your thrall. He is marked Essential until the quest Battle for Solitude, which the player can only receive if they sided with the Stormcloaks during the Civil War quest line. Lucky me. The Abandoned Shack is found just East of Solitude. At higher levels, it takes a lot more time to increase your skill, but trainers cost a lot more money. It may be advantageous to hold off on reading these until your level in Conjuration is relatively high (around 70 or 80, or even waiting until 85), as the higher the players skill in Conjuration, the longer it takes to gain a level. Dead Thrall. At which point, the player is forced to walk backwards to kite the Frost Atronach from the said small space. It's also important to note the biggest differences between the permanent thrall and the 60 second version. After reading the book, a quest will activate leading you to the Sacellum of Boethiah. They both cap at lv.40 Most cities are close enough to the stables that your thralls will actively try to find you, and usually do so within a few minutes. The player is asked to kill one of the NPCs (or all). Or serve as a distraction. When the Flame thrall is at range, it relies on Firebolt to do damage. More than likely, her stats will be very similar to other named Bandit Chiefs, like Hajvarr Iron-Hand (P) or Ghunzul (P). These bodies can stay an upwards of 7 or 8 days before disappearing (and even 29 days in some cases! This book is obtained as a quest reward for completing the quest Discerning the Transmundane, which can be started by talking to Septimus Signus at Septimus Signus's Outpost. They can provide instant assistance with little worry to the player about maintaining track of their presence. Hajvarr disappears after 29 in game days. Just be careful not to press the attack buttons in the menu as that will allow you to read the book, which you don't want to do. Be sure to Dead Thrall him before you leave the island where you find him because if you ever go back there you`ll be stuck off the map and can`t get back to Skyrim without loading an earlier save. I have verified that it is a 50% increase, except the Frost Atronach (the 60 second version), which appears to get an even bigger bonus, however, the Frost Thrall (the permanent version) gets an increase to health that is much less than 50%. And just so you know, obtaining a copy of Mogrul's Orders is likely the fastest way if you plan on farming permanent items, as explained by masterpug53: Mogrul's Orders seems to be the easiest to get, as the Mogrul hit squad encounter seems to have a fairly high spawn rate compared to other encounters. The only time that I really notice it is when I'm in my house, putting away items and such. It's important to note that he has a max level of 50, so once you are above level 40, he is un-thrallable. Thankfully, this really is rare (I've yet to experience it and there are rarely topics regarding it) and you more than likely won't experience it, especially if you have the latest patch. Some NPCs named in the sections below are part of the story. Hey! Are Forsworn thralls and any NPC that was added by Dawnguard. Before Thralling her, make sure to talk to her and complete the small unmarked side quest for a total of 6 level increases to Archery. One day I was exploring Skyrim with my horse and saw this Dwemer place where i couldnt get in, so i used the console command unlock to open a door where there was this crowbar and i got in and saw this mage called Orchendor, I killed him and left the building but now I'm doing a Daedric mission where i have to kill him but he's already dead! The quest the only cure is buged Where Orchendor is dead but the quest marker is still abow him after hes death and I can't go any further in the.., The Elder Scrolls V: … Okay. How do I solve transcribe lexicon/retreive elder scroll? This may also make it a bit easy, but a change in the games difficultly can put some challenge back in the game. Your reward will be the Flame Thrall spell. Initially, he is at the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm, but once the player starts progressing through the Liberation of Skyrim quest line (by siding with the Stormcloaks), he will move between various camps. He attacks in fairly rapid succession and does a decent job of keeping continual damage on the enemy. He is associated with the quest Lifting the Shroud which you can receive from Wilhelm, the Innkeeper in Ivarstead. Dark Souls (which provides thralls with 100 more health) can help, but since he never levels up, don't expect too much out of him. This book is found in multiple locations. Once you have found a set of armor that you like, you can now enchant it. The Twilight of Meridia If you love unorthodox demon hunters, then you are definitely in the right place! I can only see the comment and whether or not you up-voted or down-voted. From what I've seen, two potions is the most you'll get. One of the few named (and currently only listed permanent) Archers. They are guard gauntlets, guard … Sure to start a conversation at a party. She spends her time at the Riverwood Trader and will even take over selling items if her brother, Lucan, dies in some way. Unique to the Frost thrall. Taking the Necromage perk in the Restoration tree will allow you to thrall level 48 vampires. You do not need to revisit the previous area to look for your dead thrall because he or she sometimes forgets how to use doors and is now missing. At this point, for some of you, I won't even have to continue as you've already been sold to the idea. Race : Altmer or Breton for +10 Conjuration Skill at start Once you get to 100 conj. He says nothing unique and constantly moans. If you've read through the bulk of this FAQ, you can probably guess the first point I'm going to mention. Luckily, pressing the wait button and waiting for an hour or two usually puts them back with you. Some disappear after 24 hours, some are permanent. Another bug that one may experience is one's thralls arms or legs becoming stuck in the floor. On the other hand, Scrawled Notes will stack even if you're just picking up new ones for the first time, so get the one in your inventory into a corpse before the next necro-hit squad comes along (to my knowledge, the Scrawled Notes are the only ones have this particular problem). Makes a great table decoration. And by constantly, I mean literally, every single sentence out of their mouth. Also note that if you hold the activate button and it doesn't activate, and then if you release the activate button while still having your cursor over your follower's body, you will just talk to them. An Orc Warrior found in Largashbur which is located just Southwest of Riften and just Southwest of Goldenglow Estate. However, it should not be assumed that just because there are so little thralls mentioned, with regards to the amount of actual NPCs in Skyrim, that there are not many more thralls that are permanent. For whatever reason, Bethesda decided that they would have the NPCs constantly remind the player that they have a thrall. confirm here --> ( Thralls disappear when you fast travel inside a city's walls. There is nothing you can do to extend this, it's just they way that they are programmed. Meaning, if you made leather gloves at a forge, and then give it to a thrall that spawned with leather gloves, they will NEVER wear the ones that you made. All comments are anonymous. If you currently don't have a Thrall, but people keep commenting on your dangerous looking magic, cast two summon spells (Conjure Familair). The unfortunate side to this is, you won't have access to the Dead Thrall spell until you obtain at least 90 in your Conjuration skill. Go into an interior in the city you just fast traveled to (a house or a shop). Sometimes it's entertaining to watch Fultheim the Fearless (P) say, "Must....Kill...." No, there is too much. one guy I couldn't dead thrall from my previous file that I remembered is this spellsword Bashnag, he's an orc clad in 3 pieces of heavy armor. However, the Jagged Crown will be removed from the player's inventory after completing the appropriate quest (it also may not be able to be enchanted, not 100% sure), and the Ancient Shrouded Cowl already has an enchantment on it, thus preventing the player from adding another one. If you are having trouble finding an item, you can use the trick from above to reload a vendor's inventory. And you can always pick him back up when he dies. Thanks a whole lot for reading this FAQ. Only a handful of NPCs will not actually moan. The ability to freely summon whenever and wherever, as well as not having to worry about re-thralling, since they are always the same when you summon them, is a huge benefit. With a max level of 4 and a whopping 85 health, he won't last long. Conjuration is leveled depending on what spell you use. I saved the worst for last. Alternatively, you can travel to the Sacellum of Boethiah to start the quest. If you are low level, you will probably only be able to cast one or two Soul Traps before you are out of Magicka. It appears that at least one of his attacks has a chance to do extra damage, which isn't necessarily noted by anything particular that I could tell. The … I initially thought that he was going to be really awesome, as he proceed to decapitate my thralls. If you level 53 Vampire dies though, you will be unable to re-thrall him. Agrius is found in Halldir's Carin (located just Southwest of Falkreath), and he's already dead when the player enters. This is the second quest in the Dark Brotherhood quest line. After killing the Orchendor, head back to the shrine. These thralls lack permanency, but make up for it by having a unique quality. The Flame Atronach does not possess this ability. Now your thrall is not receiving the health bonus. Most NPCs that you thrall don't have unique voice clips, in fact, almost all of them don't. She seems retain access to some of her spells as I've witnessed her casting some type of mage armor (probably Oakflesh, 40 points to armor rating for 60 seconds) and a conjure familiar spell. Also, I'm not perfect, so if you see something wrong, correct me. At the college, find Phinis Gestor and pick the dialog option about wanting to know more about Conjuration. The Thrall version uses Dual-casted Flames in place of this. Now start casting Soul Trap on the dead body. It's important to note, however, that your thrall generates their gear from a table, commonly referred to as a loot table or gear table. Remember, that if you want your thrall to wear it, they have to spawn with it and it has to be that exact piece. If the citizen is from Whiterun, the urn will be named. It's a pity that there isn't permanent versions of all of the minions that you can summon. Therefore, it may be impossible to gain her as a dead thrall if you sided with the Imperials. Need to test how long exactly, but my initial guess would be around 11 days. Each body was stayed around for at least 7 or 8 days with patches 1.2 and below, which made keeping thralls a lot easier. You do not have to wait on your thrall to catch up to you. I've witnessed a Forsworn Briarheart walking down the street from my house, friendly to everyone. I am 99.9% positive that thralls have static amounts of health. Usually these permanent thralls that were hostile towards the player, go back to their original area in which they spawned. An easier way to acquire a skill book without reading it is to have your follower pick the book up for you. This thread is archived. This let's you bypass directly talking to them, and then having to cycle through dialog options. My guess is, even though we see the animation for two flames spells being cast, it's just that. This needs to be confirmed as little information is currently available online. You can also wait for about 30 seconds (actual time) for you magicka to fully recharge, but pressing the Wait button and waiting for an hour is faster. I don't know. While there are tons of books scattered throughout Skyrim that you can read, certain books grant an instant level increase to a specific skill when you read This is the second quest in the Dark Brotherhood quest line. How was it for you? I will still read any PM you send me and I will still archive anymore information that you send me. The phrase, "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket" comes to mind here. Thanks to masterpug53 and all the dedicated GameFAQs board users for doing the hard work and figuring this stuff out. You want to watch things die? Annoying, to say the least. Thralls do no heal themselves, nor can they be healed by a spell (unless you have the Dawnguard DLC). Daynas is found in Folgunthur, which is Southeast of Solitude and just West of the Abandoned Shack. If you have a horse, like Frost or Shadowmere, you can cast Soul Trap on it as well if you don't have access to a corpse. My current dead thrall is Orchendor and I wanted to dead thrall that Orc from the camp that gets attacked by giants, but I don't want to lose Orchendor. Counteracts the lack of potential power compared to fully realized dead thrall, you face. Stick around, above average thrall grindstone and then you are definitely in the direction... Nothing you can do this an infinite amount of enchantments on their.! Makes an interesting thrall as he is lacking compared to the ground am 99.9 % positive that thralls have dead... Point at something for you armor, you wo n't take care of yourself thralling! Town of Winterhold a whole lot of difference between their gear the animation for two Flames spells being,. 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