Editors will annually publish disclosure statements about potential conflicts of interests related to the commitments of journal staff. Very occasionally, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database as a consequence of legal action (e.g., defamatory content, infringement on legal rights, article is subject of a court order, or might pose a serious health risk if an article's content is acted upon). Drug Pharmacokinetics is made up from Ancient Greek pharmakon "drug" and kinetikos "moving, putting in motion"; see chemical kinetics), sometimes abbreviated as PK, is a branch of pharmacology dedicated to determining the fate of substances administered to a living organism. However, Pharmacy Education recognises that in exceptional circumstances, articles may need to be corrected, replaced, retracted or removed. Through our FIP publication platform we are able to reach out to over 3 million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientist worldwide. The peer reviews received will assist the Editor in determining the validity, significance and originality of the work submitted. Pharmacy Education. Plant Pharmacognosy is the study of medicinal drugs derived from plants or other natural sources. Published articles are a permanent record that should remain unaltered. The Pharmaceutical Journal’s first ever Women to Watch initiative identifies and celebrates women in pharmacy doing amazing things but who are yet to receive the recognition they deserve. An appeal letter should be submitted to the Journal Manager (pej@fip.com). Journal of pharmacy practice and education also involves the latest interest in the field of pharmacy and publishes articles in the field of good pharmacy practices, dispensing pharmacy, community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, pharmacovigilence, quality control, quality assurance, self-medication, pharmaceutical care, chronic patient need ,hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical services, pharmacoeconomic analysis, patient counselling, health prevention, medication records, prescription handling, pharmacy informatics, veterinary pharmacy, internet pharmacy, compounding pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, consultant pharmacy, ambulatory care pharmacy, pharmacy techniques, over the counter drugs, overmedication, public health, medication errors, patient compliance, compounding, health care practitioner, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, good manufacturing practices, good clinical practices. Pharmacodynamics is sometimes abbreviated as PD and pharmacokinetics as PK, especially in combined reference. Pharmacy (ISSN 2226-4787) is an international scientific peer-reviewed open access journal on pharmacy education and practice published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access —free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. If concerns remain after processes have been followed, The Editor-in-Chief will seek advice from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) http://www.publicationethics.org. Peer Review Process: Once a submission is received, the assigned Editor will select appropriate Reviewers based on their expertise and proven ability to critique. Where informed consent is required, authors should include a statement in the manuscript detailing that informed consent was obtained from human subjects (see Submission Preparation Checklist). Such prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human participants are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions, including new treatments and known interventions that warrant further study and comparison. Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to requests to review and to submit reviews within the time agreed. Articles in this journal Perceptions and attitudes of pharmacy students towards introducing research project-based learning module in a … The journals and its contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivs 4.0 License. Factors that influence chemical toxicity include the dosage (and whether it is acute or chronic), route of exposure, species, age, sex, and environment. It is also defined as the study of crude drugs. Investigating the Correlation Between Pharmacy Student Performance on the Health Science Reasoning Test and a Critical Thinking Assignment Clinical trials generate data on safety and efficacy. It attempts to analyze chemical metabolism and to discover the fate of a chemical from the moment that it is administered up to the point at which it is completely eliminated from the body. The Managing Editor also completes all typesetting, proofreading and online publication of accepted manuscripts once accepted by the Editors. Clinical pharmacy is the pharmacy practice and is the branch of pharmacy in which pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention. Pharamaceutical Clinical trials are experiments or observations done in clinical research. Pharmacy Times has a slew of publications valuable to the pharmacist. Hospital pharmacies usually stock a larger range of medications, including more specialized and investigational medications (medicines that are being studied, but have not yet been approved), than would be feasible in the community setting. The Journal may decline proposed corrections that are for aesthetic reasons; errors to text, typography tables, figures and appendices if the meaning is unchanged; errors in acknowledgments lists etc. Pharmacy Education is published by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). Top For pharmacy administrators, educators, staff members, and students, the pandemic caused by the coronavirus identified in 2019 (COVID-19) has been like no other time in our academic careers. Journal Information. A step-by-step checklist is provided for Authors, Reviewers and Editors to ensure this (see Ensuring a Blind Review). Pharmacy Practice covers pharmaceutical care, social pharmacy, pharmacy education, process and outcome research, health promotion and education, health informatics, pharmacoepidemiology The Journal encourages manuscript submissions from younger career scientists, academics and practitioners and has a focus on supporting authors who do not have English as a first language. The Journal encourages manuscript submissions from younger career scientists, academics and practitioners and has a focus on supporting authors who do not have English as a first language. a long delay or a severe misjudgement; and is not simply disagreement with an editorial decision; - the issue being raised is within the responsibility of Pharmacy Education’s editorial remit. Authors will be notified on any unusual delays in publication of manuscripts via email. Established in 1926 and published 4 times per year, this peer-reviewed journal provides timely information on pharmacotherapy, legal and regulatory issues, and original research. Reviewers are encouraged to provide suggestions for improvement and recommend to Editors if manuscripts should be accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected. Corrections may be needed if honest errors have resulted in a portion of an article being misleading; if the author/contributor lists are disputed; or if potential conflicts of interest affecting authorship are disclosed post publication. It encourages research scholars, academicians, professionals and students engaged in their particular fields. The Journal has a clear international perspective, and has a longstanding policy of facilitating publication, in particular for younger Faculty, and those authors whose first language may not be English, and manuscripts from all regions seeking low cost engagement with the wider global community. The Journal maintains a particular focus in two major areas: pharmacy faculty If the appeal is against the editorial decision made on the submission, explaining and justifying clearly the work's importance, relevance, and usefulness in the appeal letter is recommended. Drug Pharmacodynamics is the study of the biochemical and physiologic effects of drugs (especially the pharmaceutical drugs). The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources". The Editor-in-Chief, with appropriate support form the Editorial Team, will assess each situation individually. Alkylphenols (APs) and bisphenols (BPs) are hazardous organic contaminants both for the environment and for mammals, including humans, where they act as endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) with estro ... Read More, For the sake of Leading body of Diary of Drug store Practice and Schooling (IPPPE) I'm thankful to introduce the number 3 issue 3 of Diary. Current Publisher: International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) (10.46542) Total articles ≅ 1. The main subject areas of published articles are Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science, Education, EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES. Pharmaceutical Toxicology is a discipline, overlapping with biology, chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and nursing, that involves the study of the adverse effects of chemical substances on living organisms and the practice of diagnosing and treating exposures to toxins and toxicants. Read the latest articles of Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature An article will be retracted if the results or conclusions are unsound and/or where misconduct breaching professional ethical codes has occurred. JPPCM aims at facilitating the development of community-based research, education, and health care services. Pharmacy Education journal provides a research, development and evaluation forum for communication between academic teachers, researchers and practitioners in professional and pharmacy education, with an emphasis on new and established teaching and learning methods, new curriculum and syllabus directions, educational outcomes, guidance on structuring courses and assessing achievement, and workforce development. Practices in Hospital pharmacies are pharmacies usually found within the premises of a hospital. Nonetheless, most l ... Read More, Nanogels are that innovative drug delivery system which plays an integral part in pointing out many issues related to an old and modern course of treatment such as nonspecific effects and poor stabili ... Read More, 13th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Education & Practiceis scheduled to be held during May 8-9, 2020 at Toronto, Canada. Complaints should be directly emailed to the Journal Manager (pej@fip.com) who will ordinarily formally acknowledge receipt within 5 working days. Pharmacy Education has been publishing peer reviewed education, training, research and evaluation in the field of pharmaceutical education since 2000. Minor errors include: errors in spelling, data, medical terms; missing text; amendments to tables, figures or appendices; errors in correspondence details, etc. Pharmacy schools and colleges, as well as health care institutions, have adopted simulation education in various clinical education formats for all levels of learners and practitioners. Clinical pharmacists often work in collaboration with physicians, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research is an official Publication of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, Bangalore. Authors will ne notified as soon as possible if a manuscript is going to be rejected, either by the Journal Manager or Editorial Team. In the course of several weeks in spring 2020, pharmacy education underwent more significant changes than it The Journal of Pharmacy Practice (JPP) is a peer-reviewed journal that offers practicing pharmacists in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, and other pharmacy … An adverse drug event (ADE) refers to any injury occurring at the time a drug is used, whether or not it is identified as a cause of the injury. Pharmacy Practice is a free full-text journal with a scope on the practice of pharmacy. There are many chemicals with pharmacological properties, but need special measures to help them achieve therapeutically relevant amounts at their sites of action. Editors and Associate Editors – Editors and Associate Editors are appointed for a three (3) year term to the Editorial Team. Here is a list of pharmacy related journals with their impact factors and … Articles in this journal Pharmacy students’ self-reported attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about communicating with patients, measured over time. Peer Reviewers: Reviewers are asked at the time of conducting a review if they have conflicts of interest that may impact on their ability to provide an unbiased review. Editors and Journal Staff: Editors making final decisions on manuscripts will recuse themselves where conflicts of interest or relationships that pose potential conflicts are present. More specifically, it is the study of the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function. FREE Bonus Pills with every online order - Canada Pharmaceuticals without doctor prescription shipping to US, FDA approved prescription medications. - Following this action, if the complainant remains unhappy, complaints will be escalated to the Editor-in-Chief whose decision is final. Pharmacy Education has adopted a double-blind peer review process - the identities of the Authors and Reviewers are kept from being known to each other. Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research [SPER] is a scientific, educational and professional non-profit organization committed to promote the highest professional and ethical standards of pharmacy & allied sciences and to work for the growth, development and betterment in the field of pharmaceutical and biological sciences.It is a registered Society under the M.P. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education is an Open Access, peer–reviewed, academic journal which has a wide range of fields creating a platform for the authors to publish relatively reliable source of information on recent discoveries, review articles, original articles etc. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. - Developing the journal by providing expertise to the Editor-in-Chief and FIP on how to increase impact and reach, - Impartial Judgement in appeal cases by providing professional, independent scientific comments to the Editor-in-Chief and FIP. Pharmacy is a healthcare profession requiring a high level of education and training. The effects can include those manifested within animals(including humans), microorganisms, or combinations of organisms. Detailed below are our procedures for managing requests for corrections post publication. Editors will do their utmost to ensure timely processing of manuscripts. An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an injury caused by taking a medication. iMedPub LTD Last revised : January 15, 2021, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Pharmaceutics deals with the formulation of a pure drug substance into a dosage form. - If a complainant remains unhappy, they may complain to an external body such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) http://www.publicationethics.org. They liaise with Authors and Reviewers where needed, clarifying the Submission and Publication process as well as responding to all general enquires. Pharmacy Education supports Open Access (OA): free, unrestricted online access to research outputs. Here are the opinions that resonated most with you in 2019. Clinical pharmacists care for patients in all health care settings but the clinical pharmacy movement initially began inside hospitals and clinics. The Pharmacy Times library includes notable titles, including: Pharmacy Times, Specialty Pharmacy Times, The American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits, Directions in Pharmacy, and others. Over the past 15 years, the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy has embraced innovative approaches to learning and documented advancement of clinical pharmacy education. It is a peer-reviewed online open access platform for the dissemination of new ideas in professional pharmacy education and workforce development. The Journal also recognises the importance of policy issues and current trends in the context of education, professional development and workforce. Journal of Pharmacy Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that offers practicing pharmacists in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, and other pharmacy practice topics. ADRs may occur following a single dose or prolonged administration of a drug or result from the combination of two or more drugs. The Peer Review process will look closely at methodology and the data validity, and consider the ethical approach. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning is devoted to dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship relevant to all areas of pharmacy education—promoting educational research excellence.The Journal maintains a particular focus in two major areas: pharmacy faculty development in the scholarship of teaching and learning and the scholarship of interprofessional pharmacy education. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, decision making based on peer review feedback, recommending appointments to the Reviewer Board, and responding to editorial enquiries. Reviewers are also required to declare their conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the Peer Review process if a conflict exists. Pharmacy Education recognises that there may be legitimate reasons for individuals who wish to remain anonymous when raising issues relating to publication ethics. Pharmacovigilance (PV or PhV), is also known as drug safety, is the pharmacological science which relates to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products. The publisher and Editor-in-Chief will conduct an investigation into the errors or misconduct before retracting an article. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), University College London, School of Pharmacy, University of Namibia, School of Pharmacy, Monash University, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The scientific journal Pharmacy Education is included in the Scopus database. They will consider complaints against Editors once a Journal's own Complaints procedures have been exhausted. Authors wishing to publish their work in Pharmacy Education do so without incurring any financial costs. Authors: When submitting an article to Pharmacy Education, all Authors are required to disclose all financial and personal relationships that may bias their work (see Submission Preparation Checklist). - The Article Removal Notice will be included in the Table of Contents and prefix the metadata. Editor-in-chief - The Editor-in-Chief has full authority over content publication in Pharmacy Education. An ADR is a special type of ADE in which a causative relationship can be shown. Reviewers are asked to disclose conflicts of interest to the assigned Editor. Confirmation of this should be included in the Cover Letter and also included in the Methods section of the manuscript. Although there is a growing pharmacy-related literature in the forms of research, published articles, and specialized journals, the term pharmacy education has not yet reached the stage of being a specialty in pharmacy as it is in medical education. Journal Information. - the complainant defines their dissatisfaction as a complaint; and. An Editor can reject any article at any time before publication, including after acceptance if concerns arise about the integrity of the work. These concepts have reemerged in contemporary higher education reforms and are crucial in pharmacy programs where students are expected to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for competent practice in a complex environment. Author may submit their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to [email protected]. Honest errors such as mis-classification or miscalculation may lead to significant changes to the results, interpretations and conclusions. In making decisions regarding publication, the Editor-in-Chief is guided by the policies of the Journal as well as legal requirements such as libel, copyright, infringement and plagiarism. They are conducted only after they have received health authority/ethics committee approval in the country where approval of the therapy is sought. Pharmacy Education aims to respond quickly, courteously, and constructively to complaints about the Journal’s procedures, policies, or actions. One major use of ISO 4 is to abbreviate the names of scientific journals. The Editor-in-Chief will consider issuing an Expression of Concern if: - the Editor judges that readers should be made aware of potentially misleading information contained in a published article; - investigations into any concerns of misconduct remain inconclusive; - concerns remain over the impartiality of any investigations into alleged misconduct; -an investigation is pending and a judgment is not expected for some time. To assist Pharmacy Education in ensuring public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of articles that it publishes, all those involved in the Submissions and Peer Review process are required to disclose perceived as well as actual conflicts of interest. The relationship between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high significance in toxicology. In such cases, the Journal will consider retraction with replacement of the article: - The changed version of the article will undergo further editorial review; - The authors will be required to detail and explain the changes made which will be published as supplementary material or in an appendix; - The supplementary material/appendix will be attached to the changed version, allowing for complete transparency. The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of Pharmacy Education is “Pharm. All editorial staff (including guest editors) provide the Editor-in-Chief with a completed Editorial Disclosure Form (up to date description of financial interests/conflicts). General Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that deals with the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used safely and effectively by patients. This Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference includes a wide range o ... Read More, All Published work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved. Hospital pharmacies typically provide medications for the hospitalized patients only, and are not retail establishments and therefore typically do not provide prescription service to the public. An invitation to submit a revised version after sending an appeal letter does not guarantee acceptance; the revised article will proceed through the Peer Review process again. Educ.”.ISO 4 (Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications) is an international standard, defining a uniform system for the abbreviation of serial publication titles. Pharmacy Education is kindly assisted by the following organisations. Pharmacy education in the 21st century has witnessed several important revolutionary changes. Pharmacy, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal. The Journal is published by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and is aligned to the global mission of advancing education, advancing practice and advancing science. If concerns or allegations of misconduct regarding a publication are raised, the Editor-In-Chief will consult the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) http://www.publicationethics.org and initiate the appropriate procedure based on the nature of the concern or allegation. Abstract. and provides free online access to the researchers worldwide. Together with the Editors and Associate Editors, the Editor-in-Chief reviews and decides upon submitted manuscripts, ensuring timely publication of submissions. Appeal letters will be ordinarily acknowledged within 5 working days, followed by a full response containing the appeal decision within 4 weeks. Once a review has been completed, Reviewers will be directed and expected to permanently delete/destroy any retained copies of manuscripts they hold (see Privacy Statement). Publisher country is . Concerns or allegations raised anonymously will be handled as they would be if the complaint were from another source, following the processes and procedures of the Journal. JPPCM publishes four issues per year devoted to research and review articles in the field of pharmacy practice, community medicine and related discipline of health sciences. and provides free online access to the researchers worldwide. Current Publisher: International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) (10.46542) Total articles ≅ 1. Ultimately, the final decision lies with the Editor assigned to each submission. Dear Colleagues, Pharmacy education and training is a fundamental entity to supply the pharmacy workforce in the right numbers, with right competencies to provide the necessary pharmaceutical care. For example, if an Editor has provided peer review comments it is worthwhile responding to each item in the letter. Pharmacy Education. The reader can then proceed to the article itself. - The original article is preceded by a screen containing the Statement of Retraction. As part of their agreement with Pharmacy Education, Reviewers will keep manuscripts and associated material strictly confidential, and will not appropriate Authors’ ideas before the manuscript is published. The Journal publishes reports of research and innovation in all aspects of professional pharmacy education and training, case studies, country studies, innovations in laboratory and professional educational practice, reviews and reports on information technology in education … - The Journal Manager will forward the complaint to a relevant person within the Journal organisation who will aim to provide a full response within four weeks. ; High Visibility: Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science). Main subject areas of published articles are pharmacy, Pharmaceutical pharmacy education journal,,. Access to research outputs an organism reaction ( ADR ) is pharmacy education journal publication! New ideas in professional pharmacy Education and research is an official publication of submissions Editors once Journal... Mis-Classification or miscalculation may lead to significant changes than it Abstract Web of Science ) underwent significant. 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