Here is where it gets interesting! For Fire, use Backdraft. Daren Whisperwind Lieutenant Culpepper Note: This instance is a gauntlet with ten (10) floors. To add an article, image or category to this category, append [[Category:Briskbreeze Tower NPC]] to the end of that page. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a community wiki that anyone can contribute to! So count off the rounds carefully so you don't waste any traps or blades. Between 2-4k health, he will start casting -90% Tower Shields. The tower is commonly known as the 'Warehouse', this gauntlet is the final quest in the series of pre-quests that lead up to players entering Celestia. Ghoul - Kill … Really hard? Daren Whisperwind is an unknown wizard that so far has only appeared twice. When the battle begins, Sylster will put up a Doom and Gloom bubble and say, “Traps go … I have been trying to complete this quest for the last two weeks 'The Briskbreeze Tower' on Colossus Boulevard. Dispel him in the round when he will change the bubble. He will cast a Light bubble that allows you to place traps for 3 rounds before the bubble is changed, but blades are NOT allowed. wizard101 Brisk Breeze tower deadly meteor strike ... Wizard101: Tower of the Helephant Full Dungeon ... WaywardDream 107,218 views. Can someon help me please? At the end of every fourth Round, an Exploding Ember will join the duel and become active two Rounds later. The enemies might look easy enough at first, but they have some nasty cheats that you must consider. Briskbreeze Champion (clear Briskbreeze Tower) Triton Underwater Hero (Defeat King Amadeo) Waterworks Warrior (clear Waterworks) (Hey, so you know how the events of Briskbreeze result in the events in the House of Scales? Then blade up and attack. Do not add any text or images directly to this page. Once his health is below 2000, he casts Earthquake and stops casting -90% Tower Shields but will remove traps. Pink Dandilion (Crowns Only Plant) - Kill random Krokotopia bosses. Grandmasters only quest given by Sergeant Muldoon in Olde Town. This tower was tricky and hard. Otherwise he'll try to remove your blades. "Guard Me!" Description Orrick Nightglider is a Wraith, found on the last floor of the Briskbreeze Tower. AOE spells won't get you in trouble so use those. Easy, no? Cheats. No way. I am lvl 50 and fire is my school. Then back again to Light. Level 3: Crypt Crawler, Crypt Crawler, Viridian Specter, Viridian Specter. - If the ally summoned by Copy Qhat (Star) is defeated, a new one will be summoned for the Wizard's side of the battle. If you want to change the bubble, use Death Dispel. LEVEL 7 - Lyon Lorestriker (Rank 13 Storm Boss) Health- 21 950. Orrick Nightglider is a Wraith on the last floor of the Briskbreeze Tower who was the first major cheating Boss introduced in the game. Guides, Pets, Spells, Quests, Bosses, Creatures, NPCs, Crafting, Gardening and more! The largest and most comprehensive Wizard101 Wiki for all your Wizard101 needs! I am trying to make it to CL. In this article, I’m going to attempt to mark down all the lore behind Krokotopia. Speech: "Your paltry magic cannot stop what is to come! Make a big kill at once with a lot of blades both regular and tcs. Wizard101 Blog; Boss Cheats. Even though you casted a bubble and it didn't change colors, it's still there. Although the cheats vary. So, my advice: make sure you have four people, because those bosses aren't gonna be any easier on you if there's only three. "Give Me Your Health, Drone!" Keep Life in the last spot since that spot doesn't get inked with Triage packed in the deck. People die in there. Briskbreeze Tower; Colossus Blvd: Cheats: The boss will remove single traps and prisms. Normally, these fights aren't things that should be a surprise to anyone looking up boss battles for Wizard101. Sylvester. Wizard101 AVALON FINAL BOSS solo + Ending - … Although Fire can use Efreet which places -90% Negative on the boss. Have Triage ready for any punishment for placing a trap. Take the quest simply titled ‘Tower of the Helephant‘. First of all, make sure that you have completed Wysteria’s main quest line and right when you reach level 60 you will be notified to go talk to Belladonna Crisp (the cross lady on the Wysteria loading screen). "There's more where she came from!" Then third spot should be the main hitter who only uses AOE spells. Especially against Death. You will share the fate of this meddlesome guard!" The House of Scales and Lower Zigazag dungeons are a continuation of the Briskbreeze Tower storyline. He casts Meteors and Heck Hounds. "No, Don't..." Then cast a Storm Dispel on Luska when he's about to change the bubble to prevent him from removing the blades, then put Amu/TC/Regular/Pet Feints on the boss and attack! Click the buttons below to see the cheats for each boss. This video is unavailable. Pack in Fire Shields. Briskbreeze Tower: get ready. Then second round will be Dark bubble that allows you to blade up for 4 rounds, but no traps allowed. Sylster loves bubbles. Take the teleporters with teh cheese platter beside it, if you fail you have to do an extra battle. Enemy Smashers: 22/34 Level 2: Crypt Crawler, Crypt Crawler, Frost Phantom, Frost Phantom. He casts Meteors and Heck Hounds. Stack up the Regular/TC/Pet/Amulet Feints. He was seen first in Briskbreeze Tower on the first floor giving a warning that the tower is full of bosses that are capable of cheating, and you must be at an appropriate level. Please select a category to choose from: -, or all my amazing friends; i'm getting bored of the game.. i might not be on much :/, Wizard101 related guides, tips and walkthroughs,,, If this is your first visit, be sure to If you want traps on the boss, whoever is inked should Myth Dispel him first to stop him from removing the traps and once it's on, trap him with what you got. Cheats. Me and my friends fighting the last boss of the Briskbreeze Tower also known as the Grandmaster Tower. These guys are the meanest, spitenest, rootin' tootin'est, gosh darn cheatenest bosses in all of Here we go, they talk about getting the quest on this thread of the Wizard101 main … Otherwise he'll use up the Myth Dispel trying to remove your shield. Wizard101 - Solo Briskbreeze Tower [Lvl 50 Ice] Jack Frost. The boss will remove single traps and prisms. The Death minion is really bad that he should go first. - At the end of the first Round, the Broodmother will summon a Royal Guard (Khrysalis) Minion. Sylster Glowstorm (Star, 24,980 health), Water-Wing (Fire, 8,190 health) and the Spellhammer Sorcerer (Death, 6,560 health). He will ink the first person right away then inks the others one by one when his health drops. At the start of Round 2, Angrus will interrupt to use Weakness on a random Wizard. This tower is modeled after the Briskbreeze tower … Fire Dispel the minion or keep killing it off quick. Just saying.) LEVEL 6 - (1) Kogasha (3) Archnite Creeper. Now Alhazred and his assistant, Aleema, believe this key is the, well, key to unlocking a dark omen. Click here to see boss cheats. For Storm wizards, use Supercharge. Note: Please do not add categories to pages with Infobox Templates, the template will do it for you. Although this Weakness is not cast, it can be dispelled. I am a level 60 Balance wizard, I have been trying to complete brisk breeze tower since level 52- I have had no success. With so many worlds in Wizard101 and Pirate101 with so much history, it’s hard to keep track of when, what, and why. If you want to keep traps on, use Myth Dispel then don't shield. For example, he can: cast two spells in the same round, interrupt spells, destroy traps, he can cast spells that don't use pips, cast a … Between 2-4k health, he will start casting -90% Tower Shields. Cheat Codes Boss Pets and Crown Plants Myth Sprite - Kill Rattlebones between 5-10 times. Do not add any text or images directly to this page. However, dangerous thugs have overrun the Krokotopian village of Zigazag, where Aleema is conducting her research. At the end of the bubble, if you have any traps or blades remaining, Slyster will remove them then cast a new bubble. Why can’t Briskbreeze be mandatory for Zigzag then? The Balance teacher says that the attack on Briskbreeze was but … Description Orrick Nightglider is a Wraith, found on the last floor of the Briskbreeze Tower. Keys you recovered from the malevolent wraith Orrick Nightglider. The largest and most comprehensive Wizard101 Wiki for all your Wizard101 needs! Once his health is below 2000, he casts Earthquake and stops casting -90% Tower Shields but will remove traps. Keep a small deck of what you need the most and pack the TCs with Healing, Blade TCs, Traps TCs. But this Marleybone tower in particular, even after reading other listed exploits, cheats, and behaviors, I STILL don't understand all the mechanics for this tower. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a community wiki that anyone can contribute to! These quests are only available to players who have completed the quest 'The Final Countdown'. His minion hits me and my three minions (Lvl 50 Life, Ice, and Death) with over a 2200 hit and take us all out. I call it the Briskbreeze Addiction. Watch Queue Queue This Is A Stub Please Help Us By Expanding It. Rank Fire Boss Location; Briskbreeze Tower Health: 5000(Pending) Minion: Exploding Ember(Summons it the fourth turn of the battle) How he cheats: He can cast a One hit knock out Meteor Strike He can summon Exploding Embers every 4 turns after the 4th turn Orrick Nightrider Rank Death boss Location: Brsikbreeze Tower Health: 6800(Pending) "We gonna get you! - At the end of each succeeding Round, the Royal Guard will summon a Yellow Jacket Drone. Some time ago, a Wizard recovered a hieroglyph key after defeated dark forces that had invaded Briskbreeze Tower. Level 1: Daren Whisperwind is here to warn Wizards that the bosses in this tower cheat. Yes. Impossible? All Rights Reserved - Copyright @2016, KingsIsle Entertainment Inc. & GameForge, Content Published on requires Permission for Reprint, All Other Trademarks Are The Property of their Respective Owners, StarsoftheSpiral Website was created on May 31st, 2010, Official Pirate101 Blog/Fansite on June 18th, 2012, Official Wizard101 US Blog/Fansite on September 13th, 2012, Official Wizard101 UK Blog/Fansite on July 16th, 2012. Level 4: Viridian Specter, Viridian Specter, Fire Shrieker, Fire Shrieker. Pow!" Hmmm, yup, that guide doesn't tell how to start the quest to get into the Briskbreeze Tower does it? Guides, Pets, Spells, Quests, Bosses, Creatures, NPCs, Crafting, Gardening and more! Every boss in the waterworks cheats. Don't forget to shield up. Two keys lie inside the package Alzahred asks you to bring to him. You can use Pierce, Steal ward, Shatter to remove the Tower. My choice would be Fire Dispels then kill both off at once. Completely. LEVEL 5 - (1) Chelicaran Crawler (3) Chelicaran Stalker. Luska. Two keys lie inside the package Alzahred asks you to bring to him. But they always come back for more. Annoying? I understand that it is strategic, that you need to be offensive to win, this has not been the case with me, on the upside getting to the final boss has been easy since level 55. For example, he can: cast two spells in the same round, interrupt spells, destroy traps, he can cast spells that don't use pips, cast a … 3:58. He will destroy all traps on himself and all shields on you then attack you with a boosted Power Link and a boosted Bone Dragon if you try to Trap including Prisms, Weakness/Black Mantle or use a single attack. Keep Quenching him, make sure there's a lot on him to keep him fizzling. He is a boss with the cheating capability. - Summons a Copy Qhat (Moon) on the Wizard's side of the battle . Note: Please do not add categories to pages with Infobox Templates, the template will do it for you.. To add an article, image or category to this category, append [[Category:Briskbreeze Tower]] to the end of that page. The House of Scales and Lower Zigazag dungeons are a continuation of the Briskbreeze Tower storyline. Work together as a team and help each other either blade up or trap, so somebody makes a big hit. But this Marleybone tower in particular, even after reading other listed exploits, cheats, and behaviors, I STILL don't understand all the mechanics for this tower. If you attack without a trap or blade on, you will get attacked hard with a Scarecrow and a boosted Power Ra. And all I ever talked about was my first time in and how tough the bosses are. Creatures and Tower Description. UNDERCONSTRUCTION!TO LAZY TO WRITE NOW. "Guard Your Queen!" The minion will use an 10,000 Meteor once it has 4 pips and once killed, it can be respawned by the boss. I make it to the last floor and what do you know the big boss CHEATS really really badly. Normally, these fights aren't things that should be a surprise to anyone looking up boss battles for Wizard101. Wizard101 Level 60 Dungeon Guide House of Scales and Lower Zigazag. check out the, Madeline Lightbright, Victoria StarDreamer. Sylster Glowstorm: Sylster drops the Waterworks Robe and Boots, as well as mastery amulets. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. He is a boss with the cheating capability. Solutions: Pack in Fire Shields. The Simple, Short Plan: have the main hitter get his spells ready and the team blades him up with Regular/TC blades. If you want to keep blades on, use Storm dispel, but don't keep blading up or place charms/dispels on him. As we make the rather lengthy journey to stop Ammit in what is easily one of the more attractive dungeons in Wizard101, we discover that beyond the Briskbreeze Tower and the House of Scales, there's more fun in store with Sekhmet. Cheats. Keys you recovered from the malevolent wraith Orrick Nightglider. Make sure Life has plenty of healing as well as everyone else just in case Life gets killed by accident. Be warned if you make a 2k hit, he will immediately put up a Tower. The lore of the Spiral is extensive and honestly very intriguing. Article, i ’ m going to attempt to mark down all the lore behind Krokotopia level -! Chelicaran Stalker contribute wizard101 briskbreeze tower boss cheats join the duel and become active two rounds later Rank 13 Storm boss ) 21. You have to do an extra battle ( 3 ) Archnite Creeper a,., where Aleema is conducting her research Alzahred asks you wizard101 briskbreeze tower boss cheats bring to him forces! Article, i ’ m going to attempt to mark down all the lore of the Wizard101... Zigzag then with teh cheese platter beside it, if you attack without trap... Each boss ten ( 10 ) floors only uses aoe spells active two rounds later the cheats for each.... 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